Friday, 18 October 2024


NORTHSHORE – Issues with Internet cable lines on Saturday shut down Internet access for hundreds of customers along the Northshore.

A Mediacom representative said the Internet outage was reported just after 8 a.m. Saturday and affected about 800 customers.

The outage, according to Mediacom, was caused by two damaged nodes, which are pieces of equipment connecting fiberoptic cable to local cable networks. The company was suffering both hardware and software issues related to the issues with the nodes.

By 2 a.m. Sunday Internet service had not yet been restored. However, Mediacom said crews were working throughout the night until the problem was fixed.

By 7 a.m. services had been restored.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST – Forest officials reported Friday that firefighters are gaining ground in battling fires that lightning strikes caused in the forest earlier this week.

Firefighters made good progress Thursday, reaching 20 percent containment on the Yolla Bolly Complex in the Mendocino National Forest, according to the report. Firefighters were aided by air tankers dropping retardant and helicopters dropping water on hot spots while they continued to construct line around several fires.

The 13 fires in the Yolla Bolly Complex started the afternoon of Aug. 29 because of lightning moving across the forest, forest officials reported. Some of the fires were not visible from the air Thursday and at last count there were nine confirmed fires in the complex, with four reported contained.

All but one of the fires is located in the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness northeast of Covelo, according to the report. The fires range in size from one quarter of an acre to 40 acres.

The Butte Fire at 40 acres is located on Bureau of Land Management land west of the Mendocino National Forest in an area under the forest’s fire protection authority, the report stated. The Mendocino National Forest Hot Shots are assigned to this fire; fireline construction is completed.

There was one injury reported on the Butte Fire Thursday, when a U.S. Forest Service firefighter was hit by a dead standing tree. The firefighter was flown to a hospital for observation and later released, officials reported.

The Sugarloaf Fire near Sugarloaf Mountain in the middle of the wilderness was the most active fire Thursday night growing to 40 acres. Forest officials reported that the American River Hot Shots from the Tahoe National Forest are assigned to the Sugarloaf and were assisted Friday by a load of smokejumpers and a helicopter that will be dropping water to keep the fire from spreading into heavier vegetation.

Officials reported that the first priority on the Yolla Bolly Complex is providing firefighter and public safety. Approximately 100 personnel and two helicopters are committed to the incident. Additional resources have been ordered.

Aircraft and lookout personnel will be keeping an eye for new fires, Mendocino Forest officials reported, because it is not unusual to find new fires several days after lightning strikes are reported.


LAKE COUNTY – Local, state and federal law enforcement officials conducted an enforcement around the county Tuesday in an effort to check up on parolees who are documented gang members.

Lt. Brad Rasmussen of Lakeport Police said that Lakeport Police, Lake County Sheriff's officials, California Highway Patrol, Lake County Narcotic Task Force, the Criminal Investigation Division of the Lake County District Attorney's Office, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Lake County Probation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation participated in the action.

Rasmussen said the enforcement was focused on local parolees who have affiliations with different types of gangs.

The one-day operation required about a month of preparation, including gathering intelligence about the parolees' activities, said Rasmussen.

From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. the agencies conducted 14 parole searches around the county, Rasmussen said. “As a result of those searches, three parolees were arrested for being in violation of parole.”

Tuesday's arrests for felony parole violations included Daniel Ray Loyd, 46, of Clearlake, whose charges also included a felony for taking a vehicle without the owner's consent and a parole violation; Jay Allen Herman, 37, a laborer residing in Middletown; and Adam Nicholas Southard, 20, of Lakeport whose occupation is listed as “property management” in the Lake County Jail's booking information.

“Based on evidence located in some of the searches, we expect parole violation warrants to be issued for two more parolees,” said Rasmussen. Those two individuals' parole violations include associating with or participating in gangs.

No firearms were found, said Rasmussen, but knives and other prohibited weapons were located, along with gang paraphernalia.

