Thursday, 19 September 2024


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) said Wednesday that it is beginning a two-year, comprehensive study of coastal and marine archaeological sites along the Pacific Coast of the United States.

The study will analyze and inventory marine archaeological resources on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf and existing historical sites located on the West Coast.

Findings from the study will be used in future environmental analyses and may trigger specific steps to mitigate potential environmental impacts associated with future construction and deployment of offshore renewable energy facilities.


“A thorough understanding of coastal and marine resources is critical to adequately assess potential effects of future offshore renewable energy technology testing and commercial development,” said BOEMRE Director Michael R. Bromwich. “The findings of this study will assist us in future siting decisions and enhance our ability to identify effective methodologies for protecting those resources.”


It has been more than 20 years since BOEMRE has conducted a marine archaeological study offshore California, Oregon and Washington.

Since that time, there have been a number of significant archaeological discoveries along the Pacific coast, including historic shipwrecks and now submerged prehistoric sites.

The study is intended to broaden the understanding of known and potential submerged cultural resources, as well improving our understanding of potential visual impacts to coastal historic properties along the Pacific coast.

BOEMRE marine archaeologists and environmental scientists will use these findings for environmental assessments and use them as a basis to mitigate potential adverse effects of future offshore renewable energy activities.

This study builds on similar efforts in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico to create standardized geo-referenced databases of non-renewable cultural heritage resources.



BOEMRE funds approximately $30 million per year for scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic and is responsible for regulating activities on the 1.7 billion acres of U.S. offshore area on the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf.

As part of this national program, the Pacific Region manages research in physical oceanography, biology, ecology and socioeconomics.

For information on the BOEMRE Environmental Studies Program, visit

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SACRAMENTO – State officials said they are assisting a federal investigation into a salmonella outbreak linked to the possible consumption of ground turkey that has caused six illnesses in California, including one death.

“The California Department of Public Health is actively supporting the federal government’s multi-state investigation of salmonella cases reported and is coordinating with local health departments across California to monitor for additional cases,” Kathleen Billingsley, chief deputy director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), said Tuesday.

On Monday the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified ground turkey as a possible source of the salmonella contamination and CDPH is in regular contact with our federal partners as the investigation about the source of contamination continues.

To guard against salmonella infection, CDPH urges consumers to thoroughly cook poultry to 165 degrees, wash all surfaces immediately after contact with raw meat or poultry and to refrigerate raw and cooked meat within two hours of purchasing or cooking.”

The illnesses in this outbreak are from Salmonella Heidelberg – a bacteria that is resistant to many commonly prescribed antibiotics.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the outbreak has sickened 77 people in 26 states. The illnesses first emerged in March and have been reported as recently as last month.

On Aug. 1, the CDC and USDA identified ground turkey as a possible source of the salmonella contamination.

In California, one fatality was reported from Sacramento County, which also reported one additional case linked to the outbreak. The other four cases were from the following counties: Los Angeles (1), Riverside (1), San Diego (1) and San Francisco (1).

Most people infected with salmonella bacteria develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection.

The illness usually lasts four to seven days and most people recover without treatment. In some cases, however, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patient must be hospitalized.

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Using its framing camera, Dawn obtained this image of Vesta on July 24, 2011, from a distance of about 3,200 miles (5,200 kilometers). The three vertically-aligned craters on the left have been nicknamed

From left, Paul Braden, Orlando Lopez and Kevin Stone were in Lake County Superior Court's Clearlake Division on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, at which time their preliminary hearing was set for September 28, 2011. They are accused of taking part in a deadly shooting in Clearlake, Calif., on Saturday, June 18, 2011, that left a child dead and five others wounded. Lake County Jail photos.




CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Three men accused of taking part in a June attack on a family that left a child dead and five others wounded made a Tuesday court appearance at which a judge determined their joint preliminary hearing would take place in September.

Kevin Ray Stone, 29, of Clearlake, and Clearlake Oaks residents Paul William Braden, 21, and Orlando Joseph Lopez, 23, appeared before Judge Stephen Hedstrom in Lake County Superior Court's Clearlake Division on Tuesday afternoon for both the setting of their preliminary hearing date and the completion of Stone's arraignment.

