Sunday, 06 October 2024




LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Office of Education reported Tuesday that recently announced mid-year state budget cuts include massive and unequalled reductions to much-needed transportation funds for rural and small school districts.

As a result, Lake County Superintendent of Schools Wally Holbrook said Lake County school districts are again preparing to deal with more reductions to funding for education and schools.

This time, however, the proposed cuts are in the middle of the budget year, lack specificity and are based on disproportionate funding allocations for school districts that provide necessary but not mandated transportation, he said.

Holbrook said the Lake County schools revenue limit funding per-student has been reduced over the last five years by approximately $1,300 per-student, and local schools are now preparing for an additional $13.10 per student mid-year reduction.

In addition, transportation funding will be reduced by 51.5 percent, which Holbrook said will result in a loss of approximately $875,000 to Lake County schools.

The mid-year cuts in transportation raise many issues for Lake County’s schools, Holbrook said.

Lake County schools and parents rely heavily on home to school transportation – in the form of school buses – to get their children to school, Holbrook said. Due to the county’s geography and walking distances to school, a higher percentage of local students ride the bus.

While home to school transportation is not a state-mandated program, Holbrook said it is a critical service ensuring that students attend school on a regular basis, and average daily attendance (ADA) is the primary determiner for school funding. Simply discontinuing school transportation service is not a viable solution for Lake County schools.

Another issue raised is the apparent lack of fairness in how the reductions in transportation funds will be calculated, according to Holbrook.

The 51.5-percent reduction is planned to be applied in January to a decades-old base-funding appropriation that varies from district to district. Holbrook said the result of this approach will be a disproportionate reduction of dollars on a per-student basis.

According to the chart below, total Lake County reductions per-student will range from a low of $60 per-student to a high of $157, Holbrook said.

In addition, state transportation funds allocated to Lake County schools already have been reduced and do not fully cover the cost of providing transportation, Holbrook said.

In 2011-12 Lake County school transportation entitlements have been reduced by $435,000, thereby requiring local school districts to allocate more than $1,803,000 of scarce regular education dollars to maintain the current level of service, he said.

As an example, Kelseyville Unified School District’s initial transportation allotment was $442,359 and was reduced to $354,616 in July, Holbrook said. Now that allocation will be reduced again by 51.5 percent, leaving just $171,989 as the state funded amount.

Kelseyville’s regular education budget will now need to fund $277,230 of the total transportation costs, which Holbrook said amounts to $449,219.

Lastly, Holbrook said the timeline for implementation of mid-year reductions is problematic.

Schools cannot simply reduce personnel costs, he said.

Most, if not all, school districts are subject to collective bargaining agreements requiring them to adhere to strict procedures for notification and communication related to reducing staff, Holbrook said. In order to fairly and efficiently implement any reductions in staff, a minimum of 60 to 90 days is required, thereby reducing the potential savings in the remaining school year.

While it may be overly optimistic to expect that education would be held harmless from future cuts until the budget stabilizes, the reductions could be applied in a more equitable fashion, he said.

The same dollars generated in the 51.5 percent reduction to transportation could be achieved by a statewide “across the board” reduction of $42 per student, Holbrook suggested.

Holbrook is encouraging local parents to consider contacting Lake County’s state legislators to encourage them to quickly address this issue.

“Together we can make a difference,” Holbrook said.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – A home fire on Christmas night in Clearlake destroyed the structure and claimed the lives of three pets.

The fire was reported shortly before 10 p.m. on El Camino Real, according to Lake County Fire Assistant Chief Willie Sapeta.

Firefighters were dispatched and on the scene within seven minutes, Sapeta said.

Sapeta said he responded along with an engine, water tender, two medics and a total of 20 fire personnel.

When they arrived the older doublewide mobile home was 50 percent involved, he said.

“We had control of it in about 45 minutes,” he said, adding that firefighters had mopped up and been released from the scene within two hours.

He said they were aided in fighting the blaze by the fact that a fire hydrant was located just across the street.

Neighbors told firefighters that they thought the woman who lived in the home was there when the fire broke out, but Sapeta said three complete searches yielded no sign of her.

