Sunday, 06 October 2024


LAKEPORT, Calif. – While it’s facing a number of financial challenges, the Lake County Fair has a balanced budget.

During its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Nov. 28, the 49th District Agricultural Association’s Board of Directors approved a modest budget for operation of the county fairgrounds and the annual Lake County Fair event in 2012, according to fair Chief Executive Officer Richard Persons.

With revenues projected at $558,000 and expenses projected at $550,443, the budget leaves little room for error, Persons reported.

By comparison, the 2011 budget included $723,400 in revenues and $675,455 in expenditures.

Funding for California’s 76 fairgrounds was eliminated entirely from the State’s 2011-12 budget, which impacts the fair’s 2012 budget.

Persons said the change in funding forced the District Agricultural Association to examine both its revenue and expense streams, and to make changes in both in order to close the budget gap.

The largest single change was the layoff of 50 percent of the fair’s full-time staff, resulting in an estimated savings of $71,580.

Other cuts included a $22,071 – or approximately 9 percent – cut in administration, which Persons said came largely in benefit reductions.

Smaller cuts occurred in other areas, however, the Lake County Fair event was largely spared, he said.

“The Lake County Fair is the largest revenue stream for the association, and in order to continue to present the great event that Lake County residents expect, we worked very hard to avoid impacting it financially,” Persons said.

Numerous changes also have taken place on the revenue side of the budget, many of them phased in during 2011, he said.

Fairgoers at the 2011 Lake County Fair saw higher ticket prices, vendors saw higher booth space rents, the association required higher concession fees and entry fees for fair contests increased slightly, Persons reported.

In addition, Persons said higher rents for tenants renting fairgrounds buildings began to be phased in during 2011.

“The rental fee increases have been very hard for the Board of Directors,” said Persons.

Persons explained that 65 percent of the tenants who utilize the fairgrounds are nonprofit organizations, and most of them are doing fundraising.

“Many of those groups see the rental fee paid for the fairground as a necessary evil, something to be kept to a minimum so that funds can be concentrated on their nonprofit mission,” he said. “But most of those nonprofits also understand that without the facilities they use at the fairgrounds, their fundraising events are not possible, and the increased rent on the fairgrounds will help keep the facility open and allow them to continue to have their events, and to continue to keep the vast majority of the funds they raise.

He added, “I'm hopeful that Lake County Fairgrounds will be able to continue to provide a community event venue long into the future. But it cannot do so unless the community understands that the funds to operate the facility must come from the community, and that means tenants must share a larger portion of the funds they raise with the venue.”


The 2012 budget also eliminates all funding for major capital improvement projects, Persons said. Spending on capital projects has normally been between $65,000 and $300,000 per year, but is projected at zero for 2012.

The state has historically provided 80 to 90 percent of major capital improvement funding, which in recent years have included new water mains, a new horse barn, street improvements, new restrooms in the livestock area, and restroom improvements throughout the rest of the facility, Person said.

“The board’s first priority this year was to come up with a plan and a budget that keeps the fairgrounds open and makes sure that the 2012 Lake County Fair happens,” Persons said. “The plan and budget are now in place. Over the next few months, the board will be looking at ways to deal with capital improvement needs. That will probably mean forming some kind of a non-profit foundation similar to a hospital foundation or an arts foundation.”

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COBB, Calif. – The lights were out in Cobb on Monday evening in the aftermath of downed power lines and a vegetation fire.

Fallen power lines that were said to be on fire were reported just after 5:30 p.m. on Highway 175 at Forest Lake Drive, according to the California Highway Patrol.

Cal Fire, which responded to the scene, reported a small vegetation fire resulting from the downed lines.

Cal Fire notified Pacific Gas & Electric of the fallen lines, and PG&E handled a road closure that resulted in traffic being rerouted onto Golf Drive, the CHP reported.

The roadway was reopened shortly before 8 p.m. but then closed again later in the evening as PG&E crews worked at the site, according to reports from the scene.

Community members posting on Lake County News

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Lake County Mediations reported on Monday that it recently assisted in a local tribal election.

The nonprofit group conducted Big Valley Rancheria’s Tribal General Election on Oct. 15, according to a Monday report.

Big Valley Tribal Administrator Mickey Burke said this week that the tribe is not yet ready to release the election’s results.

Bill Koehler, Lake County Mediations Board member and elections coordinator, worked with tribal administrators to map out and design an election process that would address the tribe’s specific election ordinance and ensure that the elections were conducted in a fair and impartial manner.

Lake County Mediations reported that it managed all aspects of the election, from designing and printing the ballots, notifying tribal members of the pending election, mailing absentee ballots, managing the on-site election process and tabulating the results.

Lake County Mediations also reported that it certified the election results to the tribal government and to the U.S. Government.