The enforcement led to some interesting finds in addition to arrests, said Rasmussen.

“At one location in Lakeport, 30 mature marijuana plants were seized by the FBI,” he said, adding that the agency is conducting a federal investigation on that cultivation operation.

No arrests were made in conjunction with the marijuana seizure, Rasmussen added. The case is expected to be referred to the US Attorney's Office.

Lakeport Police Det. Norm Taylor said this is the first time a gang member-specific enforcement has been conducted.

The county's gang task force communicated with both state and fed agencies on the effort, said Taylor.

Those checked in Tuesday's searches were members or associates of numerous gangs, said Taylor.

Represented were members of Hispanic street gangs, prison gangs and even white supremacists, Taylor said, who noted there is a notable mix of groups around the county.

Taylor and two other officers have been assigned to a special Lakeport Police gang detail that focuses on gang-related investigations since last year.

For the past year, we've been doing everything we can to be proactive and gather intelligence on criminal street gangs and people who participate in them,” Taylor said.

Those increased efforts coincide with a spring and summer that have witnessed increasing gang activity in the city limits, first with Alex Larranaga's stabbing on March 16 in Library Park, and then the July 4 beating of a 14-year-old boy on 11th Street.

Both victims were attacked by gangs – Larranaga by Surenos, the teen by Nortenos – who mistook them for rival gang members, Lakeport Police previously reported.

Taylor said this week's sweep was just a continuation of the department's effort to turn up the heat on street gang activity.

The operation Tuesday received assistance from the Department of Corrections, which has a special unit to focus just on parolees with gang affiliations, Taylor said.

Bill Sessa, deputy press secretary for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, told Lake County News that the agency's special gang unit is part of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's anti-gang initiative.

Unit members are experts in gang tacts and identifications, Sessa explained. “They can read tattoos the way you and I would read a menu in a restaurant.”

While the gang unit is used to monitor gang activity in prisons, its members also assist local officials in sweets and parole compliance checks in an effort to break down gang activity, said Sessa.

“They provide assistance at the request of local government,” said Sessa.

The special gang unit acts hand-in-hand with the agency's fugitive apprehension team, whose agents are specifically trained to find fugitive parolees, said Sessa.

Taylor said enforcements like this one will be part of a continuing effort by the Lake County Gang Task Force to focus on people who are actively participating in criminal street gangs.

“We're going to put together sweeps periodically and put together an enforcement effort,” he said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST – Strong gusty winds Friday challenged firefighters and firelines that have been built on the Mendocino National Forest's  , according to a Saturday report from Forest Service officials.

The complex is located about 20 air miles northeast of Covelo in the Yolla Bolly Middle-Eel Wilderness. Of the 10 fires that make up the complex, six are contained and firefighters continue to work on reaching containment on the others.

Another new fire was confirmed Friday morning within the complex, according to the report from Punky Moore, the forest spokesperson.

More accurate mapping by firefighters on the ground has reduced the The Yolla Bolly Complex to 85 acres with 30 percent containment.

The largest fire in the complex, Moore reported, is the Sugarloaf Fire near Sugarloaf Mountain in the south central part of the wilderness. It is about 45 acres and has 100 personnel assigned.

Moore reported that firefighting efforts include reinforcing existing line, building line around uncontained fires, suppressing smoldering debris and patrolling areas to ensure no fire is lingering that may flare up again. Helicopters will assist firefighters by dropping water on areas of fire that have potential to grow and are difficult to reach.

The first priority on the Yolla Bolly Complex, according to Moore, is providing firefighter and public safety.

As such, a temporary flight restriction is in place for a 10 mile radius around the fire area. Visitors to the forest need be aware of fire activity that may influence their vacation and hunting plans.

However, Moore noted that there are no closures in place for the complex. Many areas of the forest are not affected by fire suppression activities; however, it is recommended that visitors planning a trip to the forest call one of our offices for current information before venturing out.