Firefighters did, however, find two dogs and a cat that died as a result of the fire, he said.

The home was destroyed, said Sapeta, noting that what the fire didn’t damage the smoke and heat did.

He said the cause is still under investigation.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Google+, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

Lake County, Calif., had a foggy morning on Tuesday, December 27, 2011, which created some icy road conditions. Photo taken by Greg Cornish from his home in Nice, Calif.


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Fog and icy road conditions resulted in county road workers and California Highway Patrol officers keeping an eye on the Nice-Lucerne Cutoff on Tuesday.

A thick morning fog came off Clear Lake in that area of the Northshore, resulting in icy roads, said Lake County Road Superintendent Steve Stangland.

“We didn’t have any accidents to our knowledge,” said Stangland.

Stangland said the Nice-Lucerne Cutoff is the busiest of the roads that Lake County maintains, and his staff gives it extra attention as a result.

A county sand truck on Tuesday spent part of the day sanding the cutoff, and the CHP set out flares to warn drivers of icy areas, Stangland said.

Stangland said the county has three road districts, each of which has a staff member who starts work at 4 a.m. – ahead of commuter traffic – to monitor areas like the cutoff, Bottle Rock Road and Point Lakeview Road for ice, downed trees and other road hazards.

With the fog lifting, Stangland said he’s not anticipating Wednesday to replicate Tuesday’s icy conditions.

The National Weather Service is predicting chances of showers increasing through the end of the week.

Stangland said the cloud cover and chance of rain will mean slightly warmer temperatures and less chance of icy roadways.

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The 2007 Cosco Busan disaster, which spilled 54,000 gallons of oil into the San Francisco Bay, had an unexpectedly lethal impact on embryonic fish, devastating a commercially and ecologically important species for nearly two years, according to a new study by the University of California, Davis, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The study, published this week in the early edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that even small oil spills can have a large impact on marine life, and that common chemical analyses of oil spills may be inadequate.

"Our research represents a change in the paradigm for oil spill research and detecting oil spill effects in an urbanized estuary," said Gary Cherr, director of the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory and a study co-author.

On the foggy morning of Nov. 7, 2007, when the container ship collided with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, bunker oil contaminated spawning habitats for the largest U.S. coastal population of Pacific herring – a month before spawning season.

The new study, which analyzed Pacific herring embryos following the spill, highlights the effects of bunker oil on fish embryos in shallow water, the potential significance of sunlight interacting with oil compounds, and the extreme vulnerability of fish in early life stages to spilled oil.

Specifically, the study found that components of Cosco Busan bunker oil accumulated in naturally spawned herring embryos, then interacted with sunlight during low tides to kill the embryos.

Laboratory fertilized eggs, caged in deeper waters, were protected from the lethal combination of sunlight and oil, but still showed less severe abnormalities associated with oil exposure.

Crude oil is naturally occurring, liquid petroleum. Bunker oil is a thick fuel oil distilled from crude oil and burned on ships to fuel their engines. It is contaminated with various, sometimes unknown, substances.

The study builds on research following the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, which released up to 32 million gallons of crude oil into the comparatively pristine environment of Prince William Sound, Alaska.

That research established a new paradigm for understanding the effects of oil toxicity on fish at early life stages.

The new study suggests that this old paradigm is inadequate to explain the dramatic, lethal effects of very low levels of oil on fish embryos, even in an urban estuary with preexisting background pollution.

"Based on our previous understanding of the effects of oil on embryonic fish, we didn't think there was enough oil from the Cosco Busan spill to cause this much damage," Cherr said. "And we didn't expect that the ultraviolet light would dramatically increase toxicity in the actual environment, as we might observe in controlled laboratory experiments."

Researchers began the new study in February 2008. They analyzed the levels of oil-based compounds in caged herring embryos at four oiled and two non-oiled subtidal sites, all of which were at least 1 meter below the water's surface. Naturally spawned embryos from shallower sites were also analyzed.

Three months after the spill, caged embryos at oiled sites showed nonlethal heart defects typical of oil exposure.

But embryos from the shallower, intertidal zone not only exhibited the nonlethal heart defects, they also showed surprisingly high rates of dead tissue and mortality unrelated to heart defects.

