Friday, 26 July 2024


According to Chinese medicine our health and well-being are maintained when there is balance and harmony in body, mind, and spirit.

What does this mean to be balanced and in harmony?

There is a universal Life Force energy that flows in everything around us and in us. The movement of energy in nature can be observed by the movement of the seasons.

In Chinese medicine each season correlates with an element. Water is winter, wood is spring, fire is summer, earth is late summer, and metal is fall. We are connected to nature. Therefore, the same Life Force energy flows in us.

Each element correlates with a yin-yang pair that make up the organs of the body.

Water: Bladder, kidney.
Wood: Gallbladder, Liver.
Fire: Small intestines, heart; triple burner function (thermostat), heart protector/pericardium.
Earth: Stomach, spleen.
Metal: Large intestines, lungs.

The energy of each element also corresponds to every aspect of our being, at the physical, mental/emotional, and spirit level. In this article I'd like to share some information about how the Elements correspond to the mental/emotional level, and the full range of emotions we experience as human beings.

In life, all the emotions have their appropriate and healthy time and place. Emotions are an expression of our Life Force energy and when we are balanced, we can freely feel, express, and release our emotions. But what happens when we cannot freely feel, express and freely release emotions? Emotional energy can become blocked, stuck, or create an imbalance in the body.

When we have many stresses, it can be a daily challenge just to stay balanced. When our energy is strong, resilient, and balanced we can deal with the ups and down of daily life, including the mental/emotional level. Sometimes when life becomes too hard, the first signs of imbalance are often felt at the mental/emotional level.

When issues go on for an extended period of time and are not resolved, they can lead to mental/emotional conditions, or even physical level dis-ease.

When we are in a balance the elements grant us the capacity to express these gifts of mental/emotional expression:

Water: Appropriate fear, trust, faith, courage, reassurance.
Wood: Appropriate anger, direction, assertion, self-esteem, clarity, intention.
Fire: Joy, elation, spirit, relationship/partnership, connection, open heart.
Earth: Sympathy, nurturing, understanding, groundedness.
Metal: Appropriate grief, self-worth, purpose, inspiration, acknowledgment, respect.

When mental/emotional expressions are not resolved, the elements may begin to show signs that we need balance and support:

Water: Constant fear, need for control, stress, anxiety.
Wood: Unresolved anger, frustration, indecision, irritability, depression.
Fire: Lack of connection, sadness, disconnection, bitterness, lack of joy, closed heart.
Earth: Obsessive worry, overthinking, lack of sympathy, lack of nurturing.
Metal: Emptiness, low self-worth, pointlessness, unresolved grief.

We all have the gifts of the five elements within us. Our mental/emotional state is an expression of what we need to stay balanced and whole.

When we feel out of balance, the mental/emotional gifts of the elements can be a road map to regain your balance and harmony.

If you find yourself feeling stressed, full of anxiety, or the need to control the unknown, look to the gifts of the water element. Do you need faith, courage and trust?

If you find yourself feeling irritable, frustrated, or depressed, look to the gifts of the wood element. Do you need direction, assertion, self-esteem, clarity, intention?

If you find yourself feeling a lack of connection, sadness, or bitterness, look to the gifts of the fire element. Do you need joy, partnership, connection, open heartedness?

If you find yourself feeling worried, ungrounded, a lack of nurturing, look to the gifts of the eEarth element. Do you need sympathy, nurturing, understanding?

If you find yourself feeling emptiness, lack of purpose, unending grief, look to the gifts of the metal element. Do you need respect, inspiration, acknowledgment?

These are some of the ways that our mental/emotional expressions point us to what we need. In times of stress, take some time to explore the mental/emotional gifts of the five elements within you, and how they can support your ongoing health and well-being.

Wendy Weiss has been practicing Five Element Acupuncture for 30 years. She has offices in Lakeport and Lower Lake. For more information she can be reached at 707-277-0891 or visit her website at

Deb Baumann with her horse, Blue Moon, in downtown Upper Lake, California. Courtesy photo.

