Monday, 17 February 2025


Here you'll find examples of our ad sizes currently displayed on the site, this page provides labeled example ads you can match up with the rate sheet. All ad sizes are in pixels and you can either design your own ad or have us do that for you. We ask that if you do design an ad that you deliver it to us in web-ready format so we can get it posted promptly if we have to rebuild an ad that can delay posting and result in an additional charge.

When you're considering your ad mix you'll be interested to know how many people you're reaching and where they are, Lake County News is anything but a 'local only' publication. During the past ten years LCN has built a large wide reaching audience in Lake County, regionally and beyond. The information on this page will provide you with useful insight in targeting your ad dollars.

This page provides information about ad types, styles and design decisions.  If you would like advice on what ad style is right for your campaign or would like us to design your ad, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (707) 274-9904.

The first thing to consider when designing your ad is what you intend to do. If your plan is to drive traffic to your business website you probably don't want to put an enormous amount of text on your ad since your landing page will have ample space for that.

Affordably reach thousands of readers each day with discounts for longer campaigns to reduce per day costs. We encourage you to compare our campaign rates to those of print, consider how many more readers we reach and the interactive qualities of our advertising.

Placing an ad on LCN is simple, there are just a few things we'd need to gather in order to get your ad posted promptly. We're typically able to start an ad on very short notice once we've got the items listed here.

Upcoming Calendar

Presidents' Day
02.19.2025 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Western Region Town Hall
02.20.2025 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Redbud Audubon Society
St. Patrick's Day
Tax Day
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Cinco de Mayo
Mother's Day

Mini Calendar



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