Saturday, 21 September 2024


TV Corner: “APB” on FOX Network

The premise of the FOX network new drama “APB” is that a hard-charging tech billionaire turns a high-crime urban police precinct into a revamped, privately-financed police force armed with the best technology money can buy.

Of course, this being television, you would expect this new police procedural to be a product of wildly speculative fiction.  Surprisingly, it is inspired by events that occurred in New Orleans.

Producer Matt Nix (“Burn Notice”) told the winter gathering of the nation’s TV critics that “APB” was fact-based by what happened when “a wealthy individual paid for a small police force to help patrol the streets of New Orleans and actually did end up solving a problem there.”

Even more interesting than the TV show is the New York Times Magazine article “Who Runs the Streets of New Orleans?” authored by David Amsden, which recounts how rich entrepreneur Sidney Torres persuaded the city to let him create his own high-tech police force.

The article hones in on the New Orleans police department’s inability to protect an upscale neighborhood less than a square mile in size. As a result, the entrepreneur’s private patrol of the French Quarter Task Force came into existence.

“APB” is set in the fictional 13th District of Chicago. The parallels between the authentic New Orleans and the fictional Chicago are stark and foreboding. Today’s Chicago is reeling under a homicide rate that is wildly out of control.

It’s no longer a stretch of fiction to suggest that sky-high crime, officer-involved shootings, cover-ups and corruption have rendered the over-extended and under-funded Chicago Police Department into an institution under siege.

Enter the brash, confident billionaire engineer Gideon Reeves (Justin Kirk) to confront intransigent Mayor Michael Salgado (Nestor Serrano) and clueless aldermen about the sad state of policing affairs after witnessing his best friend being gunned down in a drugstore.

Reeves makes an offer to the city that only deep pockets can buy and that a police union may be too impotent to stop.

He takes charge of the troubled 13th District and reboots it as a technically innovative police force, with everything from drones and fancy tasers to supercharged police cruisers and crime apps. 

Naturally, it’s not all smooth sailing for this super-rich interloper who meets resistance from beat cops and old timers.

But he does find his match in street-smart cop Theresa Murphy (Natalie Martinez) who’s willing to give him a chance, even as she educates him on real police work.

“APB” seems to lack the gritty toughness of NBC’S “Chicago P.D.” and the more brutal aspects of a few police shows on CBS, but the FOX concept is at least worthy of giving a chance if for no other reason than Justin Kirk’s Gideon Reeves is fascinating to watch in action.

TV Corner: ‘24: Legacy’ on FOX Network

Kiefer Sutherland’s Jack Bauer is no longer around to step into a new “24” franchise, but that’s not stopping FOX from returning to familiar ground in the new drama series “24: Legacy,” with the clock once again ticking in real time hourly increments.

The Jack Bauer role of a terrorist fighter now falls to Eric Carter (Corey Hawkins), a former member of an elite squad of Army Rangers first seen as living in federal witness protection with his wife Nicole (Anna Diop).

Having been the leader of the team that killed terrorist mastermind Sheik Ibrahim Bin-Khalid in Yemen, Carter and his squad are targeted for assassination. An attempt on his life suggests that there is a mole within the Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) once in the capable hands of Rebecca Ingram (Miranda Otto).

Former CTU director Ingram has been sidelined because she’s helping her husband, Sen. John Donovan (Jimmy Smits) in his presidential campaign. But now, Carter needs her help to thwart further attacks that seem so likely from the Sheik’s radical Middle Eastern cohorts.

Carter discovers that he and Ben Grimes (Charlie Hofheimer), an unstable drifter coping with addictions, are the only members of the elite squad still alive and being pursued by attackers apparently more interested in retrieving a stolen strong box.

Much like its predecessor “24,” which had a long run, “24: Legacy” thrives on running several story threads, often overlapping or seeping into auxiliary plot lines, to the point that the show commands your attention to details.

Former CTU director Ingraham, who had guided Carter and his fellow Rangers on the Yemen mission, is now juggling politics while trying to keep Carter out of harm’s way and at the same time to keep her successor (Teddy Sears), an officious bureaucrat, from mucking up covert actions.

Another story touches upon a high school girl from Chechnya who just might be the link to a sleeper cell. The least compelling storyline might be how Carter had to leave his wife in the temporary care of his drug lord older brother (Ashley Thomas).

What matters most to fans of the “24” franchise, if indeed “Legacy” is a continuation of it, is that Corey Hawkins’ soldier has the smarts and tenacity to carry on the Bauer tradition of hunting down bad guys. You may have to tune in for a few episodes to see for sure.

Tim Riley writes film and television reviews for Lake County News.

SACRAMENTO – Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who has become a legislative leader when it comes to the unique hurdles that occur with legalization of recreational marijuana, will kick off Tuesday’s State Senate Oversight Hearing on cannabis taxes and regulatory timelines.