On July 4, I cowgirled up and rode my horse up and down the side of Highway 20 near Upper Lake, carrying a large American flag.

Cars and trucks honked, people cheered, and thumbs-up and victory signs were flashed by passing drivers. Some of the vehicles were rugged trucks with heavily tattooed gents who hollered “F***, yeah!”

As I smiled and waved in return, I wondered ... Would those guys be so supportive if they knew I was a Democrat?

I hope so. Because we really are “in this together.”

“E Pluribus Unum"”(Out of many, One) is our national motto. From the beginning, our nation has been diverse. Diversity of national origins, of creeds, of religions, of races, of languages. There have always been challenges, but coming together despite our differences has kept us going.

We really are in this together. Democrats, Republicans, Independents ... everyone.

This great American Experiment began in 1776, and it continues to evolve today. It is all about us, the citizens.

Today, this experiment has never been more in peril. Recent polls show that among registered voters, a majority of Republicans believe that the greatest threat to America today is ... Democrats. And a majority of Democrats believe the greatest threat to America today is ... Republicans.

If you are among those who feel one way or the other ... Congratulations. The Ruling Class has you right where they want you: Divided and antagonistic, neighbor against neighbor.

The only winners of this divide are the wealthy elites who have been waging (and winning) a class war against the rest of us for decades.

In our democracy, we should all be equal under the law. But we see something far different happening. Weird, wild, delusional conspiracy theories abound, while the real conspiracy is in plain sight: a system rigged to enrich the superrich and grind down everyone else.

Wealthy people live by different rules, in a system that does not hold them accountable. They buy their impunity with campaign contributions and lobbyists who instruct bought-politicians how to vote. The “free market” is being replaced by giant monopolies that crush small businesses.

How did our once-admired system fall into this sad state? What has happened to the Government Of the People, By the People, For the People?

The answer can be summed up in one word: money. Money unleashed on our political process by Supreme Court decisions in the 1970s. For most Americans, it has been downhill ever since.

Today, the bulk of the tax burden falls on struggling paycheck-earners, unlike the period following World War II, when wealthy people and corporations paid their fair share.

That was also the time of America's greatest prosperity, when a rising economic tide lifted all boats. That was the period when my own family rose out of poverty and into the middle class, thanks to programs enacted under FDR's New Deal.

Today, paycheck-earners are just so much cannon fodder, in an economic system which now serves the wealthy. It is not "China's fault" or "immigrants' fault." The blame rests solidly on elites who rig the system.

China has never stolen a single US job. Wealthy elites sent those jobs away, for the sake of a few percentage points more in profit. They sell us out because they have no loyalty to America. They do not care how much they damage the rest of us, if it means a few more pennies for them.

Those dudes in the pickup trucks ...? Cannon fodder.

The cowgirl riding along Highway 20 carrying the flag? Cannon fodder.

The majority of Americans, who are working and middle class? Cannon fodder.

It does not have to be this way. There are more of us than there are of them.

But we need to stop squabbling over manufactured culture wars and fake conspiracies, and focus our attention on problems that affect us all economically.

Above all, we must end the corruption. On that, 93% of all Americans polled, across all parties, agree. Big Money corrupts the process.

As a registered voter and involved volunteer, I am doing my part to try to improve things. I take my hat off to anyone who is doing the same, regardless of party. If your efforts are reality-based and in good faith, you have my respect, because in addition to being a Democrat (capital "D"), I am also a democrat (small "d") — a person who believes in citizens of a democracy working together toward common goals.

Lake County Democrats have been marching in local parades. We get lots of cheers along the parade routes, and the occasional "boo." The boo-ers have been led to believe that we, their neighbors, are their enemy. The truth is, we share many values and have many common goals. But we get our news from such different sources, that it is not hyperbole to say we live in different realities. This keeps us divided. And ... wealthy elites love that divide.

I hope that we can overcome this false division and come together again, as one people.