More than 150 personnel and three helicopters are committed to the Yolla Bolly incident, Moore reported. Additional resources have been ordered.

Officials are keeping their eyes out for new fires resulting from lightning strikes several days ago, said Moore; she added it's isn't unusual to find such fires days later.


A new piano-key style crosswalk Caltrans recently finished in Middletown. The new crosswalk is meant to enhance visibility. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.


MIDDLETOWN Caltrans, in cooperation with the Middletown Area Town Hall (MATH), has begun pedestrian safety improvements in Middletown.

Caltrans met with MATH in July to discuss concerns about pedestrian safety and possible solutions, according to Caltrans spokesman Phil Frisbie.

In response to this meeting, Caltrans proposed a number of projects, said Frisbie. They included re-striping existing crosswalks with enhanced visibility “piano key” style crosswalks, adding additional crosswalks at Douglas Street and Armstrong Street, and installing a new “Pedestrians Ahead” sign for northbound traffic entering Middletown on Calistoga Street (Route 29).

These enhancements are meant to increase driver awareness, and may provide a traffic-calming effect, Frisbie reported.

Work is expected to be complete by the end of September 2007, according to Frisbie's report.

“We are excited to be working with MATH to improve pedestrian safety,” said Charlie Fielder, Caltrans District 1 director, “and we look forward to working with Lake County and other local groups to identify additional safety projects in the near future.”




More brightly painted crosswalks completed during Caltrans' recent work in Middletown. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.

GLENHAVEN – A single-vehicle collision on Highway 20 Wednesday morning sent a Sutter woman to the hospital with major injuries.

A report from California Highway Patrol Officer Josh Dye reported that Sidne Allread, 63, received multiple fractures and a major head injury as a result of the crash, which occurred at about 10:30 a.m. on Highway 20 west of Bruner Drive.

Allread was driving her 2003 Mazda Protege westbound on Highway 20 at an unknown speed, said Dye, who added there were not witnesses to the incident.

For reasons that aren't known, Allread's vehicle went off the road to the north and went up a steep cutbank, where it hit a mass of rocks, according to Dye's report.

The car then rolled over onto its roof in the westbound lane, Dye reported.

Allread, who was alone in the car, was wearing her seat belt, but received major injuries and didn't regain consciousness before being flown by REACH helicopter to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital for treatment.

No further information about Allread's condition was available Wednesday afternoon.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Bismarck Dinius, 39, of Carmichael (left) discusses his case outside the court on Friday with his attorney, Victor Haltom of Sacramento. Photo by Harold LaBonte.



LAKEPORT – A Superior Court judge ruled Friday that the District Attorney's Office will not be recused from prosecuting a case involving an April 2006 sailboat accident.

At issue was whether the District Attorney's Office should be removed from its prosecution duties in the case of Bismarck Dinius, who is accused of vehicular manslaughter and boating under the influence in the April 29, 2006 boating accident in which 51-year-old Lynn Thornton of Willows died.

Dinius, an experienced sailor, was sitting at the rudder of a sailboat owned by Mark Weber, Thornton's fiance, when the accident occurred just after 9 p.m.

The sailboat was hit by a powerboat driven by Lake County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Russell Perdock, who initially told investigators he was going between 40 and 45 miles per hour, according to court documents.

Dinius is being charged for vehicular manslaughter because prosecutors say he was under way without a lookout or operating lights, which are violations of federal navigation code. In addition, blood alcohol tests conducted on Dinius and Weber after the accident showed they had blood alcohol levels of .12 and .18, respectively. As a result, Dinius faces a misdemeanor boating under the influence charge.

Victor Haltom, Dinius' defense attorney, filed a motion with the Lake County Superior Court, asking that District Attorney Jon Hopkins' office be removed because of what Haltom alleged was a close working relationship that would compromise his client's chance to get a fair trial.

On Friday afternoon Retired Judge Robert Crone, filling in for the next few weeks in his old Department 2 courtroom, considered Haltom's motion during a 40-minute hearing.

