Friday, 18 October 2024


SACRAMENTO – California’s unemployment rate jumped to 10.1 percent in January, and nonfarm payroll jobs declined by 79,300 during the month, according to data released Friday by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) from two separate surveys.

The U.S. unemployment rate also increased in January to 7.6 percent.

In December, the state’s unemployment rate was a revised 8.7 percent, and in January 2008, the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. The unemployment rate is derived from a federal survey of 5,500 California households.

“The number of Californians without jobs and a means to provide for their families is a sobering reminder that there is nothing more important than getting California’s economy back on track,” Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said on Friday.

He added that the road to full economic recovery will not be short, but the economic stimulus measures in the state budget – combined with the federal economic recovery agenda – will help California create jobs while laying a strong foundation for better economic times ahead.

The number of nonfarm jobs in California decreased by 79,300 over the month, for a total of 14,648,100, according to the survey of 42,000 California businesses which measures jobs in the economy. This survey is larger and less variable statistically than the household survey. The year-over-year (January 2008 to January 2009) change shows a decrease of 494,000 jobs (down 3.3 percent).

EDD will release the January unemployment figures for counties next week.

Lake County's unemployment rate in December was 13.1 percent, as Lake County News has reported.

The federal survey of households shows a decrease in the number of employed people. It estimates the number of Californians holding jobs in January was 16,668,000, a decrease of 283,000 from December, and down 437,000 from the employment total in January of last year.

The number of people unemployed in California was 1,863,000 – up by 257,000 over the month, and up by 754,000 compared with January of last year.

Of the unemployed, 990,600 were laid off, 126,700 left their jobs voluntarily, and the remaining were either new entrants or reentrants into the labor market, or persons who completed temporary jobs, according to the federal household survey.

EDD’s report on payroll employment (wage and salary jobs) in the nonfarm industries of California totaled 14,648,100 in January, a net loss of 79,300 jobs since the January survey. This followed a loss of 84,400 jobs (as revised) in December.

Four categories (natural resources and mining; educational and health services; leisure and hospitality; and government) added jobs over the month, gaining 7,400 jobs. Educational and health services posted the largest gain over the month, up by 3,900 jobs. Seven categories (construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; information; financial activities; professional and business services; and other services) reported job declines this month, down 86,700 jobs. Information

posted the largest decline over the month, down by 27,700 jobs.

In a year-over-year comparison (January 2008 to January 2009), nonfarm payroll employment in California decreased by 494,000 jobs (down 3.3 percent).

Three industry divisions (natural resources and mining; educational and health services; and government) posted job gains over the year, adding 43,000 jobs.

Educational and health services showed the strongest gain on both a numerical and percentage basis, adding 39,600 jobs (a 2.3 percent increase).

Eight categories (construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; information; financial activities; professional and business services; leisure and hospitality; and other services) posted job declines over the year, down 537,000 jobs.

Trade, transportation and utilities employment showed the largest decline on a numerical basis, down by 145,000 jobs (a decline of 5.0 percent). Construction posted the largest decline on a percentage basis, down by 15.5 percent (a decrease of 130,800 jobs).

In related data, the EDD reported that there were 717,525 people receiving regular unemployment insurance benefits during the January survey week. This compares with 655,445 last month and 480,858 last year. At the same time, new claims for unemployment insurance were 75,514 in January 2009, compared with 87,979 in December and 57,364 in January of last year.


CLEARLAKE OAKS – An early evening collision on Monday resulted in a fatality.

The crash, which took place one mile west of Glenhaven, was reported to the California Highway Patrol at approximately 5:37 p.m.

A Volkswagen Beetle and a semi truck were reported to have collided head-on, the CHP reported.

About 10 minutes before the crash, CHP's incident logs noted that the Volkswagen was reported to be weaving back and forth between the highway's lanes.

Several CHP units, as well as Lake County Sheriff's and Northshore Fire Protection District responded to the scene of the collision, which blocked both lanes of traffic.

Shortly before 6:30 p.m., the sheriff's office reported that a coroner was en route to the scene.

