Saturday, 05 October 2024


Army officials said they are investigating the death of Army Private First Class Steven Francis Shapiro, 29, of Hidden Valley Lake, who died on Friday, Oct. 21, 2011, in Tallil, Iraq. Photo courtesy of Fort Hood.




HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The death of a Hidden Valley Lake man who died last week while serving in Iraq is under investigation, according to Army officials.

Army Private First Class Steven Francis Shapiro, 29, of Hidden Valley Lake, died on Friday, Oct. 21, in Tallil, Iraq, according to the Department of Defense and officials at Fort Hood, where Shapiro was assigned.

Tyler Broadway, a media spokesman for Three Corps Fort Hood, said the cause of Shapiro's death is under investigation.

Broadway said Shapiro died as the result of a “noncombat related incident” in Tallil. He did not offer more specifics about where the incident occurred.

Once the inquiry is complete, more information likely will be available, but Shapiro added, “It takes a long time for these investigations to be concluded.”

Tallil is located in southern Iraq, about 160 miles southeast of Baghdad. It's also the location of a US air base.

Shapiro, who was supporting Operation New Dawn in Iraq, was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, the Department of Defense reported.

Shapiro entered active duty service in March 2010 as an M1 armor crewman, according to a report from Fort Hood. He deployed in support of Operation New Dawn earlier this year.

Fort Hood reported that Shapiro's awards and decorations include an Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon and Overseas Service Ribbon.

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From left, Ashley Saxon and Manuel Sotelo, both of Kelseyville, Calif., were arrested on drug-related charges on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Lake County Jail photos.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The service of a search warrant by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force last Wednesday has resulted in two felony arrests and the seizure of approximately one ounce of methamphetamine and over $2,000 in US currency for asset forfeiture.

On Oct. 12 narcotics detectives secured a search warrant for the person, home and vehicles of 26-year-old Ashley Nicole Saxon of Kelseyville, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Wednesday, Oct. 19, at approximately 12 p.m., detectives spotted Saxon riding as a passenger in a white Chevy coupe being driven by her boyfriend, 46-year-old Manuel Vincent Sotelo, in the area of their home in Soda Bay, Bauman said. Sotelo was on felony probation and active parole for a prior narcotics conviction.

Task force detectives conducted an enforcement stop on the vehicle on Bergesen Drive and detained both Saxon and Sotelo without incident, Bauman said.

During their detention, Saxon attempted to dispose of a small bag of methamphetamine and a subsequent search of her person revealed she was concealing a “meth” pipe on her person beneath her clothing, Bauman reported.

Narcotics detectives transported Saxon and Sotelo to their Cypress Avenue home where they executed the search warrant. Bauman said the couple had a video surveillance system monitoring the front of the home and when detectives entered the house, they found a police scanner inside actively monitoring the sheriff’s primary radio frequency.

During a search of the home, detectives located a zippered case concealed beneath a pile of dirty clothing in the master bedroom. Further examination of the case revealed that it contained approximately one ounce of methamphetamine and other narcotics sales paraphernalia, Bauman said.

He said two digital scales also were found concealed in a nightstand in the same bedroom. A total of $2,201 in US currency was seized from Saxon and Sotelo collectively, as the suspected profits of drug trafficking.

Both subjects were arrested and transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility, according to Bauman.

Saxon was booked for possession of a controlled substance for sales, transportation of a controlled substance and possession of narcotics paraphernalia, with bail set at $15,000. She later posted bail and was released.

Sotelo was booked for possession of a controlled substance for sales, violation of his probation, violation of his parole and driving on a suspended license. The alleged probation violation resulted in a no bail hold, and he remained in jail on Monday.

The Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force can be contacted through its anonymous tip line at 707-263-3663.

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Drugs and paraphernalia allegedly found during a search of the home of Ashley Saxon and Manuel Sotelo of Kelseyville, Calif., on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Photo courtesy of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

This story has been updated 


MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A kickoff for a new photovoltaic project aimed at reducing energy use for Hidden Valley Lake's reclamation plant will take place Monday afternoon.

The Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District will host a groundbreaking ceremony for its Photovoltaic Sustainability Energy Project at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, at the water reclamation plant, located at 18896 Grange Road, Middletown.

The community is invited to attend.

The solar project will produce enough energy to operate the water reclamation plant sustaining energy costs for the years to come, the district reported.

Many of the constituents who have supported the project and assisted the district in getting it off the ground will be at the ceremony.


According to the HVL community Services District, the District has secured a $1.1 million grant and a $650,000 low interest loan funded by the United States Department of Agriculture rural Utility Service. District staff will provide in-kind services for construction inspections to offset the $650,000 that the District is required to contribute.


According to the HVL website locate at the project should be operational by the end of the year. The announcement from that HVL page is below.


Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District has formally awarded the contract for the photovoltaic project at its Grange Road treatment facility to Real Goods Solar, San Rafael, CA. This innovative project is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Services and will be funded with a combination grant/loan package.