The three men are accused of taking part in a late-night shooting in Clearlake on June 18 that killed 4-year-old Skyler Rapp and wounded his mother, Desiree Kirby, as well as her boyfriend, Ross Sparks, and his brother, Andrew Sparks, and friends Ian Griffith and Joseph Armijo.

Each of the men are facing more than a dozen charges – including murder, mayhem, and numerous counts of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon, along with special allegations for use of firearms and great bodily injury.

Stone would enter a not guilty plea to the charges and denial of the special allegations on Tuesday. Braden and Lopez previously entered not guilty pleas.

Watching from the audience was Clearlake resident John Hamner, grandfather of Ross and Andrew Sparks, and step-great-grandfather of Skyler Rapp. He said afterward that seeing the men in court was the hardest thing he's ever done.

Stone, Braden and Lopez were accompanied in court on Tuesday by their defense attorneys – Komnith Moth, Doug Rhoades and Stephen Carter, respectively, with District Attorney Don Anderson handling the prosecution.

“This ultimately is anticipated to be one joint preliminary examination?” Hedstrom asked the attorneys.

“That's our understanding,” said Rhoades.

The attorneys originally proposed the preliminary hearing to begin on Sept. 27, with Anderson estimating it would take five days to complete the proceeding.

However, Rhoades said of Anderson's time estimate, “That has the potential of actually being conservative.”

Rhoades estimated that the hearing could take as many as seven days, or about two weeks in court time.

With three defendants and three attorneys, the case has some inherent scheduling challenges.

In working out the scheduling, Carter brought up the possibility of the preliminary hearing's time frame conflicting with another homicide prosecution – that of former Maine resident Robby Beasley – in which he also is defense counsel.

The Beasley case has been set for trial on Oct. 3; however, with a general time waiver in place, that trial can be adjusted to accommodate the preliminary hearing, said Hedstrom, and Carter indicated there are other issues with the Beasley case that may result in it being rescheduled anyway.

While Rhoades said the scheduling should work for him, Moth has a murder trial set to start the first week of September which he said he hoped would be completed within three weeks but could conflict if it ran long.

During the Tuesday afternoon appearance, Stone also was arraigned in the case. Braden and Lopez – who were taken into custody within days of the shooting – were arraigned late in June, but Stone was on the run for two weeks before he was arrested in Santa Rosa.

Moth entered a plea on Stone's behalf of not guilty on all counts and the denial of all special allegations.

Hedstrom briefly adjourned court while Moth filled out a time waiver form for Stone. When court was back in session Hedstrom directly addressed all three defendants, asking them if they understood the process, explaining that they had the right to have a preliminary hearing in a continuous session and that their attorneys were advising that they waive that right.

Stone, sitting in the jury box in front of Moth, turned to his attorney and said he hadn't explained that. Moth leaned in to explain it, with Stone then acknowledging to the judge that he understood, and he and his co-defendants then agreed to waive the continuous preliminary hearing.

Hedstrom set the preliminary hearing for the men on Sept. 28 in a department to be determined. He said the preliminary hearing assignment hearing will be held at 8:15 a.m. Sept. 23 in Judge Andrew Blum's Department 3 courtroom. A preliminary hearing readiness conference will be held at 8:15 a.m. Sept. 20 in Hedstrom's courtroom.

With Braden and Lopez dismissed, Stone and Moth remained along with Anderson, as Stone still had to enter pleas on another case involving several alleged probation violations and allegations related to driving on a suspended license, Anderson said later. Moth entered not guilty pleas to all of the charges in the second case.

Hamner said his family is continuing to recover from the shootings, which he called, “a complete ambush.”

“I don't understand it. I just don't understand it,” he said.

According to Hamner, he had never seen Stone or Lopez before the Tuesday court appearance, but he said he saw Braden at his daughter's home the day before the fatal shooting. Hamner said he was going into the home as Braden was leaving.

He said another of his grandsons had been jumped by several individuals in the days before the shooting.

Hamner said he will continue to show up to the court appearances as the case moves forward.