"These embryos were literally falling apart with high rates of mortality," said Cherr.

In 2008, almost no live larvae hatched from the natural spawn collected from oiled sites.

The high death rates did not seem to be caused by natural or manmade causes unrelated to the spill, the researchers report. No toxicity was observed in embryos from unoiled sites, even those near major highways.

Embryos sampled two years later from oiled sites showed modest heart defects but no increased death rates.

Pacific herring is a commercially and ecologically important species. The fish travel in large schools, typically from the San Francisco Bay north to the Bering Sea, and serve as a forage fish for humpback whales, other mammals, birds and salmon. After two years at sea, they spawn in shallow areas of bays and estuaries.

"In San Francisco, herring is one of the last urban fisheries, and herring is an indicator for the health of the Bay," said Cherr.

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UPPER LAKE, Calif. – Thanks to a newly awarded state grant, Upper Lake High School is embarking on an effort to educate a new generation of green technology specialists and sustainable farmers.

The school’s administration successfully applied for a California Partnership Academy and Renewable Energy Grant for 2011-12 from the California Department of Education.

Upper Lake High was among 21 schools in the state to receive the funding, according to Patrick Iaccino, Upper Lake High’s principal and superintendent.

Iaccino called getting the grant – which focuses on alternative energy and sustainable agriculture – “unbelievable.”

“We’re really excited about it because it really is going to provide our kids with some opportunities, we believe, down the road,” Iaccino said.

According to grant documents, SBX1 1, a bill that passed the California Legislature this year, provides support for the development and operation of “California Partnership Academies” to prepare students for careers in the clean technology and renewable energy fields.

Among the industry sectors identified in the grant application as most aligned with SBX1 1’s intent are agriculture and natural resources, building trades and construction, energy and utilities, engineering and design, manufacturing and product development, transportation, and marketing, sales and services.

Upper Lake High School has received a $15,000 planning grant, which Iaccino said will be used to plan how to structure an academy to prepare students for clean technology and sustainable agriculture jobs.

The grant wants recipient schools to try to have between 120 and 150 students involved in the academy over a three- to four-year period, Iaccino said.

For every student enrolled in the academy, the school receives $1,000, for a maximum amount of $45,000 in the first year, $80,000 in the second, $120,000 in the third year and $150,000 in the fourth year, according to grant documents. The funding is available through 2017.

Iaccino said he worked with John Woods, the school’s science department chair, and agriculture teacher Erica Boomer to put together the grant application.

The application was helped by the support letters written by about 20 businesses, organizations and individuals, Iaccino said.

Among those who wrote in support of the proposal were Mendocino College, the Lake County Office of Education and Lake County District 3 Supervisor Denise Rushing, he said.

Rushing, who has worked in clean tech for most of her adult life, said that up until now there has not been a focused clean technology training/job preparation program in California schools, which have been focused on college preparation and standardized testing, not vocational preparation.

She said that educational gap has been filled at the high technology end by the industry itself, with the advantage going to the very large companies who can build training campuses.

In addition, the Solar Living Center in Hopland has trained small scale operators and individuals in skills ranging from solar design and installation to ecological gardening, training programs that community colleges recently have begun to offer, she said.

Rushing said the grant is significant for Lake County, and it offers students a chance to prepare for an industry that she said is going to continue to grow.

The grant also will benefit the county, further positioning Lake County – which in recent years has won Green California leadership awards for innovation and solar infrastructure – as a leader in developing the state’s green economy, Rushing said.

The community support Upper Lake High received in making its grant application, along with the feasibility of having a four-year college locate at the Lucerne Hotel – where Marymount College is working with the county on an agreement to locate a campus – has created an atmosphere of optimism for Upper Lake’s educators.

Iaccino said the school believes they can create a program to prepare students for successful, and well paying, careers.

The grant arrives as the school has been putting together a school farm and community garden on a two-acre section at the back of the campus. Iaccino said they just put in a well for the farm and garden this year.

Iaccino believes the academy will eventually serve up to 50 percent of the school’s 330 students.