The Senate Oversight Hearing, “California Cannabis in a Turbulent Time,” will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 2040 of the State Capitol.

The hearing will be livestreamed at .

Sen. Mike McGuire, who has been voicing concern over the last several months about the tight timelines associated with Proposition 64, will chair the Senate Governance and Finance Committee hearing next week focused on cannabis business taxes, implementing California’s Cannabis tax collection system and the “track and trace” system which verifies cannabis taxes and product safety – all critical elements of the structure for cannabis that is being developed, and that is slated to go live on Jan. 1, 2018. 

Gov. Hickenlooper will discuss his experiences, the challenges and lessons learned when his state faced implementing recreational cannabis with Colorado’s original taxing system.

“We’re grateful that Gov. Hickenlooper will be sharing the unique experiences Colorado has witnessed since passing recreational cannabis. We look forward to hearing his perspective and we hope to learn from the governor about what works and what California can improve upon in the months to come,” McGuire said.

Leaders from the Board of Equalization, California Department of Food and Agriculture, local elected leaders, industry professionals and public safety officials will talk about some of the difficulties in regulating an industry that has been operating essentially unregulated for 20 years.

“The California Cannabis industry is worth an estimated $7 billion, and we’re only bringing in a small fraction of taxes the state is due, about 20 to 30 percent. The state’s tax collection system is not in place and it will be near impossible to get it up and running by the new year,” McGuire said. “We are building the plane while it’s being flown and we need to start developing a backup plan sooner rather than later.”

There are significant unanswered questions as the state moves into a new era of cannabis under Proposition 64 and those questions will be asked and answered at the hearing.

Topics include current and future tax compliance rates; obstacles and hurdles retailers will face as they come into the system; how the Board of Equalization will handle the influx of hundreds of millions of dollars in cash; how long it will take the state to get the tax collection and track and trace systems up and running; how the state intends to sign up the hundreds of thousands of growers and cannabis related businesses to start paying their mandated tax and setting some realistic timelines for the track and trace system to be up and running.

“Proposition 64 put a massive requirement on state marijuana regulators and very little time to accomplish the landslide of rules and regulations mandated by the initiative. Some departments who have been working on the licensure issue for the last year may well be ready by Jan. 1, 2018. But we have to face the facts – it’s not realistic that all of the Prop 64 rules and regulations will be in place by the New Year,” McGuire said. “The all-important Track and Trace program, which verifies taxes and ensures product safety, will not be in place by January 1 and we have to resolve the massive and uneven tax collection process that currently exists throughout the state. I think it’s important that we are transparent and realistic, and that is why we are holding this hearing to ensure an implementation timeline is put into place over the next several months.”

McGuire, who represents California’s North Coast, is chair of the Senate Governance and Finance Committee.

SACRAMENTO – Caltrans has released for public review the draft State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, which lays out the policies and actions Caltrans and its partner agencies should take to achieve the department’s ambitious statewide goals to double walking and triple bicycling trips by 2020.

“Active transportation is at the nexus of many of our state’s goals, from public health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to fostering economic development and a sustainable multimodal transportation system,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “In this plan we are identifying the strategies and actions we can take to create better opportunities for bicycling and walking to thrive across California.”  

The draft plan, entitled “Toward an Active California, State Bicycle + Pedestrian Plan,” describes four objectives – safety, mobility, preservation and social equity – with corresponding strategies to bring the plan to reality.

The plan’s intent is to complement local and regional efforts already under way to create and implement their own active transportation networks.

The plan also highlights best practices from places around the world where active networks are increasingly popular.

Caltrans encourages stakeholders and the general public to review the plan and provide feedback on the document. Stakeholder feedback is critical to ensure that the policies developed through this plan reflect the diverse needs of all communities throughout the state.

Feedback can be provided during February meetings and webinars that will be held online and around the state. In addition, the public may review the plan and submit feedback electronically via a simple online comment tool. The comment period will close on March 10.

The final plan is anticipated to be completed in April of 2017.

For more details about the meetings, webinars and comment tool please visit .


LOWER LAKE, Calif. – Redbud Audubon’s February meeting will host a talk by guest speaker Gordon Beebe.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Lower Lake United Methodist Church Social Hall, 16255 Second St.

Refreshments will be available at 7 p.m., with the program starting at 7:15 p.m.

All are welcome to attend this free program.

Beebe’s presentation is titled “Three Short Weeks in the Ecuadorian Andes, from East to West."

Experience the visual beauty and unique songs and calls of the birds of the varied mountain habitats of Ecuador, from Wildsumaco Wildlife Sanctuary on the eastern slopes, to the páramo of Las Cajas National Park high in the Andes, and then over to the western slopes to Maquipucuna Reserve, in the famous Mindo birding area.

Along the way, learn the meaning of derrumbe, a word Beebe and his group encountered frequently on the first days of his exploration.