To meet power demands at the District's Water Reclamation Plant, Real Goods will be installing 1,176 Sharp 240W solar panels, covering 35,000 square feet, that are expected to produce 420,000 kWh per year. The array will produce enough power to run approximately 75 normal houses.

 USDA has expressed an interest in using the solar project as a demonstration project for other water districts throughout the United States. The green on green project will fix the energy prices for treating waste water at the District for the next three decades.

The solar project will support the local economy; Real Goods Solar has committed to use Lake County sub contractors and other local labor whenever possible throughout the project. The timeline presented is aggressive and the District expects to have the project online by the end of 2011.

Included with the construction cost is a monitoring system that will allow customers to view power production and demand online through the District's website, The District is gearing up for field trips from local schools where students can view and understand the expanse of silicone used to harvest the sun's power. We are excited to see the many years worth of effort from District staff and engineers coming together to bring the solar project into fruition.



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HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – A local man serving in Iraq has died.

Pfc. Steven F. Shapiro, 29, of Hidden Valley Lake, died on Friday, Oct. 21, in Tallil, Iraq, according to a Tuesday report from the Department of Defense.

Shapiro was supporting Operation New Dawn in Iraq, the Department of Defense said.

According to the Tuesday statement, Shapiro was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.

Details about the circumstances leading to Shapiro's death were not immediately available on Tuesday morning from Fort Hood.

However, a Fort Hood official said more information would be available later in the day.

Shapiro's death occurred on the same day that President Obama announced that the remaining US troops in Iraq would be coming home by year's end.

Lake County News will post additional information as soon as it becomes available.

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Several Northern California member of Congress are demanding answers on the current state of the Bay-Delta planning process and calling on the Interior Department to rescind a “flawed” memorandum of agreement that they say was developed behind closed doors.

The agreement gives water export agencies south of the Delta and in Southern California unprecedented influence over an important public process concerning California’s precious fresh water supplies, according to a Monday report.

Congressman Mike Thompson (CA-1) and U.S. Reps. George Miller (CA-7), Doris Matsui (CA-5), Jerry McNerney (CA-11) and John Garamendi (CA-10) wrote on Monday to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar asking that the recent agreement between the department and water agencies be rescinded and that the process be opened up to include other key stakeholders left out of the discussions, including Bay Area, Delta and coastal communities, farmers, businesses and fishermen.

“The Department of Interior should immediately take the necessary steps to repair this imbalanced and unfair agreement and I am confident that after reviewing the facts put forward in the letter that they will do just that,” said Thompson. “I am committed to making sure terms are reached where the Bay-Delta is restored and the needs of local communities are protected, and that is why I will keep working with Interior and the Bay Delta Conservation Plan Management Committee to come up with a fair and balanced path forward.”

The lawmakers recently held a series of meetings with Interior Department and California officials to express their concerns about the memorandum of agreement that the department signed with water export agencies, an agreement that was developed and signed without input from Bay-Delta stakeholders.

The department had previously told the lawmakers to expect an answer to their inquiries early last week, but failed to meet that deadline.

Monday’s letter from the lawmakers requests a written response from Secretary Salazar by the beginning of next week.

The members wrote that the process as it currently stands has established an unrealistic timeline for the completion of the plan, and that it raises expectations of favorable outcomes for the water agencies that signed it.

The full text of the letter is below.

October 24, 2011

The Hon. Kenneth Salazar

Secretary, Department of the Interior

1849 C Street, N.W.

Washington DC 20240


Dear Secretary Salazar:

We are writing to follow up our recent meetings with Interior officials and other participants in the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and to express our strong objections to the current direction of that plan.

The constituents we represent have a great deal at stake in the future of the BDCP process and ultimate plan. Delta, Bay Area and coastal communities, residents of the floodplain, farmers, businesses, fishermen, and the rest of our constituents could be profoundly affected by the BDCP. But to date, the BDCP planning process has failed to treat these affected groups in a fair and transparent manner, and we do not believe that the emerging plan is reflecting Bay-Delta constituencies’ concerns and interests.

Specifically, it does not appear that the federal government is taking seriously the goal of restoring endangered salmon or that it intends to operate the Central Valley Project to meet the statutory mandate to protect, restore, and enhance fish, wildlife, and associated habitats. Furthermore, we cannot accept proposals – including ones under consideration by the BDCP – that would harm Delta communities and the regional economy by eroding water quality for drinking and agriculture.

This is a critical moment, and we urge you to take concrete corrective actions now so that the BDCP process can succeed. Your Department recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with certain state and federal water export agencies that excluded other stakeholders. That agreement offers the signatories unprecedented influence over the process, and it raises expectations of favorable outcomes. While we appreciate your outreach to the Delta counties and to the environmental NGOs since the signing of the agreement, the existence of this unfair agreement continues to taint the process and must be withdrawn. At a minimum, we believe that Interior should retract its approval of the MOA and allow for a public comment period of 45 days.

