Friday, 20 September 2024


CLEARLAKE OAKS, Calif. – Local and state fire officials responded on Sunday afternoon to a fire in the High Valley area that turned out to be a controlled burn.

The fire was reported just before 2:30 p.m. along an area of High Valley Road, according to a California Highway Patrol incident log entry.

Radio reports indicated firefighters from Northshore Fire and Cal Fire were responding, with dozers coming from the other side of the county.

By about 4 p.m. Northshore firefighters were leaving the scene and heading back to their stations.

Northshore Fire Deputy Chief Pat Brown said the fire turned out to be a controlled burn.

However, Brown said he intended to follow up on the permit, which wasn't issued through his agency, nor did it appear that Cal Fire had issued it.

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In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lake County this year, Lake County News is publishing a series of historical stories about the county, its people and places. This week's story looks at the history of one of the county's most famous attractions – Bartlett Springs.

Lake County was reputed to have more mineral springs and of a greater variety than the whole of Europe, where “taking the waters” and sojourning at these famed spas was practiced faithfully by the very wealthy for generations.

They visited the spas not only for the supposedly therapeutic values of the waters, but the spas also were a gathering place for the socially prominent and elite, who spend several weeks or more vacationing at the elaborate, luxurious hotels and resorts that built up around these springs.

This mineral health complex spanned about half a century, with the peak years of popularity running from the 1870s up through World War I.

Bartlett Springs was doubtless one of the most favorite of all the health and pleasure resorts in Lake County.

These springs are located on what is known as the middle fork of Cache Creek, in the northeastern portion of the county.

In 1870 Mr. Greene Bartlett, an old hunter, in passing up this fork of Cache Creek, came upon the spring and was attracted to it by its volume and some characteristics of the taste of the water.

He was suffering from a severe and prolonged attack of rheumatism, and he decided to stop awhile and see if there were any virtues in the water. At the end of a couple of weeks, he found that he had made rapid improvement.

He then went out to the settlements and gathered a party of 14, all afflicted one way or another, but mostly with rheumatism, and piloted them to his newly found Bethesda. To their surprise they found the waters did all and even more than Mr. Bartlett in his enthusiasm had claimed for them.

Bartlett had now found out, to a certainty, that there were real virtues in the water, and he proceeded at once to locate upon the property.




The famed Bartlett Springs resort at the height of its popularity. Photo courtesy of the Lake County Historic Courthouse Museum.



On Oct. 12, 1870, Bartlett and L. Tharp filed a claim for certain mineral springs known and designated as Bartlett Springs.

Almost immediately Bartlett and Tharp started construction of a few very crude cabins, and early visitors had difficulty reaching the springs, as they had to travel 15 miles over a very rough, and in some areas almost impenetrable, thicket to arrive at their destinations.

The original investment of the two men was $10,000, and a two-story hotel and about 40 cabins were constructed by 1873.

By 1874, there were 75 cabins and tent units, and the Bartlett water was for sale throughout the state, apparently being transported in barrels, and later in glass bottles that were covered with woven tules for protection against breakage.

In 1877 the history of this resort changed radically, when Samuel G. McMahan became interested in it, and he and his brother-in-law Calvin R. Clarke bought a one-half interest from Bartlett for $2,500.

McMahan died in 1884 and his survivors, who differed with Bartlett on the running of the resort, paid Bartlett $1,250 for his personal property and had Sheriff L. H. Boggs offer the springs for sale.

The land and improvements were purchased by Mrs. McMahan and her two sons, J.E. and Cal, for $60,100 on June 2, 1887. Bartlett received one-half of this amount for his interest in Bartlett Springs.

Following the disposal of his interest, he remained in Lake County, living in Upper Lake where he died in 1908.

The new owners immediately started improving the facilities, first by employing Chinese laborers to build a toll road from the Nice-Lucerne area to the springs, and a steamer service across Clear Lake to Bartlett Landing from Lakeport.

In all, there were five hotels, 350 cabins and other buildings on the premises.

