Thursday, 17 October 2024


LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The holiday shopping season, now nearing its end, has produced some hope and good news for businesses around the nation, as well as those right here at home.

Since the recession officially started in December 2007, consumer spending has been sluggish compared to that seen during the several years previous.

That trend has continued over the last few years, as people have struggled with job loss, foreclosure and the overall uncertainty of the country's economic situation.

But analysts around the country are pointing to some interesting facts to emerge from this holiday season. Holiday spending can be a good indication of other economic factors.

Here in Lake County, holiday crowds and the bustle of seasonal shopping is encouraging local businesses.

“Overall, people are feeling very good about their holiday shopping,” said Lake County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Melissa Fulton.

Fulton, who did a quick survey of several Lakeport businesses Thursday, said one store she spoke with felt it was keeping pace with last year, which wasn't a strong year for commerce.

“The others all said they were very pleased with the way things are going and the way shoppers have come out, so that's a good thing,” Fulton said.

Based on feedback from chamber members, Fulton said the recession seemed to start later locally. That's a sentiment voiced by some county government officials earlier this year, who also noted the county is likely to come out of the grips of the recession later.

Despite some optimistic signs for businesses, Lake County's economic challenges still appear to be full-fledged. November's unemployment rate rose to 18.7 percent, up from 17.1 percent over October.

Last month, The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index showed an increase that brought it to its highest level in five months. The survey is based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households.

“Consumers’ assessment of the current state of the economy and job market, while only slightly better than last month, suggests the economy is still expanding, albeit slowly,” said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center.

Likewise, last month the Consumer Electronics Association said it found consumer confidence to be the highest since October 2009.

“Consumers are beginning to feel less pessimistic about employment as their overall economic outlook improves,” said Shawn DuBravac, CEA chief economist and director of research. “While the labor market remains depressed, consumer sentiment is rising.”

Reston, Va.-based comScore – which tracks the digital world, including e-commerce – reported Wednesday that $28.36 billion had been spent online in the first 49 days of the holiday shopping season, accounting for a 12-percent increase versus the corresponding days last year.

In addition, the week ending Dec. 19 showed $5.5 billion in spending, 14 percent up from the same week last year, while the final shopping weekend before Christmas hit $900 million in retail e-commerce spending, representing a strong 17-percent growth rate compared to the same time in 2009, comScore reported.

The news about consumer spending comes as foreclosure numbers nationwide appear to be falling, according to the latest RealtyTrac report.

The company's November 2010 report, released earlier this month, showed a 21-percent decrease in foreclosure actions nationwide from October, and a 14-percent decrease since November 2009.

Both the 21 percent month-over-month decrease and 14 percent year-over-year decrease in foreclosure activity were the highest drops recorded since RealtyTrac began publishing the U.S. Foreclosure Report in January 2005.

In the midst of the changing economic factors, around Lake County this year, several charitable efforts – such as wish trees at various businesses and organizations, and food drives – reported overwhelming and quick response from the community to help those in need.

Fulton said that while the local economic optimism isn't yet overwhelming, there is a feeling that people are becoming more comfortable about spending money.

She's also hearing feedback about a strong economic fourth quarter for businesses.

“So let's hope that it keeps up,” she said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The holidays are a time of celebration with family, friends and co-workers.

Often, those holiday festivities involve travel, whether it’s to a relative’s house, home from the office Christmas party, or even just a quick trip to the store for a last-minute purchase.

Regardless of what brings you out on the roadways this year, know that you’re in good company with the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

On Friday, Dec. 24, at 6 p.m., the CHP begins its Christmas Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP) which continues through Sunday, Dec. 26, at 11:59 p.m.

During this holiday weekend, CHP offices throughout the state plan for increased visible presence by deploying special enforcement teams, in addition to those who are already scheduled to work.

“The holiday season is all about having good times with family and friends, and about sharing and giving,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “We want to make sure everyone enjoy their festivities, and therefore, our goal is to ensure you and your loved ones arrive at your destination safely.”

Drivers are reminded to always wear seat belts, put children in appropriate safety seats, drive at a safe speed for various conditions, and never drink and drive during this holiday season.

“Officers will be on the road to ensure motorists celebrate the holidays in a safe, responsible manner,” added Commissioner Farrow. “If your celebration involves alcohol, please designate a non-drinking driver.”

