Thursday, 17 October 2024


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A man whose case was sent back to Lake County for further proceedings is on his way to prison once again following a judge's ruling this week.

Charles Thomas Jones was returned to prison after Judge Andrew Blum denied a second attempt to suppress evidence, according to Deputy District Attorney Susan Krones.

Jones was represented by J. David Markham who took over the case after the death of Jones’ previous attorney, Stephen Tulanian.

Jones originally was sentenced on Nov. 16, 2007, to 10 years in prison for a felony charges of transportation of methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine) on a separate date, Krones said.

Jones also had a prior strike conviction as well as a prior prison term that resulted in a total prison term of 10 years, she said.

Krones said the First Appellate District Court remanded the case back to Lake County for a new motion to suppress evidence hearing. The hearing was held before the Judge Blum on April 27 and May 3.

During the hearing Sonoma County Deputy Greg Piccinini, previously with the Clearlake Police Department, testified that on Feb. 26, 2006, he saw Jones fail to make a complete stop at a stop sign, Krones said. As a result, he initiated a traffic stop that eventually led to the recovery of 40 grams of methamphetamine concealed on Jones’ person.

In making his ruling Judge Blum indicated that he found Deputy Piccinini’s testimony as to what he saw very credible. On the other hand, he was not persuaded by Jones’ testimony, nor that of the witnesses Jones produced.

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MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – On Thursday Cal Fire officials reported that an investigation into a fire that destroyed the lodge at a south county retreat concluded that the blaze was caused by the improper disposal of fire pit ashes.

The 3,000-square-foot lodge at Four Springs Retreat, located outside of Middletown, burned Monday night, as Lake County News has reported.

The building at the 55-year-old resort was valued at about $800,000, according to fire officials.

Cal Fire said that its investigator from the Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit concluded the inquiry into the cause and origin of the retreat's fire on Wednesday.

The investigation found that on midday Monday, the fire pit's ashes were improperly disposed of, with someone placing the ashes into a plastic bag, then placing the plastic bag into a cardboard box next to the structure.

Cal Fire Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit Chief Tim Streblow recalled the phrase “can your ashes” from when he began his career with the department. The slogan reminds residents to carry out proper ash debris disposal.

Hot coals, hidden in a pile of ashes, are well insulated and can stay hot for many days, officials said.

They said that ashes should never be emptied into a paper or plastic bag, cardboard box or similar container.

When disposing of ashes from a fireplace, wood stove, fire pit or barbecue, Cal Fire said ashes should be stored in a noncombustible metal container with an air tight seal. After adding ash to the bucket, pour water in the bucket to extinguish any hot coals. Place lid on container tightly.

In addition, they ash buckets should be stored in a safe location away from flammable materials – buildings and decks – just in case stray cinders escape.

“The department’s goal is to prevent fires and we ask residents for their help to bring us closer to success,” Streblow said.

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SACRAMENTO – Starting July 1, 2011, new legislation will go into effect requiring homeowners to install carbon monoxide detectors in every California home, a move Cal Fire officials say will save lives.

“Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, each year claiming the lives of an average of 480 people,” said acting State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover. “And sending more than 20,000 people to emergency rooms across the nation.”

Carbon monoxide, or CO, is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced from heaters, fireplaces, furnaces and many types of appliances and cooking devices.

The best way for homeowners to stay protected from carbon monoxide is to have a carbon monoxide detector installed on every floor and outside each sleeping area, Cal Fire said.

A recent study found that nearly nine in 10 California households did not have a carbon monoxide detector.

“Having a carbon monoxide detector is a small investment that really can help save your life and the lives of your family,” said Chief Hoover.

To help educate homeowners about the new law and to encourage them to install a carbon monoxide detector, Cal Fire/Office of the State Fire Marshal is teaming up with fire departments across the state, the Home Safety Council, First Alert and Lowe’s to host “CO Saturday” on June 4.

“CO Saturday” will be a special day-long safety celebration to teach families how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Though previous laws only required newly-constructed homes to have carbon monoxide alarms, the state’s new Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act (Senate Bill 183) requires owners of all existing single-family homes with an attached garage or a fossil fuel source to install carbon monoxide alarm devices within the home by July 1, 2011.