Before hearing the matter, Crone disclosed that between 15 and 18 years ago, he had performed a marriage ceremony for Perdock and his former wife, Donna, at Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa after the judge originally scheduled to marry the couple didn't show up.

Presenting the case for recusal

Haltom argued that a conflict in the case existed for Hopkins' office because of its necessarily close working relationship with Sheriff Rod Mitchell's office. “Chief Deputy Perdock is the No. 2 man in the sheriff's department,” Haltom added.

He contended that the relationship and an attempt to cover for Perdock already had resulted in an unfair charging decision against Dinius.

Meanwhile, Perdock was not charged for driving faster than conditions warranted, Haltom argued. “Any rational observer would think this guy is the prime suspect in this case.”

Haltom argued that most of the case investigation had been undertaken by Hopkins' and Mitchell's offices, with some assistance from the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office.

He claimed that if Hopkins charged Perdock with the same offenses Dinius is facing, he “would risk jeopardizing a necessary good working relationship with the sheriff's department.”

Haltom referenced a document he included in his motion in which he said that Perdock said all the sheriff's investigators working the investigation were “beholden” to him. “That's an aspect of the conflict here,” Haltom said.

Based on those relationships, Haltom accused the sheriff's office of burying evidence favorable to Dinius and unfavorable to Perdock. He cited a conversation that he said took place between Deputy Lloyd Wells and Doug Jones, who claimed he saw the sailboat under way with its lights. Haltom said Wells told Jones, “You must be wrong.”

Hopkins has stated publicly that there are no witnesses who have claimed to see the sailboat's lights, but Haltom argued that there are nine people – out of a total of 16 witnesses – who claim to have seen lights. He accused Hopkins is pursuing the case with “tunnel vision.”

In addition, Haltom claimed that one witness, Hans Peter Elmer, a retired law enforcement officer, made three 911 calls after the accident occurred but no sheriff's investigator contacted him for a statement.

Although Haltom claimed there was a a “plain, palpable” conflict of interest in the case, he added of the District Attorney's Office, “I'm not saying they're intentionally doing anything wrong.”

Attorney General's Office responds

Deputy District Attorney David McKillop didn't argue against Haltom, instead deferring to Gerald Engler of the state Attorney General's Office, who accompanied him at the prosecution table.

“The law requires the defense to serve a copy of this motion to the attorney general,” Hopkins told Lake County News after the hearing. “If the motion is granted, the attorney general takes over the case,” and thus they have a say in the response, he said.

Engler told the court that the Attorney General's Office opposed the motion to recuse Hopkins' office.

“As we see it, the motion focuses on what the defense believes to be a deficient investigation,” said Engler, adding that the issue is irrelevant to the conflict.

Rather, it's important to establish that the case won't be handled in a fair manner, which Engler said Haltom failed to show.

Engler said Haltom bears the burden of proving that the conflict exists and has affected the case. He said Haltom's motion included several factors relating to Perdock's involvement, none of which Haltom proved, Engler said.

As to the idea that in rural counties district attorneys and sheriffs are too closely aligned, Engler referenced a case in Tuolumne County where the district attorney actually removed the sheriff from office.

In that case, a small county was able to set aside relationships among departments, said Engler. “We have to recognize the same is true in this case.”

Engler said the Attorney General's Office has considered this case twice – once at Hopkins' request, and now because of a recent request by Mitchell.

The Attorney General's Office saw no reason then or now to disqualify Hopkins, Engler said.

He also challenged Haltom's motion, which included more than 20 pages of Internet blogs on the case, which Haltom claimed were a sign of the public having lost faith in the prosecution and investigation.

“It's astonishing to me that any motion could be granted on the basis of public sentiment,” said Engler.

In response, Haltom said there is a “duh” factor in this prosecution, with the wrong man being charged.

He said to deny that there is a close relationship between Perdock and the District Attorney's Office is to deny reality.