The MOA creates a number of serious problems. For example, this agreement binds BDCP participants to an unrealistic timeline that has the serious potential to rush the many important decisions that have thus far been put off, avoid a full consideration of alternatives, and undermine the much-needed scientific analyses that remain to be done – analyses that many of the agreement’s signatories have resisted.

In addition, the MOA describes long-term guarantees of certainty to federal water contractors as “an essential element of a successful BDCP.” This is an unreasonable standard to establish, especially as no equivalent assertions have been offered to any other BDCP participants. We are additionally concerned that establishing certainty for the contractors as an “essential element” of the BDCP is in conflict with the many other federal responsibilities in play in the BDCP, such as doubling the populations of salmon and other anadromous fish as required by law, providing necessary water for wildlife refuges, preserving water quality and availability for Delta agriculture, and meeting the needs of other water users.

The agreement further establishes an unequal process going forward: the MOA invites the water export contractors to collaborate with the federal agencies on the responses to public comments, allows the water export contractors early and exclusive access to draft consultant work product, and gives the water export contractors direct control over the consultants who are writing the documents. California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office recently testified before the State Assembly about additional provisions of this document that “may be seen as favorable to the contractors,” including the fact that a public NEPA document may not be issued without explicit authorization from the water export contractors. This raises very serious questions about whose process this is, ultimately; if the water export contractors’ funding has given them control over the process, it would be to the detriment of the Bay-Delta and to the public interest.

The above concerns — along with the many others we have raised in our recent meetings — share several worrying traits. These are positions sought by the same handful of state and federal water contractors that have long dominated the BDCP process. They have the potential to harm the Bay-Delta, fishing communities, local farmers, and our constituents more broadly. They compromise Interior’s ability to exercise its mandates to restore the Bay-Delta ecosystem and California’s fisheries, and to consider the interests of all stakeholder groups. And they were developed in closed-door negotiations with the water export contractors that excluded all other interests.

Because we have not yet received a response to our request, we reiterate it here: Interior should immediately rescind this flawed MOA and work instead to establish a successful BDCP process that is transparent and based on parity, and that genuinely puts the restoration of the Bay-Delta and its fisheries, the needs of local communities, and the quality of local water resources on par with other water supply goals. That includes:

  • Ensuring that all stakeholder involvement is fair, equal and transparent: all stakeholder groups should have equal access to BDCP draft documents and consultant products and equal ability to provide direction to BDCP consultants, and meetings involving the export contractors, state and federal agencies and the BDCP consultants should be open to all stakeholders.

  • Establishing a realistic timeline that allows sufficient time to address the serious unanswered questions remaining before the BDCP, conduct the appropriate scientific reviews including of all alternatives, and comply with NEPA and other relevant statutes.

  • Genuinely committing to the co-equal goals: any “certainty” under consideration for the water export contractors must be matched by equal, specific, and certain commitments to restoring the Bay-Delta to health as required by state and federal law.

  • Maintaining state and federal agencies’ ability to implement other statutory mandates including, but not limited to, the CVPIA’s anadromous fish restoration program (including B2 water, the Restoration Fund, and other activities), the refuge water supply program, Trinity River restoration, and the requirement that beneficiaries must pay for the mitigation of any project.

  • Ensuring that any final BDCP preserves water quality and water availability for farmers, families, and businesses in the Bay-Delta area, and preserves flood protection for communities in the region.

We are disappointed that we find ourselves in the present situation, and that the interests of our constituents are still facing these hurdles at this stage of the BDCP process. The public interest and the stewardship of the Department require that transparency and equal participation must be reestablished for all stakeholders in the BDCP as soon as possible. To that end, we reiterate our request for corrective action as to this MOA, and as you consider the Department’s next steps regarding the BDCP, we seek your commitment that you provide us with advance notice when making determinations that would affect our constituents.

For all of the reasons detailed above, we request a written response to this request by October 31.

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NORTHERN CALIFORNIA – In the battle against driving under the influence, the California Highway Patrol said this week that it has successfully completed a yearlong campaign thanks to a federal grant.

The goal of the statewide “Border to Border II DUI Enforcement Program” was to reduce the number of alcohol-involved fatal and injury collisions in California through enhanced enforcement and a public awareness campaign.

“DUI is an ongoing problem that potentially impacts all of us,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “It is a dangerous behavior that results in hundreds of people being killed or severely injured every year.”

Preliminary statistics from the CHP’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System indicate there were 467 fatal collisions in California in 2010 that were a result of DUI; 534 people were killed in those collisions.

Those numbers are roughly a 25-percent reduction in people killed by DUI drivers from the previous year, the CHP reported.

The grant activity began in October 2010 with the intention of continuing to reduce DUI-related collisions and victims by educating drivers about the dangers of drinking and driving, removing impaired drivers from the road and stopping these motorists from getting behind the wheel in the first place.

