Friday, 18 October 2024


In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lake County this year, Lake County News is publishing a series of historical stories about the county, its people and places. This week Helen Wilmans Baker Post is profiled in a selection from the Lake County Genealogical Society Newsletter, edited by Anita Crabtree.


What does Lake County, Calif., have to do with Daytona Beach in Florida?


This story begins during the Gold Rush.


The Gold Rush … many men joined it. And the stories of the land, the climate, the possibilities of this new area, were also reasons for migration. Did the women want to come to California? Or, were they just expected to come with their husbands?


Helen Wilmans was born June 14, 1831, in Fairfield, Ill. She was raised in an atmosphere of aristocracy, her ancestors being very wealthy. She was highly intelligent, a college graduate, and valedictorian of her college class.


In later life she was an American journalist, publisher and the leader of the mental science movement which stressed control of mind over matter. She started her own paper, The Woman’s World, and published a weekly magazine, Freedom.


She married, in 1856, John Caldwell, Baker, M.D. She may have expected to live a comfortable life as a doctor’s wife, somewhere in the eastern or Midwestern states.


But Dr. Baker got caught up in the stories of California, where Helen was taken as a bride. Dr. Baker purchased part of a Spanish grant in Solano County and they are listed in the 1860 census as living in Suisun, Solano County.


By 1870, Dr. Baker and his family, which now included four children, Ada, Florence, Claude and Jennie, had relocated to Lake County. Their property was located at the western edge of Morgan Valley and five miles from the closest community of Lower Lake. There, they farmed and Dr. Baker had Baker Quicksilver Mine.


In her book, “The Conquest of Poverty,” Helen wrote: “I was tortured day and night by fear of actual want. Where the next dollar was to come from was my continual thought. It was the last thing in my thought at night; it haunted my dreams, and in the morning I would be awakened by becoming gradually conscious of a weight at my heart. Arising and sitting on the side of my bed the day would face me with threats that I had no courage to meet. A thousand times in my weakness and inability to resist the present, my tears would fall all the minutes I was hastening to clothe myself. There was no valid reason for all this torture except that which existed in my mind. I had been so unappreciated that I had come to regard myself as an inferior creature. But at last my reasoning powers showed signs of awakening and I began to see light.”


Helen went on to write that she was a farmer’s wife and had done her work without flinching, although they lost money each year, and the place was mortgaged and finally sold for debt. It’s hard to say just what caused her to make her next move; it’s not known exactly when she did. Perhaps it was with the death of her youngest child, Jennie, in 1877. That might have been the final push. (She never mentions her children in this book.)


But, on a certain day she stood on a roadside with all of her possessions in a valise, waiting for a wagon to come along that would carry her into Lower Lake. She had no money and no idea of how she was going to live. She was going to San Francisco and intended to find work that was more meaningful than the work she had been doing for more than 20 years.


When she reached Lower Lake, a place where everyone knew her, she tried to borrow $10 to pay her traveling expenses to San Francisco. She asked one friend after another only to be refused; some of them did not have the money; others were afraid to do so.


She went through the streets until 9 p.m. when she saw a light in the village shoemaker’s rooms. Both the man and his wife were startled, and Helen believed that she frightened them out of that $10.


After spending the night with a friend in Lower Lake she was on the stage for San Francisco the next morning. She found a place to live, which took the last of the $10, and went without anything to eat for a full three days.


She found work in a little newspaper, but it went out of business after about six months. She found work with another paper and moved steadily upward. After two or three years, a large Chicago paper, the Chicago Express, hired her at an excellent salary and she moved there.


In the meantime, back in Lake County, Dr. Baker had divorced her Nov. 18, 1879. What seems strange is that in the 1880 census, she is listed as living with him (both listed as divorced), which may just mean that he still considered his wife. Who knows?


In Chicago Helen started The Woman’s World and became the founder of the school of Mental Science. She met Charles C. Post, a writer and someone who thought as she did. They married and later moved south to Georgia, where they lived for five years, and then in 1892 moved to Volusia County, Fla.