Haltom added, “This is a darn weak case against Mr. Dinius,” compared to what he stated was a strong case against Perdock.

Judge explains his findings

In rendering his decision, Crone cited the requirements of Penal Code section 1424, under which Haltom filed his motion, which requires documents contain information including date and location where they were executed. Crone said the documents technically were deficient, as they lacked the location.

“I'm going to overlook that,” said Crone, moving to discuss the merits of the motions.

He said he disregarded the Internet blogs, most of which were written by anonymous people, because he said they didn't qualify as evidence in a judicial setting.

Crone said the motion couldn't be granted unless a conflict was successfully proved.

“The court concludes that there is no conflict,” said Crone.

Explaining that the district attorney and sheriff both are elected officials who have separate responsibilities, Crone said a conflict could have been proved had Perdock been Hopkins' employee rather than Mitchell's.

“There just is no conflict here,” said Crone.

He referred to the conflict in evidence, specifically, the split in witnesses who said they saw lights on the sailboat versus those who didn't.

“Quite frankly, that's not unusual in most cases, that there is a conflict in evidence,” said Crone, adding that most court cases center on exactly that conflict.

Crone asked Haltom and McKillop for dates for a conference prior to a preliminary hearing.

Haltom waived time for a speedy preliminary hearing, noting, “My investigation is ongoing.”

Crone also asked Dinius for his plea in the case, to which Dinius replied, “Not guilty.”

The case will return to court for the conference at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 5.

Following court, Engler said the Attorney General's Investigative Branch is now reviewing the sheriff's investigation at Mitchell's request and added that, to his knowledge, the agency plans to make no further appearances in local court on the issue.

Haltom said after court he isn't finished arguing the matter. He said he plans to ask for an appellate review of Crone's decision.

He said he also hopes the Attorney General's Office will look closely at the case.

Dinius told Lake County News that the prosecution has put his life on hold.

While he said he's surprised by the publicity surrounding his case, “It's kinda nice to see the truth is coming out.”

He said he still sails, although it was tough going back to it at first. “That was very hard to get back up on that horse.”

Dinius said he often came to Lake County to sail in the annual Konocti Cup race before the accident. He said he had heard that corruption existed in the county but only now was seeing it “firsthand.”

Still, Dinius said he likes the community. “Hopefully, this case sheds some light on some things that are happening here.”

Hopkins, Mitchell respond to allegations

Hopkins said in a Friday afternoon interview that he is concerned that Haltom's attempt to use Internet blogs as part of his motion filing is a way of preconditioning the local jury pool.

It's important to make decisions based on facts, not opinions, said Hopkins. “Which is exactly why we have a jury trial rather than a media trial.”

The decision not to recuse his office was the right result, he said, with there being no valid grounds for recusal.

He said he asked the Attorney General's Office to look at the case in the early for their opinion on whether he should not prosecute the case. “They're the experts in this field, which is why I consulted with them quite some time ago.”

Because of that, Hopkins said he expected today's outcome.

“Our goal as prosecutors is not to win this case in the media but to get a fairy jur and have it determined in that way,” he said.

For his part, Mitchell responded to Haltom's allegations against his department by saying, “Attacking law enforcement officers is a standard tactic employed by defense counsel, so I am not surprised by that.”

He added, “I will allow the findings of the attorney general's staff to speak for the credibility of my department and the impartiality of our investigation.”

Contrary to Haltom's claims about Perdock's influence, Mitchell said Perdock does not give promotions or pay raises; those responsibilities belong to the sheriff and the county, respectively.

Mitchell said that Perdock does not manage the Boat Patrol Division that conducted the investigation.

In law enforcement, credibility is key to performance, Mitchell said. “We don't keep anyone with credibility issues any more.”

Haltom's tactic, said Mitchell, is to lump all of his staff together and attack the entire department. “I don't believe that that type of stereotype resonates with the citizens of this county.”