“I will be at every one,” he said. “I don't care if they take it out of county.”

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Military retirees, social security recipients and others drawing federal payments were tempted to grumble at Congress or the White House when the past two Januarys brought no cost-of-living adjustment.

The real culprits were a deeply distressed economy, which drove prices down, and a logical process, set up 40 years ago, to track inflation and adjust federal payments to protect their purchasing power.


Those who did complain about absent COLAs might soon have a more legitimate reason to grouse: a new yardstick for setting COLAs called the Chain Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (or C-CPI-U)

First, let’s review why COLAs stopped for two years.

Starting in the last quarter of 2008, the cost of goods and services fell sharply while housing and financial markets collapsed. Yet the last COLA, of January 2009, had been shaped by price data collected months earlier after gasoline prices had hit new highs.

So federal entitlements jumped 5.8 percent, the largest bump in 25 years, as prices slid across the marketplace.

The tool long used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to track inflation and set COLAs is the Consumer Price Index of All Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W).

After the 2009 increase, no COLA could be paid until prices for a market basket of good and services surpassed levels reported in the third quarter of 2008, and used to set the 5.8 percent COLA.

The CPI-W only cleared that milestone in January 2011. Through June this year, CPI-W shows retirees in line for at least a 3.2 percent COLA next January, with inflation from July through September still to be measured.

For traditional indices like the CPI-W, BLS creates a market basket, using spending patterns for the covered population, and tracks inflation over time based on the overall change in the price of the basket.

The knock on such indices is that they overstate inflation through “substitution bias,” ignoring how consumers respond to price changes.

For example, if a family spent $100 last month on beef and the price doubles, their cost of living won’t actually rise by $100, economists contend. Instead the family will buy less beef and more of something else like chicken.

CPI-W assumes consumers buy the same basket of goods regardless of price. Critics say it fails to capture behavioral changes that soften the blow of higher prices through purchase of relatively cheaper goods.

This issue surfaced 15 years ago in a study of the CPI known as the Boskin Commission report. Since then BLS changed how it calculates CPI-W and another index, CPI-U, which is used to adjust tax brackets and poverty thresholds.

But the BLS changes could only address substitution bias within product categories, to capture how consumers might buy more of a regional brand of hot dog versus a more popular national brand.

Economists say CPI-W and CPI-U still ignore “upper level substitution” which occurs across product category, as when consumers decide to buy more apples when the price of oranges rises.

The C-CPI-U, which BLS established in 2002, addresses this, tracking not only prices but changes to a representative market basket month to month. It then “chains” months together to calculate overall cost of living.

Adopting the Chain CPI to adjust entitlements has been recommended by every group looking for ways to address the federal debt crisis.

That includes two bipartisan commission reports from last winter; Vice President Joe Biden’s debt-relief working group of Republicans and Democrats, and the “Gang of Six” senators whose blueprint for combining spending cuts and tax increases won an enthusiastic nod late last month from President Obama.

Besides providing a more accurate measure of inflation, the C-CPI-U would save roughly $300 billion on entitlement spending over just the first decade after it took effect.

It has its critics, however. They argue the Chain COLA ignores the fact that quality of life is impacted if consumers replace products they prefer with products they can better afford.

For individual federal retirees and social security recipients, the Chain CPI would dampen current COLAs an average of .25 to .3 of a percentage point per year.

If we assume over time CPI-W will show a 3 percent inflation rate, the C-CPI-U would be 2.7 percent to 2.75 percent. That difference is expected to grow more pronounced over time.

Let’s look at how a .3 percent difference would impact a retiree receiving retired pay of $2000 a month.

With a 3 percent COLA, retired pay would climb the first year to $2060 a month versus $2054 with a 2.7 percent adjustment.

After 10 years, the retiree would be drawing $2687.83 a month using CPI-W but only $2610.56 using C-CPI-U. The $6-a-month difference after a year becomes a difference of $77.27 a month over decade.

BLS itself doesn’t endorse using one index over another for adjusting federal entitlements. But Steve Reed, a BLS economist, helped put perceived strengths and weaknesses in perspective.