Last year during the CHP’s Christmas holiday enforcement effort, 22 people were killed in collisions statewide; among the vehicle occupants killed within CHP’s jurisdiction, more than half were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. CHP officers also accounted for 1,104 arrests made statewide for driving under the influence (DUI) during the 2009 Christmas MEP.

The CHP will conduct a similar holiday enforcement effort during the New Year’s weekend which begins Friday, Dec. 31, at 6 p.m., and continues through 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011.

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WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday reported on the 2010 Census' final tally of the nation's population.

The 2010 count showed the resident population of the United States on April 1, 2010, was 308,745,538.

The resident population represented an increase of 9.7 percent over the 2000 U.S. resident population of 281,421,906.

That increase is the smallest population growth change over a 10-year period since the 1940 Census, when a 7.3-percent growth rate was reported, according to Census date from 1910 to 2010. The largest growth rate during that time was 21 percent in 1910, followed by 18.5 percent in 1960.

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, Acting Commerce Deputy Secretary Rebecca Blank and Census Bureau Director Robert Groves unveiled the official counts at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

“A big thanks to the American public for its overwhelming response to the 2010 Census,” U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. “The result was a successful count that came in on time and well under budget, with a final 2010 Census savings of $1.87 billion.”

The national participation rate for the 2010 Census was 74 percent, based on households that filled out their questionnaire and returned it. That matched the 2000 participation rate.

California had a 73 percent participation rate, down from 76 percent in 2000. Lake County's rate was 61 percent this year, up from its 56-percent 2000 participation rate, officials reported.

Rebecca Blank, now acting deputy secretary of Commerce who has overseen the 2010 Census as under secretary for Economic Affairs, echoed Locke.

“The 2010 Census was a massive undertaking, and in reporting these first results, we renew our commitment to our great American democracy peacefully, fairly and openly for the 23rd time in our nation's history,” Blank said.

The U.S. resident population represents the total number of people in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The most populous state was California (37,253,956); the least populous, Wyoming (563,626).

The state that gained the most numerically since the 2000 Census was Texas (up 4,293,741 to 25,145,561).

The state that gained the most as a percentage of its 2000 Census count was Nevada, up 35.1 percent to 2,700,551, followed by Arizona, up 24.6 percent to 6,392,017; Utah, up 23.8 percent to 2,763,885; Idaho, up 21.1 percent to 1,567,582; and Texas, up 20.6 percent to 25,145,561.

Regionally, the South and the West picked up the bulk of the population increase, 14,318,924 and 8,747,621, respectively. But the Northeast and the Midwest also grew: 1,722,862 and 2,534,225.

Additionally, Puerto Rico's resident population was 3,725,789, a 2.2 percent decrease over the number counted a decade earlier.

California's percentage of growth over the last 10 years was approximately 10 percent, the Census Bureau reported.

States and territories that actually showed population declines were Michigan, down 0.6 percent, and Puerto Rico, the population for which declined 2.2 percent.

More specific state and regional data will become available between February and March 31, the Census Bureau reported. That data will be necessary for redrawing U.S. Congressional and state legislative district boundaries.

Just before Tuesday's announcement, Locke delivered the apportionment counts to President Barack Obama, 10 days before the statutory deadline of Dec. 31.

The apportionment totals were calculated by a congressionally defined formula, in accordance with Title 2 of the U.S. Code, to divide among the states the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The apportionment population consists of the resident population of the 50 states, plus the overseas military and federal civilian employees and their dependents living with them who could be allocated to a state.

Each member of the House represents, on average, about 710,767 people. The populations of the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico are excluded from the apportionment population, as they do not have voting seats in Congress.

Based on the apportionment, states that will gain representatives are Texas, four; Florida, two; and Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington all get one each.

States that lost representatives are New York and Ohio with two each, and Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey and Pennsylvania each losing one.

California's congressional seats stay flat at 53, the largest number of any state.

“The decennial count has been the basis for our representative form of government since 1790,” Groves said. “At that time, each member of the House represented about 34,000 residents. Since then, the House has more than quadrupled in size, with each member now representing about 21 times as many constituents.”

President Obama will transmit the apportionment counts to the 112th Congress during the first week of its first regular session in January. The reapportioned Congress will be the 113th, which convenes in January 2013.

Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution calls for a census of the nation's population every 10 years to apportion the House seats among the states. The 2010 Census is the 23rd census in our nation's history.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Some parts of Northern California could have a white Christmas this year thanks to a Pacific storm system predicted to hit over the holiday weekend, and travelers are urged to be prepared for weather changes.