CHP officers conducted more than 240 sobriety checkpoint operations and 100 DUI task force operations; more than 45,000 hours were used for proactive DUI enforcement patrols. The efforts resulted in more than 2,000 DUI arrests.

Final collision figures from the Border-to-Border grant period will not be available until next year, the CHP said.

“Drinking and driving is never a good idea,” said Commissioner Farrow. “Always designate a driver who hasn’t had anything to drink at all; not the person who has had the least to drink. Drinking, then getting behind the wheel, can have serious consequences.”

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Caltrans converted the intersection of Hartmann Road and Highway 29 near Middletown, Calif., to a three-way stop on Monday, October 24, 2011, in an effort to reduce traffic collisions. Photo by Derek Pell.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – Changes are under way for south Lake County roadways.

On Monday, Caltrans converted the intersection of Highway 29 and Hartmann Road to a three-way stop in an effort to reduce the high number of collisions seen there in recent years.

While some area residents have advocated for a stoplight rather than stop signs, Ralph Martinelli, chief of the traffic safety office for Caltrans' District 1, told Lake County News on Monday that Caltrans believe stop signs are the most effective tool for reducing collisions at the intersection.

He said the intersection's design – which includes a large curve – isn't ideal for a stoplight, which wouldn't necessarily reduce the kinds of broadside collisions that have occurred there.

The goal also is to make drivers slow down, he said, which the stop signs do. In some cases, lights can lead to drivers speeding up as they attempt to anticipate light changes.

The intersection changes also include flashing beacons and signage to draw drivers' attention to the new stops, Martinelli said.

When such changes are implemented, Martinelli said it usually takes a few weeks for the community to become adapted to the changes. He said Caltrans will have portable, changeable message boards in the area to help remind drivers of the new signage.

Readers posting on Lake County News' Facebook page Monday afternoon reported delays as the intersection was converted to the three-way stop.

The California Highway Patrol reported a noninjury collision took place at the intersection at about 9:20 p.m. Monday.

Also on Monday, Caltrans said a paving project on various sections of Highway 29 and Highway 175 in Lake and Mendocino counties is on schedule.

The agency said final striping and other minor work on Highway 29 from Spruce Grove Road to

the Lake-Napa County line will be completed on Friday, Oct. 28.

Work on Highway 175 is now taking place between Middletown and Kelseyville. The next phase will take place on Highway 175 between Hopland and Lakeport, Caltrans said.

The Highway 175 paving – which will be completed by next summer – is using rubberized asphalt concrete, which Caltrans said contains rubber from ground up tires, making it more flexible for a longer

life. The rubberized asphalt also is good for the environment, diverting approximately 120,000 tires from landfills.

Caltrans said the paving work is taking place from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. One-way traffic control will be in effect, and motorists should anticipate 15-minute delays.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

Ronald James Blesio, 34, of Nice, Calif., was arrested late on Sunday, October 23, 2011, for a stabbing on June 12, 2011, in Lakeport, Calif. At the time of his arrest he had been on the run from law enforcement for over four months. Lake County Jail photo.


KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The suspect in a June double stabbing in Lakeport has been caught after more than four months on the run.

Ronald James Blesio, 34, of Nice, was taken into custody just after 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the Kelseyville area, according to reports from the scene.

Circumstances of his capture were not immediately available.

Lake County Jail records said Blesio – arrested by sheriff's Sgt. Chris Chwialkowski – was booked on a felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon and a felony bench warrant, misdemeanor counts of battery and obstructing a peace officer, and two misdemeanor bench warrants, one of which has a no-bail hold.

Early on the morning of Sunday, June 12, Blesio allegedly stabbed two men in the parking lot of a Main Street gas station after he argued with them over parking, according to police.

Police believe that Blesio was assisted in fleeing by his girlfriend, Cathi Larae Larson, 44, of Lakeport.

Larson was arrested early Monday morning and booked on a felony count of failure to appear in a felony case and three felony bench warrants, according to Lake County Jail records.

The couple previously were arrested together in May after Lake County Sheriff's Narcotics Task Force members stopped them in a car with a backseat filled with marijuana plants. Neither Blesio nor Larson had medical marijuana recommendations, according to the sheriff's office.

Blesio's previous arrests have ranged from assault with a deadly weapon and battery to weapons charges, including possession of loaded and concealed firearms and being a felon in possession of firearms and ammunition, according to the Lakeport Police Department.

Another subject believed to have been an accessory by helping Blesio escape, 66-year-old Lawrence Williams of Lakeport, was arrested June 16, as Lake County News has reported.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

Green cabbage, the most common variety, and its cousin, red cabbage, nestle side-by-side in this photo. Photo by Esther Oertel.


“The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things: of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings.”

Not to disappoint author Lewis Carroll, who wrote this poem in 1871 as part of “Through the Looking Glass,” but today our topic will cover merely one of the talkative walrus’ proposed subjects: cabbage. (Who knows? Perhaps we’ll cover shoes or sealing wax in another column.)