As a Republican president, Teddy Roosevelt, once said, "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in, unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."

We can do this. We must do this.

We, The People. United.

Deb Baumann lives near Upper Lake, California. At age 18 she registered as a Republican, then became an Independent, and then registered as a Democrat ... She always VOTES.

For more than 20 years I have been justifying the existence and worthiness of my child, myself, and those that care for and support us, while under government scrutiny and judgment, every single month. This will not end until death.

My children are 3, 4, 16 and 20 years old. A monetary value cannot be put on the changes to people, programs, policies and services, access to care, removal of barriers, opened doors for others, work with nonprofit and government-based organizations, and countless community based projects, resources and support that we have brought to Lake County because our existence, this is home to my family and me and we care.

People should be able to thrive at their homes, in their hometowns and in rural communities, regardless of vulnerabilities.

In-Home Supportive Services, or IHSS, is a division of Medi-Cal, which is operated by California Department of Healthcare Services, or DHCS.

This is health care that we are here talking about today. That means providers and clients are protected, and obligated, by federal and state privacy policies such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, however, I do have some information to share with the public.

California’s Medi-Cal budget is $22.5 billion from the general fund, $118 billion overall. However, I want to be clear that today we are talking about pennies on the dollar in costs to the county, in exchange for invaluable resources and revenues added to our wonderful Lake County communities.

The Board of Supervisors cannot support health and wellness in any aspect for any entity, cause, function, board or committee, without supporting IHSS and everyone involved in it.

IHSS is an essential part of the operations of a County Organized Health System like Lake County operates on in order to receive their funding from the state and federal government.

The people of Lake County elected the Board of Supervisors to be community minded for all people living in Lake County.

If the Board of Supervisors has issues with the IHSS program, how it is funded, how they run essential operations, who uses the program and who is employed by the program, they need to take it up with DHCS and the state and federal governments, not take it out on the struggling, traumatized, vulnerable community members and residents of Lake County that are just trying to survive in their homes.

What is a community health needs assessment, or CHNA? It is a systematic process involving the community to identify and analyze community health needs. The process provides a way for communities to prioritize health needs, and to plan and act upon unmet community health needs.

Lake County has 64,562 residents with 29,267 or 45% of those residents receiving Medi-Cal benefits through Partnership HealthPlan of California, or PHC, which is the organization responsible for managing Medi-Cal through the County Organized Health System.

Of the PHC member population in this county, 21% are ages 0 to 10, 16% are ages 11 to 19, 30% are ages 20 to 44, 22% are ages 54 to 64, and 10% are aged 65 and over.

Eighty-eight percent of PHC members primarily speak English, while 12% are Spanish speaking.

The ethnicity for this population includes 62% white, 24% Hispanic, 3% Native American, 2% African American and 8% others.

Many seniors and disabled adults have PHC as a secondary insurance, and those people were not counted in this survey. I will argue that makes the vulnerable populations of people over 50% of the entire population of Lake County.

What is a vulnerable population? Vulnerable populations are groups and communities at a higher risk for poor health because of the barriers they experience to social, economic, political and environmental resources, as well as limitations due to illness or disability.

The vulnerability of these populations can be measured based on racial and ethnic minorities, the uninsured, low-income children, the elderly, the homeless, those with human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, and those with other chronic health conditions, including severe mental illness.

Vulnerable populations of people face a multitude of stigmas, judgments, and criticisms from everyone. Society, friends and family members, government workers programs and resources, most of which are supposed to only be there for love, support, and help.

Vulnerable people are more likely to experience abuse, across the life continuum, and often starting in childhood. Poverty is one of the contributing factors that make a child vulnerable. Most children living in Lake County are living in poverty (or below) standards.

Severe housing problems are characterized as overcrowding, high housing costs, and lack of kitchen or plumbing facilities. Twenty six percent of Lake County’s populations are facing severe housing problems, adding to the numbers of vulnerable people living in Lake County.

