Sunday, 06 October 2024


Two spiral arms emerge from the gas-rich disk around SAO 206462, a young star in the constellation Lupus. This image, acquired by the Subaru Telescope and its HiCIAO instrument, is the first to show spiral arms in a circumstellar disk. The disk itself is some 14 billion miles across, or about twice the size of Pluto's orbit in our own solar system. (Credit: NAOJ/Subaru)


For more than four hundred years, astronomers have used telescopes to study the great variety of stars in our galaxy.

Millions of distant suns have been cataloged. There are dwarf stars, giant stars, dead stars, exploding stars, binary stars; by now, you might suppose that every kind of star in the Milky Way had been seen.

That's why a recent discovery is so surprising.

Researchers using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii have found a star with spiral arms.

The name of the star is SAO 206462. It's a young star more than four hundred light years from Earth in the constellation Lupus, the wolf.

SAO 206462 attracted attention because it has a circumstellar disk – that is, a broad disk of dust and gas surrounding the star.

Researchers strongly suspected that new planets might be coalescing inside the disk, which is about twice as wide as the orbit of Pluto.

When they took a closer look at SAO 206462 they found not planets, but arms.

Astronomers have seen spiral arms before: they’re commonly found in pinwheel galaxies where hundreds of millions of stars spiral together around a common core. Finding a clear case of spiral arms around an individual star, however, is unprecedented.

The arms might be a sign that planets are forming within the disk.

“Detailed computer simulations have shown us that the gravitational pull of a planet inside a circumstellar disk can perturb gas and dust, creating spiral arms,” said Carol Grady, an astronomer with Eureka Scientific, Inc., who is based at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. “Now, for the first time, we're seeing these dynamical features.”

Grady revealed the image to colleagues on Oct. 19 at a meeting at Goddard entitled Signposts of Planets.

Theoretical models show that a single embedded planet may produce a spiral arm on each side of a disk.

The structures around SAO 206462, however, do not form a matched pair, suggesting the presence of two unseen worlds, one for each arm.

Grady's research is part of a five-year international study of newborn stars and planets using the giant 8.2 meter Subaru Telescope.

Operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Subaru scans the heavens from a perch almost 14,000 feet above sea level at the summit of the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea.

From there it has a crystal-clear view of innumerable young stars and their planet-forming disks throughout the Milky Way.

“What we're finding is that once these systems reach ages of a few million years – that’s young for a star – their disks begin to show all kinds of interesting shapes,” said John Wisniewski, a collaborator at the University of Washington in Seattle. “We’ve seen rings, divots, gaps – and now spiral features. Many of these structures could be caused by planets moving within the disks.”

However, it is not an open and shut case.

The research team cautions that processes unrelated to planets might give rise to these structures. Until more evidence is collected – or until the planets themselves are detected – they can’t be certain.

Whatever the cause of the arms, their reality is undeniable and the great catalog of stars has one more type. Stay tuned to science@nasa for future entries.

Dr. Tony Phillips works for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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An artist's concept of a comet storm around Eta Corvi. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.



NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has detected signs of icy bodies raining down in an alien solar system.

The downpour resembles our own solar system several billion years ago during a period known as the “Late Heavy Bombardment,” which may have brought water and other life-forming ingredients to Earth.

“We believe we have direct evidence for an ongoing Late Heavy Bombardment in the nearby star system Eta Corvi, occurring about the same time as in our solar system,” said Carey Lisse, senior research scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., and lead author of a paper detailing the findings to appear in the Astrophysical Journal.

During the Late Heavy Bombardment, comets and other frosty objects from the outer solar system pummeled the inner planets. The barrage scarred our Moon and produced large amounts of dust.

Spitzer has spotted a band of dust around Eta Corvi that strongly matches the contents of an obliterated giant comet, probably destroyed by a collision with a planet or some other large body.

The dust is located close enough to Eta Corvi that Earth-like worlds could exist in the collision zone, suggesting that planets like our own might be involved. The Eta Corvi system is approximately one billion years old, which researchers think is about the right age for such a hailstorm.

Astronomers used Spitzer's infrared detectors to analyze the light coming from the dust around Eta Corvi. Curiously, the light signature emitted by the dust around Eta Corvi resembles the Almahata Sitta meteorite, which fell to Earth in fragments across Sudan in 2008.