“The election process on the 15th went smoothly and quickly,” said Lake County Mediations President Mary Heare Amodio. “Tribal members were friendly and were pleased that the election was being conducted by a group that was not affiliated with any particular tribal viewpoint.”

Conducting elections for tribal governments, homeowner associations, professional or service associations, or mutual benefit corporations is one of many neutral services provided by Lake County Mediations.

Because elections can be contentious, having an independent third party manage and oversee the election process helps organizations minimize conflicts that may arise, the group said.

Neutral organizations, such as Lake County Mediations, are able to tailor each election process to address the needs of that specific organization.

The services provided are determined by each organization and can range from managing the entire election process, to providing limited services such as the tabulation of the ballots and certification of the election results.

Use of a neutral third-party to manage the voting process, helps an organization create transparency in its election process and insures that the organization has a fair election.

Lake County Mediations has provided election services for other organizations in Lake County, including the Riviera Homeowners Association in Kelseyville and provides mediation services in the community to help individuals and small businesses deal with and resolve conflicts.

Visit Lake County Mediations online at

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LAKEPORT, Calif. – A high speed chase late Tuesday led to a suspect crashing his vehicle.

The incident occurred outside of Lakeport a little before 11:20 p.m., according to reports from the scene.

A male subject in a car described as a 1995 Mitsubishi was fleeing Lake County Sheriff’s deputies at about 120 miles per hour when he lost control and crashed, radio reports indicated.

Reports indicated that the suspect may have been pursued for vehicle theft.

The crash took place at 3600 Hill Road at Park Way, in front of Lakeport Fire Protection District Station 52, according to dispatch.

The Lakeport Fire Protection District was dispatched to the scene to offer medical care to the driver, who deputies took into custody, radio reports stated.

More information about the driver was not immediately available.


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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Downtown Kelseyville will open its doors for its annual “Christmas in the Country” celebration on Friday, Dec. 2.

The event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Included in the festive evening will be the Kelseyville Parade of Lights and Merchant Open House.

Every Christmas the Kelseyville Business Association kicks off the Christmas shopping season by showing off what it does best: some down home country hospitality and a great light show.

The spirit of spontaneity may be part of what makes the combined parade and open house so charming.

Holiday music fills the air all along Main Street starting at 5:30 p.m., and the shops have their doors open to welcome all to stop in, have a tasty treat and warm beverage, and discover our country town.

Visit Studebakers Coffee House, Dusty’s new antique store across the street then stroll down to the Rosa D’Oro and Wildhurst tasting rooms to sample local wines and visit all the merchants.

Enjoy a free mule-drawn wagon ride through town in the crisp winter air with Eleven Roses Ranch, and take in all the sights and sounds.

Stop at the Saw Shop Gallery Bistro and see the miniature quilt display then down to Kelseyville Pharmacy for holiday treats and a beautiful display of holiday gifts and ornaments.

Come early at 5 p.m. to the Kelseyville Presbyterian Church, 5340 Third St., for the church’s annual chowder and chili dinner, or stop in at St. Peter’s Catholic Church on Main Street for hot dogs and beans, and holiday treats and hot cocoa.

Kelseyville Methodist Church, 3810 Main St., will have free treats also and a choir singing holiday music. Bring some canned food to help the support their holiday food baskets for local families in need.

The parade is at 6:30 p.m. with Santa riding atop the fire truck, starting the amazing parade of lights.

Immediately after the parade walk down to Kelseyville Fire House for the town tree lighting. The new live tree has grown a whole foot since last year.

Follow Santa over to Westamerica Bank, where you can whisper your wishes and have a photo with Jolly Old St. Nick taken by Dawn Smith of Color Splash Photos.

While you’re waiting for Santa enjoy the Sweet Adelines singing holiday songs and be sure and visit Carolyn Morris in Westamerica Bank, where she’ll be showing her artwork. She’ll have prints to purchase of Kelseyville and beautiful Lake County.

Be sure and notice the big candle ornaments on the light poles. They have seen many Christmases in Kelseyville and had gotten very tired. However, the Brookes family, Lynne and their daughter Becca, wanted to restring the lights this year, making them beautiful once again.

To finish off the evening, Taylor Observatory will present “The Mystery of the Christmas Star” at 8:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12.

The observatory’s new state-of-the-art projector provides an awesome experience for all ages. For more information, call 707-262-4121.

So mark your calendars, wear your carves and mittens, and visit with old friends and make new ones while starting off your holiday season in a Christmas country town.

For more information or if you want to be in the parade contact Mary Morse at 707-279-8559.

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In response to a strong wind event forecasted for California, Cal Fire reported Wednesday that it has increased its staffing and fire equipment throughout the state.

High winds along with low humidity are expected over much of the state over the next few days. Winds in some areas are expected to have gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour.