Fires, floods, public safety power shut-off events and now COVID-19 have not left one resident of Lake County unaffected. We are all traumatized and have experienced more as an entire county than most people face in their lifetimes.

We are Lake County Strong. We were defining emergency preparedness, defensible space, disaster response, shelter in place, essential workers and community mindedness years before COVID-19. COVID-19 brought to light the lives of IHSS workers, and the lives of those that live sheltered in place at home from the rest of the world.

The Board of Supervisors needs to stop making vulnerable people beg for dignity, respect, acknowledgment, support, time or moneys. There will never be any equity among vulnerable peoples (the majority) in the Lake County communities we love, in our homes, and with the rest of society, as long as the Board of Supervisors continues to single out and exclude the IHSS program.

Residents of Lake County need to know that their elected officials have everyone’s best interest in mind, especially now after more than a year sheltered in place from the outside world with no resources or relief.

We have kept our most vulnerable clients healthy and safe during the covid pandemic, often at the expense of ourselves as caregivers.

County programs resources and services, community based organizations and the rest of the residents of Lake County need to know you understand the health care system and the functions of each entity involved. They need to know you support the health and wellness of the communities you’ve been elected to serve as a whole operation, not just in vanity.

Removing homeless off the streets to appear to be supporting people and their health, while failing to help and support working people make happier, healthier homes, is incredibly vain.

Failing to provide a good contract for IHSS workers knowing that there are families dependent upon this income, is counterproductive to all of the adverse childhood experiences work that you support, the poverty education that Dr. Donna Beegle has brought to Lake County, and is a slap in the face to every entity and person involved in health and wellness in Lake County.

Prove that you haven’t been wasting the health care system’s time and money, that you support Lake County residents no matter what their status is, that you value Lake County workers and that you are community minded and Lake County Strong.

Kendra Cramer lives in Kelseyville, California. She plans to present this to the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 2021.

Kelseyville Unified Superintendent Dave McQueen. Courtesy photo.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. — As school gets going this year, I’m happy to report some good news: The Kelseyville Unified Music Program is back! We have two teachers, both of whom are new to Kelseyville.

Kaitlyn Mensen will teach music for grades five to seven. Anna Katibah will teach music for grades eight to 12. Both programs will emphasize character building and teamwork.

In grades five to seven, students will have the opportunity to learn a band instrument and form an ensemble. In the upper grades, we’ll offer beginning instrument classes so students can start music anytime; plus, we’ll offer eighth-grade band, high school band, high school choir and high school jazz band.

This is just the beginning. We are rebuilding our music program from the ground up. Eventually, we plan to offer music from TK through 12th grade, to include middle school jazz band, music theory classes, bring back our mariachi program, incorporate school musicals and start a string instrument program.

Many people can appreciate the artistic treasure and enjoyment music provides, but an education in music offers more benefits than you might think.

Studies show that young children with a year of musical training show brain changes and superior memory when compared with children who don’t receive the instruction. In a study by researchers at McMaster University in Canada, children taking music lessons improved more than the others in non-musical abilities such as literacy, verbal memory, visuospatial processing, mathematics, and IQ.

Maybe most important of all is the outlet music provides for self-expression and the sense of belonging students feel when they create music with others. Humans are social creatures and when we spend time with people who really understand us, that is a powerful thing.

Anna Katibah

“A vibrant, comprehensive music program at school isn’t just a vital ingredient to a great education,” Ms. Katibah remarked, “It is essential to the joy we find in life.”

When Ms. Katibah was earning her undergraduate degree in Flute Performance and Music Education from California State University East Bay, she began her career teaching in public schools.

Upon completion of her Bachelor of Arts degree, she finished her teaching credential and master’s degree in Music Education from the University of Southern California and is currently pursuing doctoral-level coursework. Since receiving her master's degree, she has spent six years in the classroom.