The CHP's Ukiah Dispatch confirmed to Lake County News that the accident had resulted in a fatality.

From the initial reports, the fatality appears to have been the driver of the car. The big rig driver was reported to be all right. No passengers were mentioned in the reports.

The big rig driver submitted to a voluntary blood draw and was transported to Sutter Lakeside. However, the hospital was reported to be out of blood draw kits so a CHP officer took one to Sutter Lakeside.

Clearing the road proved to be difficult, as the CHP reports noted that officials were struggling to find a tow truck that could move the semi. They also were searching for an available tow company certified to transport the other vehicle for evidence.

The road was reported to be open again at around 9 p.m.

No further information, including the identity of the fatality, was available for release late Monday.

Harold LaBonte contributed to this report.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Hilltop Recovery, located above Middletown, is facing budget concerns due to the economic climate and the state's fiscal emergency. Courtesy photo.



ANDERSON SPRINGS – Things are tough all over, and people struggling with addiction are seeing a steady decline in services during a time when the services are paramount.

At the same time, economic hardships often contribute to escalating numbers of substance abuse and alcohol related problems in society.

Lori Carter-Runyon, executive director of Hilltop Recovery Services, said she was shocked when she received the call that the Ford Street treatment program in Ukiah was closing.

“They have been in business for so long and are providing such a needed service, I would have never imagined that they were being hit so hard from the budget crisis,” she said.

She and husband Ryan Runyon, who run the men’s inpatient recovery program, were asked by Centerpoint Inc., the agency they are contracted through, how many of the men from Ford Street they could take in at the Lake County facility.

Hilltop, located off of Socrates Mine Road, had eight beds available. The Runyons knew they might not get paid for months with the uncertainty of state IOUs looming.

The men from Ford Street needed to be somewhere, though. Options included homelessness and, for some, prison if they couldn’t be placed.

“It is my understanding that Centerpoint was able to place everyone – some went to the Bay Area- others to Humboldt County and some went home,” Carter-Runyon said.

She said that as the news spread about Ford Street, Hilltop residents asked if this was going to happen at the Lake County facility, and even staff wanted to know if they were in jeopardy of soon joining the ranks of the unemployed.

“I’ve done my best to assure them that we were OK for the time being – but I am definitely nervous,” said Carter-Runyon. “We are such a young program, being in business for only two years, and now we are the only local men’s residential treatment facility.”

She’s highly attuned with the state budget because it directly impacts the ability to continue operations. The agency they are contracted through for state referrals notified them some time ago that they may not be getting paid on schedule. Hilltop’s contractor lost six providers and another 13 through the state.

“They let us know that if the state was not paying them, they would not be able to pay us,” Carter-Runyon said. “As soon as I received this information I began tightening the reins on spending and prepared for the worst. I had our credit increased on the company credit card, and have gone to our bank to ask for a line of credit.”

At the present time they have enough funds on hand to make it through March, and with the bank loan could make it through April, but the bank denied the loan based on the state budget issues. They have a contract that is not state funded and a few private pay clients that provide some money. The program is primarily dependent on contracts funded through the state.

“It’s a relief that the budget was passed, but no money is being released yet. If we don’t see change, we’ll have to close our doors April 15,” Carter-Runyon said.

She added, “I’m doing my best to budget everything, and pay the minimum amounts so Hilltop can survive. We are going to need help.”

Clucky Plucky Poultry of Kelseyville donated 480 pounds of chicken, helping to feed the residents of Hilltop Recovery. Worldmark Wyndham Resorts donated patio furniture last spring and continue to donate bedding. Many community members donated much-needed men’s clothing.

Treatment saves money. The cost of incarceration compared to treatment puts the burden of millions more dollars on the taxpayers backs.

“The community support is extremely needed. It may be the thing that keeps us above water – with clothing, shoes, linens and foods donated, I can focus on the paying my employees, the utilities and keeping the residents fed until the funds are released,” Carter-Runyon said.

For more information on Hilltop Recovery and how to help, call 987-9972 or visit the center's Web site at

E-mail Mandy Feder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



The recovery center is located in a rural setting in the south county. Courtesy photo.



LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Sheriff's Office is urging county residents to be careful when commuting through some North Coast.

Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office reported that on Feb. 19 the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office released a safety alert for motorists traveling the areas of Calistoga Road and Porter Creek Road at night. The alert relates to a series of suspicious events occurring over the past two months in that area.

Sonoma County received two separate reports of a male subject following female motorists along the rural route, tailgating the women and flashing his lights at them in an apparent attempt to get them to pull off the road, said Bauman.

In one of the reports, the female driver did pull over and after the man told her to call 911 to report a motorcycle accident, he tried to open her door and she fled the area. Bauman said the suspect vehicle in that incident was described only as a black SUV.

A third incident was reported to Sonoma County authorities in which a man jumped out from a hillside along the route and laid down next to the roadway as the female driver passed. Bauman said the woman did not stop and there was a suspicious vehicle, possibly a blue sedan with a spoiler, parked along the road in the area.

He said the incidents reportedly all occurred between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 2 a.m. The suspect is described only as possibly being a white male with his face partially concealed with either a bandana or turtle-neck pulled up about his face.

Bauman said residents commuting in and out of the Lake County are reminded to avoid stopping for anyone on rural routes unless the circumstances clearly demonstrate a need for immediate assistance, such as an obvious traffic collision.

Motorists encountering a pedestrian on rural routes are otherwise advised to continue to a well-lit, preferably populated, area before stopping to call and report suspicious circumstances, Bauman added.


SACRAMENTO – North Coast State Senator Patricia Wiggins (D-Santa Rosa) has introduced new legislation requiring local agency formation commissions, or LAFCOs, to consider “sustainable community strategies” before making boundary decisions.

LAFCOs control the boundaries of cities and special districts. Among the commissions’ statutory obligations is “discouraging urban sprawl.”

To guide their boundary decisions, LAFCOs must adopt “spheres of influence” for cities and districts, designating their future service areas and boundaries. LAFCOs’ boundary decisions must be consistent with these spheres of influence.

As LAFCOs prepare to make decisions about proposed boundary changes, they are required to consider 15 specified “factors,” including local general plans and specific plans.

State law permits – but does not require – the commissions to consider regional growth goals and policies adopted by local elected officials.

According to Wiggins, there is increasing legislative and public support for using land use decisions to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are required to adopt “sustainable communities strategies” or “alternative planning strategies” as part of their regional transportation plans.

These strategies align regional planning for transportation and housing (SB 375, Steinberg, 2008). In preparing a sustainable community strategy, an MPO must consider the spheres of influence for cities and special districts, as adopted by LAFCOs.

While MPOs must consider LAFCOs’ planning documents, there is no reciprocal requirement for LAFCOs to consider the MPOs’ sustainable communities strategies and alternative planning strategies.

Wiggins chairs the Senate Committee on Local Government. Her legislation, Senate Bill 215, seeks to add regional transportation plans, including their sustainable communities strategies or alternative planning strategies,” to the list of factors that LAFCOs must consider when acting on city and special district boundary changes. SB 215 also repeals the permission for LAFCOs to consider regional growth goals and policies.

“Regulating local boundaries is more than an exercise in cartographic neatness,” Wiggins said. “City limits and special districts’ boundaries influence the timing, location and character of land development. By approving annexations to cities and districts that provide public facilities such as water and sewer systems, streets, and flood control facilities, LAFCOs’ boundary decisions influence which land is likely to develop.”

Wiggins represents California’s 2nd Senate District, comprised of portions of all of six counties: Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Solano and Sonoma.




The Saw Shop Gallery Bistro is arguably Kelseyville’s least best-kept secret. I doubt that there are more than a handful of people in the county who haven’t at least heard of it if not actually eaten there. Since its opening it has maintained its paradigm of fine dining.

I’ll admit that I ate there a couple of years ago and I was disappointed. Back then I thought the food was overpriced and not very inspired, and I wondered why everyone kept talking about the place. But recently I’ve been hearing a lot of good comments about what Chef Jeremy Zabel has been doing during his reign there.