“Economic theory certainly suggests that demand for a particular good is related to price. As price goes up, compared to other goods, we tend to demand less of it,” Reed said.

The Chain CPI strives to capture the impact of substitution across product categories, Reed explained. It does so by measuring actual expenditures more often and readjusting the weighting of products and services in the consumer’s market basket.

“The weight arguably could be said to be more accurate because it is mostly free of substitution bias,” Reed said.

Expenditure data to support the Chain CPI isn’t available immediately however. BLS month-to-month can only make estimates and the index must be revised twice before it becomes final two years after initial publication. Critics contend that makes the Chain CPI unsuitable for setting COLAs.

Ken Stewart, another economist at BLS, said any legislation to move to the Chain CPI for adjusting COLAs “would have to have a mechanism for how those revisions would be handled.”

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An Amber Alert has been issued for a teenager who was abducted from Contra Costa County.

Sixteen-year-old Haasan Ford was abducted from Antioch at 3:50 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1, according to the alert.

Ford is described as a black male, with black hair and brown eyes, 5 feet, 4 inches tall and 110 pounds. He was last seen wearing black jeans, a red coat and red Cincinnati Reds baseball hat.

The suspect in the kidnapping is a black male with black hair and brown eyes, 5 feet, 7 inches tall, 25 years old and weighing 180 pounds. He was reportedly wearing oversized black jeans, blue jean jacket and a blue knit cap with a white stripe.

Officials said the suspect was armed with a sawed-off shotgun and was last seen driving a stolen black two-door GMC Yukon with shiny rims, a “Harley Davidson” sticker on the rear window and “GT” in orange on the side of the vehicle, with a California license plate of 4WAY944.

If they're seen call 911.

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CLEARLAKE OAKS, Calif. – A local man sustained minor injuries as the result of a single-vehicle collision on Tuesday.

Charles Williams, 77, of Lucerne was injured in the crash, which occurred at around 10 a.m. Tuesday, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Kory Reynolds.

Williams was driving a 1993 Toyota pickup eastbound on Highway 20 near Clearlake Oaks, traveling at about 45 miles per hour, when he went off the road, Reynolds said.

According to Reynolds, Williams' pickup struck a tree before it overturned.

Williams suffered minor injuries to his right arm and head, said Reynolds.

Reynolds said alcohol was not a factor in the crash.

Area resident Johnny Miskill posted on Lake County News' Facebook page on Tuesday his concerns about how the crash scene was handled, noting there were no signs or flares up to warn about it. He said he and others were almost involved in collisions near the scene as a result.

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A Clearlake man was killed in a crash late last week when the vehicle he was driving overturned in Yolo County.

Adam Jublain Connolly, 25, died as a result of the crash, according to Yolo County Chief Deputy Coroner Robert LaBrash.

The crash occurred shortly before 6 p.m. Friday, July 29, according to reports from the California Highway Patrol's Woodland office and the Yolo County Sheriff-Coroner.

The CHP report said Connolly was driving a 2006 Chevy Silverado pickup – with 29-year-old Melody Staats of Clearlake riding as his passenger – in a southerly direction on an unnamed dirt road off of Country Road 40 in unincorporated Yolo County when the crash occurred.

Connolly, according to the report, was driving “at an excessive rate of speed for the roadway conditions” when he lost control of the pickup, which overturned.

As the pickup was rolling Connolly – who was not wearing a seat belt – was ejected and the vehicle came to rest on top of him, according to the CHP.

LaBrash said Connolly was pronounced dead at the scene just before 7 p.m.

He said an autopsy determined the cause of death to be blunt force head injuries.

Staats, who was wearing a seat belt, sustained minor injuries and was transported to Sutter Lakeside Hospital in Lakeport by REACH helicopter, the CHP said.

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UPPER LAKE, Calif. – An Upper Lake tribe soon will be moving forward on its plans to build a new casino outside of the town.

On Saturday the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake received the go ahead for construction of the new Running Creek Casino in Upper Lake, according to Tribal Chair Sherry Treppa of the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Executive Council.

The Department of Interior’s authorization is the final action the tribe needed to move forward with the compact, which was first signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in March, as Lake County News has reported.