By 1894 the resort was described as “one of the greatest natural sanitariums in the world,” listing first-class hotels, supplied with every convenience; the cuisine prepared by chefs of continental reputation cannot be excelled.

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LAKEPORT, Calif. – Two separate court trials that wrapped up this week resulted in two Clearlake men being determined to be sexually violent predators.

The rulings were made on Thursday, April 7, in the cases of Timothy John Shaw, 46, and Paul Alva, 47, according to a report from Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff.

The men were tried separately in trials presided over by Judge Richard Martin in Lake County Superior Court's Department 2. Hinchcliff said the cases were prosecuted by Deputy District Attorney Ed Borg, with defense attorney Doug Rhoades representing each of the men.

Hinchcliff said sexually violent predator proceedings are a form of civil commitment codified at Welfare and Institutions Code section 6600 et seq. All persons convicted of felony crimes of sexual violence are evaluated by the California Department of Mental Health prior to their release on parole to determine if the inmate meets the criteria to be deemed a sexually violent predator.

At trial, to establish that a person is a sexually violent predator, the prosecutor must show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the inmate has been convicted of committing sexually violent offenses against one or more victims; the inmate has a diagnosed mental disorder; as a result of that diagnosed mental disorder, the inmate is a danger to the health and safety of others because it is likely that he will engage in sexually violent predatory criminal behavior; and that is necessary to keep him in custody in a secure facility to ensure the health and safety of others, Hinchcliff said.

Alva was convicted of two counts of committing a lewd and lascivious act with a child under the age of 14 on Sept. 9, 1993, in Santa Clara County, according to Hinchcliff.

Hinchcliff said that on June 19, 2000, Alva was convicted in Lake County of annoying or molesting a child – Penal Code section 647.6 – and sentenced to 12 years in state prison. Hinchcliff said Penal Code section 647.6 is typically a misdemeanor; however, because of Alva's prior convictions, the case was charged as a felony.

Prior to his parole eligibility date of Aug. 3, 2009, Alva was evaluated by two California Department of Mental Health physicians. Hinchcliff said each evaluator concluded that Alva suffered from a mental disorder – pedophilia – and that if released he was likely to engage in sexually violent predatory behavior.

The Lake County District Attorney’s office filed a petition alleging that Alva was a sexually violent predator on Aug. 13, 2009, Hinchcliff said. Based on the evidence presented at the court trial, Judge Martin found that Borg had proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Alva was a sexually violent predator.

On Dec. 10, 1992, Shaw was convicted of four counts of committing a lewd and lascivious act with a child under the age of 14 by force against three separate victims. Hinchcliff said Shaw was sentenced to four consecutive prison terms of eight years each for an aggregate term of 32 years. He became eligible for parole on May 17, 2010.

Due to the nature of his underlying convictions, prior to his release Shaw also was evaluated by two California Department of Mental Health physicians to determine whether he met the criteria to be deemed a sexually violent predator, Hinchcliff said.

Like in Alva's case, Hinchcliff said the evaluators concluded that Shaw suffered from pedophilia and was likely to engage in sexually violent predatory behavior if released, which led the Lake County District Attorney’s office to file a petition on June 2, 2010, alleging that Shaw was a sexually violent predator.

As with Alva, Judge Martin concluded that Shaw was a sexually violent predator, Hinchcliff said.

Judge Martin ordered both Alva and Shaw committed to the State Hospital at Coalinga for an indeterminate term, according to Hinchcliff.

He said both Shaw and Alva will receive further treatment while incarcerated and will continue to be evaluated by medical and psychiatric staff at the California Department of Corrections.

Hinchcliff said both of the men will continue to be incarcerated indefinitely unless they are determined in the future by the Department of Mental Health to be safe to release into society.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – A young Clearlake man died early Saturday after he was hit by a vehicle while riding his bicycle.

Gustavo Lopez, 22, died as a result of the incident, according to Sgt. Tim Hobbs of the Clearlake Police Department.

Several hours later, police arrested 34-year-old Angelo Ray Short of Clearlake, who is alleged to have hit Lopez with his car before fleeing the scene, according to Hobbs.