Ecuador is said to have the highest biodiversity per acre of any country in the world. More than 1,660 species of birds have been recorded in the country; however, many have a very limited range.


Rather than attempting to collect a huge species list in a short period of time, Beebe focused instead on two ecolodges, plus a visit to Cuenca, a World Heritage site, third largest city in Ecuador, and gateway to Las Cajas National Park.

With the help of knowledgeable local guides from Beebe’s travels, revel in the sight and sound of the Toucan Barbets’ nasal honking duet.

Meet more than 80 other species of birds, including hook-billed kite, hummingbirds of every shape and color, singing antpittas, tanagers and more in photos and video.

Several more reclusive species that declined the offer to appear, such as the musician wren and the spotted nightingale-thrush, provide the audio background for the presentation. Not to be outdone, the variety of caterpillars and butterflies encountered rival any bird species seen.

At Maquipucuna, a locally-owned and run ecological preserve, see some of the myriad uses for bamboo, learn how to open a cacao pod, and see coffee production, from flower to bean to drying. A note for prospective travelers: Beebe tells us that by visiting in June, he was able to catch the end of the (very) rainy season on the Amazonian side, then experienced drier, though still showery, weather to the west.

Gordon Beebe is a project coordinator for the Sonoma County Breeding Bird Atlas, the Saturday bird walk leader and Web site editor for Madrone Audubon. He lives with his wife Judy in Santa Rosa.



Tax season has officially begun.

Although Tax Day isn’t until Tuesday, April 18 this year, W-2 statements must be received by employees no later than Jan. 31, which means you already have yours.

The earlier you prepare to file your taxes, the better. You’ll avoid the stress of a last-minute rush and have time to deal with any issues that may arise. Plus, the sooner you file, the sooner you’ll potentially get a refund.

BBB offers the following early tax preparation tips to make filing your taxes as smooth as possible.

Decide how you’ll file

When it comes to filing your taxes, you have a few options.

Your first option is to file your taxes manually (by hand).

There are also a plethora of online programs you can use. Using tax preparation software or electronic filing cuts down on errors in your application compared to manual filing.

Your third option is to hire a tax professional. If you haven’t worked with a professional before, you may want start meeting with multiple preparers to choose the right one for you.

Schedule your appointment early, as calendars fill up quickly during tax season. You can find a trustworthy professional or software service through BBB’s Accredited Business Directory at .

Organize your paperwork

Organize your receipts, necessary forms (including W-2s and 1099s) and proof of charitable contributions, and keep everything in one place.

Determine whether you’re missing any necessary forms, and take the time now to reach out to the appropriate organizations and ensure that you receive them.

Figure out if you’ll take the standard deduction or if you’ll exceed it. If you plan on itemizing your deductions, now is a good time to start. You can find all necessary forms on the IRS’ Web site, , under “Forms and Publications.”

Watch out for scammers

Scammers love tax season. Tax scams were BBB’s No. 1 scam for both 2015 and 2016. In 2016, consumers nationwide reported more than 7,500 of them to BBB Scam Tracker.

Watch out for any phone calls, emails or other contact from the “IRS.” These scams are designed to convince consumers of their legitimacy, but don’t be fooled. The IRS will never initiate contact with you over phone, social media or email.

It’s also important to watch out for tax-related identity theft, which occurs when someone fraudulently uses your Social Security Number to file a return and claim a refund.

If you’ve encountered any type of scam, make sure to report it to BBB Scam Tracker at to help warn others.

Think about milestones

Start by looking over your tax filings from previous years and take note of what’s changed in your life.

Old filings can remind you of forms and income/expenses that are easy to forget about.

Milestones like buying or selling a house, starting or graduating from college, having a child or getting married can have big effects on your taxes.

Do your research

Look in to new tax laws and interpretations, both federally and in California. This may alter your filing.

If you are a foreign national that uses an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), you may need to renew your number.

This process can take up to 11 weeks, so start now if necessary.

A note about refund advances

According to the IRS, beginning in 2017, if you claim the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit on your return, the IRS must hold your refund until February 15.

This measure is intended to combat tax fraud, but may cause financial problems for struggling families.

Perhaps in response to this, big tax preparers are offering refund advances that have no fees and charge no interest.

The main requirement, according to BBB Accredited Charity Consumer Reports, is that you must file your taxes with the company offering the advance.

Be very careful before applying for an advance. Look out for hidden costs and read the fine print and contract very carefully.

Rebecca Harpster works for the Better Business Bureau serving the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern Coastal California.

Upcoming Calendar

09.21.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
09.21.2024 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Passion Play fundraiser
09.21.2024 4:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Lake County Wine Auction
09.23.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Lakeport City Council candidates' forum
09.24.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at Library Park
09.28.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
10.05.2024 7:00 am - 11:00 am
Sponsoring Survivorship
10.05.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
10.12.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
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