Ms. Katibah picked up her first instrument at the age of 2 when her parents bought her a toy guitar. Her parents say she immediately demanded a “real guitar,” and with that, her love for music was off and running. She also grew up singing and enjoys teaching singing. And her participation in jazz music growing up helped establish her musical taste and teaching style.

Ms. Katibah will be based at Kelseyville High School, and she will also teach a class at Mountain Vista Middle School, or MVMS.

Kaitlyn Mensen

Mrs. Mensen says she believes in cultivating the artistic minds of students as they are propelled through their educational journey.

After earning her Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree in Music Performance and Education at Concordia University Irvine, Mrs. Mensen earned her teaching credential from California State University San Bernardino. After taking a class on music for children, she knew what she was meant to do.

As the daughter of a special education teacher, she says both music and teaching are in her blood. Her primary instrument is the bassoon and she is ready to teach students whichever instrument they want to learn.

Mrs. Mensen will be based at MVMS and will spend a couple of mornings a week at each elementary school.

Both Ms. Katibah and Mrs. Mensen are excited to share their love of music with Kelseyville students and to make the music program as strong as possible.

In the years ahead, they hope to take music students on field trips and find opportunities for them to perform inside and outside the community.

Music students can check out an instrument from their school. If families choose to purchase an instrument, Ms. Katibah and Mrs. Mensen recommend checking with them so they can help assure the highest quality instrument is secured.

If your student is interested in taking music, please let your student’s counselor know as soon as possible.

Dave McQueen is superintendent for the Kelseyville Unified School District.

The Konocti Fire Lookout on Mount Konocti in Lake County, California. Photo by Chuck Sturges.

Konocti Lookout, on Wright Peak of Mount Konocti is a National Historic Lookout with both California Historical Status and National Status (#US1104, CA107).

It has served Lake County, Colusa County, Sonoma County, Yolo County, Mendocino County and the Sacramento Valley since 1977.

From its scenically and beautifully perched location it overlooks and protects Mendocino National Forest, the Snow Mountain-Berryessa National Monument, Native American tribal lands and almost every beautiful Lake County location in between.

Why does it need to be repaired? And what happened to Konocti?

In 2015, after a long time unoccupied and almost abandoned, Forest Fire Lookout Association ( contacted the agency responsible for Konocti Fire Lookout and proposed opening the Fire Lookout and Staffing the lookout with volunteers, at “no cost” for personnel. The agency accepted and “Konocti Chapter” of Forest Fire Lookout Association was born (

In 2015, after many years of what seemed normal at the time, fire season in Lake County and surrounding counties changed drastically.

In 2015, wildfire came to Lake County. We lost four citizens that year, and too many houses to count. Tragic and devastating. Cobb Mountain and Hidden Valley Lake areas were scorched and will never be the same, ever. Neither will Lake County citizens.

Since that time in 2015, Lake County has burned over 60% and the wildfire threat seems to be commonplace now. Everywhere you look, you see scorched earth, burned homes and reminders of what the new normal is, every fire season. Every fire season (June through November) we see fire apparatus from all over California, and even some from out of state responding with lights and sirens to a fire in lake county.

Konocti Fire Lookout is perched in the middle of Lake County with the best view for smoke checks and wildfires. It is manned during high fire danger periods, and even after lightning storms like we experienced in 2020.

Yes, there is satellite imagery, cameras that cost Pacific Gas and Electric Co. thousands to install, and this year even drones in some areas. Although the technologies have increased, the human element cannot be removed or ignored. Someone, a human, has to look at cameras, look at satellite imagery, and operate drones. Humans cannot be replaced, now or never. This is the new big argument.

In 2019, Konocti Fire Lookout volunteers were greeted by a busload of Lake County residents who were transported to the lookout in a Lake County bus. It was a small group, and nobody knows who the visitors were exactly. The lookout volunteers, as always, were happy to greet the visitors and show them the beautiful lookout and talk about what their duties are and were.