The National Weather Service expects a dry Christmas Eve, with the storm expected to approach the California coast Friday night and into early Saturday morning.

The agency said there is a possibility of light rain showers – plus snow in higher elevations – Christmas morning, with precipitation expected across the northern part of the state Saturday afternoon and evening.

Rain and mountain snow are forecast to become heavier Saturday night and Sunday morning, at the time the storm's main front system is pushing across California, the National Weather Service said.

Sunday could see continued showers throughout the day, as well as more snow in the mountains, the agency reported.

Forecasters predict that there will be an inch or more of rain falling on the Sacramento Valley floor over the weekend, with between 1 to 2 feet of snow above 7,000 feet by Monday morning.

The National Weather Service expects the storm to produce moderate snow levels ranging between 3,000 to 4,000 in the mountains in Shasta County to 4,000 to 5,000 feet over the Northern Sierra.

In Lake County, a special weather statement from the National Weather Service predicts a 100-percent chance rain on Saturday, with temperatures topping out at 42 during the day with a nighttime low of 36 degrees, and southeast winds between 15 and 21 miles per hour in the day, dropping to between 11 and 13 miles per hour at night.

For Sunday, Lake County has a 70-percent chance of rain, according to the forecast, with showers likely in the morning, to be followed by a cloudy day with a daytime high near 39 degrees and a nighttime low of 35 degrees. The chance of showers Sunday night drops to 30 percent.

Early next week, the agency also reports a slight chance of showers for Lake County.

For travelers, the National Weather Service cautions that travel throughout the holiday weekend is expected to be impacted.

Northern California's major mountain passes are expected to be impacted with chain controls, which could mean delays from Saturday night through Sunday afternoon, forecasters said. In some cases, heavy snow and strong winds could lead to white-out conditions.

For those who will be on the roads, be prepared for changing weather conditions, carry chains and emergency supplies, and check the latest weather reports before heading out.

While snow and rain won't stop sleighs with flying reindeer, for those traveling over the holidays, current road conditions can be checked by visiting Caltrans online at or calling 800-427-7623.

For the latest in weather conditions, visit the National Weather Service's Sacramento office online at or check out the weather forecast link on the Lake County News home page.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

LAKEPORT, Calif. – At the end of a daylong meeting Wednesday , the Lake County Planning Commission certified the final environmental impact report for the proposed expansion of Bottle Rock Power LLC's geothermal project on Cobb Mountain.

In a hearing with hours of testimony that was sometimes confusing, off topic and contentious, the commission found that the final EIR – which neighbors of the project faulted for myriad shortcomings and mistakes – was sufficient for the project.

The project is located within the Binkley and Francisco Leaseholds at 6743, 6825, 7358, 7385 and 7500 High Valley Road, Cobb.

The plant, operated during the 1980s by the California Department of Water Resources, was closed for many years until it was reopened in 2007 under the ownership of US Renewables Group and Carlyle/Riverstone Renewable Energy Infrastructure Fund I, as Lake County News has reported.

The commission, with District 2 Commissioner Bob Malley absent, heard five and a half hours' worth of testimony – both from neighbors and Bottle Rock Power officials – before rendering the decision on the final EIR. It then heard another hour of comments on the project's use permit, which is proposed for expansion.

Community Development Director Rick Coel explained that Bottle Rock Power is seeking to add up to 22 wells over the life of the project, although it's more likely to add between six and nine.

That expansion also would includes the rezone of 60 acres to allow for two new 3.5-acre geothermal well pads, an access road and 1.3 miles of new pipeline to connect to the existing pipeline. The company also said it will build a new bridge as part of the expansion.

But as 5 p.m. arrived, the exhausting discussion led both the commission and residents affected by the plant to agree to come back to continue the consideration beginning at 10:15 a.m. Jan. 13.

That meeting will delve more into Bottle Rock Power LLC's request for a new use permit and proposed modifications to its current use permit, as well as its traffic and road maintenance plan.

While community members made clear their reservations over the project, local leaders communicated their support for the project to the commission.

On Thursday a memo to the commission from County Administrative Officer Kelly Cox urged them to approve it, noting, “It is imperative to the well-being of all residents of Lake County that our County government take decisive actions to facilitate the creation of new jobs and encourage private sector investments that will result in both short-term and long-term economic benefits.”