He said that at approximately 2:40 a.m. Clearlake Police officers were dispatched to the area of Old Highway 53 and Park Street for a reported traffic collision.

Within minutes of being dispatched, three Clearlake Police officers arrived on scene and located Lopez lying on the lawn at the entrance to the Clearlake Resort, Hobbs said.

Hobbs said Lopez had sustained life threatening injuries as a result of a vehicle striking him as he was riding his bicycle on the shoulder of Old Highway 53. The vehicle that struck Lopez fled the scene and did not make any attempt to check on Lopez’s condition.

Officers requested that medical personnel from the Lake County Fire Department respond to the scene. A short time later medical personnel arrived, and began performing life saving measures on Lopez, who Hobbs said was transported to St. Helena Hospital Clearlake, where he was pronounced dead.

Clearlake Police Department detectives and fatal traffic collision investigators responded to the scene and relieved the patrol officers so they would be able to resume their patrol duties, Hobbs said.

Through interviews with witnesses and evidence at the scene, Hobbs said it is believed Lopez and Charles Farlow, 21, of Clearlake were riding their bicycles south on the paved shoulder of Old Highway 53.

As Lopez and Farlow were approaching the entrance to the Clearlake Resort, Lopez was struck by a car that was also traveling south on Old Highway 53. Hobbs said the driver of the vehicle did not stop and fled the scene.

He said the vehicle was determined to be a 1993 to 1997 red-colored Geo Prism, which had sustained damage to the front end.

Around 7:45 a.m. Saturday, Clearlake Police detectives located the involved vehicle, a red 1994 Geo Prism, parked at a residence at the B&B Lighthouse Resort. Hobbs said the vehicle was towed as evidence and stored at the Clearlake Police Department pending the issuance of a search warrant on the vehicle.

Hobbs said Short was contacted at the residence and interviewed by detectives regarding his involvement in the collision. While being interviewed, Short allegedly admitted to being the driver of the vehicle and fleeing the scene after the collision.

Short was arrested for felony hit and run with death and vehicular manslaughter and later booked into the Lake County Jail. His booking sheet indicated that his bail was set at $25,000, and he remained in custody early Sunday morning.

The news of Lopez's death, announced on Lake County News' Facebook page Saturday afternoon, resulted in numerous expressions of sadness, disbelief and condolences to the young man's family.

Readers who contacted Lake County News about Lopez, whose family owns Havy's restaurant, recalled him as a warm, funloving young man who cared about others.

“He was a great young man with a lot of ambition,” said Amanda Conley. “He worked hard for what he wanted and took great pride in himself and his family. From what I have seen, Gustavo never turned a blind eye to anyone that needed help. This accident provides a great loss for everyone who knows him, and my heart goes out to the family.”

Hidden Valley Lake resident Taqua Ammar recalled seeing Lopez for the last time at a local gas station after he had gotten off work for the day. They chatted, and Ammar noted that Lopez seemed happy.

“The magical thing about Gustavo though was how charismatic he was,” Ammar said. “He was the life of the whole gas station that night. After we said our goodbyes I saw him talking to the owners and random people in the store. That's how he was even when he was tired, and even if it was 10 o' clock at night.”

Ammar added, “He cared about people and he had a natural gift of making people laugh. As I walked out of the gas station I heard someone crackle over another one of Gustavo's hilarious jokes. I miss him. I will never forget the memories we had! He was a good guy with a good heart. May he rest in peace.”

The Clearlake Police Department asked that anyone with information regarding this case contact Detective Alvarado at 707-994-8251, Extension 329.

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After three and a half years of thrusting silently through the void, NASA's Dawn spacecraft is on the threshold of a new world. It's deep in the asteroid belt, less than 4 months from giant asteroid Vesta.

“We're closing in,” said says Marc Rayman, Dawn's chief engineer and mission manager. “And I'm getting more excited every day!”