That high of a percentage of involvement appeared to intrigue the state, Iaccino said.

As part of the planning, Iaccino said he, Woods, Boomer and Upper Lake High’s head counselor, Rebecca Carter, will travel to Sacramento for a training that takes place Feb. 12-15.

When they get back from the training, Iaccino said they will start to piece the academy together.

Part of their planning will involve visiting Lucerne Elementary School and Upper Lake Middle School, where Iaccino said they will talk to eighth graders about their interests.

The goal is to roll out the academy in the next school year, involving not just incoming freshmen but some sophomores, Iaccino said.

Another program goal is to have students in their senior year fulfill an internship with a local agricultural or clean technology business or organization, Iaccino said.

Woods teaches classes on the environment and biology, and Iaccino said Woods is interested in alternative energy from an environmental perspective. “We’re going to try to marry the two if we can.”

Scheduling will be a challenge, with freshmen and sophomores at the school – who already are required to take two to three science courses – only getting one elective in each of those years. Iaccino said Carter will help figure out how to put the schedules together.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Google+, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

The Illinois-based Sears Holdings Corp. said Tuesday that due to lower sales and expense increases it intends to close between 100 and 120 full-line Sears and Kmart stores.

The corporation said it hasn’t yet determined which stores will be closed.

"Given our performance and the difficult economic environment, especially for big-ticket items, we intend to implement a series of actions to reduce on-going expenses, adjust our asset base, and accelerate the transformation of our business model,” said Chief Executive Officer Lou D'Ambrosio. “These actions will better enable us to focus our investments on serving our customers and members through integrated retail – at the store, online and in the home.”

The corporation reported that it operates 1,307 Kmart stores across 49 states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and 890 full-line Sears stores.

There are no full-line Sears stores in the Lake County area, with the closest being in Santa Rosa, according to the Sears Web site.

However, the corporation Web site showed there are “hometown stores” – not reported to be slated for closure – in Lakeport and Clearlake. Lakeport also is home to a Kmart.

The proposed closures are expected to generate $140 to $170 million of cash as the net inventory in these stores is sold, along with additional cash proceeds from the sale or sublease of the related store real estate, the corporation said.

Sears Holdings Corp. said it expects to reduce its 2012 peak domestic inventory by $300 million from the 2011 level of $10.2 billion as a result of cost decreases in apparel, tighter buys and a lower inventory position at the beginning of the fiscal year.

The Tuesday report attributed Kmart's sales decline to decreases in the consumer electronics and apparel categories and lower layaway sales, while Sears’ declines were primarily driven by the consumer electronics and home appliance categories, with apparel sales flat and Lands' End in Sears stores up by mid-single digits.

D'Ambrosio said the corporation plans to take several specific actions to improve its situation, including focusing on improving gross profit dollars through better inventory management and more targeted pricing and promotion; reducing fixed costs by $100 to $200 million; and carefully evaluating store performance going forward.

“While our past practice has been to keep marginally performing stores open while we worked to improve their performance, we no longer believe that to be the appropriate action in this environment,” the corporation said in its Tuesday statement. “We intend to accentuate our focus and resources to our better performing stores with the goal of converting their customer experience into a world-class integrated retail experience.”

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Lake and Colusa county firefighters responded to a fire along Highway 20 Monday afternoon.

The fire was first reported shortly before 3:30 p.m. off of Highway 20 near the Oasis roadhouse.

Radio reports indicated that dispatchers received numerous cell phone reports of the fire in different locations, but Northshore Fire Deputy Chief Pat Brown said there was just one fire that was located in Colusa County.

He said it was located off the roadway, and measured about 100 feet by 100 feet in size.

Williams Fire sent two engines and a water tender, Northshore Fire Protection District sent three engines and a water tender, and Cal Fire responded with a hand crew, said Brown.

He said the first engine on scene – from Northshore Fire’s Spring Valley station – put the fire out within about 10 minutes.

Brown said Cal Fire is trying to determine the fire’s cause.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Google+, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A report released earlier this month concludes that more resources are needed to help the nation’s sexual violence victims.