Cabbage is a member of the Brassica oleracea species, along with such vegetables as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collards, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, and the like. The name brassica means cabbage in Latin.

Cruciferous is an alternative name for this produce group because of the four petals on their blooms, resembling a cross. Cruciferous is derived from cruciferae, Latin for cross-bearing.

Cultivated cabbage is descended from the wild mustard plant, also called sea cabbage or wild cabbage, which is native to the Mediterranean. This cabbage ancestor looked more like collard greens or kale than the cabbage we know today.

Cabbages have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Early varieties were loose-leafed, not like the dense headed cabbage with which we're familiar. The head variety was developed by northern European farmers in the middle ages.

Since cabbage grows well in cool climates, yields large harvests, and stores well, it quickly became a major crop throughout Europe once it was widely distributed there by the Celts about 600 B.C.

Green cabbage is the most common variety, with a dense head of compact leaves. It forms the base for coleslaw, is added to salads, soups, and stews, and its ample leaves are used in the stuffed cabbage dishes of many countries. It’s the cabbage of the quintessential Irish-American corned beef and cabbage. Look for heads that feel heavy for their size with tightly packed, moist looking leaves.

Red cabbage is similar to green cabbage other than the color, which is a cross between red and purple (a deep magenta), and its slightly smaller size.

Red cabbage adds color and texture to salads and is present in a variety of delicious cooked dishes, such as caraway red cabbage or red cabbage with apples.

Red cabbage turns blue when cooked, but this may be prevented by adding acid such as vinegar or lemon juice when cooking.

The same characteristics that indicate a healthy head of green cabbage apply to red.

Savoy cabbage, also known as curly cabbage, has ruffled, lacy, deeply ridged leaves, which are more loosely packed than the leaves of red or green cabbage, though it retains a round shape.

Because of its interesting leaves, some refer to it as the prettiest cabbage variety. Its uses are similar to green cabbage, though its flavor is more delicate. It’s especially yummy when braised in butter.

Napa cabbage, one of my personal favorites, is also called Chinese cabbage or celery cabbage. It has light green ruffled leaves that flower off thick, white stalks, and is long, rather than round. The leaves are more loosely packed than those of round headed cabbage. It’s used in Asian stir-fried dishes and made into kimchi, spicy Korean fermented cabbage.

Chinese chicken salad is typically made with Napa cabbage. Look for heads that are fresh-looking and not wilted, with no brown at the tips of the leaves.

Bok choy, a type of cabbage, is most commonly known for its use in Asian dishes. It has loosely bundled deep green leaves that grow from pale stalks, and, like Napa cabbage, has an elongated shape.

Its flavor is brighter than other cabbage varieties. Braising brings out its sweet flavor. It may be cooked whole (especially if baby bok choy) or with its leaves separated. Like Napa cabbage, the leaves should look fresh and not wilted.

Cabbage has long been stigmatized because of the unpleasant smell emitted when cooked. Recent studies reveal that cooking cabbage for four minutes or less greatly reduces the odor, which doubles when cooking time hits five to seven minutes.

The ancient Greeks and Romans prized cabbage for its perceived curative properties, believing cabbage could heal great numbers of ills. Egyptian pharaohs ingested copious amounts of it the evening before planned bouts of drinking, thinking it would allow them to drink more with fewer negative effects of alcohol.

In 1769, Captain Cook’s ship’s doctor used sauerkraut on soldiers who were wounded during a severe storm, saving them from gangrene.

The truth is that cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, as are all in the brassica family. It’s recommended that these cruciferous vegetables be consumed at least two to three times weekly in serving sizes of 1-1/2 cups. More frequent consumption of greater amounts (four to five times weekly in quantities of two cups) will reap greater benefits.

Because different types of cabbages offer unique benefits to the body, alternating the type consumed is a good idea.

Cabbage’s outer leaves are rich in vitamin E, and the entire head contains large stores of vitamin C. Raw cabbage contains as much of it as lemon juice, in fact.

Studies show it has cancer preventative properties, particularly colon cancer, and in some cases, cabbage is even curative. Raw cabbage cleans waste from the stomach and upper bowels, which improves digestion and reduces constipation.

It also stimulates the immune system, kills harmful bacteria, soothes ulcers, and improves circulation. The fiber in cabbage aids in the body ridding itself of excess cholesterol.

It’s interesting to note that allowing cabbage to sit for five to ten minutes after cutting it prior to cooking increases beneficial enzyme activity. Unused cut cabbage that’s stored in the fridge should be used as soon as possible, however, as its vitamin C deteriorates fairly quickly.

I was inspired to write about cabbage because of a sauerkraut recipe I saw recently in the newly-released cookbook by the University of California Master Gardeners of Lake County, “Cooking with the Seasons.”