The similarities between the meteorite and the object obliterated in Eta Corvi imply a common birthplace in their respective solar systems.

A second, more massive ring of colder dust located at the far edge of the Eta Corvi system seems like the proper environment for a reservoir of cometary bodies.

This bright ring, discovered in 2005, matches the size of a similar region in our own solar system, known as the Kuiper Belt, where icy and rocky leftovers from planet formation linger.

The comets of Eta Corvi and the Almahata Sitta meteorite may have each originated in the Kuiper Belts of their respective star systems.

About 4 billion years ago, not long after our solar system formed, scientists think the Kuiper Belt was disturbed by a migration of Jupiter and Saturn.

This jarring shift in the solar system's gravitational balance scattered the icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt, flinging the vast majority into interstellar space and producing cold dust in the belt.

Some Kuiper Belt objects, however, were set on inward paths that crossed the orbits of Earth and other rocky planets.

The resulting bombardment of comets lasted until 3.8 billion years ago. After comets hit the side of the Moon that faces Earth, magma seeped out of the lunar crust, eventually cooling into dark “seas.”

Everyone has seen them: Those seas form the distinctive face of the “Man in the Moon.” Comets also struck Earth or incinerated in the atmosphere, and are thought to have deposited water and carbon on our planet. This period of impacts might have helped life form by delivering its crucial ingredients.

“We think the Eta Corvi system should be studied in detail to learn more about the rain of impacting comets and other objects that may have started life on our own planet,” Lisse said.

For more information about Spitzer and Eta Corvi, visit and

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Bass Bowl queens and princesses gathered at a bowling competition on Sunday, October 30, 2011, in Lakeport, Calif. Courtesy photo.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – After months of build up, anticipation and hype, the Bass Bowl will take place on Friday, Nov. 4.

The Bass Bowl is the varsity football rivalry game between Kelseyville High School and Clear Lake High School.

The game takes place Friday night, starting shortly after 7:30 p.m., at Clear Lake High School, located at 350 Lange St., in Lakeport.

This year's game features two struggling teams, with Clear Lake High coming in with a 3-5 record, and Kelseyville with an 0-8 record. But if history is any judge, you can throw away the records when these two teams play.

“It's an amazing rivalry between these two schools, dating back over 80 years,” according to Kelseyville head coach Rob Ishihara. “No matter what the team's records might be, or no matter how big one team is the underdog, they are almost always close, and brutally fought games. The kids leave everything they have on the field to win this game.”

Starting last year, the winning team takes possession of the Bass Bowl Trophy, a large wood carved bass created by master carver Mark Colp. This year, Colp's understudy, Ryan Anderson, created a matching totem pole for the trophy to sit on.

Currently, the trophy is in the possession of Kelseyville, winners of last year's game, which came on the heels of a 10-year losing streak.

“It was great to get that monkey off our back, and now that we have the trophy, we don't intend to give it up,” Ishihara said.

The game will preceded by a a tail gate party at the High Street Plaza in Lakeport, hosted by Sicily's Restaurant. The plaza parking lot will also serve as overflow parking for the game, with the school providing regular bus service from the plaza to the gate, and back. The tail gate party will begin at 3 p.m. and go until 6:30 p.m.

Major attempts were made to create a big game atmosphere for the Bass Bowl. A Civil War artillery reenactment team will be on hand to fire a full size cannon after every score.

The US Coast Guard will be diverting a huge C-130 aircraft to perform a fly over of the stadium at 6:25 p.m.

Youth Sports Network will be on hand to film the game and project replays on a giant jumbotron screen. A military color guard will be present during the National Anthem. Additional food vendors will be on hand to handle the increased food needs.

“It will be like no other athletic event ever in Lake County,” according to Bass Bowl executive director Phil Smoley. “Folks should dress warmly as it will get a bit chilly, but this is one game no one should miss. It will be a topic of conversation for months.”

The goal of the Bass Bowl is to raise funds for the schools athletic departments which have been gutted by budget cuts.

A series of fundraisers were created to be a part of the week's festivities. A wrap up follows.





Supervisor Rob Brown

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A Middletown teen lost her arm as the result of a Thursday night vehicle collision.

Seventeen-year-old Kya Hill's right arm was severed in the crash, which occurred inside the Napa County line on Highway 29, according to reports from the scene and the California Highway Patrol.