On Dec. 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a survey revealing that nearly one in two women – or 44.6 percent – and one in five men, or 22.2 percent, experience sexual violence other than rape throughout their lifetime.

The 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey shows an increased need for rape crisis centers and rape prevention programs, with approximately 1.3 million women reported being raped in the 12 months prior to taking the survey.

According to LeMon Perales, program manager for the Lake Family Resource Center Rape Crisis Center, classically low reporting rates for this sexual violence make it extremely difficult to calculate an accurate rate of sexual violence in Lake County.

However, Perales said there were more than 200 such cases reported in 2010 in Lake County.

“It is always difficult, especially with the economy as it is currently, but this report clearly demonstrates that California must commit to supporting funding for rape crisis center programs that work to reduce the incidence of and provide support and treatment of sexual crimes. In the end, the dollars spent up front on prevention, early intervention, and treatment will reduce long term negative health consequences which, in turn, will save the state money in the long run,” said Lake Family Resource Center Executive Director Gloria Flaherty.

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is an ongoing, nationally representative survey that assesses experiences of sexual violence, stalking and intimate partner violence among adult women and men in the United States.

It confirms what advocates and educators already know about the prevalence of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking. It also sheds new light on the scope and context of these forms of violence.

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey revealed that close to 22 million people are victims of rape; more than two million of these survivors live in California.

In 2010-11, about 30,000 people accessed crisis intervention services from one of California’s 63 rape crisis centers, according to the findings.

A majority of funding dedicated to rape crisis centers is delivered from the federal budget, not from the state budget. The state of California only dedicated $45,000 to sexual violence programs, which means that the state of California allotted $1.50 for each individual who accessed services.

In order to decrease rates of violence and foster healthier communities, the study concludes that it is imperative that California develops a funding initiative for rape crisis centers.

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault said that social norms that contribute to violence and the response to violence can be changed, and rape crisis centers and other anti-violence programs need support to help create that transformation.

Such agencies need resources to continue to provide counseling, legal advocacy, community education, prevention programming, shelter and policy advocacy, CALCASA reported.

“Rape crisis centers are doing phenomenal work to support survivors and prevent sexual violence, but there is still so much more that needs to be done,” said CALCASA’s Executive Director Sandra Henriquez. “It’s essential that advocates have the resources and capacity to reach more survivors and to create communities that are healthier and free from interpersonal violence.”

The federal budget crisis has resulted in a 40 percent reduction to rape prevention education awards, which has undermined critical efforts in California to prevent sexual assault throughout the state, according to the organization. California’s rape crisis centers and service providers could stand to lose more than $800,000 as a result of federal budget disputes.

Lake Family Resource Center said it’s a crucial time for its rape crisis center to reach out to members of community on the issues raised in the report.

Perales said Lake County is classified as a rural, underserved area with multiple “at risk” populations for sexual violence. Children, elderly, disabled, ethnic, mentally ill and economically disadvantaged all are at high risk of becoming victims of violence, especially sexual violence.

The prevention and intervention of rape must be a priority in Lake County, California and throughout the nation, according to Perales.

Lake Family Resource Center’s Rape Crisis Center Advocates are available 24 hours/day, seven days per week to serve families in Lake County.

They have received extensive training to enable them to share accurate information about trauma, victim rights and community resources and will support the victim and the family as they deal with this crime. There is no charge and no time limit for these services.

Lake Family Resource Center also operates the Community Crisis Line – 1-888-485-7733 – which is available 24/7.

The center can be visited online at


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2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey

SAN FRANCISCO – California Attorney General Kamala Harris announced Tuesday that her office, along with the offices of seven other attorneys general, has reached a $553 million settlement with manufacturers that engaged in price fixing of flat screen liquid crystal display (LCD) panels found in monitors, laptops and televisions.

In October 2010, Harris filed a lawsuit against 10 companies for engaging in price fixing of LCD panels from 1999 to 2006 that resulted in higher prices for California residents and businesses, as well as government agencies.

Tuesday’s settlements resolve Attorney General Harris' claims against seven companies, along with those of seven other attorneys general and a national class action.

As part of the settlements, the companies that engaged in price fixing will provide a fund for consumers and businesses in 25 states, including California.