Years ago a friend gave me a jar of wonderfully tasty homemade sauerkraut, which had none of the overly acidic, vinegary tones that commercial sauerkraut normally contains. I’ve been searching for such a recipe ever since and am happy to have found it in a local cookbook.

The inspirational sauerkraut recipe is by Master Gardener Gabriele O’Neill, who has generously agreed to share it with us.

Her version of sauerkraut contains juniper berries, which are berry-like seed cones from various species of juniper trees.

They’re popular in European cuisine, particularly in Scandinavia, to impart a sharp, clear flavor to meat and cabbage dishes. Juniper berries are what give gin its unique flavor, and they pair especially well with strongly-flavored game meats, such as venison.

Many supermarkets carry them in their spice department (my local market does), but if they prove difficult to locate, they may be ordered online.

If you wish to purchase a copy of “Cooking with the Seasons,” you may call the Master Gardeners of Lake County at 263-6838 or visit their Lakeport office at 883 Lakeport Boulevard. The cookbooks cost $13 and support the educational efforts of the local Master Gardeners. (My recipes for lavender cream scones and lemon curd are on page 48 in the summer section.)

For those who live in the south county and can’t get to Lakeport, leave a message at the above number for O’Neill and she’ll make sure the cookbooks are available at a south county location.

For more information about the Master Gardeners of Lake County, take a peek at their website at


German-style sauerkraut

4 cups shredded cabbage

1 teaspoon juniper berries

½ teaspoon caraway seeds

½ teaspoon mustard seeds

2 teaspoon sea salt

1 cup non-chlorinated water (such as distilled or spring water)

2 tablespoons liquid whey (see note below)

Mix cabbage, spices, and half the salt in a big bowl. Pound the mix with a wooden mallet, heavy cup, or your fist for several minutes until cabbage starts to release juice. Pack the cabbage tightly into a quart-sized wide-mouth Mason jar.

Mix the water with the rest of the salt and the whey and pour into jar. (Do not use powdered whey.) If necessary, add more water to completely cover cabbage and bring the water level up to within ¾ inches from the top of the jar.

Screw lid on firmly and keep jar at room temperature for three days. After that, store on the top shelf of your refrigerator or in a cold cellar, if you have one.

It will keep fermenting at a very slow rate in cold storage, getting more flavorful for several more weeks, even though it can technically be eaten after the first three days. It will keep in cold storage for over a year.

Since lacto-fermentation is an anaerobic process, the cabbage needs to stay completely submerged. Introduction of oxygen once the process has started will spoil the product.

Check your sauerkraut periodically during the first few weeks, and if you find a white film covering the liquid, remove it. This natural process is caused by a harmless yeast, but can affect the taste negatively if not removed.

The sauerkraut is best when aged for at least one month.

Note: To make your own whey, pour some unflavored yogurt into a cheesecloth-lined sieve over a bowl. Refrigerate for several hours, until the watery part drains into the bowl. The watery part is whey, and what’s left is nicely firm, Greek-style yogurt.

Recipe by Master Gardener Gabriele O’Neill and courtesy of “Cooking with the Seasons,” a cookbook produced by the University of California Master Gardeners of Lake County.

Esther Oertel, the “Veggie Girl,” is a culinary coach and educator and is passionate about local produce. Oertel teaches culinary classes at Chic Le Chef in Hidden Valley Lake, Calif., and The Kitchen Gallery in Lakeport, Calif., and gives private cooking lessons. She welcomes your questions and comments; e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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From left, Ronald James Blesio, 34, of Nice, Calif., was arrested on Sunday, October 23, 2011, during a traffic stop. He had been sought for more than four months for a stabbing in Lakeport, Calif. At right, 48-year-old Kenneth A. Lakatos of Petaluma, in whose vehicle Blesio was riding, also was arrested following the stop for possession of narcotics paraphernalia, attempting to conceal or destroy evidence and driving on a suspended license. Lake County Jail photos.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – A Northshore man who police had sought for more than four months for allegedly stabbing two men was taken into custody Sunday night as the result of a traffic stop, according to a Monday report from the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

Ronald James Blesio, 34, of Nice, was arrested Sunday evening in the Kelseyville area, as Lake County News reported on Monday.

Blesio was sought for allegedly stabbing two men at a Lakeport gas station on June 12.

Arrested with Blesio Sunday night was Kenneth A. Lakatos, 48, of Petaluma, in whose vehicle Blesio was a passenger, according to a report from Sheriff's Capt. James Bauman.

At 9:30 p.m. Sunday a sergeant assigned to the sheriff's Special Enforcement Detail – identified as Sgt. Chris Chwialkowski on the booking sheets for Blesio and Lakatos – conducted an enforcement stop on a Toyota SUV for an equipment violation on Soda Bay Road near Eastlake Drive in Kelseyville, Bauman said.

As soon as the Toyota pulled over and stopped on the shoulder of the road, one of the passengers got out of the vehicle and immediately fled on foot, Bauman said.