Owners of multifamily leased or rental dwellings, such as apartment buildings, have until Jan. 1, 2013,

to comply with the law.

For more information on how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning visit the Cal Fire Web site at

For more information on “CO Saturday,” please visit

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A man who killed his girlfriend and told authorities that she had been hit by a truck was denied parole in a hearing last week.

On May 26, the Board of Parole Hearings denied parole for convicted murderer Timothy John Connors, 64.

Lake County Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff, who prosecuted Connors in the case, attended the lifer hearing at the Mule Creek State Prison in Ione to argue against Connors’ release.

Connors, who was represented by defense attorney Judy Conard, was convicted of the second-degree murder of his girlfriend, Nina Estagin Rolih. He was sentenced by Lake County Superior Court Judge David Herrick to 16 years to life on Dec. 28, 1998.

His minimum eligible parole date was July 12, 2012, Hinchcliff reported.

On April 10, 1997, Clearlake Police Department received a 911 call that Rolih, who was living with Connors, had been hit and killed by a truck. When officers arrived at 3527 Monroe St. they found Rolih’s body under some debris and a blanket next to the roadway, according to case records.

Upon further investigation by Clearlake Police Investigator Ron Larsen, who is now retired, it was determined that Connors had cut Rolih’s throat with a butcher knife inside the residence, loaded her body in a garbage can, wheeled her down the driveway, dumped her at the end of the driveway, and partially covered the body.

Investigators also determined the murder took place a day and a half before Rolih's death was reported.


Connors gave investigators a detailed story about how some guys in a big black truck were racing up and down the street at night and hit Rolih, killing her.

After officers told Connors they did not believe the story, he claimed he acted in self defense and had to kill her when she attacked him in a drunken rage.

At trial, which lasted six weeks, Connors claimed self defense and further claimed that because of extreme intoxication at the time he could not have formed the intent to kill her.

The prosecution pointed out that he went to great lengths to hide the crime and set up a defense for someone who claimed not to know what they were doing.

At trial Hinchcliff also put on evidence of prior domestic violence, including evidence that Connors had previously threatened to kill Rolih and that he had stabbed her several times with a knife while intoxicated in 1996.

At the two-hour hearing May 26, Hinchcliff asked the Board of Prison Hearings to deny Connors parole on the ground that he still presented an unreasonable risk of danger to the public, especially females, if released, and failed to exhibit any remorse or accept responsibility for his conduct.

Connors has also had disciplinary problems while in prison and failed to address his chronic alcoholism or domestic violence problems, Hinchcliff said.

Hinchcliff also asked the commissioners for a lengthy parole denial for the reason that it would be unrealistic to expect Connors to be ready for parole at any time in the near future.

The Board of Parole Hearings agreed with that assessment and denied parole for the maximum allowable time of 15 years.

Connors’ next scheduled parole hearing will be in 2026.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The beacon atop Mt. Konocti is out temporarily, with repairs expected to be completed this month.

The beacon, restored last fall by the Lake County Public Services Department, has shorted out and is awaiting repair, according to Public Services Director Kim Clymire.

Clymire said the new light, installed on top of the tower on Buckingham Peak last Oct. 13, went off on Jan. 15.

He said fixing the beacon requires a climber certified to scale the 120-foot tall communication tower.

Such a climb costs around $800 to $1,000, Clymire said.

“Instead of paying that every time we need to do maintenance on the tower, I have decided to send county staff to a two-day 'tower climbing certified training' class that is being held next week in Sacramento at a cost of around $2,000 for the class, climbing equipment and an overnight stay,” Clymire said.

He said he and his Public Services staff had been waiting for the class to be held before repairing the light.

Clymire said they expect to have the beacon repaired this month.

The beacon was off from the fall of 2006 until last October, when a new $2,500 beacon was installed on top of the tower. On its tower-top perch, the beacon sits at an elevation of 4,172 feet mean sea level, as Lake County News has reported.

The light has been a county fixture for decades.

Public Services reported that the beacon originally was used to comply with a Federal Communications Commission regulation for the old Lake County TV tower on the top of Mt. Konocti, and also has been used by the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Patrol Division to signal water skiers when they are supposed to be off of the water.

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UPPER LAKE, Calif. – A local businessman prosecuted by the federal government in a marijuana case has pleaded guilty to one of the charges against him, with several of his codefendants also reaching plea agreements with the government.