The settling companies also have resolved claims brought by Attorney General Harris for civil penalties under California's Unfair Competition Law, as well as restitution for government agencies that purchased the flat screen LCD panels.

Attorney General Harris is joined in these settlements by the attorneys general of Arkansas, Florida, Michigan, Missouri, New York, West Virginia and Wisconsin, as well as a class action brought on behalf of private claimants in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

Settling defendants include: Chimei Innolux Corp., Chi Mei Optoelectronics USA, Inc., Chi Mei Optoelectronics Japan Co., Ltd, HannStar Display Corp., Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Displays, Ltd., Hitachi Electronic Devices, USA, Inc., Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., Sharp Corp. and Sharp Electronics Corp.

The California case was originally filed in San Francisco Superior Court, where litigation continues against AU Optronics Corp., AU Optronics Corp. America, Inc., LG Display Co. Ltd., LG Display America Inc., Toshiba Corp., Toshiba Mobile Display Co. Ltd. and Toshiba America Electronics Components Inc.

In 2008, two companies – LG Display Co., Ltd. and LG Display America, Inc. – pleaded guilty to federal charges for price fixing TFT-LCD panels and paid $400 million in federal fines. Defendants AU Optronics Corp. and AU Optronics Corp. America, along with several employees, have been indicted on federal charges of price fixing.

The criminal trial is scheduled for January 2012 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

California consumers and government entities will receive a significant portion of the more than $500 million settlement, with an exact percentage to be determined later.

Following completion of the litigation, California consumers and businesses can file claims for monetary relief.

Information about how to file a claim will be available at the Attorney General's Web site at or by calling 800-952-5225.

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The end of the Iraq war also appears to end a golden age of growth in military pay and benefits, which lasted at least a decade and corrected many perceived or longstanding faults in military compensation.

Disabled retirees, reserve component members, surviving spouses and active forces all benefited from flush wartime budgets and a Congress attuned after 9/11 to America’s deepening appreciation of current and past generations who risk life and limb in our nation’s wars.

But amid a deepening debt crisis and return of all U.S. forces from Iraq, the 2012 defense authorization bill (HR 1540) approved week before last shows priorities shifting, toward controlling defense spending and preparing to drawdown forces.

Restored are some old authorities needed to “reduce end strength in a responsible manner,” explained a House-Senate conference report on the bill.

These include:

– Temporary Early Retirement Authority, TERA, to allow select members a reduced annuity if released after 15 years but less than 20;

– Voluntary retirement incentive pay, payable to “no more than 675 officers’ with 20 to 29 years of service can be encourage to leave in return for payments of up to 12 months of basic pay;

– Voluntary separation pay and benefits for select enlisted members or officers who have more than six years’ service but fewer than 20.

– Expansion from three months to one year the period that an enlisted member can be discharged early without incurring a loss of benefits. But no pay or allowances would be paid for obligated time not served.

The Army and Marine Corps saw the steepest force increases during the Iraq war and expect to make the deepest post-war cuts.

Army end strength in 2012 will fall by 7400 soldiers, to 562,000, by October. That’s still up 77,000 from 2003.

Marine strength will hold at 202,100 but plans are to cut the Corps to 186,800 or even lower as cost-cutting pressure intensifies.

The Navy is down 54,400 sailors since wartime strength peaked at 383,000 in 2002. It will lose another 3000 to reach 325,700 by fall.

The Air Force is to gain 600 airmen for total active duty strength of 332,800. Though it is down 40,000 airmen since a wartime peak in 2004, Air Force exceeded its authorized level by 1,200 last October.

The new defense bill authorizes the modest TRICARE Prime enrollment fee increases that took effect Oct. 1 for working-age retirees, the first bump since TRICARE began 16 years ago.

It also directs retiree Prime fees be raised annually by the percentage hike in retired pay through annual cost-of-living adjustments or COLAs. Pharmacy co-payments will be allowed to rise.

Effective back to Oct. 1, the services must prorate imminent danger pay and hostile fire pay of $225 a month based on number of days spent in designated danger areas.