In 1895 Charles Post and Charles Ballough, who had homesteaded an area which at that time was known as Halifax, platted the property into town lots. Helen Post named it “The City Beautiful,” but was really originally called East Daytona.


In 1897 the settlers of East Daytona, who at the time outnumbered those of the settlement to the south, successfully petitioned to have the Peninsula's post office moved to their area.


Settlers in East Daytona petitioned for incorporation early in 1901. On May 24, after approval of the town's charter, the citizens of the new Town of Seabreeze held their first election at the Pavilion on what is now Seabreeze Boulevard. The southern community incorporated in 1905 and became Daytona Beach.


It was not considered woman’s work to be involved with this type of work, but Helen sat in her carriage directing all of the work on Ocean Boulevard: paving, urns with geraniums, ferns, palms and oleander.


Mr. Post and Mr. Ballough built the enormous Hotel Colonnades, the Wilmans Opera House, an amusement pavilion on the ocean and a 1200-foot pier extending into the sea. Charles and Helen Post had a large publishing house in the ground floor of the opera house. There they published a weekly paper called “Freedom,” plus numerous books and other publications.


Helen became world renowned as the leader of The Mental Science cult. She claimed to be able to heal human ailments by mental therapeutics. The mail poured in seeking her advice and for her books. And that was her downfall.


Helen’s son-in-law was credited by some with having the post office moved from the community south of them to Seabreeze, the seat of the Mental Science activities. The residents of the southern community resented having the post-office moved and started an investigation and prosecution for alleged violations and misuse of the U. S. mail.


The Post Office Fraud Order was placed on Helen Wilmans without even prior notice. There was no hearing, no trial, no conviction. Helen Wilmans was cut off from the world without chance for redress and condemned publicly without hearing or trial.


After this had been done, she was indicted on a charge of fraud, the U.S. Government contending that her claim of cure by absent treatment was necessarily fraudulent because it was impossible to be done. Her claim was false because absent cure was impossible, and it was fraudulent because she must have known that it was impossible.


The United States Supreme Court reversed this decision and, finally, the matter was dropped. All of this prosecution lasted over six years, exhausting all of the wealth of Charles and Helen Post with attorney fees and court costs.


When their position, power and affluence began to fade, Helen ended up tired, worn and impoverished. Over the age of 75 she became ill and died in 1907, three months after her husband’s death.


In 1925, after several years of debate, the three municipalities of Daytona, Daytona Beach and Seabreeze voted to consolidate.


On Jan. 1, 1926, the city of Daytona Beach was officially incorporated. So that is where the connection comes in between Lake County, Calif., and Daytona Beach, Fla.


As for the family that Helen Wilmans Baker left behind, she doesn’t mention her children in the book “The Conquest of Poverty,” but in researching them it was discovered that the second daughter, Florence, married Charles Burgman in San Francisco, but they moved to Seabreeze, Fla., where he ran the publishing house and other family enterprises.


Her oldest daughter, Ada, married someone by the surname of Powers and had a daughter, about 1888, while living in Illinois. This seems to indicate that Ada might have joined her mother when she moved to Chicago.


The son, Claude, was living with Florence and her family in Seabreeze in 1900, but he returned to Lower Lake, Calif., where he died in 1937.


Dr. John C. Baker died Aug. 29, 1896, and is buried in Lower Lake cemetery along with the youngest daughter, Jennie, and the ashes of son, Claude.


In Dr. Baker’s obituary it says that he practiced medicine for a number of years and that he owned and ran a drug store in Lower Lake.


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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Two local men were injured on Thursday when they were involved in a vehicle collision.


The crash occurred just before 12:30 p.m. on Highway 29 at Highway 175/Bottle Rock Road, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Kory Reynolds.