Dawn will enter orbit around Vesta in July 2011, becoming the first spacecraft ever to orbit a body in the asteroid belt. After conducting a detailed study of the uncharted alien world for a year, the spacecraft will pull off an even more impressive first. It will leave Vesta, fly to dwarf planet Ceres, and enter orbit there.

“This is unprecedented,” said Rayman. “No spacecraft has ever orbited two target bodies, much less worlds in the asteroid belt. A few probes have passed through this vast region of space, but not one could stop and develop an intimate portrait of its residents.”

A conventional spacecraft gets a boost from a big rocket, then coasts to its target. Carrying enough fuel for making significant changes in speed or direction along the way would make it too heavy to launch.

Dawn is far more fuel efficient. Spanning 65 feet, its solar arrays collect power from the sun to ionize atoms of xenon gas. These ions are expelled silently out the back of the spacecraft by a strong electric field, producing a gentle thrust. The weightless, frictionless conditions of space flight allow this gossamer force effect to build up, so the spacecraft continuously gains speed.

“This spacecraft ultimately achieves fantastically high velocity while consuming very little propellant – using only a kilogram of xenon every 4 days, though its engines are almost constantly active,” said Rayman.

With this system Dawn has been quietly, gradually reshaping its orbit around the sun, slowly spiraling out to its target, getting closer and closer as it loops around.

“By the time the spacecraft is in the vicinity of Vesta, its orbit will be very much like the asteroid's,” explained Rayman. “So upon arrival, Dawn can slip into orbit as gently as it's been moving for three and a half years.”

A conventional spacecraft screeches into orbit in a single dramatic, nail biting instant. The mission team is usually gathered in the mission control room with their eyes riveted on the telemetry to see that the final critical maneuver goes smoothly.

“With Dawn, there is no one big maneuver, no fiery burn, no single critical moment,” Rayman said. “Dawn's entry into orbit will be no different from what the spacecraft does almost all the time, what it's doing as you read this article. In fact, when Dawn sidles into orbit, I might be asleep. Or if it's Friday night I'll be dancing, or if it's Saturday I might be out taking pictures of dragonflies.”

But you can bet he'll be in mission control when the pictures start coming in.

“It will be incredibly exciting to watch Dawn close in on Vesta,” Rayman said. “We'll witness the uninteresting smudge in the first distant images grow into a full-sized world as we loop closer and closer, ending up just 110 miles above the surface. That's closer than the ISS is to Earth! We'll be right there, and if there are no tall trees we'll be safe.”

After exploring Vesta for a year, Dawn will take leave of the rocky world as softly as it arrived there, climbing out along a spiral, gradually getting farther and farther away, the loops getting longer and longer, until the asteroid's gravity gently releases the spacecraft. Dawn will again be orbiting the sun on its own, just as it is now. It will complete about two thirds of a lap before arriving at Ceres.

There it will once again slide gently into orbit around a new world, guided by ion thrusters as silent as space itself.

“Even if we imagined a sound, it would be the faintest of whispers, the softest of sighs,” said Rayman. “Yet it tells us the secret of making an interplanetary spaceship that can travel to and explore distant, alien worlds, carrying with it the dreams of those on Earth who long to know the cosmos.”

Dauna Coulter works for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – After a week of sunny spring weather, it was easy to forget about winter, until a blast of unseasonably cold weather rolled across the county on Thursday.

The National Weather Service in Sacramento had issued a hazardous weather outlook warning of the possibility of snow on Thursday thanks to a cold front moving down from the north.

The weather was definitely cooler and windier on Thursday, until the afternoon, when cloud cover blew in.

At around 3 p.m. the National Weather Service's Doppler radar picked up thunderstorms developing along an area from far southeast Lake County through Solano and Colusa counties, and moving toward Sacramento.

Reports from readers came in reporting a serious hail storm in the area of Highway 20 and Highway 16 in the county's southeast area.

After 4 p.m. pea-sized hail swept over areas of the county including Nice, Lucerne and Upper Lake, and hailstorms were later reported in Kelseyville, Clearlake, Hidden Valley Lake, Loch Lomond and Cobb.