Thomas Lee Carter, 59, of Upper Lake has reached a plea agreement with the US Attorney's Office, according to federal court documents.

Case documents show that on May 9, Carter made an appearance before Judge Jeffrey S. White in the U.S. District Court's Northern District of California in San Francisco.

There, Carter was placed on the witness stand and entered a guilty plea to one count of distributing or possessing with intent to distribute marijuana. The court accepted the plea and ordered the filing of a plea agreement.

According to federal documents, that charge carries a five-year minimum and 40-year maximum prison sentence and a $2 million fine. Supervised release terms range between a minimum of four years and a lifetime maximum.

Carter's federal public defender, Geoffrey Hansen, did not return calls seeking comment.

Sentencing has been scheduled for Oct. 6 in San Francisco.

In advance of the October sentencing date, the court ordered that Carter's case go to the US Probation Office for a presentencing report.

Carter had previously pleaded not guilty to two counts of distributing or possessing with intent to distribute marijuana plus a charge of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana. The latter charge carries a minimum 10-year sentence and $4 million fine.

Carter was arrested in August 2009 along with Brett Bassignani of Nice, who worked for Carter's contracting business.

Drug Enforcement Administration agents alleged Bassignani had agreed to sell 500 marijuana clones to two undercover agents and an informant in May 2006. The DEA had alleged Carter had been privy to the transaction.

The DEA also alleged that in August 2009 Carter had possessed with intent to distribute 100 or more marijuana plants.

The government would link the two men to several other people who were alleged to have been part of a marijuana distribution operation.

The other codefendants – all of them connected with medical marijuana dispensaries on the North Coast and in Southern California – included Scott and Diana Feil of Upper Lake and Redwood Valley; and Diana Feil's stepfather, Steven Swanson of Sebastopol. Later, yet another defendant, Mark Garcia of San Diego, was added to the case in a superseding indictment.

As part of the case, the federal government has sought millions of dollars in asset forfeiture from the group of defendants.

Court documents state that the defendants recently have reached a “global agreement” to resolve the case.

As a result, some of Carter's codefendants also have gone to court to change their pleas.

On May 26, Garcia went before Judge White and pleaded guilty to a count of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, with sentencing set for Oct. 27. The charge carries a minimum five-year sentence and $2 million fine.

On Wednesday, Swanson also went before Judge White to enter a change of plea, pleading guilty to conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana, with case documents stating that prison time ranges between a 10-year minimum and lifetime maximum, and a $4 million fine, and a minimum five-year and maximum lifetime supervised release.

Swanson also pleaded guilty to tax evasion, which carries a five-year prison sentence, three years of supervised release and $100,000 fine plus costs of prosecution.

His judgment and sentencing is set for Nov. 3.

The Feils also have reportedly reached an agreement “in principle” with the proposed agreement still being finalized, according to a May 26 filing.

Scott Feil's attorney, Charles Lindner of Santa Monica, did not respond to a request for comment on the case.

The latest filings did not mention any scheduled dates or any plea agreements specifically related to Bassignani.

White approved an order continuing matters in the case until June 23 at the request of the defendants.

Carter remains out on $200,000 bond, secured by one of his Upper Lake properties, until his October sentencing.

Stipulations of his release require him to stay in the Northern District unless traveling for work or family reasons to the Eastern District, with advance notification to the supervising pretrial services officer required.

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TEMECULA, Calif. – As tribal leaders and federal officials met inside, a large group gathered in front of the Pechanga Resort and Casino on Thursday to protest what they said is the growing problem of corruption and illegal activity in Indian Country.

The protesters, representing tribes from throughout Indian Country, issued a statement in which they decried actions taken by tribal officials in violation of tribal and federal laws.

Several protestors had made formal requests to meet with Assistant Secretary Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk, who was scheduled to attend the forum.

Assistant Secretary Echo Hawk is charged with carrying out the Department of Interior’s trust responsibilities to tribes and individual Indians.

The protestors wanted an opportunity to discuss the problems of corruption and rights violation in Indian Country and question him on the actions the department would take to uphold its trust responsibility to the thousands of individual Indians who have been victimized by tribal leaders.