Previously, any part of a day in a war zone qualified a member for the full monthly payment. Only if there’s exposure to hostile fire will a day in theater now trigger full payment.

The Obama administration, military leaders, prominent lawmakers and various debt commissions have signaled deeper cost-sharing ahead for military beneficiaries including a first-ever enrollment fee for TRICARE for life and a dampened COLA formula for all federal entitlements.

So beneficiaries have reason to be wary of the defense budget to be unveiled in February with all accounts, including personnel, facing spending cuts.

Killed during final negotiations between House-Senate conferees on this defense bill was a provision to end reductions in survivor benefit annuities for surviving spouses to match dependency and indemnity compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Also killed was a provision to ease the impact of this SBP-DIC offset by increasing amounts paid under the interim Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance.

Progress also has stalled on other entitlement reforms including lifting the ban on concurrent receipt of both retired pay and VA disability compensation for all disabled retirees.

Still being impacted by the ban are retirees with disability ratings of 40 percent or less and disabled veterans forced by health conditions to leave service short of 20 years. President Obama at one time endorsed these benefit expansions but no more.

Military associations don’t brag of gains over the past decade, probably to protect them and to the fight effectively for others. But even a partial list is impressive.

Older retirees today have TRICARE for Life, a prized supplement to Medicare that didn’t exist before. All beneficiaries have access to a mail-order drug program and a vast retail pharmacy network.

Many thousands of retirees with serious or combat-related disabilities now draw full retired pay plus VA disability compensation because Congress ended for them the century-old ban on concurrent receipt.

The Survivor Benefit Plan is more valuable since Congress ended a deep reduction in annuities at age 62 when surviving spouses become eligible for social security.

The gratuity for combat-related deaths was raised six-fold to $100,000 and maximum Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance coverage rose from $250,000 to $400,000.

Congress also approved a lump sum Traumatic SGLI payment of up to $100,000 to assist the most severely wounded with immediate financial challenges.

A decade ago careerists faced a reduced retirement plan, Redux, and an anemic post-service education benefit.

Congress restored for them the traditional retirement plan of “half” base pay at 20 years with full COLA or annual cost-of-living adjustments.

In 2009, a far more valuable Post-9/11 GI Bill took effect for those with active service since Sept. 11, 2001.

A perceived military pay gap with the private sector was closed over a decade with a string of annual raises that exceeded private sector wage growth, and out-of-pocket housing costs fell sharply as Basic Allowance for Housing was raised enough to cover members’ average rent and utility costs.

Reserve personnel also saw gains including premium-based TRICARE coverage while in drill status and the lowering of the age-60 reserve retirement tied to length of wartime deployments after January 2008.

To comment, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., write to Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA, 20120-1111 or visit:


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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The California Highway Patrol’s Clear Lake Area office will offer in January a class to help teen drivers be safer on the roadways.

The Clear Lake Area California Highway Patrol will offer a free “Start Smart” traffic safety classes for teenage drivers and their parents.

The class will run approximately two hours and will be offered on Monday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the CHP office, located at 5700 Live Oak Dr., at the corner of Highway 29 and Live Oak Drive in Kelseyville.

Traffic collisions are the No. 1 killer of teenagers in America.

Nationally about 5,000 teens will die in automobile crashes. About 10 percent of those deaths are in California alone.

In California in 2009, there were 61,029 collisions involving teenage drivers statewide, of which 346 resulted in fatalities, the CHP reported.

In Lake County during that time period, there were 41 injury or fatal crashes involving teen drivers, of which 34 of those teen drivers were ruled at fault, according to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System. Among those crashes, there was one fatality.

The Start Smart program aims to help future and newly-licensed teenage drivers learn the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of being a licensed driver.

The program is an educational tool for parents and teens to reduce the number of teen injuries and deaths resulting from traffic collisions.

It provides information on defensive driving, state traffic laws, dynamics of traffic collisions, tips on avoiding collisions and DUI awareness.

Space is limited for this class. For more information or reservations, call Officer Kory Reynolds at the CHP office, 707-279-0103.

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10.12.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
Columbus Day
10.19.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
10.26.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
11.02.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile

Mini Calendar



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