Snow also was reported in Clearlake and Cobb late Thursday afternoon, although area residents reported that the snow didn't last for long.

The National Weather Service is predicting more sun and some wind over the weekend, with warmer temperatures at the start of next week and chances of showers in the middle of the week.

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SACRAMENTO – Lake County is among a handful of small rural counties that has been spared from cuts to their local First 5 early childhood development programs, state officials said Friday.

School districts in the county may also qualify for an exemption from having certain state payments deferred, according to a report from North Coast Assemblyman Wes Chesbro.

“The Legislature felt cuts to the First 5 program would hurt small counties disproportionately and the budget package we approved states that counties falling under a certain funding threshold are exempt from spending cuts to their local programs,” said Chesbro (D-Arcata). “First Five Lake County is one of the programs that qualifies for this exemption.”

When the Legislature cut $11 billion in state spending last month, included was a $1 billion funding shift away from First 5 California, which is funded by Proposition 10 tobacco tax money, to health care programs for children age 5 and under, Chesbro reported.

Assembly Bill 99, the budget trailer bill passed last month that contains the funding shift, includes language exempting local First Five programs that received $600,000 or less from Proposition 10 money. Chesbro said First 5 Lake County qualifies because it received $500,567 in Proposition 10 funds in fiscal year 2009-10.

Lake County’s small school districts may also be eligible for some relief in the form of exemptions from deferred payments the state authorized in the budget package passed last month, he said.

“School districts in rural counties that are at risk of not being able to meet their financial obligations if payments are deferred can apply for a hardship waiver to be exempt from the deferrals,” Chesbro said.

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Thanks to a local resident, a family of squirrels has found a unique home.

Bob Reynolds, the county's retired air pollution control officer, captured these pictures of a squirrel family at home in a custom-made “Mac House.”

Reynolds, who lives in Kelseyville, said the Mac House has been up for 14 years.

This year, for the first time, a mom squirrel has moved in and has three babies with her, Reynolds said.

He said he's looking forward to the adolescent play phase as the three young squirrels “should really add a dynamic in racing around the trees.”

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NICE, Calif. – The US Army Corps of Engineers said it's negotiating with Robinson Rancheria regarding the agency's finding that the tribe violated the federal Clean Water Act in building its new gas station project on Highway 20.

Following a site visit earlier this year, Army Corps Regulatory Branch Manager Peck Ha said he made the final determination on the property, situated across the highway from the tribe's casino, which is located at 1545 E. Highway 20 in Nice.

The Army Corps notified the tribe in a letter, dated Feb. 9, that it found the tribe had discharged dredged or fill material into wetlands – which are “waters of the United States” – without a Department of the Army permit.

The Army Corps' letter to Robinson instructed the tribe to provide more information on the project, and also asked for comments from appropriate state, local and federal agencies, which were copied on the letter. Those agencies include the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Fish and Game and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.

In 1999 the tribe had received Army Corps authorization for another, similar project in the area, which Ha said will be taken into consideration as it looks at the current case.

Lester Marston, Robinson Rancheria's Ukiah-based attorney, said the tribe doesn't agree with the determination.

“The tribe disputes the Army Corps' finding that there was a violation,” he said.

Army Corps spokesman John Prettyman said the tribe has verified receipt of the letter, noting that the tribe's formal response includes a denial that they've violated the Clean Water Act's Section 404, which has to do with wetlands, and that they will provide documentation.

“All the tribe did was put rock over an existing dirt road that is a public easement or right-of-way that was dedicated to the county to prevent soil erosion and siltation into the ditch,” said Marston, noting that rock isn't a pollutant under federal regulations, although sand and gravel are.

Marston said it's the tribe's intention to make sure the area where the rock was put down was restored to its original condition.

According to Ha, however, the riprap or placement of fill across the roadway is just one part of the violation.

His finding also included grading for the gas station platform closest to the detention basin where runoff is contained. Ha said both the riprap and the grading of the gas station platform activities resulted in impacts to approximately 0.23 acre of waters of the U.S. including wetlands.