Cox said the geothermal industry has been one of the county's “few consistently successful economic engines” over the past three decades, and has become a major contributor to the county's tax base. Based on his work with the industry, he said he's become a strong proponent.

Quoting the EIR, Cox said the plant's cost for full buildout would be $80 million to $90 million. It would take between 320 and 360 new homes, each valued at around $250,000, to add as much value to the county's tax rolls, and those homes – unlike the plant – would result in increased public service and infrastructure demand.

Commissioner Cliff Swetnam reported to his fellow commissions that earlier in the day before the meeting started he had received a call from Lake County Farm Bureau Executive Director Chuck March and an e-mail from Lake County Chamber Executive Director Melissa Fulton, both urging the final EIR's approval based on their belief in its positive economic impacts.

Company, neighbors discuss project

Coel and consultants from AECOM, the company in charge of preparing the EIR, gave a presentation on the document, touching on mitigations for the 34 identified significant impacts – such as traffic, geology and biological resources – as well as 21comment letters they received.

Bottle Rock Power General Manager Brian Harms and his staff explained their project and the effort to get it to this point. “It's been a very intense effort involving many different areas of regulatory jurisdiction and technical capabilities,” Harms said.

There's more work to do, he said, and they need to secure financing, which hangs on the permitting to expand onto the Binkley lease.

He said the plant has a 55-megawatt capacity, but currently only is producing 11 megawatts.

During the public hearing, neighbors asked for more time to be able to go through the 432-page EIR, which several of them said they had only had for about a week. Coel pointed out that the document had been available since Dec. 9.

Randy Fung, one of the group of neighbors who he said has been working on addressing Bottle Rock Power's operations over the last two years, told the commission, “The issues on this project are very complex,” and they were touching just the tip of the iceberg.

Fung added that concerned neighbors have taken part in seven town hall meetings, and he questioned the discussion on the project coming up so close to the holidays.

Another landowner near the project, Kelly Fletcher, complained of rotten egg smells coming from the plant, and said his home is sitting unoccupied and for sale because he's concerned about the health impacts on his children.

He also stated that traffic on High Valley Road related to the plant is dangerous and not well regulated.

Cheri Holden, chair of the Sierra Club Lake Group, commended community members who live near the plant for their diligence in monitoring the project. “They have been activists in protecting their community and their families.”

Holden also commended Bottle Rock Power for working on some of the historical mistakes made under past managers, and being willing to keep the dialogue open with neighbors.

She said the Sierra Club's general position on the matter is to applaud alternative energy, but projects must be weighed on risk and value.

“The Sierra Club still does have a question about that real opportunity for 55 megawatts,” she said, suggesting continued diligence and monitoring were needed at all levels.

Coel told the commission that the county has a geothermal coordinator and is recruiting for an additional resource planner to monitor geothermal projects.

If Bottle Rock Power's project was approved, the company would be entering into a mitigation and monitoring agreement with Coel's department, which would mean the company would have to pay the costs for staff to conduct monitoring.

“It's a big construction project, so we're going to need to be up there,” he said.

Coel said he understood why residents weren't happy in the past. “We weren't happy either,” he said, but the issues have been cleaned up.

Property owner Hamilton Hess raised concerns over rare plant species in the area's serpentine soil, and referenced a letter from the California Native Plant Society to the county.

The proposed mitigations in the EIR include a pre-construction survey and modifications of the project footprint to avoid disturbing the plants.

Ron Fidge, who has lived in Cobb's High Valley since 1972 and said he overlooks the project, spent about an hour and a half before the commission criticizing the document and airing other complaints about the operation.

He also spent considerable time arguing with staff interpretations of impacts and code language, and threatened litigation over a road easement that Deputy County Counsel Bob Bridges said the commission had no authority to enforce anyway.

Commission Chair Clelia Baur tried to keep Fidge on the EIR certification discussion, telling him at one point, “You have a lot on your mind” and adding that he was hard to follow.

Fidge responded by telling them that the plant had made his home “a hell hole.”

He then told the commission that they had better be prepared to extend the hearing another day.

At that point, Commissioner Cliff Swetnam leaned forward in his chair and told Fidge, “You need to quit threatening this commission,” which elicited an apology from Fidge.

Swetnam said they were there to make a decision, not engage in civil law disputes. To make their decision, they needed factual information, he added.