During a recent outing in Kelseyville my wife and I decided to try the Saw Shop again so I could evaluate Zabel’s changes. I haven’t personally met Zabel so I had no idea what to expect; this could be very interesting.

The menu can best be described as concise but eclectic. There’s a little bit of something from all over the world. I started with the tuna sashimi with the soy orange reduction and followed it with the prawns in Thai red curry. My wife ordered the chipotle tomato soup followed by the four cheese macaroni. Everything on the menu was less than $10 so that was a noticeable change from my previous visit right from the start.

The chipotle tomato soup was perfectly seasoned for me and was just what I would have hoped it would be from the menu description, but alas, it was my wife’s dish. She thought it was a tad, just a tad, too spicy, but she has a tender palate. She ate it all so it mustn’t have been too big a deterrent for her; the excellent flavor obviously outweighed the heat.

The tuna was very high quality (easily spotted by a sushi connoisseur like myself) but there was a little bit of sinew that was distracting to me. The orange soy reduction drizzled over the fish is fantastic and a composition I never would have even considered.

There was also a micro-green salad consisting partially of arugula and radish with other greens I couldn’t quite identify that I greedily wolfed down. I love micro-greens, they’re just so pure and new tasting. Amusingly (to me) I had already begun writing a column about micro-greens just before we left for The Saw Shop.

The four cheese macaroni was rich and evenly flavored with Gouda, parmesan, cheddar and, OK I’ll admit it, we don’t remember the fourth one. I don’t take notes as I eat since it causes the staff to stare at you. It also was flavored with bits of applewood bacon, which went perfectly with the cheese blend. It was fantastic in an “Oh my god this is so good but so rich” sense. The penne pasta was al dente and oozed cheese when stabbed with a fork. My wife claimed it was a flavor that she could eat every day. The portion was a good size and it was so rich that she couldn’t finish the entire plate, no matter how hard she tried.

The Thai red curry was as close to being like real Thai food without actually being in a Thai restaurant. The shrimp were huge and the chunks of vegetables were well cooked without being overdone. Red curry is typically the hottest of the curry blends and while it wasn’t too hot for me, if you aren’t a chile head be forewarned. There was a side of rice that will help cool the heat if you need it. I used the rice to soak up all of the red curry sauce so I wouldn’t miss a drop.

The wine list is filled with local wines by the bottle or by the glass. The variety is a little tight but with good exposure. I’d still like to see more selection of local wines that aren’t quite so common in local restaurants. For example, I found it a little odd that The Saw Shop is mere steps from the Rosa d’Oro tasting room yet carries none of their wines. The beverage prices are average for most restaurants.

Our waitress Annie was efficient and personable, but for some odd reason I was distracted by the necktie loosely worn around her neck. My weird psyche kept thinking ,“If there WAS a lumber mill here that would easily get caught in the machinery”... I know, a complete non sequitur, but that’s just how my brain works.

The art that decorates the wall is beautiful and is all for sale, but my taste in art is limited to sculptures of naked women and paintings of dogs playing poker so I felt a little intimidated by the opulence. My wife, the one of us that has good artistic taste and style, spent a couple of minutes wandering the dining room examining the displays. She informed me that there were some very good quality pieces.

So I came away from the place everyone is always talking about wanting to talk about it too. If you haven’t been to The Saw Shop recently it is definitely worth it. My wife and I were fortunate to sneak in just before a lunch rush, but if you don’t want to wait it’s a good idea to call ahead for a reservation.

The Saw Shop Gallery Bistro, 3825 Main Street, Kelseyville; telephone 278-0129. Visit the restaurant on the Internet at, where you can see sample menus and wine lists, find out about events and read about Executive Chef Jeremy Zabel.

Ross A. Christensen is an award-winning gardener and gourmet cook. He is the author of "Sushi A to Z, The Ultimate Guide" and is currently working on a new book. He has been a public speaker for many years and enjoys being involved in the community.


SANTA ROSA – A special weekend lecture will look at a problem plaguing Indian Country today – the issue of disenrollment.