Marston didn't respond to followup questions about those additional findings in the determination.

Prettyman said in the response the tribe's attorney stated that if there was a violation, the tribe would mitigate for the wetlands loss.

“Right now we are waiting on that documentation,” Prettyman said this week.

He said Army Corps officials spoke with Marston in the middle of March.

“They seem to be open to working with us,” Prettyman said, noting the Army Corps is working to find the best solution.

Federal officials aren't seeking punitive measures, but are instead are wanting to work with the tribe. Because there are “minor impacts” to the wetlands, Ha said the Army Corps is recommending that the tribe seek an after-the-fact permit.

“The tribe has no problem applying for a permit if a permit is needed,” said Marston.

Ha said the Army Corps also will ask the tribe to mitigate the damage to the wetlands, which can be done in a variety of ways, or the tribe can propose to conduct a mitigation on its own property to make up for the impacts.

Marston said the tribe had studied the area more than a decade ago when applying for the 1999 permit.

“The tribe went out and did a wetlands study for the specific purpose of delineating the wetlands,” he said.

That earlier project would have included construction in the wetlands area. “This project was designed so there would be no construction in the wetlands,” Marston said.

That original map was provided to the Army Corps, said Marston, who noted that he's also personally walked every inch of the property. Since the 1999 permit, the wetlands haven't changed or expanded, he said.

Regarding when the matter could be resolved, Prettyman noted, “As to right now there is no specific time line.”

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This rustic version of vichyssoise is topped with Russian-style yogurt and garnished with thyme leaves and blossoms. Photo by Esther Oertel.



Leeks may be described as the more gentile members of the onion family. They whisper their association with their strongly-flavored relatives in a subtle, refined manner.

Like onions and garlic, leeks are members of the allium family, but are quieter than their somewhat raucous cousins. You might say they’re the introverts in a very extroverted family.

The flavor common to this family of plants is gently present in the leek, its pungency tempered by a mild sweetness.

Other members of the allium family include shallots, scallions, spring onions and ramps, which are harvested in the wild and are also known as wild leeks, though the aroma and flavor is far stronger.

Asparagus is a distant cousin of the leek, residing in the same family of lily as onions. European chefs at one time called leeks “the poor man’s asparagus,” apt because leeks and asparagus may substitute for one another as side dishes since their flavors mesh well with similar foods.

Long, lanky leeks are sometimes described as looking like larger versions of one of their relatives, the scallion. It is true that scallions look a bit like leeks in miniature. Both are stalks with straight, slender white bulbs that become light green shafts, and both have a mass of darker green leaves at their tops.




Leeks are often described as looking like larger versions of their cousins, scallions. Photo by Esther Oertel.



To further the similarity, leeks may be pulled from the ground and eaten while pencil thin like scallions, though it’s rare to see them in this form. Typically they’re many times larger than their smaller cousin.

It is thought that leeks originated in Central Asia. They’ve been cultivated in that area, as well as in Europe and North Africa, for upwards of 3,000 years.

Dried leek specimens have been found in archaeological digs in Egypt, which, along with carvings and drawings, have led scientists to believe that leeks were part of the diet of the ancient Egyptians from at least 2,000 BC onwards.

Along these lines, leeks are among the foods mentioned in the Biblical book of Numbers as being missed by the Israelites after their escape from slavery in Egypt.

Leeks were prized in ancient Greece and Rome, where they were especially favored because they were thought to have beneficial effects on the throat. It is said that the Roman Emperor Nero ate leeks every day because he thought it would make his voice stronger.

Leeks were likely introduced to the United Kingdom by the Romans, where they flourished because of their ability to withstand cold weather. Their popularity is well rooted in Wales, where their image serves as part of the national emblem, a leek within a crown. Legend has it that this stems from a successful battle against the Saxons in 1620, when Welsh soldiers wore leeks in their hats to differentiate themselves from their enemies.