Fidge said he has a federal lawsuit against the county over not enforcing his rights through a gate on the land. “We get violated every time we turn around.”

A frustrated Coel told the commission that his department has put an incredible amount of staff time into monitoring the site and investigating false complaints.

“I am telling you as the community development director, someone who has worked in this department for 20 years, things are under control up there,” and that the plant is in compliance with its use permit, Coel said.

He said there are definite issues he wants the commission's guidance on regarding the current use permit and traffic control to make sure the whole system operates better.

Commission makes decision

Commissioner Gil Schoux, in whose district the plant is located, held up the 56 pages of mitigations on the project. He said he was confident in staff's work on the project and would vote in favor of certifying the EIR.

Swetnam said there were a lot of people emotionally connected to the project's issues. But he said the commission needed facts. “We've had very little hard evidence today.”

He said the commission can't speculate on what will happen in the plant's future, and they'll probably never know if the plant can reach 55 megawatts. Still, he said, “We need the power,” and if they can mitigate the problems, it doesn't matter if the plant only ever reaches 30 megawatt production.

He added, “I can't mitigate speculation, I can't mitigate conjecture,” noting that the energy produced and the jobs both are benefits for the county.

Baur said she understood that people were hoping that the plant wouldn't reopen after being closed for so many years, but she agreed that the project was important for the county.

Schoux moved to certify the final EIR, with Swetnam seconding. The commission approved the motion 4-0.

Following a break and just under another hour of input, the commission decided to continue the use permit discussion until Jan. 13.

The documents on the Bottle Rock Power expansion project, including the full EIR, can be found on the county's Web site at .

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

ANDERSON SPRINGS, Calif. – A 3.4-magnitude shook the Anderson Springs area early Tuesday morning.

The quake occurred at 2:10 a.m., according to the US Geological Survey.

It was a “poorly constrained” quake just under the earth's surface, based on survey reports. It was centered three miles west northwest of Anderson Springs, four miles east southeast of The Geysers and four miles south southwest of Cobb.

The US Geological Survey received nine shake reports from Lakeport, Middletown and Santa Rosa.

A 3.7-magnitude earthquake was reported near The Geysers on Dec. 6, as Lake County News has reported.

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – A Thursday evening crash resulted in minor injuries, with authorities looking for a vehicle that reportedly left the scene.

The collision occurred near Kit's Corner, the intersection of Highways 29 and 281, shortly after 6 p.m., according to the California Highway Patrol.

A vehicle was reported to have crashed into a telephone pole, the CHP said.

Reports from the scene indicated there were two, four or seven vehicles involved. It was not clear Thursday night just how many were in the crash based on the information available.

A vehicle – reported to be a white van driven by a woman – left the scene and headed toward Lower Lake, and was being sought by officials. A be on the lookout was issued for the vehicle.

Work at the scene was continuing after 8 p.m., the CHP reported.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clearlake Police Department is seeking information about two armed suspects who allegedly broke into a home, and beat and robbed a man at gunpoint early Wednesday morning.

Sgt. Tim Celli reported that officers were dispatched to the 3700 block of Howard Avenue at around 6:30 a.m. Wednesday on the report of a home invasion robbery.

The alleged victim, 23-year-old Juan Flores, told police he was at home sleeping when two black men kicked in his door, held him at gunpoint and battered him, Celli said.

Flores reported that one of the men was wearing a ski mask. Celli said that Flores stated that while he was being held at gunpoint, the second man ransacked his home.

After the suspects left Flores' home, he ran to a neighbor's home and police were called, Celli said.

Celli said Flores has not yet been able to identify what property was stolen in the robbery, but items believed to belong to Flores were located in the street outside of the residence and collected for evidence.

Flores was treated for his injuries at St. Helena Hospital Clearlake and later released, Celli said.

Celli said the investigation is ongoing.

He asked anyone with information about the case to call Clearlake Police Officer Paulsen, 707-994-8251.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Two local women have been charged with grand theft and theft from an elder.

Karen Lee Allen, 51, and Wendie Christine McRae, 46, both of Lower Lake, were arrested by a District Attorney's Office investigator on Dec. 15.

Both women are charged with felony theft from an elder and grand theft exceeding $400 for activities alleged to have taken place in November 2008, according to court records.

In addition, Allen, a paralegal with Attorneys Aren't Us in Lower Lake, is charged with two misdemeanor counts for alleged unauthorized advertisement to practice law, one count for activities alleged in November 2008, the second for activities this past June.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Rachel Abelson said the two women are alleged to have been involved with accessing the estate of an elderly man with dementia.