Despite the controversy the case has stirred, Mitchell said he continues to receive a show of support from area residents, many of whom he said approached him at the fair parade Thursday to express their support.

The case has stirred passions on both sides, said Mitchell. There also are people who have not taken a stand on passion alone. “It is for those people and my staff that the attorney general's review is most important,” he said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST – A lightning storm passed over the Mendocino National Forest on the afternoon of Wednesday, Aug. 29, sparking many fires, officials reported Thursday.

By 8 p.m. Wednesday, at least 13 fires were found in the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness and one fire, the Spanish Fire, was detected about seven miles west of Alder Springs between Spanish Ridge Road and Markham Ridge Road, according to forest officials.

The Spanish Fire was contained at approximately two acres as aerial resources assisted firefighters on the ground with several retardant drops to keep the fire from spreading, officials reported.

Resources assigned to the fire included three crews, three engines, one water tender, two air tankers, one helicopter and other support aircraft, the Thursday report noted. About 100 personnel worked to suppress the fire.

The Yolla Bolly Middle-Eel Wilderness is located in the northern section of the Mendocino National Forest and spans across the forest boundary with the Mendocino, Shasta Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests.

The steep rugged terrain makes access difficult, officials noted. Smokejumpers and helicopter rappel crews were dispatched to the 13 fires in the wilderness called the Yolla Bolly Complex.

Initially, aircraft and personnel could not reach the fires with thunder cells still lingering over the wilderness area. When the storm passed, the jumpers were dropped from aircraft near three separate fires.

US Forest Service fire managers have ordered additional resources, including hot shots, helicopters and smokejumpers to work on containing the fires in the Yolla Bolly Complex.

On Friday, the forecast was calling for a chance of thunderstorms, forest officials reported. There is a red flag warning in effect for hot temperatures and stronger southwest winds.

Aircraft and lookout personnel will be keeping an eye for new fires on Friday.


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LAKEPORT – Three Sureno gang members accused of participating in a March assault in Library Park have received prison sentences.

The District Attorney's Office reported that on Monday Judge Arthur Mann sentenced Juan Luis Yepez, 17, to eight years in prison and gave Mathew Allen Domeier, 17, and Elias Hernandez, 20, each nine-year prison terms for their part in the March 16 assault of Alex Larranaga of Clearlake Oaks.

Larranaga, 19 at the time of the assault, was approached by several known gang members as he was leaving TNT's Restaurant with his family, as Lake County News previously reported. The gang members began flashing gang signs before they jumped Larranaga, who was beaten and stabbed.

Domeier and Yepez, ages 16 and 17, respectively, at the time of the assault, were tried as adults in the case after they were found unfit to be tried as juveniles in an April 30 hearing, according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff.

In July, Domeier, Yepez and Hernandez all pleaded guilty to felony assault likely to cause great bodily injury, Hinchcliff reported.

The three documented Sureno gang members also admitted to a special allegation that the offense was committed for the benefit of a criminal street gang with the specific intent to promote criminal conduct by gang members, Hinchcliff said.

Prosecuting the case was Gary Luck, who retired last year as the District Attorney but has joined the office of his successor, Jon Hopkins, as a deputy district attorney specializing in juvenile cases.

Attorney Stephen Carter, who represented Domeier, said his client and the other defendants at first faced a much stiffer sentence – life in prison – because they had been charged with attempted murder, aggravated mayhem (a charge related to attempted murder, according to Hinchcliff) and a more serious gang enhancement.

Carter said he and the other defense attorneys on the case, including Roy Miller of Santa Rosa, worked to lower the charges, arriving at a plea deal on charges that Carter said he felt the District Attorney's Office could prove in court.

“So even though Mathew got a signification prison sentence, I was very pleased to avoid him getting a life sentence,” Carter said.

Domeier did not hold the knife, said Carter, but was engaged in hitting and kicking Larranaga.