To date, the department, through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, has declined to intervene and allowed tribal leaders to continually terrorize targeted individuals and groups unless the tribe's governing documents allow BIA intervention

Assistant Secretary Echo Hawk failed to respond to the numerous requests, and when several protestors attempted to enter the forum, they were confronted by individuals claiming to be the assistant secretary’s bodyguards. The protestors were questioned by the bodyguards and asked to provide proof of their identification, but they were not allowed to meet with the assistant secretary.

A small group of protestors was eventually allowed to meet with BIA Pacific Regional Director Amy Dutschke and Superintendent Robert Eben of the Southern California Agency.

The BIA representatives listened to the individuals concerns regarding corruption and rights violations in Indian Country.

Regional Director Dutschke did inform those she met with that sanctions could be levied against offending officials and tribal governments and promised to take the issue to Echo Hawk.

The BIA is not the only forum that has declined to intervene in matters considered internal to the tribes. The courts have almost always declined to hear cases involving internal tribal matters.

Tribes and tribal officials accused of violating tribal and federal laws – such as the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 – have routinely claimed that their actions are cloaked by sovereign immunity and beyond the jurisdiction of the courts.

In a recent case involving the Snoqualmie Tribe of Washington State, a federal judge ruled that tribal leaders had illegally banished members of the tribe. In spite of the court's ruling, the Snoqualmie tribal council has failed to comply with the decision and continues to cite sovereign immunity as justification for their unlawful actions. The illegally banished members are now being subject to disenrollment, against the wishes of their tribal members, by the very same tribal officials.

A contingent of the banished Snoqualmie Tribal members traveled over the course of several days to join representatives from several California tribes, Oklahoma, and Arizona. The Snoqualmie and others believe it is important that tribal leaders and federal officials begin to understand the breadth and impact of human and civil rights violations in Indian Country.

“In the past decade, thousands of Indians throughout the United States have been the victims of gross human and civil rights violation,” said John Gomez Jr., a founding member of the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization.

“The rise in the number of crimes committed by tribal officials against individual Indians appears to coincide with the expansion of Indian gaming,” Gomez said. “Greed and the desire to maintain control of businesses that bring in millions, sometimes hundreds of millions, of dollars are motivating factors to get rid of opposing factions within the tribe and deny membership to those who would share in any profits.”

He added, “As long as tribal officials can continue to escape prosecution for their illegal acts by invoking immunity from suit, such crimes will continue unabated. Many more will be banished; disenrolled; denied membership; denied voting rights and medical services; and stripped of the rights guaranteed by tribal and federal laws.”


Congress enacted the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968 in response to claims made by individual Indians that tribal officials were violating basic human and civil rights. The ICRA provides that tribes and tribal officials are barred from denying individuals rights such as due process and equal protection of laws. Unfortunately the ICRA failed to include an effective enforcement mechanism by which tribal officials could be held accountable for violations of its provisions.

Those who gathered at the protest agreed that tribal officials must be held accountable for their actions.

A means to accomplish this goal would be to amend the ICRA and provide for the prosecution of tribal officials for any violations of the actions prohibited in the law.

While such an action would be seen by tribes as an infringement on their sovereignty, those who have already been victimized do not believe that sovereignty should protect criminals or provide an environment where crimes can and will continue.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clearlake Police Department is looking for information about a vehicle that was involved in a hit-and-run incident on Tuesday night.

A report from Sgt. Rodd Joseph said the incident occurred at about 11 p.m. Tuesday.

He said Clearlake Police officers were dispatched to a reported hit-and-run with a vehicle in the 16100 block of 32nd Avenue.

When officers arrived to the scene they discovered a parked vehicle with significant rear end damage and a damaged metal driveway gate, he said.

Police interviewed witnesses who described the suspect vehicle as a black SUV with a chrome front grill guard, Joseph said.

The suspect vehicle, after crashing into the parked vehicle and metal gate, was last seen driving east on 32nd Avenue. Joseph said vehicle debris left on scene indicates that the suspect vehicle is likely a 1994-1996 black Jeep Cherokee.

The vehicle will have both front and rear end damage, said Joseph.

He said police are looking for this vehicle and owner.

Anyone with information about this vehicle is asked to contact Officer Michael Carpenter at 707-994-8251. You may remain anonymous.