McRae was a certified nursing assistant at the hospital where the man was receiving care. Abelson alleged that McRae was getting money from the man while he was still alive.

Within a month of meeting him, McRae is alleged to have gotten power of attorney and within two months was inheriting from his estate, Abelson said.

Abelson said McRae was set to get stocks and a house as part of the inheritance, and between $10,000 and $35,000 in cash.

Abelson alleged that Allen's role was typing up the man's trust, giving McRae power of attorney and inserting herself into the trust as well.

“They distributed the estate very quickly to themselves,” Abelson said.

The women were arraigned last Friday, with Ukiah attorney Bob Boyd appearing on their behalf.

“I just did a special appearance for both the ladies to get them out of custody and exonerate a 1275 bond hold,” he said.

A 1275 bond hold is commonly used in narcotics cases as well as in financial cases such as this one, Boyd said.

It's meant to ensure that the money being used to post bond is coming from a legitimate source, and not from proceeds of the alleged charges, he explained.

“We were able to show through family members that these were legitimate bonds,” he said.

The women were then released from custody on Friday, he said. Bail for each had been set at $50,000.

Boyd said he's not yet sure if he'll be retained for the cases going forward.

Court records showed that four county judges – David Herrick, Vincent Lechowick, Richard Martin and Andrew Blum – have recused themselves from covering the case.

Boyd said Judge Blum's wife, Debra – herself an attorney practicing locally – was a witness in the case, so a visiting judge had to be brought in from Alameda County.

Boyd called it “a fairly paper intensive case.”

Abelson said there was a related civil case relating to the matter that was settled.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

Northshore Fire Protection District firefighters work on a vehicle that caught fire early on Thursday, December 23, 2010, at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Calif. Photo by Gary McAuley.

NICE, Calif. – An early morning fire on Thursday destroyed a vehicle.

The fire occurred at around 3 a.m. Thursday in the parking lot of Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice.

Reports from the scene indicated that casino personnel had attempted to put the fire out but were unable to do so.

Firefighters with Northshore Fire Protection District responded to extinguish the blaze.

The driver had reportedly arrived earlier this week from Missouri, reports from the scene indicated.

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The vehicle, reportedly owned by a person from Missouri, caught fire around 3 a.m. Thursday, December 23, 2010, at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Calif. Photo by Gary McAuley.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA – With the recent heavy downpours and flooding Cal Fire repored that its firefighters and crews have responded to a large number of storm-related emergencies and rescues.

Between Saturday, Dec. 18, and Tuesday, Dec. 20, Cal Fire dispatched and responded to nearly 4,000 emergencies and calls for service statewide, including more than 450 traffic collisions, more than 100 flooding incidents and more than 20 water rescues.

In the hard-hit Southern California counties of Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego, Cal Fire said it responded to more than a dozen additional water rescues and more than 50 new flooding incidents on Wednesday morning alone.

As heavy rainfall continues in many parts of the state, Cal Fire engine companies, fire crews, and personnel continue to be on high alert for additional flooding calls and rescues, the agency reported.

Cal Fire's inmate fire crews often play a large role in flooding incidents since they are also trained in sandbagging and debris removal. Each crew consists of 15 to 17 inmates that are supervised by a cal Fire captain.

Cal Fire reported that it has 196 inmate fire crews across California.

Motorists are urged to use extreme caution when driving on flooded roadways and obey road closure barricades. These are in place for driver safety and the safety of emergency responders.

Prior to traveling, motorists are encouraged to check on current weather and road conditions.

For more information on flooding and winter weather safety visit the Cal Fire Web site at

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KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish a Monday morning fire before it did serious damage to a Kelseyville home.

The fire was reported around 9:30 a.m. Monday.

Initially, reports from the scene indicated the fire was on Point Lakeview Road, but Kelseyville Fire Chief Mike Stone said the fire took place on nearby Terrace Way.

“When units arrived they found some fire in the back deck of the house,” Stone said.

Four units and two chief officers responded, and were able to quickly extinguish the blaze, he said. There were no injuries.

Stone said it took about an hour and a half to mop up the scene.

He said there was no real fire damage to the inside of the residence, although there was some smoke and water damage.

“We are investigating the cause,” Stone said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at and on YouTube at .

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