Reynolds said Juan Lopez, 20, of Lower Lake was driving southbound on Highway 29 in a 1984 BMW when, for unknown reasons, Lopez allowed his vehicle to cross the double yellow lines and travel into the path of a 2003 Ford F-350, driven by William Sauer, 76, of Kelseyville.


Lopez was flown to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and treated for a low back contusion and Sauer was treated for minor injuries at the scene and released, Reynolds said.


Officer Nick Powell is investigating the crash.


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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – A man was flown to medical care on Thursday following a traffic collision.


The collision occurred on Highway 29 at Highway 175/Bottle Rock Road shortly before 1 p.m., according to reports from the scene.


Two vehicles were reported to have been involved, with both going off the road.


Lakeport Fire Protection District transported the man via ambulance to a landing zone where he was picked up by a Cal Star air ambulance.


The man's name and details of the crash have not yet been released by the California Highway Patrol.


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MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – Mendocino County prosecutors on Friday won their bid to try a Laytonville man for murder under the rarely used “provocative act murder” doctrine, which holds that a person can be guilty of a killing even if someone else committed the slaying.


Noah Shinn, 39, of Laytonville faces the murder charge because he allegedly orchestrated a marijuana-related home invasion robbery last October at the rural Steele Lane residence of Jill Cahill, according to a report from Mendocino County District Attorney C. David Eyster's office.


Homeowner Cahill actually shot and killed one of three intruders while Shinn waited outside. The masked robbers included victim Timothy Burger, 21, and Shinn’s 19-year-old son Christopher, both of Sacramento, according to the report.


Deputy District Attorney Ray Killion successfully argued after a three-day preliminary hearing that even though Cahill fired the fatal shot that killed Burger, Noah Shinn is legally responsible for his death.


Killion said the senior Shinn earlier had instructed Burger, his son and a friend, Tyrone Bell, also of Sacramento, to don masks, forced their way into the house and with the use of a pistol and mace rob Cahill and other occupants of marijuana.


Killion said once inside, however, things turned violent. Christopher Shinn allegedly fired a .22 caliber piston inside the house. “Bear mace” was sprayed in the eyes of the occupants. In the melee Cahill seized a weapon and shot and killed Burger as the three young men attempted to flee.


Shinn’s attorney, Public Defender Linda Thompson, contended that homeowner Cahill triggered the violence by firing first. She also argued that the trio of intruders believed she was home alone and unarmed.


But Superior Court Judge David Nelson on Friday ruled that Noah Shinn will stand trial for murder, in addition to attempted first degree armed robbery and burglary. Shinn if convicted at trial faces life in prison.


Nelson noted that the senior Shinn planned the marijuana robbery, and that he “brought together the crew that was to perform the ripoff.”


Shinn, the judge found, also instructed his son and his two accomplices on how to subdue the home occupants. Nelson found that the senior Shinn handed out the firearm and mace used in the botched robbery.


As far as what happened, Nelson said it doesn’t really matter who fired the first shot. “It was reasonably foreseeable that rural marijuana growers would be armed and fire in self defense,” he said.


Nelson concluded Noah Shinn should be held responsible because he knew “there was a high probability that a gun battle would result from the acts of spraying bear mace and pointing and firing firearms at the occupants of a marijuana plantation during an early morning entry.”


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LAKEPORT, Calif. – Proactive enforcement efforts by the Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Detail have resulted in two arrests and the seizure of methamphetamine.


Arrested were Raymond Carl Mills, 49, of Nice, and Vince Edward Mussat, 31, who deputies had sought during a search warrant service earlier this week, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.


On Thursday, June 23, at approximately 7:30 p.m., a sheriff’s deputy assigned to the Special Enforcement Detail stopped a 1998 Ford van on S. Main Street near Armstrong Street in Lakeport for displaying false registration tabs, Bauman said.


The driver, later identified as Mills of Nice, was determined to be on searchable probation and his driver’s license was suspended. Bauman said one of the passengers was Mussat of Lakeport, was also on formal probation for a prior narcotics conviction.