Chwialkowski recognized Blesio immediately, pursuing him on foot. Bauman said Blesio was apprehended without further incident after a foot chase that lasted approximately 50 yards.

When Chwialkowski returned to the scene of the car stop, he looked around the Toyota and found a glass meth pipe which he determined Lakatos had thrown from the vehicle while the foot chase was taking place, Bauman said.

Chwialkowski also determined that Lakatos was driving on a suspended license and took him into custody as well, according to Bauman.

Bauman said Blesio and Lakatos were transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility.

He said Blesio was booked for resisting arrest, and a total of five warrants for pending cases involving narcotics, weapons and assault charges, and Lakatos was booked for misdemeanor counts of possession of narcotics paraphernalia, attempting to conceal or destroy evidence and driving on a suspended license.

Blesio remained in custody on a no-bail hold on Monday. Lakatos, whose bail was set at $2,000, posted bail and had been released by Monday evening.

Early on Monday morning, Blesio's girlfriend, 44-year-old Cathi Larae Larson of Lakeport, also was arrested.

Police had sought Larson since June, alleging she had helped Blesio escape the scene of the June stabbing.

Larson was booked on four felonies, including failure to appear on a felony charges and three felony bench warrants. She remained in custody on Monday night.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LOWER LAKE, Calif. – Firefighters quickly knocked down a small fire that occurred at Lower Lake Elementary School on Saturday evening.

The fire was first reported shortly before 5 p.m., according to 911 calls listed in California Highway Patrol reports. One call said there was a lot of black smoke coming from the school, located on Lake Street.

Lake County Fire Assistant Chief Willie Sapeta said recycled rubber used on the playground caught fire. He said it could have been caused by someone tossing a cigarette on the ground in that area.

He said an engine was there for only five to 10 minute before the fire was out.

There was no damage, according to Sapeta.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .




In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lake County this year, Lake County News is publishing a series of historical stories about the county, its people and places. This week's story by Jan Cook – the second of two parts – explores the work of Lake County's suffragists.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Following the 1896 loss for suffrage, California’s woman suffrage fervor diminished for a few years, but by 1911, the tide had turned and pro-suffrage energy revitalized the movement. The women’s suffrage amendment was on the ballot again.

In the weeks preceding the Oct. 10 election, Lake County voters took time from another hot local issue, the Clear Lake Railroad, to consider women’s suffrage.

The Lake County Bee of Oct. 5, 1911, published articles by Nancy Kastner, wife of the Rev. W.F. Kastner, supporting the suffrage amendment and the Rev. James L. Woods, firmly against the amendment.

Woods opened his article with these words: “While I am opposed to the woman suffrage amendment to the constitution, in the elective franchise what man accepts as a privilege the suffragette woman demands as an absolute right. It is claimed to be equal and exact justice, as human beings under common civic institutions and laws. But no sooner will the fundamental law be changed than woman, while grasping its honors and emoluments will evade its duties and responsibility by demanding immunities and privileges made necessary by the limitations of her sex and nature. At once the equilibrium is destroyed and man becomes the weaker sex. I do not believe this to be nature religion law or fact. The religion discussion belongs to another forum.”

Woods commented that “fifteen years ago the Lakeport lecture of the celebrated Anna Shaw was a strong weapon for the defeat of the suffrage amendment.” Woods did not elaborate on his objections to Shaw’s lecture.

In the same issue of the Bee, Kastner asked, “Why should voting be any more degrading than standing in a line with neighbors and strangers at the Post Office, paying taxes, purchasing railroad tickets, or the many other things which women do, and to which no men seem to object? How can she sacrifice her dignity by putting on her bonnet and walking down to the polling booth? The woman who thinks she is making herself unwomanly by voting is a silly creature.”

Kastner expressed some of the cultural and racial attitudes of her day in her suffrage arguments. “Women as well as men are human beings and the right to self government is one which is demanding the attention of the whole world. Women will add a distinct moral element to the present vote. They loathe to have their mothers, wives and sweethearts rated with chinamen, idiots and insane persons at the ballot box.”

Arthur Dewdney, another Lakeport minister, spoke at Winter’s Opera House about his 18 years’ experience with women’s suffrage in New Zealand.

The Clear Lake Press published his comments on Sept. 23, 1911: “The arguments opposing the suffrage of women, the speaker said, were mutually destructive, citing some of [Bay Area journalist] John P. Irish’s contradictory declarations. “All the arguments met in this [California] campaign, said Mr. Dewdney, had been urged in New Zealand, and eighteen years experience under equal suffrage law had dissipated every one of them. Not a man of note there will oppose it now, in fact, the test of years has dissipated all the fears.”

On Oct. 10, 1911, California men voted on the suffrage amendment and made history. Early returns indicated that suffrage was headed for defeat, but slowly, county by county, the returns came in and the picture changed.

When all statewide returns were finally received and the official totals were announced two days later, they showed a majority of only 3,587 votes in favor. Once the suspense of the election was finished, women were ready to exercise their hard-won rights.