I find the leek a beautiful vegetable, with its thick interwoven deep green foliage and the tightly-bound accordion of paper-thin circular leaves in its light-colored shaft.




This trimmed leek stem has been cut in half lengthwise, revealing tightly-bundled leaf sheaths, a characteristic of leeks. Photo by Esther Oertel.


The light color of the stalk is created by a growing method called trenching, where soil is pushed around the shafts as they grow to blanch them. The foliage that is exposed to the sun becomes green, while the lower part of the plant underground remains tender and white.

It is this growing method that causes the leek to harbor dirt between the creases of its stalk, making it important to thoroughly clean leeks prior to using them.

Depending on how the leeks will be prepared, this can be achieved by one of two methods, either by slicing the trimmed stalk lengthwise and running water between the layers to remove dirt, or by slicing the stalk into rounds and soaking the pieces in a water-filled bowl, finishing with a good rinse.

Most recipes call for use of the white and light green portions of the stalk only, though I did find a rare recipe that called for the dark green leaves sans the lower stalk, celery-pear bisque with leeks. Typically the upper foliage isn’t used, both because of their toughness and the somewhat bitter taste. They can be used for making stock or for tying with herbs in a bouquet garni to flavor soups and stews.

One of the most common uses of leeks is in soup, though there are other interesting ways to use these gentlemen of the garden. They’re delightful in egg dishes, sautéed with potatoes or added to pasta or risotto. Mushrooms, fennel, lemon, and certain cheeses (Gruyere or goat, for example) are good matches for leeks.

Leeks also pair nicely with fish, and I found a scrumptious-sounding recipe online for white fish fillets baked with a creamy mixture of leeks and sour cream.

For something different, try oven roasting leeks with olive oil, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Stalks should be cut in half lengthwise for this application and roasted till tender in a 400 degree oven, about 35 or 40 minutes. They can be moistened with a bit of vegetable broth from time to time to prevent drying out.

Leeks may also be braised, and are particularly delicious when braised in white wine with garlic and thyme. As with roasting, half stalks should be used. Brown them on both sides in butter before the braising liquid is added. Cover them to gently simmer on the stovetop until fork tender, about 40 minutes. A bay leaf may be added while braising for additional flavor.

Because they’re members of the allium family, leeks, though studied less, share many of the beneficial compounds and health benefits of onions and garlic.




A good rinse after soaking ensures hidden dirt is removed. Photo by Esther Oertel.


Among these are flavonoids that protect blood vessel lings from damage, the B vitamin folate which supports the cardiovascular system, and antioxidants that protect against heart disease and some forms of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer.

Some health professionals recommended consuming allium vegetables on a daily basis because of their many benefits, making leeks a valuable addition to one’s cuisine.

This week’s recipe is a new take on vichyssoise, a leek and potato soup that’s intended to be served cold, though this version may also be served warm. Leeks and potatoes are a popular combination for soup, and with changeable spring weather, I wanted to offer a recipe that would be useful for cold or warm temperatures.

Most vichyssoises are rich in saturated fat, made with butter and cream, so I rearranged the ingredients for a healthier version. Rather than butter, the leeks are sautéed in flavorful locally-made extra virgin olive oil, and the soup is finished with some mild Russian-style yogurt rather than cream.

This version of vichyssoise is rustic, with the peels of the potatoes left on for additional nutrition and fiber. It can be garnished with fresh herbs of your choice, such as parsley, tarragon, or dill, but my favorite is thyme.

We had it warm for supper the night I made it, and I had the leftovers cold for lunch the next day. Enjoy!

Esther’s “be kind to your heart” vichyssoise

6 leeks, white and light green parts only, sliced into thin rounds and thoroughly cleaned

6 cups red potatoes (about 8 medium), with some skin left on, diced

4 to 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 quart vegetable broth

1 teaspoon sea salt

½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

½ cup Russian-style plain yogurt (and additional for garnish if serving cold, optional)

Fresh herbs of your choice for garnish (such as parsley, dill, tarragon or thyme)

Sauté leeks in olive oil in large soup pot until tender, about five minutes.