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A fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2011, during Wild West Day in Upper Lake, Calif., to benefit 4-year-old Jenni Rivera-Cervantes. Courtesy photo.




UPPER LAKE, Calif. – A fundraiser will be held at this weekend's Wild West Day in Upper Lake to benefit a seriously ill local child.

Missy Hill is organizing a raffle in front of Nor Cal Moto & Speed Equipment on Main Street on Saturday, June 4, to benefit 4-year-old Jenni Rivera-Cervantes of Upper Lake.

The girl recently was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and due to her illness had to stop attending Upper Lake Head Start.

Her family takes her to Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland for chemotherapy treatments.

Jenni is reportedly responding very well to chemotherapy, which she's scheduled to have for two years.

She loves Oreo cookies, Dora the Explorer and ponies.

Hill said she will be selling tickets from 9 a.m. until the drawing at 3 p.m. It's hoped that Jenni will be able to be there to draw the winning tickets.

Raffle prizes include one cord of oak/madrone firewood – free delivery in Upper Lake, Nice, Lucerne and north Lakeport – donated by the Hill family; one night's stay at the Tallman Hotel; and a $60 meat certificate from Lakeview Supermarket & Deli.

The proceeds will go into an account set up for Jenni at Westamerica Bank.

It's not too late to donate more items for the raffle.

For more information call Missy Hill at 707-349-3307.

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William Graves, 49, of Middletown, Calif., was arrested on Thursday, June 2, 2011, following a traffic stop in which he allegedly was found in possession of methamphetamine and also was alleged to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Lake County Jail photo.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – An enforcement stop in Clearlake by sheriff’s deputies assigned to the Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Detail has resulted in the arrest of a Middletown man and the seizure of three-quarters of an ounce of methamphetamine.

Arrested was 49-year-old William Glynn Graves, according to a report from Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Thursday, June 2, sheriff’s deputies assigned to the Special Enforcement Detail were conducting proactive enforcement patrols in the areas of Clearlake and Lower Lake, Bauman said.

At approximately 12:30 p.m., one of the Special Enforcement Detail deputies observed a white Toyota Solara speeding on Highway 53 near Dam Road, Bauman said.

As the deputy pulled in behind the Toyota, the driver made an abrupt lane change in an apparent attempt to avoid the deputy. Bauman said the vehicle was stopped and the driver was identified as Graves.

When the deputy approached Graves, he displayed symptoms of being under the influence of a controlled substance, Bauman said.

While Graves was detained for further examination, a narcotics interdiction K-9 team assigned to SED arrived to assist. Bauman said the narcotics detection dog was led to the vehicle and alerted on the driver’s area.

He said a subsequent search of the vehicle by the K-9 handler revealed approximately one-quarter of an ounce of methamphetamine concealed between the driver’s seat and the center console.

Graves was arrested and transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility for booking, Bauman said. While being transported to the jail, Graves divulged to the arresting deputy that he had more methamphetamine concealed in the crotch area of his pants.

When Graves was searched by correctional officers during the booking process, another one-half ounce of methamphetamine was recovered from inside of his pants, Bauman said.

Bauman said Graves was booked for possession of a controlled substance for sales, transportation of a controlled substance, and being under the influence of a controlled substance. He remains in the custody of the sheriff on $15,000 bail.

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Three-quarters of an ounce of methamphetamine allegedly was found on Williams Graves of Middletown, Calif., during a traffic stop on Thursday, June 2, 2011, near Clearlake, Calif. Photo courtesy of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The service of a search warrant by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force last month resulted in two arrests and the seizure of methamphetamine.

Arrested were 52-year-old Gary Alan Collins of Lucerne and 27-year-old Anthony Wesley Thomas of Nice, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Friday, May 20, at approximately 6:45 p.m., narcotics detectives served a search warrant on Collins and his Lucerne home, Bauman said. Upon entering the home, Collins and Thomas were both detained without incident.

Collins was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and he was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Bauman said Thomas also was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance. A search of Collins’ home also produced a glass meth pipe and other narcotics paraphernalia.

Bauman said Collins was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, being under the influence of a controlled substance, and possession of narcotics paraphernalia. Thomas was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

Anyone with information that can assist the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force is encouraged to call the anonymous tip line at 707-263-3663.

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