Within a few days of the election, women began to register in Lake County.

The Clear Lake Press for Oct. 21 named early registrants Virginia Mathews, wife of county clerk Shafter Mathews, Mary Tripp, Nancy Jane Dinsmore, Margaret Dinsmore Lane, Sydney Maude Milberry and Sylvia Hazell.

Lake County’s newly-enfranchised women placed their first votes in a “local option” election in November 1911, a vote on local prohibition. The First Supervisorial District voted “wet” 125 to 87.

The new suffrage law required a new registration form, effective Jan. 1, 1912.

The Clear Lake Press on Jan. 27, 1912, related the story of a remarkable woman who registered in January.

“Mrs. Iley Lawson Hill, Lake County’s centenarian, who will be 104 years old on the 5th of May, was the first woman and the first person to register on the new blanks this year. County Clerk Mathews personally went to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Arnold, and registered the venerable lady. Mrs. Hill is possessed of most of her faculties and can write her name, but does not see very well. When asked with what party she intended to affiliate, this daughter of the American Revolution replied 'I am a Whig.'” The daughter of a Revolutionary patriot, she remembered the days of the Whigs.

Women wasted no time in making their presence known in the voting booth.

The Clear Lake Press on April 6, 1912, reported that the “school election was of unheard of excitement in Lakeport, and apparently in most other districts of the county, yesterday. Think of a school election polling 358 votes in Lakeport when in former years fifteen was about the average vote cast, and consider whether or not women will vote when they have the opportunity. The women not only voted yesterday, but it is evident they stimulated, or shamed, the male sex into exercising their right and duty of electing school trustees.”

With the franchise came other civic privileges and responsibilities, and women soon expanded their political horizons.

Judge Morton Sayre named 10 women to the 1914 grand jury, an “innovation in Lake County.”

Now eligible for all elective offices, not just school offices, women began to throw their hats into the ring.

Luemma Kemp, widow of murdered sheriff George Kemp, was elected Lake County tax collector in 1914, the first woman to hold a countywide, non-school office.

When the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, Lake County seemed to take little note of it. By 1920 California women had already voted in two presidential elections and were anticipating their third. Voting had become routine.

Editor G. E. Nichols of the Lake County Bee urged women to remember that “feminine suffrage was not achieved in a day, nor in a month, nor a year. It has required many years of ceaseless effort and countless disappointment to place her on a political equality with man.

“The laudable ambition of womanhood is a better government and a more enlightened citizenry. This can be accomplished gradually, but it can not be done with a stampede.” (Lake County Bee, Sept. 2, 1920).

* * * * *

Suggested reading: Robert P.J. Cooney, Jr. Winning the Vote: The Triumph of the American Woman Suffrage Movement. Eleanor Flexner, Century of Struggle. Gayle Ann Gullet, Becoming Citizens: the Emergence and Development of the California Women’s Movement, 1880-1911. Rebecca J. Mead, How the Vote was Won: Woman Suffrage in the western United States. Anna Howard Shaw, The Story of a Pioneer. Will A. Linkugel and Martha Solomon, Anna Howard Shaw: Suffrage Orator and Social Reformer.

Juvenile titles: Anna Bausum, With Courage and Cloth: Winning the Fight for Woman’s Right to Vote. Marlene Targ Brill, Let Women Vote! Don Brown, A Voice from the Wilderness: The Story of Anna Howard Shaw. Deborah Kops, The Women Suffrage Movement. Carol Rust Nash, The Fight for Women’s Right to Vote. Dana Meachen Rau, Great Women of the Suffrage Movement.

Lake County newspapers, microfilmed and filed at the Lake County Library, hold the foundations of Lake County history stories that will be published during the Lake County Sesquicentennial celebration.

Research in books, in other local history sources like the “Mauldin Notes,” and on the internet, fleshes out these stories and allows glimpses of Lake County’s past. Through these articles, the library will introduce modern Lake Countians to little-known stories of “the good old days” in Lake County. Each article includes suggestions for further reading.

The microfilmed newspapers are housed at the Lakeport Library, 1425 N. High St, 707-262-8817, and at Redbud Library in Clearlake, 14785 Burns Valley Rd, 797-994-5115. Each library has a microfilm reader-printer machine. The library’s website is A list of the newspapers in the library’s collection is on the Web site under “Local Genealogy and History.”

Thank you to the Lake County Office of Education and California State Archives for their contributions to this article

Early 20th century newspapers referred to married women as wives of their husbands, not by their own names. Ada Clendenin was “Mrs. W.P. Clendenin.” Census searches on revealed the first names of women mentioned in these old articles.


Author's note: In researching this article, the writer was not able to find photographs of any Lake County suffrage events in the collection of the Lake County Museum. If any reader knows of photos of any suffrage events, please contact Jan Cook at Lakeport Library, 707-263-8817.

Visit the Lake County Sesquicentennial Web site at or the Facebook page at

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