The visitors were greeted and instructed that only a few visitors were allowed into the lookout at a time. Some of the visitors did not understand the restrictions but all complied. This extended the time the visitors were rotated in and out of the fire lookout. This is because it is so beautiful looking over Lake County, from inside the lookout, no one wants to hurry through the awe inspiring views. But, someone on that bus that day did not like the wait.

In October 2019, the Konocti Chapter of the Forest Fire Lookout Association was staffing the Konocti Fire Lookout when California state engineers arrived, unannounced, to inspect the fire lookout’s structural integrity. After the inspection, the Konocti volunteers were suddenly asked to vacate the lookout, as it was structurally unsound and unsafe. This ended the fire lookout season for Konocti Fire lookout.

It ended the use of the Konocti Fire Lookout forever, or until it was repaired. And there is “no repair date.”

Since that day in October 2019, we have performed our duties as forest fire lookouts from the top of Mount Konocti. From the ground, there is not a 360-degree view. There is little protection from the elements but the volunteers are flexible and still enjoy the view and are committed to protecting Lake County from further destruction from wildfire.

Before that fateful day in October 2019 when the engineers arrived, the Konocti volunteers would have as many as “three” first reports of wildfire a season. Last year, even after we were working from the mountaintop, we had one significant “first report” in the Clearlake Oaks area of Lake County.

What has Forest Fire Lookout done to repair Konocti Fire Lookout?

Not knowing the exact repair costs, but knowing it will be more than requested we have started a GoFundMe account to repair Konocti Fire Lookout. It will cost a lot to sit down with an engineering firm and have them tell us what the possible estimate is, from the state engineers report. A copy of the report can be provided if requested.

The Forest Fire Lookout Association has written letters to Assemblywoman Cecelia Aguiar-Curry, Sen. Mike McGuire and Congressman Mike Thompson. Sen. McGuire’s office is the only one that has responded.

In the letters, FFLA, as we are known,actually begged for assistance. Sen. McGuire’s office responded and told us that recently Cal Fire received “deferred maintenance funding” which Sen. McGuire's office supported and signed. FFLA and Konocti Lookout were told, “Cal Fire received more than enough money to repair Konocti Fire Lookout.” Sen. McGuire’s office told FFLA that they will follow up with Cal Fire regarding the repairs. To our knowledge, there are no current plans to repair Konocti Fire Lookout.

FFLA is asking Lake County citizens and anyone knowing the value of Konocti Fire Lookout, and the job the volunteer fire lookouts are doing, to please assist us telling our leaders that it needs to be repaired, and soon. Contact Sen. McGuire’s office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Cal Fire Sonoma Lake Napa Unit Shana Jones’ office at 1199 Big Tree Road, St. Helena, CA 94574, telephone 707- 967-1400.

If you would like to know more about becoming a Konocti Fire Lookout volunteer or know more about our interest in preserving this fire essential, national and California State Historical landmark, please contact me at Christopher Rivera, Director, California Pacific Region, Forest Fire Lookout Association, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Donations can be made to Konocti Repairs at

We are also asking the Lake County community to become a Konocti Lookout volunteer. We are a community based volunteer organization accepting anyone who would like to learn the art and skill of being a forest fire lookout. We will train you to do all aspects of “smoke watching” from the top of Wright Peak.

Konocti Chapter of Forest Fire Lookout Association is a 501(c) (3) non profit. For more information you can call Jim Adams at 707-245-3771, Chris Rivera at 707-239-6824, or go to or

Longtime Lake County, California, resident Chris Rivera is director of the Forest Fire Lookout Association, California-Pacific Region.

During spring we see growth, rebirth, vitality, and renewal. Like the leaves bursting out of the trees, spring energy encourages us to move “upward and outward” and grow.

We are ready to get moving and be more active. It’s the time for our energy reserves that were harnessed in the winter to be put into action. Finally the seed underground is sprouting and we can see the manifestation of the energy that has been stored and replenished in the winter.

In Five Element acupuncture spring is the gift of the wood element. Like the energy of spring, wood energy wants to rise up, push through, envision a plan, make decisions and get things done.