He said both men are alleged to have displayed symptoms of being under the influence of a controlled substance and were detained.


The van was searched pursuant to both men’s probation terms. During that search, a baggie of methamphetamine was found tucked between two seat cushions in the back of the van where Mussat had been seated, Bauman said. After conducting tests on both men, they were arrested for being under the influence of a controlled ssubstance.


Mills and Mussat were both transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility for booking, Bauman reported.


He said Mills was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance, driving on a suspended license, and displaying false registration tabs on the van. Mussat was charged with possession of a controlled substance and being under the influence of a controlled substance.


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LAKEPORT, Calif. – A probation search conducted by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force in Lakeport Tuesday resulted in four arrests and the seizure of narcotic medications and narcotics paraphernalia.


On Tuesday, June 21, at approximately 6:30 p.m., narcotics detectives conducted a probation search at the Polk Street home of 31-year-old Vince Edward Mussat, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.


Bauman said Mussat was on formal probation for a prior narcotics conviction. Uniformed sheriff’s patrol deputies and officers with the Lakeport Police Department assisted with the probation search.


As deputies approached the home, a woman started to open the front door and then slammed it shut when she saw law enforcement approaching. Bauman said that woman was later identified as 30-year-old Tasha Lorraine Cattani of Lucerne.


The deputies immediately announced their presence and demanded entry to the home, Bauman said. After getting no response, deputies began attempting to force entry until Cattani eventually opened the door. Cattani was detained in the living room while the rest of the home was searched for additional occupants.


While checking one of the bedrooms, deputies located a concealed door leading to the sub-floor crawl space of the home. When deputies searched the crawl space, they located 31-year-old Richard Brendon Hinds and 27-year-old Michael Sean Shaffer, both of Lucerne, hiding beneath the house, Bauman said.


Both Hinds and Shaffer were on California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation parole and Shaffer was wanted for being a parolee at large. Bauman said both were placed under arrest.


A fourth subject, 29-year-old Michael Joseph Santos Lakeport was located near the back of the home. Santos was later determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance and arrested, Bauman said.


A search of the home revealed several glass “meth” pipes and hypodermic syringes located in one of the bedrooms. Bauman said more narcotics paraphernalia was located inside of a backpack in the living room.


Cattani admitted to slamming the door on deputies because she knew Shaffer was in the home and that he was a wanted parolee at large, Bauman said. After she was arrested for being an accessory to a crime, she divulged to detectives that she had Vicodin pills concealed in her bra. She was allowed to remove a small pouch which contained several of the narcotic medications.


All four subjects were transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility for booking, Bauman said.


Hinds and Shaffer were both booked for parole violations and resisting or obstructing a peace officer, according to Bauman. Cattani was booked for accessory to a crime, possession of a narcotic controlled substance, and resisting or obstructing a peace officer. Santos was booked for being under the influence of a controlled substance. Vince Mussat was not located at the home during the search.


The Lake County Sheriff's Narcotics Task Force encourages anyone with information on illegal drug activities to call its anonymous tip line at 707-263-3663.


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MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A Clearlake woman was the victim of a Thursday collision at an intersection near Middletown where Caltrans said safety improvements are planned.


Samira Sickels, 69, of Clearlake died at the scene of the crash, which occurred at Highway 29 and Hartmann Road, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Kory Reynolds.


Just after 3 p.m. Thursday Sickels, driving a 2000 Ford Mustang, was stopped at the intersection and attempting to make a left turn onto southbound Highway 29, Reynolds said.


According to Reynolds, for unknown reasons Sickels reportedly made her left turn directly in front of a 2008 Kenworth 3 axle truck and trailer, driven by Anthony Zalunardo, 50, of Sacramento.


Sickels' Mustang was struck by the big rig on the driver's side, Reynolds said.


Reynolds said Sickels was pronounced dead at the scene while her passenger, 75-year-old Emma Proctor of Clearlake, suffered major injuries and was transported by REACH to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. Zalunardo was not injured in the collision.