“This is truly a significant achievement and a major victory for the people of Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake,” said Treppa. “The compact and the DOI’s determination are long, long overdue.”

She added the the approval “is the critical component we needed to open our small casino and ensure the tribe’s ability to become self sufficient, provide job opportunities and improve the overall quality of life for our people and our future generations.”

Treppa said the casino will provide badly needed jobs for the local community and mitigation funds directly to county agencies through various memoranda of understanding.

She estimated that work should be able to resume on the project in September, with the new facility opening next spring.

“The tribe has gone well beyond the county of Lake’s expectations in its extraordinary efforts to include county officials and the community at-large in the preparation and planning of its gaming project, over a period of several years,” Lake County Administrative Officer Kelly Cox said in a written statement.

The Habematolel tribe also had faced opposition from some larger California tribes, according to Treppa.

“While we were disheartened that a minority of very large California gaming tribes opposed the Upper Lake Compact it was merely another impediment that was not insurmountable,” she said. “One would hope those wealthy tribes would recognize that their economic ambitions to expand their lush gaming resorts is far different than our tribe’s attempt to build a small casino that will enhance the lives of our entire Indian and non-Indian community.”

Running Creek Casino will be built on an 11-acre site next to the county park on Highway 20 outside of Upper Lake.

In a previous interview Treppa said the casino will include a gaming floor complete with 349 machines, six game tables, sitdown and fast food restaurants, a cocktail lounge, retail shops, a players club and administrative offices. The phased project eventually would include a hotel and total more than 76,000 square feet, according to a tribal fact sheet.

Previous estimates have put the cost to build the facility at $25 million, with the estimated number of jobs to be created at 145.

The compact was ratified by the state in the form of AB 1020, which was signed into law by Gov. Brown on June 13. Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro and state Sen. Noreen Evans sponsored the bill, which passed the Assembly with a unanimous vote of 69-0 on May 23 and passed through the Senate on June 9 with a vote of 40-0.

It was the second compact for the Habematolel that had been approved by the state.

A previous compact negotiated between the tribe and former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2009 was turned down in August 2010 after the Department of Interior ruled it violated the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act with revenue sharing requirements that were too onerous, as Lake County News has reported.

That denial nearly ended the tribe’s bid for a casino due to mounting debt, according to the tribe's Sunday statement.

However, compact negotiations began with Brown, with the resulting compact to run through Dec. 31, 2031, and allow a maximum of 750 slot machines at one gaming facility.

Under the terms of the compact, the tribe will share up to 15 percent of annual net win revenues with the state by making tiered payments to the legislatively controlled Special Distribution Fund (SDF) based on the number of devices the tribe actually operates under the compact.

The SDF provides grant funds to local communities for mitigation of local impacts of gaming, funding for the California Gambling Control Commission and Bureau of Gambling Control, as well as providing funding for problem-gambling prevention.

The tribe entered into a local intergovernmental agreement with the county of Lake in 2006 and Treppa said the tribe looks forward to fulfilling its obligations under that agreement in order to mitigate any impact the gaming facility may have in the local community.

Additionally, the tribe has entered into a fire and emergency service agreement with the Northshore Fire Protection District, which provides an annual payment of $80,000 from the tribe to the fire district to offset the cost of potential service calls the district may make to the tribe’s proposed gaming facility.

Other agencies involved in the tribe’s proposed project include the California Department of Transportation and the Lake County Special Districts Administration.

In 2009, the tribe and Caltrans completed a safety corridor improvement project along Highway 20 just east of Upper Lake which provided over $500,000 in highway safety improvements including safety lighting, lane widening, bike lanes and sidewalks.

In 2008, the tribe invested $378,000 with the Lake County Special Districts for wastewater system improvements and service to the proposed facility.

“This tribe has done everything possible to ensure that its gaming project will benefit our community and that there will be a long-standing positive working relationship between the tribe and the county of Lake,” said Special Districts Administrator Mark Dellinger.

In addition to the numerous intergovernmental agreements, the tribe also has cooperatively worked with the county of Lake to ensure the Middle Creek Flood Protection Project adjacent to the Tribe’s proposed gaming site will not be impeded in any manner with the construction of the Tribe’s gaming facility.