Hill was riding with her boyfriend, 22-year-old Samuel Weatherwax, also of Middletown, in his 2005 Dodge pickup when the crash occurred at about 6:55 p.m. Thursday, the CHP's Napa office reported.

The CHP report said Weatherwax was driving southbound on Highway 29 north of Tubbs Lane when the vehicle lost traction and left the roadway.

The pickup's right side hit a rock embankment on the highway's west edge. Hill's right arm – which was out the passenger window – also hit the embankment, the CHP said.

Weatherwax, who was uninjured, drove Hill back to the Middletown Fire Station, where Cal Fire paramedics tended to the girl until a REACH air ambulance few her from the station to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, according to the CHP report.

The CHP said the crash's cause is still under investigation.

In the wake of the crash and her injury, Hill – according to accounts shared by her friends – appears to be in good spirits, and is inspiring those around her.

A friend, CyCy Taylor, posted this message on Lake County News' Facebook page on Friday morning, which she said had been posted several hours earlier by Hill: “Hey guys!! I'm alive(: and now I'm left-handed because my arm got ripped off lol. Thank you everyone for the love and prayers!! And I get a fake arm(:.”

Readers and friends alike wished her a speedy recovery, and on Hill's Facebook page her attitude was cited as an inspiration.

Her friend Devin Negrete called her one of the strongest people he's ever met. “Her attitude through this whole thing is truly inspirational.”

Maria Gonzalez wrote that she learned a valuable lesson “from the most amazing person in the world last night” – which is not to dwell on what you don't have.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

Does your estate plan adequately protect your loved ones should you become disabled? That is, do your power of attorney and trust instruments authorize your agent and trustee, respectively, to assist those who depend on you in the manner you would want were you to become disabled?

It is entirely possible that your legal instruments do not adequately address the needs of all your loved ones, particularly your adult children.

These documents focus on protecting your needs during your disability. Adjustments are needed if you want to protect persons such as your adult children who are no longer your legal responsibility.

Let us consider some scenarios that might present a hardship to the loved ones of a disabled person.

First, consider a parent whose adult child lives at home and take cares of the parent.

If the parent were hospitalized or placed into a skilled nursing home would that child still be allowed to live at home while the parent was away and unable to manage her own affairs? Would anybody else in the family object to the child staying? Who will pay the utility bills incurred by the child?

If the parent's plan is that the parent's resources are to assist the adult child then the parent's power of attorney and trust (as relevant) should specifically authorize the same. Otherwise that child may find himself in an impossible situation and be forced to leave the area; even if the parent might prefer the child stay at the home and be close at hand.

Next, consider a parent with a special needs child who lives independently in his or her own home.

The special needs child may still depend on the parent for supplemental financial assistance, personal care, and advocacy regarding to maintain SSI and Medi-Cal benefits.

What will happen to the child if the parent were to become disabled? Will the parent's resources still supplement the child's benefits? Will the parent's resources be made available to pay for an advocate to represent the child before the Social Services Department?

Now, consider a parent supporting an adult child at college. Will the child be forced to withdraw from college because the parent's money becomes unavailable to pay tuition, room and board? If the child withdraws from college prior to obtaining a degree then will he or she be able to make a living without further parental support?

Finally, consider a parent who moves into a skilled nursing home and obtains Medi-Cal coverage. How important is it to the family to preserve the parent's home for the surviving children after the parent dies? Does the parent's power of attorney or living trust authorize the gifting of the home prior to the parent's death in order to save the home from Medi-Cal estate recovery claims after the deaths of the parent and his or her spouse?

For reasons like the ones discussed above, it is important that you review with an attorney the provisions in your power of attorney and trust documents that pertain to disability planning to see whether these provisions adequately protect your family in the way that you like.

It is better to correct any inadequacies now rather than have your family encounter nasty surprises later when it becomes much more difficult to try to correct.

Dennis A. Fordham, attorney (LL.M. tax studies), is a State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Law. His office is at 55 First St., Lakeport, California. Dennis can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 707-263-3235. Visit his Web site at

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LAKEPORT, Calif. – A quarter century after he shot to death a man who begged for his life, a state prison inmate has been denied a compassionate medical release by a local judge.

Following an hourlong hearing Wednesday morning, Judge Andrew Blum denied the request for a compassionate release for 65-year-old Carl Hampton Wade, said to be terminally ill due to heart and lung disease.

“In this court's view, Mr. Wade is exactly where he belongs. He's in custody and he should stay there,” said Blum.