Wood energy supports a vision for the future, yearns for creativity and leadership. It grants us the confidence to surge forth with the power of the spring.
After a long year of challenges, we are especially ready to get out and get moving. So what is the best approach to take as we move forward this spring? We can look to the wood element for guiding us in our vision for this spring.

The wood element functions through the organs of the liver and the gallbladder. They rule the smooth flow of energy and blood in the body and regulate all of the emotions. They are our first responses to the stresses in our lives.

The wood element teaches us about having a vision for our life, growth, flexibility and adaptability. Growth is a positive process that expands our potential, yet our vision must also remain flexible to succeed.

The energetic function of the liver is called the Official of Strategic Planning, the grand architect for our vision of the future; this official sees the directions we must take to live our lives in harmony with nature.

The energetic function of the gallbladder is the Official of Decision Making, granting us the ability to make decisions and judge wisely.

Making a decision is not always a matter of choosing between equal alternatives. Through these officials we can see both new possibilities and the wisdom of the past, to therefore see a clear and appropriate future course to take. Without wood's vision, a plan, decision and direction, no movement is possible — and there is often frustration.

The wood element governs our sense of vision, the emotion of anger and the sound of shouting. When our vision is stifled, we may feel anger: We've made our plan, decided to act, and suddenly our plans are thwarted.

We may feel anger and frustration and want to shout. We may feel irritable, depressed, and lose focus or hope for the future. Sometimes when we are out of balance, we identify with only one position and become attached to it. We may lose our wise judgment.

When our wood energy is healthy, we can take a step back, be flexible, adapt, change direction, stay hopeful, readjust our plans, and begin again. We can forgive ourselves and each other and not become too rigid or unyielding in our approach to life.

Like a tree that bends in the wind, a balanced wood energy is well rooted and can find a flexible path to express itself in a strong and healthy way.

Healthy wood energy acknowledges the inherent self-esteem in ourselves and each other. It honors the spirit of each person’s inherent need to manifest who they are.

The wood element grants us the space and the vision for each person to grow and become their unique self — to be the ‘tree’ you are meant to be. We can see this wisdom in the harmony of all things within nature, that includes the coexistence of every living unique being.

Here are some ways to move your wood energy and stay balanced in the spring.

Get moving. Moving helps to keep your energy flowing properly. It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, or stretching the muscles, tendons and ligaments. All of these will help to support your wood element in the springtime.

Get creative. Take time to really think and feel about what you want to be, and what direction you want your life to go.

Write down your vision, intention, and dreams for your future. Take time to make a plan so you can make the right decisions to realize your vision. Maybe you need someone’s help to achieve your goals. Maybe you are the leader that wants to offer help for someone else to realize their dreams.

Try essential oils. Lavender, peppermint, camomile, lemon and bergamot essential oils help to move the energy in the liver and gallbladder channels. Sandalwood oil is especially nourishing and grounding.

Drinking herbal teas like lemon, peppermint or camomile can help to support the liver and gallbladder channels.

The wood element likes sour food (like kimchi and yogurt), light meals with lots of greens (the color of the wood element). Bitter greens like dandelion, nettles and arugula can be helpful to cleanse the liver and gallbladder and promote better digestion.

Avoid too many rich, heavy, greasy foods, or too much alcohol as that may congest the liver and gallbladder. This can also lead to inflammation and other diseases.

Sleep is also an essential time for replenishing the liver and gallbladder to recover from the stresses of the day.

Spring is also a good time to try a liver or gallbladder cleanse or adapt to a healthier diet.

These are all ways to help support your wood element, to nourish your vision and to continue to grow.

Make plans and decisions that align with who you are meant to be. Stay flexible, be creative and hopeful to achieve your goals. In all these ways you can support your wood energy and stay balanced and healthy in the spring.

Wendy Weiss has been practicing Chinese medicine for 29 years. She can be reached at 707-277-0891.


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