Add vegetable broth, potatoes, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil. Turn down heat, cover pot and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and allow soup to cool for a few minutes before pureeing with an immersion blender (preferred) or a food processor. (If using a food processor, you may have to process it in batches.)

Add yogurt and blend.

Serve soup warm or chill for several hours or overnight and serve cold. If serving cold, garnish with a dollop of yogurt.

Garnish warm or cold soup with chopped fresh herbs of your choice.

Makes about eight servings

Recipe by Esther Oertel.

Esther Oertel, the “Veggie Girl,” is a culinary coach and educator and is passionate about local produce. Oertel teaches culinary classes at Chic Le Chef in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif., and The Kitchen Gallery in Lakeport, Calif., and gives private cooking lessons. She welcomes your questions and comments; e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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From left, Melanie Combs, Kevin Johnson and Ira Donelson were arrested in a Lake County Narcotics Task Force operation on Friday, April 8, 2011, in Lake County, Calif. Lake County Jail photos.

UPPER LAKE, Calif. – The service of a search warrant by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force on Friday in Upper Lake has resulted in three arrests, the seizure of methamphetamine and currency for asset forfeiture.

Last week, narcotics detectives secured a search warrant for the person, home and vehicles of 46-year-old Melanie Lee Combs of Upper Lake, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Friday, April 8, at approximately 8:30 a.m., detectives served the search warrant at Combs’ home at the Meadow Point Trailer Park on Highway 20, Bauman said.

Bauman said that when narcotics detectives announced their presence at the front door, they received no response and had to force entry to serve the warrant.

Once inside the home, detectives encountered a locked bedroom door and again received no response when announcing their presence, Bauman said. When detectives forced entry into the bedroom, they located and detained Combs and 51-year-old Kevin Arthur Johnson, also of Upper Lake.

During a search of the bedroom, detectives located a small plastic food container concealed beneath the bed. Bauman said that inside of the container detectives found a total of 37 plastic baggies containing methamphetamine packaged for sales. A further search of the bedroom revealed digital scales, pipes, currency, marijuana and more methamphetamine concealed in a night stand.

Combs was arrested for possession of a controlled substance for sales, possession of narcotics paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Bauman said Johnson was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

He said a total of 16 grams of methamphetamine was seized and $200 in currency was seized for asset forfeiture as the suspected profits of drug trafficking.

While detectives were searching Combs’ residence, another subject arrived at the home with the apparent intent to purchase narcotics, Bauman said.

He reported that 34-year-old Ira Jude Donelson of Upper Lake was detained and subsequently arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

All three suspects were transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility and booked. Bail for Donelson, Combs and Johnson was set at $1,000, $10,000 and $3,000, respectively. Jail records indicated all three posted bail and were released.

The Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force anonymous tip line is 707-263-3663.

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Every year hundreds of California motorists lose their lives in a collision caused by an impaired driver.

Although the numbers have improved from the previous year, in 2009, more than 700 people in the state were killed in a crash where the primary collision factor was driving under the influence (DUI); another 19,805 people were injured under similar circumstances.

“These are more than statistics, they are real people killed in collisions that were entirely preventable,” said California Highway Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Joe Farrow. “Impaired driving is an issue that crosses all segments of society.”

Driving with a measurable blood alcohol content of .08 percent or more for motorists 21 years old or older is illegal in California.

In 2009, law enforcement throughout the state made more than 210,000 arrests for driving under the influence. The CHP accounted for 44 percent of those arrests.

Enforcement alone will not halt this overwhelming problem in California, the CHP.

That's why, during the next several months, the CHP will conduct a grant-funded public education and awareness program with a focus on educating drivers about the dangers of DUI and the devastation it


The “Designated Driver Education Program” grant will fund the production of public service announcements; educational materials will be also produced and distributed statewide.

“Nobody ever thinks it’s going to happen to them,” said Farrow. “They think it happens to other people. Anytime an impaired motorist is on the road, not only do they put themselves at risk, they’re putting the lives of everyone else around them in danger.”

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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