Wade – currently housed at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville – signed a waiver of his presence and did not attend the hearing, where attorney Komnith Moth represented him.

Wade is serving a 16-years-to-life sentence for murdering John Karns on June 6, 1986.

Wade only began serving his sentence for first-degree murder in 2004 after receiving a 16-year sentence in Colorado. He had fled there after Karns' murder and shot another man, who survived but suffered longterm injuries, according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff.

Under a California law established in the 1990s, state prison inmates who have not been sentenced to death or life in prison without parole may receive a recall of sentence – or compassionate release – if they're terminally ill and expected to die within six months, said California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesperson Terry Thornton.

A later addition to the law allows for prisoners who are “permanently medically incapacitated” – or require 24-hour care – also to receive compassionate release, according to a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation fact sheet.

The law allows for the Board of Parole Hearings to suggest recall of commitment to the courts where the prisoners were sentenced. “They're the ones who ultimately decide,” Thornton said.

Since 1991, 1,154 such cases have been submitted to state prison officials, with courts recalling sentences in 344 of them, according to statistics provided by Thornton.

She added that compassionate release is not to be confused with the law passed last year allowing for medical parole for inmates who are severely incapacitated and no longer pose a threat to public safety. In those cases, if the parolee recovers, they would be returned to prison.

The Board of Parole Hearings voted 10-1 at an Oct. 18 hearing to refer Wade's request for release to the Lake County Superior Court, according to the hearing's minutes.

Blum said he was not convinced by the evidence provided by the state Board of Parole Hearings that Wade's medical condition was as portrayed, or that he would not be a danger, explaining that the state board had done little inquiry on Wade's proposed living situation with family members.

Quarrel leads to shooting

Hinchcliff argued against the release, focusing most of his time on the ethics of such a decision.

He explained that on the day of Karns' murder, Wade and Karns had gone drinking, quarreled, then went back to Wade's home to drink and cut wood.

There, a third man watched as Wade – who had been antagonizing Karns earlier, leading to Karns punching him – shot Karns while he was on the porch, Hinchcliff said. The witness got the gun from Wade, but neither made an effort to help Karns, who had been shot through the torso and was on his knees, bleeding.

Wade then got the gun and shot Karns in the head, burying his body the next day. By the time Karns' body was discovered 13 days after the shooting, Wade had fled the state, according to Hinchcliff.

Wade eventually ended up in Aurora, Colorado, where on Nov. 9, 1987, he and a friend, William Wiler, got into an argument while drinking. While the two men were riding together in a car, Wade pulled out a .38-caliber handgun and shot Wiler in the face, breaking his jaw, crushing vertebrae and leaving him with brain damage, Hinchcliff said.

Colorado authorities arrested Wade for Wiler's shooting. He received a 16-year sentence there and later was extradited to Lake County, where he received 16 years to life. Hinchcliff said the sentences ran consecutively, giving Wade a total of 32 years to life. He isn't due for parole consideration until 2019.

Hinchcliff, who had just found out about the release request last week, was able to track down Karns' two sisters and mother, who live in Lakeport, so they could attend the hearing.

Sisters recall brother's loss

During the Wednesday hearing, Karns' mother, Shirley, did not testify, but his younger sisters – Lucille “Cindy” Karns and Robann Karns Hill – both took the stand to appeal to the court not to release Wade.

For both women, their brother's stolen life has left holes in the fabric of their family.

“It robbed our whole family of a sense of security,” Cindy Karns said of her brother, who was 30 years old when he died.

She said her brother had been staying with Wade at a residence on Elk Mountain Road, and had said a week before his death that he was moving back with his family because Wade had some “really big issues.”

Cindy Karns said she has suffered with her own health problems, and does feel sorry for Wade, but added that she and her children worry that if he's released he might harm them. “This was a very violent man,” she said.

“The bottom line is, I'm serving a life sentence,” she said, adding that Wade is supposed to be serving a life sentence, too. “I don't want him out.”

Robann Karns Hill called the death of her big brother “devastating,” explaining that he was a father figure as well as a friend.

She recalled getting the call that her brother was missing, and later having to tell her mother that he was gone forever. “That was the most terrible thing to have to tell somebody.”

When his body was found nearly two weeks after his murder, officials had to use his tattoo to identify his badly decomposed body, she said.