Lake County also is under a wind advisory through 6 p.m. Thursday, with northerly winds between 25 and 40 miles per hour expected, and gusts as high as 55 miles per hour. A high wind warning for elevations over 2,000 feet, where sustained speeds of 40 miles per hour or gusts of 58 miles per hour or more, could occur, the National Weather Service reported.

This week’s weather event will significantly increase the wildfire threat in wind prone areas including the Sierras, the East Bay Hills, the Central Coast and throughout Southern California, according to the forecast.

“The recent devastating wildland fire in Reno, Nevada is a reminder that fires can burn during the winter months even when temperatures are low,” said Chief Ken Pimlott, Cal Fire’s director. “With the strong winds forecasted the fire danger will increase in many areas and we will have extra firefighters on duty so that we can respond to any new wildfires that may ignite.”

Cal Fire, along with other fire agencies, has increased their preparedness by staffing additional state wildland fire engines, dozers, fire crews and aircraft.

These resources will be positioned throughout the state to allow for rapid response into communities and watershed areas that may be affected by a fast moving wildfire.

The increased staffing includes the county fire departments of Ventura, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Kern and Orange, with which Cal Fire contracts for fire protection of State Responsibility Areas.

Residents are encouraged to exercise extreme caution when in or near the wildland or open areas to prevent a fire.

Cal Fire said it is important that everyone monitor the weather and be on the lookout for fires. If fires occur in the area be prepared to follow all instructions of fire and law enforcement officials if an evacuation is ordered.

Winds of the forecasted velocity can cause conditions to change rapidly and the public is encouraged to review “Ready, Set, Go” procedures at

Each person and family should insure that they are “Set” for a potential emergency situation and prepared to activate the “Go” (evacuation) portion in a calm and safe manner.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A memorial fund has been established for the survivors of a tragic motor home fire and explosion last week that killed two Clearlake residents and injured two others, including a small child.

Fifty-five-year-old construction company owner James Gerace Jr. and 14-year-old Daniel Critser, a freshman at Kelseyville High School, died in the fire at a campground near Trinidad in Humboldt County early on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 20, as Lake County News has reported.

Gerace heroically helped his fiancée, Michelle Critser, and her 4-year-old son David get out through a window after the vehicle caught fire.

Before Gerace could evacuate Daniel and himself from the vehicle it exploded. Fire investigators reported finding Gerace’s remains slumped against a rear side window, cradling Daniel’s body in his lap.

Little David is in serious condition at Shriners Hospital for Children in Sacramento, where he is undergoing skin grafts and other treatments.

Family friends said rehabilitation may take months and his mother, Michelle Critser, needs to be at his side during that period, which will be a costly undertaking.

Friends and relatives have created the Critser-Gerace Memorial Fund to help defray expenses.

The fund was set up at WestAmerica Bank, 150 S. Main St. in Lakeport, however, any WestAmerica branch in Clearlake, Kelseyville, Middletown or Upper Lake also can accept contributions.

The account number for the donations account is 121140218-2352175851.

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – A Loch Lomond man was killed in a head-on collision that occurred late Sunday night near Kelseyville.

Isaiah Neil, 34, died at the scene of the two-vehicle crash, which the California Highway Patrol said occurred in the 7600 block of Highway 29, south of Bottle Rock Road, just before 11 p.m.

The other driver in the collision, 26-year-old Jarret Parmenter of Kelseyville, sustained major injuries, the CHP said Monday morning.

The CHP said Neil was driving a 1991 black Honda Accord southbound on Highway 29, with Parmenter driving a 1995 Nissan Pathfinder northbound, both at undetermined speeds.

For reasons that are yet to be determined, Neil’s Honda entered the northbound traffic lane and hit Parmenter’s Nissan head-on, according to the report from CHP Officer Adam Garcia.

Garcia’s report said the Nissan continued on in a northeasterly direction, traveling off the road’s east edge and overturning, coming to rest on its right side facing in a southerly direction.

He said the Honda came to rest on its wheels facing in a southerly direction along the west shoulder.

The collision caused major front-end damage to the Honda, with major inward intrusion, Garcia said.

The Nissan also sustained major damage and caught fire as a result of the crash, Garcia reported.

Parmenter was taken via Kelseyville Fire ambulance to Sutter Lakeside Hospital for treatment after radio reports indicated REACH and CalStar declined to offer out-of-county transport because of concerns over weather conditions.

The crash closed the highway completely for more than an hour as firefighters from Kelseyville and Lakeport worked to take care of the crash victims, according to reports from the scene. The highway was fully reopened about two hours after the incident occurred.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The National Weather Service in Sacramento issued a wind advisory for Lake County on Tuesday in preparation for a storm that’s expected to bring high winds to the area.