Through this cooperative effort, the tribe has set aside over 45 acres that eventually will be turned over to the county of Lake as part of the joint flood protection project.

Treppa said the tribe “has worked tirelessly from the inception of the project to be a good neighbor, to be forthright and honorable with its dealings with county, state, legislature, federal government and other tribes while exercising its sovereign right and duty to provide for and to protect its people and tribal lands.”

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The trailer for the movie Francis Ford Coppola filmed in Lake County last year has made its debut.

The three-and-a-half-minute trailer for “Twixt” was posted to YouTube on Tuesday, Aug. 2.

Lake County residents will recognize downtown Kelseyville and Clearlake, and “The Woodpecker” shop on Highway 20 in Nice, with its assortment of bat and bird houses and recycled wood furniture.

The gothic horror tale stars Val Kilmer, Elle Fanning, Bruce Dern and Ben Chaplin, and follows the story of a mystery writer's visit to the small town of Swann Valley and his subsequent exploration of a young girl's murder.

According to writer Russ Fischer, Coppola appeared on a panel at Comic Con last month and shared a look at his plans for the film, including presenting parts of it in 3D.

Coppola also plans to take an interactive approach to presenting the film. Fischer reported that Coppola will undertake a 30-city tour later this year in which he and his team will create different versions of the movie depending on where it's viewed and audience reaction.

The movie will have its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in September.

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The North Coast's congressman said he voted on Monday for legislation to avoid a default on the nation's financial obligations.

Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA), a senior member of the House Committee on Ways and Means, was among those who voted for the bill, which made it through the house following weeks of haggling over the debt ceiling.

“I voted for the compromise legislation to avoid defaulting on our nation’s debt,” Thompson said in a statement issued in his office Monday evening.

He added, “Given that our nation was hours away from defaulting on its obligations, I felt a responsibility to vote yes.”

Thompson, who had criticized previous proposals – including a bill put forward by House Speaker John Boehner – didn't offer further comment on the bill.

As the House of Representatives was voting on the bill, Thompson's friend and colleague Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), shot seven months ago while holding a meeting with constituents, returned to the House for the first time to cast her vote for the legislation.

Thompson's Facebook page later featured the message, “Welcome back Gabby!”

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California Counties: Breakdown of Federal Expenditures

While federal legislators and President Barack Obama said late Sunday they had reached an agreement to deal with the nation's debt ceiling crisis, a weekend report showed the potential crisis on the local and state level if an agreement didn't take place.

US Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) released a county-by-county report detailing the impact on California of a default on the nation’s debt.

According to the report, California received $345 billion in retirement, disability, Medicare and other federal payments in 2009, with more than $608 million of that coming to Lake County alone.

If the debt ceiling is not raised – as it has been 89 times since 1939 – the revenue coming into the U.S. government will not be enough to cover its obligations, which could put Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, military payments, student loan payments and many other government services at risk of being disrupted, Boxer's office reported.

“The consequences of a default would be devastating for every American and could lead to lost jobs, higher interest rates and disruptions in military pay, veterans’ benefits and Social Security checks,” Boxer said.

Residents of each of California’s 58 counties as well as state and local governments could be hurt if the federal government is unable to fund these priorities, according to Boxer.

Nationally, the consequences for seniors who rely on Medicare and Social Security, for veterans who receive benefits, for active-duty military and their families, and for state and local governments could be deep and painful in the case of a default, Boxer warned.

Among the potential consequences concerns that more than 54 million Americans’ Social Security benefits are in danger of being disrupted, the benefits of more than 45 million Americans who rely on Medicare would be put in jeopardy, with U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warning Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a Jan. 6 letter that Medicare benefits payments “would be discontinued, limited, or adversely affected” if Congress failed to raise the debt ceiling.

If the deal isn't finalized, there also could be ramifications for 22.5 million veterans whose benefits could be disrupted, stoppage of payments to more than 204,000 active duty military personnel, an estimated $8.8 billion in unpaid Pell Grants to students and cuts to local and state services, Boxer's office said.

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