Robann Hill said there was no chance to say goodbye, “and then it was years waiting, knowing that Carl was out there.” She said he had made several advances to her which she rebuffed, and she feared he would come back to hurt her or someone else.

“I feel there was no compassion given to my brother,” she said, describing how he was on the ground, begging for his life, when Wade shot him the final time.

'He did not show compassion to other people'

Moth argued that there was ample evidence that Wade qualified for the release due to his heart and lung conditions, which leave him chronically short of breath and require that he be on oxygen at all times.

He said Wade will probably spend most of his time in a bed or wheelchair, and added that four doctors had assessed Wade and testified he was terminally ill with less than six months to live.

Wade's sister, niece and nephew were going to care for him and had guaranteed that he would be supervised at all times, Moth said.

“It's undeniable that the crime itself was a horrific, serious crime,” said Moth, but he argued that so many years after Karns' murder, “Mr. Wade is not the same person as he was during that time period.”

Moth said Wade remained discipline free in prison and had no history of violent behavior during his time there, but Hinchcliff argued there was no evidence that Wade had taken classes on alcohol abuse or that he would not pose a threat to public safety.

“He did not show compassion to other people. He has done nothing to earn the compassion of this court,” said Hinchcliff.

Hinchcliff presented information to show that Wade had a violent history that went back farther than Karns' murder.

In February 1978 Wade's then-wife called the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office because he was tearing up their home, Hinchcliff said. When deputies arrived, Wade – armed with a spear gun – threatened to kill them, and was holding his children hostage. He also was arrested for that incident.

Judge not persuaded by state's evidence

Blum said he was required to make two findings: that Wade was terminally ill and that he didn't pose a risk to public safety.

He said the packet the Board of Parole Hearings supplied to him didn't contain a medical report, just a summary. “I would have liked actual medial reports, including previous medical reports showing the trajectory of his disease.”

Blum said the court had received a letter exactly six months before the hearing from Wade's sister, stating that he had six months to live and asking for his release.

“I can't help but look at that and wonder how valid the current prediction is that he has six months left to live,” said Blum, who didn't find the evidence at all persuasive.

As to public safety, Blum said he was surprised as the superficiality of the Board of Parole Hearings' analysis on that point. State officials had not visited the home where Wade was to be kept, and as for his family, “They've never had custody of this individual, they've never had care of this individual, they don't know what it takes.”

Wade's sister, Blum noted, is deaf. “He could wheel himself right out of the front door and she would never know,” he said, adding that it also wasn't clear if alcohol or firearms are present in that home.

“When he drinks he's extremely dangerous,” Blum said of Wade.

Blum's assessment of Wade was that he committed “extremely vicious” crimes, that were cold-blooded, premeditated “and absolutely senseless.”

Even if Blum had found Wade was terminal and harmless to society, the decision to recall the sentence, ultimately, was at the court's discretion.

Blum concluded that Wade should stay in prison, and adjourned the hearing.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – A young woman reportedly lost her arm as the result of a Thursday evening vehicle collision.

The California Highway Patrol's initial reports indicated the collision occurred shortly before 7 p.m. in the 5100 block of Highway 29, just inside Napa County.

There were not many details about the crash available Thursday evening.

However, reports from the scene indicated a young woman's arm was severed because of the single-vehicle collision.

The vehicle and the two people riding in it made it to the Middletown Fire Station, which was where a REACH air ambulance picked up the female to fly her to a trauma center, according to the CHP.

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COBB, Calif. – Tuesday night's wind storm knocked down power lines that in turn sparked a fire that threatened two nearby homes on Cobb Mountain.

A top blew out of a tree due to the heavy winds, taking down the lines in front of a home at 9688 Carolyn Drive near Hobergs, according to South Lake County Fire Battalion Chief Scott Upton.

Upton said the fire was dispatched at 9:11 p.m. and was under control within about 15 minutes.

The fire burned an acre of vegetation and threatened the Carolyn Drive home and another one nearby, Upton said.

South Lake County Fire sent four engines, two water tenders and a hand crew, according to Upton.

He said both homes were slightly damaged. Upton said there was damaged siding, and the deck and railing on one of the homes was scorched.

The two homes were occupied at the time of the fire, but Upton said no injuries were reported.

Mop up continued until about 3:30 a.m. Wednesdsay, he said.

Upton said both homes had good defensible space around them, with the brush having been cleared in case of fire.