The advisory is in effect from 7 a.m. Wednesday to 6 p.m. Thursday.

Forecasters are predicting the storm – scheduled to hit Northern and Central California through Friday – will bring to Lake County northerly winds from 25 to 40 miles per hour, with gusts as high as 55 miles per hour.

Winds are predicted to start Wednesday morning, decreasing that night and then becoming windy again on Thursday.

Temperatures through the end of the week are expected to be in the 50s during the daytime, dropping into the 30s at night, the National Weather Service reported.

The high winds could cause difficulty for drivers, especially those driving high profile vehicles, and are raising concerns for the potential for falling trees, downed power poles and interrupted power service.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is urging people to assume that any downed power is “live” or carrying electric current. Report downed power lines immediately by calling 911 and by calling PG&E at 1-800-PGE-5000.

PG&E also suggests keeping battery-operated radios with fresh batteries ready for updates on storm conditions and power outages, and battery-operated flashlights, cell phones or hard-wire, single-line telephones on hand in the event of outages.

If you have a generator, inform PG&E and do not use it unless it is installed safely and properly, the company advised.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

SACRAMENTO – A new report looks at the percentage charitable organizations received from commercial fundraising campaigns in 2010.

On Tuesday California Attorney General Kamala Harris released the California Department of Justice's Annual Report of Commercial Fundraisers, produced by the Charitable Trusts Section.

The report showed that commercial fundraisers in California raised $362.9 million in 2010, of which charitable organizations received less than 45 percent.

This represents an increase from the 2009 total of less than 43 percent, the report showed.

"The data in this report allows donors to make informed choices this holiday season," Harris said. "Commercial fundraisers play a role in supporting charities in California, but it's important for donors to know how much of their money will be used to support the charity's programs, and how much will go to fundraising expenses."

Among numerous other tables, the annual report contains an alphabetical list of charities that hired commercial fundraisers in 2010, along with the total revenue raised in those campaigns and the dollar amount and percentage of total funds raised that went to the charity.

Commercial fundraisers, who are hired by charities to raise money on their behalf, typically charge a flat fee for their services or a percentage of the contributions they collect.

By law, commercial fundraisers must register with the Attorney General's Office prior to fundraising in California and must file annual financial disclosure reports detailing income and expenses for each fundraising campaign.

According to reports filed with the Attorney General's Office, commercial fundraisers collected $362.9 million in donations in 2010. This figure excludes thrift store operations and vehicle donation programs, which are accounted for separately.

On average, $161.1 million – or 44.38 percent of the funds raised – went to the charities. The remainder was retained by the commercial fundraisers as payment of fees and expenses.

The Attorney General's Office also publishes the Guide to Charitable Giving for Donors that provides advice, guidelines and information to help donors make informed decisions about giving.

The guide suggests that donors:

  • Ask the solicitor how a donation will be distributed.

  • Ask what percentage of donations will be used to pay for fundraising expenses.

  • Ask if the solicitor works for a commercial fundraiser and is being paid to solicit.

  • Avoid cash donations.

  • Avoid giving credit card information to a telephone solicitor or in response to a telephone solicitation.

  • Learn about a charitable organization, its activities and its fundraising practices before giving. The Attorney General's Office maintains a searchable online database on registered charities and registered professional fundraisers at Donors also can check the Web sites of the Wise Giving Alliance at and the American Institute of Philanthropy at

The Guide to Charitable Giving for Donors is available online at

The Attorney General's 19th annual report on commercial fundraisers can be found at

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – One person died and another suffered major injuries in a head-on collision late Sunday night near Kelseyville.

The two-car crash was reported at around 11 p.m. in front of 7640 Highway 29, south of Bottle Rock Road, according to the California Highway Patrol and radio reports.



Debris was spread all over the roadway, which blocked by the vehicles involved as well as arriving emergency vehicles, the CHP said. Kelseyville Fire, Lakeport Fire, CHP and sheriff’s deputies responded.

When firefighters arrived they found one of the vehicles on fire and one of the crash victims out of their vehicle.

The only vehicle description given initially was that of a black car that was involved, with no information given on the second vehicle.

Shortly after arrival a battalion chief reported that one person had died at the scene, with another person suffering from major injuries.

Incident command requested an air ambulance to transport a patient, with clear skies reported overhead. However, Central Dispatch indicated that REACH and CalStar declined to transport out of the county due to concerns about the weather.

A Kelseyville Fire ambulance transported a patient to Sutter Lakeside Hospital, arriving shortly before midnight, according to reports from the scene.

The roadway was reopened to one-way traffic at approximately 12:13 a.m., with the roadway completely cleared and open exactly one hour later, the CHP reported.

Firefighters were released from the scene at about 12:50 a.m., according to radio reports.

Names of the crash victims were not available early Monday morning.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

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Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
10.26.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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