Traffic on Highway 29 had to be diverted for approximately one hour, said Reynolds, adding that alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the collision.


Officer Steve Patrick is investigating the crash, Reynolds said.


After a previous fatal crash at that intersection, Caltrans conducted an investigation, as it does after every fatal collision on a state highway, according to Caltrans spokesman Phil Frisbie.


Caltrans' investigation recommended installing flashing beacon lights on Highway 29 which will be activated by vehicles waiting on Hartmann Road, he said.


The contract was awarded to GBA Engineering of Fullerton, but the project had been waiting for materials which just arrived, said Frisbie.


The construction contract is for about $174,000; Frisbie said the actual construction cost is about $200,000, with Caltrans supplying all the electrical components.


The project, the total cost for which is about $290,000, includes project planning and design, the bidding process, construction and oversight during construction, according to Frisbie.


He said the project is scheduled to begin next week and will be completed by the end of July.


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CLEARLAKE OAKS, Calif. – A fire destroyed a Clearlake Oaks home on Thursday, but firefighters were able to keep the blaze from destroying nearby outbuildings and other homes.


The fire, reported late Thursday afternoon according to radio reports, initially involved both wildland and the structure.


Northshore Fire Battalion Chief Steve Hart said the incident occurred at a vineyard property at 500 Old Long Valley Road.


When firefighters arrived on scene they found a fully involved two-story stucco structure that was being whipped up by the wind, Hart said.


“We had a very tough time even keeping it to the structure of origin,” said Hart.


Hart said Cal Fire sent resources including air tankers and helicopters, Northshore Fire sent three engines and a water tender, and Lake County Fire Protection District sent a water tender.


Firefighters were able to prevent the fire from burning up the vineyard, and protected three large outbuildings within 150 feet of the home and two other residences 300 feet away, Hart said.


Altogether, Hart said it took firefighters an hour to contain the vegetation fire and two hours to contain the house fire, with personnel clearing the scene at 7 p.m.


He said the fire was attributed to a spontaneous ignition due to a chemical reaction of organic compounds. Specifically, he said laundry had been taken from the home's dryer, and some remaining moisture in the clothes is believed to have helped cause the chemical reaction that ignited the blaze.


Hart said the 2,500-square-foot home was a total loss, with damage estimated between $600,000 and $800,000.


The home was located on a 21.5-acre property that was listed for sale on local real estate Web sites for $990,000.


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This small shrine was set up at a candlelight vigil held in memory of 4-year-old Skyler Rapp of Clearlake, Calif., at Redbud Park in Clearlake on Wednesday, June 22, 2011. The child died as the result of gunshot wounds he sustained in a shooting incident on Saturday, June 18, 2011. That same incident left five other people injured, including the boy's mother, Desiree Kirby, 22. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.

CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Four days after a shooting devastated a family and left the community both shaken and enraged, hundreds of people gathered for a candlelight vigil in Clearlake.

People of all ages arrived at Redbud Park shortly before 9 p.m., gathering at the baseball field and forming a ring of flickering candles around the baseball diamond.

Behind home plate was a little shrine of candles, mementos, a teddy bear and pictures of a little read-headed boy, Skyler Rapp, whose portrait also adorned t-shirts worn by dozens of people at the park.

The 4-year-old was with his mother, her boyfriend and several friends at a gathering on Lakeshore Drive last Saturday night when armed assailants arrived and allegedly shot at the group.

In addition to Skyler, his mother, 22-year-old Desiree Kirby and her boyfriend, 25-year-old Ross Sparks, were wounded, as was Ross Sparks' 23-year-old brother, Andrew, 19-year-old Ian Griffith and 15-year-old Joey Armijo.

The little boy died a short time after the shooting. His parents and the rest of the shooting victims were flown to area hospitals. On Wednesday, Kirby remained in serious condition at UC Davis Medical Center, with Andrew Sparks and Ian Griffith reported by a hospital official to be in good condition.