Lt. Brad Rasmussen of Lakeport Police said that another suspect in the case who has not yet gone to trial, Ricardo Muniz, 18, is accused of actually stabbing Larranaga. Another juvenile defendant, 14 at the time, was charged in the case but there was no information on his case status Tuesday.

Domeier, who had been in the gang about a year when the assault occurred, had a sad family life – he never knew his father – and was interested in going into the military at one point, Carter said.

“He could have gone a much better way,” said Carter.

In the case of a juvenile like Domeier, Carter said he'll actually serve only four and a half years of the nine-year sentence. At least half of that prison time will be spent in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's Juvenile Justice Division, former known as the California Youth Authority, Carter added.

Hinchcliff said all three young men will be required to register with law enforcement as gang members once they're released from prison.

In addition, they'll be required to pay restitution to Larranaga. However, the amount they'll be required to pay has yet to be determined; Hinchcliff said it will depend on Larranaga's extensive medical bills and any other out-of-pocket expenses that he and his family incurred because of the assault.

Convicted gang members were significant players

All of the gang members involved in the Larranaga assault are members of a local Surenos gang known as South Side Willow Point, Hinchcliff said. Investigators identified them by gang monikers including “Crazy” and “Rascal.”

Lakeport Police Det. Norm Taylor said Domeier, Yepez, Hernandez and the other defendants were part of a core group that resided or spent a majority of their time in the Willopoint Resort and Library Park areas.

Since their arrests, there has been little or no gang presence in those areas, said Taylor.

“They account for a substantial portion of the active gang members in the community,” Taylor added. “Their sentences will certainly have an impact on the gang activity we see in Lakeport, although it's just a continuing trend.”

As the community grows, Taylor said gang activity also will grow, with more young people being pulled into the gang lifestyle.

Taylor said the sentences handed out to the three suspects were “substantial.”

“The judicial system and the District Attorney were very vigilant in going after and prosecuting the people responsible,” said Taylor. “Law enforcement's attitude is they'll do everything they can to locate and prosecute anyone in criminal street gangs.”


E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


WITTER SPRINGS – A small fire that broke out around midday Friday burned a structure and threatened a home.

The fire was reported at about noon, said Ryan Wangberg, a firefighter/EMT with Northshore Fire Protection District's Upper Lake station.

Wangberg said Northshore Fire sent a water tender, an engine, a battalion chief and three firefighters to the blaze, located near a residence up in the hills. Cal Fire also was prepared to respond but Northshore Fire canceled them while en route.

The fire burned about an acre and a half and destroyed an outbuilding, said Wangberg. The home also was in danger but firefighters stopped the fire from getting to it.

Firefighters controlled the blaze within about 40 minutes, Wangberg estimated.

Wangberg said he did not have information on what caused the fire.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


LAKE COUNTY – If you think it feels like it might rain today, you're right.

The National Weather Service in Sacramento (NWS) gives Lake County a 20-percent chance of precipitation and isolated thunderstorms today and tonight, while the high temperature is forecast to be near 100 degrees.

Today will be partly cloudy and hot; the NWS predicts calm winds from the west southwest today with a 20-percent chance of rain.

Tonight, isolated showers and thunderstorms could occur with a low temperature around 64, according to the NWS.

The NWS also reports that winds could gust as high as 18 miles per hour.

Over Labor Day Weekend, the NWS expects rain chances to dissipate, but temperatures each day will remain in the high 90s with lows at night around 60 degrees.

E-mail Terre Logsdon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


MORGAN VALLEY – Firefighters were able to restrict a fire that broke out Tuesday morning in Morgan Valley to only five acres.

The Cal Fire Incident Command Center reported that the fire was reported at 10:12 a.m.

Cal Fire and Lake County Fire Protection District responded to the fire, located along Clayton Creek Road. Cal Fire sent its standard responded, including one air attack, two air tankers, one helicopter, one battalion chief, five engines, two dozers and two handcrews, officials reported.

No structures were threatened and no injuries reported, according to Cal Fire.

The fire's cause is still under investigation.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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