“We can't emphasize that enough. Without that it would have been far more devastating,” he said.

Winds and low humidity also were believed to be contributing factors to a 90-acre fire in Napa County on Tuesday night which reportedly destroyed a home.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at, on Tumblr at, on Facebook at and on YouTube at .




LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – This Sunday, Nov. 6, Californians will be rolling back their clocks as daylight saving comes to an end.

Cal Fire and fire departments across the state are reminding residents to replace the batteries in all smoke alarms as well as their carbon monoxide alarm when they change their clocks.


“We recommend changing the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year,” said acting State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover of Cal Fire. “While you are spending a couple minutes to change the time on all your clocks, it’s so easy just to add an extra minute to ensure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarm all have fresh, new batteries as well.”


According to the National Fire Protection Association, roughly two-thirds of home fire deaths occurred in homes without working smoke alarms.

Working smoke alarms increase the change of surviving a home fire by 50 percent.


For decades, firefighters have used the time change as a reminder for residents to change their smoke alarm batteries. This year, officials are adding carbon monoxide alarms to their message following a new state law requiring all single-family homes have a carbon monoxide alarm.


Cal Fire has the following tips on smoke alarms:

  • Test smoke alarms once a month.

  • Replace batteries in all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms twice a year.

  • Don’t “borrow” or remove batteries from smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, even temporarily.

  • Regularly vacuum or dust smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to keep them working properly.

  • Replace smoke alarms every 10 years.

  • Don’t paint over smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.

  • Practice family fire drills so everyone knows what to do if the smoke alarm goes off.

Find more information visit the Cal Fire Web site at

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COBB, Calif. – A local man was injured Wednesday night when his motorcycle collided with a deer.

Brian Hennek, 34, of Cobb suffered moderate injuries, including a cut on his right hip, as a result of the crash, according to a Thursday report from the California Highway Patrol.

The CHP report from Officer Dan Frederick explained that Hennek was riding the motorcycle on a friend's private property – the exact location of which wasn't known – in Cobb at about 10 p.m. Wednesday, when the crash occurred.

Hennek was traveling at an unknown speed when the deer ran into his path, Frederick reported. As a result of colliding with the deer, Hennek was thrown from the motorcycle and suffered the cut hip.

Hennek was transported via air ambulance to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, according to Frederick.

Alcohol is not suspected to be a factor in the collision, which Frederick said is still under investigation.

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Students and staff at Middletown High School in Middletown, Calif., lined the highway on Monday, October 31, 2011, as the family of PFC Steven Shapiro passed by. Shapiro died on Friday, October 21, 2011, in Talil, Iraq, where he was serving in support of Operation New Dawn. Courtesy photo.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – On Monday, Oct. 31, the family of PFC Steven Shapiro knew they had to make the most difficult journey of their lives.

They would depart Middletown, bound for the airport in San Francisco, to receive the body of their loved one.

Shapiro died on Friday, Oct. 21, in Talil, Iraq, where he was serving in support of Operation New Dawn.

Shapiro’s wife, Adela, along with her brother and father, arrived at a designated location to be greeted by approximately 25 supporters.

Those awaiting the family and forming a flag line included members of the Warriors Watch Riders, Patriot Guard Riders and Operation Tango Mike.

Everyone paid their respects to the family and preparations were finalized for the motorcycle escort to accompany the family.

What the Shapiro family did not know was that more than 500 students and citizens awaited their caravan.

The student body and staff of Middletown High School and the middle school had gathered at the edge of campus, lining the caravan’s route. Many held flags; some held signs and all offered their support for the grieving family.

Ride Captain Rick Rice later commented, “There was not a dry eye on that ride.”

He said it was personally overwhelming to see so many young people honoring the family.

The caravan made brief stops in Sonoma and Marin counties, where additional riders joined the escort.

The story of the community support in Lake County, and Middletown in particular, spread quickly.

Mitch Laing, a fellow ride captain, shared with Rice that he thought special recognition should be given to the students and citizens for showing their heartfelt support to the soldier’s family.

Steven Shapiro had been home for the birth of his son, Micah, and only returned to duty on Oct. 13.

One day, Adela Shapiro can tell Micah about the time when Lake County gave their family a huge hug.

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Signs of support for the family of PFC Steven Shapiro were out in force on Monday, October 31, 2011. Courtesy photo.

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