Ross Sparks, released earlier in the week, was present at the event, as was Sunni Forney, Kirby's mother. Sparks was surrounded by friends and well-wishers, offering support and consolation.

Interim Clearlake Police Craig Clausen, several of his officers and a number of District Attorney's Office investigators were on hand to monitor the event, which was peaceful.

Clausen has confirmed that the June 18 incident claimed the most casualties of any shooting in the city's history.

The response from the community during the past several days community members has been one of outrage.

Some community members have gone so far as to post messages on their own Facebook pages, on the Lake County News Facebook page and in article comments sections calling, in some cases, for revenge.

But on Wednesday night, as darkness fell on the crowd and faces were framed in candlelight, those gathered heard a call for peace and healing.

Pastor Mitch Rodgers of Clearlake's Harvest Fellowship Church was asked to speak at the gathering. Like some others at the event, he hadn't known of the family before the tragedy, and the events of June 18 have filled his thoughts and prayers since then.

He thanked the community for its “overwhelming” support of the family, pointing out the size of the gathering said something about the heart of Clearlake's community, which was experiencing a ripple effect from the shooting.

“We can have a vengeful and retaliatory attitude,” said Rodgers, but that, in the end, only puts the person who takes that route in the same place as the men accused of shooting the family and their friends.

Rodgers suggested there was another option.

“We can change the atmosphere of this county,” he said, adding they had the ability to come together as a community.

“There are evil forces at work and we can put a stop to them,” Rodgers said.

He suggested community members could choose to be people of love, peace, harmony and joy, and could take back their city.

After Rodgers finished speaking, a rap song in Skyler's honor was performed and people began to gather in close to home plate, their candles held high.

People continued to stay and talk for more than an hour after the event ended.

Police still have not disclosed a possible motive in the case, but earlier this week they arrested 21-year-old Paul William Braden and 23-year-old Orlando Joseph Lopez, both of Clearlake Oaks, and are seeking 29-year-old Clearlake resident Kevin Ray Stone.

In a brief arraignment in Lake County Superior Court on Wednesday afternoon, both Braden and Stone were formally charged with murder, attempted murder, mayhem, assault with a deadly weapon and a number of special allegations, according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff.

Charges have not so far been filed on Lopez, Hinchcliff said.

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KE COUNTY, Calif. – A little girl who was taken by her noncustodial father from her San Bernardino County home early in May has been found in Idaho.


Ava Rian Riggle, 3, was taken by her father Nicholas Riggle, 22, from her home in Phelan on May 6, as Lake County News has reported.


Early Saturday morning, Lakeport Police Chief Brad Rasmussen reported that he had received word that the little girl had been located in Idaho and was set to be brought back to California.


During the week of May 23 Ava had reportedly been spotted in and around Lakeport with Marcy Gearhart, who was Nicholas Riggle's companion.


At that point, the Lakeport Police Department became involved in the effort to find her, investigating the sightings and offering updates on the situation.


In the past several weeks the investigative trail has appeared to go cold.


On Friday, a reader posted a question on Lake County News' Facebook about the case's status.


In response, Lake County News followed up with Rasmussen, who on Friday afternoon said his officers had continued to work the case since May.


Rasmussen said officers had made numerous contacts and checked locations in an attempt to find the girl and her father, but without success.


He said San Bernardino County authorities had issued a protective custody warrant for the little girl, and Lakeport Police alerted other area law enforcement agencies and continued to assist San Bernardino County District Attorney investigators.


Then early Saturday Rasmussen contacted Lake County News to report that San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office Investigator Karen Cragg was on a flight to Idaho to pick up the little girl, where she had been found.


Rasmussen said he had no other details on the case at that point, but he said San Bernardino County officials said they were very grateful for Lakeport Police's help in the case.


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MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A woman died Thursday afternoon as the result of a crash near Middletown.


The California Highway Patrol reported that the collision occurred just after 3 p.m. on Highway 29 near Hartmann Road.


A witness said the woman, driving a newer model Ford Mustang, collided with a semi truck delivering groceries to local businesses.


The woman was pronounced dead at the scene, while the semi truck driver was flown out of county via REACH air ambulance, according to reports from the scene.


The CHP did not issue additional details on Thursday as to the cause.


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Winemaker Scott Simkover, owner of Smiling Dog Ranch, took home gold/first place for his Backyard Zin and dry-farmed Merlot, as well as Best in Show for best red wine of the day at the 2010 Winefest. Photo by Terre Logsdon.




LAKEPORT, Calif. – Scratch one of Lake County's professional winemakers and you're likely to find an amateur lurking inside.

That's because many of the men and women who craft the county's premium vintages started out as home winemakers.

On Saturday, June 25, many of them will have the chance to impart much of the knowledge they've gained to the many amateurs who gather for the Lake County Home Wine Makers Festival, taking place from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Lakeport's Library Park.

Since its inception nearly a decade ago the Winefest – an abbreviated version of the name – has always had most of the area's leading wineries rubbing shoulders with their less-skilled contemporaries, and it's been a happy mixture for all involved.

Although the pros are not eligible for awards they do provide attendees the opportunity to taste the best that the county has to offer, all in one place at one time.

They also provide judges to reward the winners – and sometimes advise the losers – among the dozens of wines submitted for judging by the home wine makers.

The same applies to home brewers, who profit from the know-how of the commercial brewers attending the show.

Amateur wine makers submitting samples for judging should deliver them to 125 Park St. next to Bigg's Cafe, across the street from the Library Park Festival venue, no later than 9 a.m. on the day of the event. It is the future site of Bell Hill Vineyard 's downtown wine tasting room.

Home brewers should deliver their entries no later than 6 p.m. on Friday, June 24, to Guidos Pizza, 5440 Live Oak Drive, Kelseyville.

Commercial wineries providing tastes at this year's Winefest include Rosa D'Oro, Tulip Hill, Vigilance, Bell Hill, Cougar's Leap, Moore Family Winery, Lavender Blue Wines, Steele Wines, Laujor Estate Winery and High Valley Vineyard.




Award-winner Jean Ownbey of Wild Diamond Vineyards took home gold for Mourvedre, silver for Sangiovese and bronze for Barbera at the 2010 Winefest. Photo by Terre Logsdon.



Wine Judges are Pietro Buttita of Rosa D'Oro, Stephen Dilley of Lavender Blue, Valerie Ramirez of Wildhurst, Charlie Hossom of Snows Lake, Pamela Shine-Duncan of Steele Wines, Stephanie Green of Focused on Wine and Restauranteur Jack Vos.

Home brews and ales will be judged by Jerry Worswick, a Beer Judge Certification Program-certified judge; Weston Siefert of the Saw Shop restaurant in Kelseyville; and Paul Lew, local president of the Home Brewing Club.

The annual Home Wine Makers Festival is sponsored by nonprofit Clear Lake Performing Arts, and all proceeds go to support its music activities including the Lake County Symphony, the CLPA Youth and Junior Youth Orchestras and scholarships.

The event is open to the public and families are welcome. However those wishing to taste samples of either the commercial wines, or the amateur efforts, need to purchase a commemorative wine glass. This also makes them eligible to vote in the Peoples Choice competitions for the homemade wines.

The tickets for the glasses are $20 at the gate or $15 when purchased in advance at Kitchen Gallery, Watershed Books, Shari's Secret Garden, Catfish Books or the Lake County Chamber of Commerce, all in Lakeport; Rosa D'Oro or Wildhurst in Kelseyville; Steele Wines in Finley; Tulip Hill in Nice; and High Valley Winery in Clearlake Oaks.

Additional information may be obtained at or by calling 707-277-7812 or 707-277-7076.

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