The California Indian Museum and Cultural Center's Tillie Hardwick Lecture Series will present “The Origins of Tribal Disenrollment” from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. this Saturday, Feb. 28. The museum is located at 5250 Aero Drive, Santa Rosa.

Dozens of members of the Robinson Rancheria Band of Pomo were disenrolled last December, as Lake County News has reported. The Elem Colony also has disenrolled members.

Thousands of Indians across California and many more across the nation have been subject to the growing practice, according to the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization and the American Indian Movement.

For those who have ever wondered about the nature of tribal disenrollment issues, the Saturday lecture may answer a host of questions.

What is the origin of tribal disenrollment ? Are there jurisdictional parameters? Why is it a growing issue for tribes throughout California and the nation? What are the options for individuals who are disenrolled? Do tribal governments have an obligation to provide civil rights protections and due process to persons undergoing disenrollment? These and other important issues will be probed in
this lecture.

The event should be enlightening for Indian and non-Indians alike.

Admission to the public is free.

For more information call the California Indian Museum and Cultural Center, 579-3004.


Northshore and Lake County Fire Protection District firefighters responded to the Sunday morning blaze. Photo by Sam Colman.



CLEARLAKE OAKS – A fire damaged a cabin at a Northshore resort Sunday morning.

The fire took place at the Blue Fish Cove Resort in Clearlake Oaks.

The call went out at about 8:15 a.m., said Northshore Fire Protection District Battalion Chief Ken Petz.

Northshore Fire was assisted in fighting the blaze by Lake County Fire Protection District, said Petz.

Petz said the fire started when a man was working on a gas stove in the kitchen of a vacation cabin.

The man also was caught on fire in the blaze, and was transported to Sutter Lakeside Hospital by a Lake County Fire Protection medic unit, Petz said.

Four fire engines – three from Northshore Fire and one from Lake County Fire – and between 15 and 20 firefighters responded to the scene, said Petz.

Petz said the fire was brought under control in 30 minutes, with the mop up process taking about an hour.

He estimated that the cabin was close to being a total loss.

Randy and Suzanne Olsen purchased the resort last August.

Suzanne Olsen said the resort is still open for business, and they'll be fixing up the damaged cabin right away.

She said that the man who was working on the stove is OK and was back at home on Sunday afternoon.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




The fire began when maintenance was being done on a gas stove. Photo by Sam Colman.



LAKE COUNTY – Here's the Foodie Freak monthly calendar of good things to do.

I called many businesses to formulate this list; some of them told me to “check our Web site” but when I did they had no current events posted, so I am sorry if I missed any.

Many thanks to the Lake County Visitor Information Center and the Lake County Marketing Department who compiled much of this information.

As a special note, the Moore Family Wineries Irish feast on March 14 needs an RSVP by March 1, so if you intend to attend let them know ASAP.

March 1: Fish Fry, Howard’s Grotto, Clearlake. Lioness Club benefit for community projects and scholarships. $8 at the door. 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. 994-0441.

March 1: Sunday Brunch in the Garden, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. Brunch served 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. George Husaruk will be playing the flute, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 275-2244.

March 2: Monday Blues, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Blues Farm will perform. 275-2244.

March 3: Meet the Winemaker, The Saw Shop, Kelseyville. 6 p.m. Robleto Winery. 278-0129.

March 6: Meet the Winemaker, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jed Steele and Joy Merrilees will be pouring Steele Wines.

March 7: Pruning & Pastries, Six Sigma Ranch, Vineyards & Winery, Lower Lake. 10 a.m. to noon. Vineyard Manager David Weiss demonstrates hands-on winter pruning. $10 per person, pastries will be served. Reserve a space by March 5. 994-2086.

March 8: Sunday Brunch in the Garden, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. Brunch served 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stephen Holland on guitar and vocals, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 275-2244.

March 9: Monday Blues, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hanson Raitt Band will perform. 275-2244.

March 14: Wine Tasting and Art Show, Best Western El Grande Inn, Clearlake. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Seventeenth annual event featuring local wines and exhibitions from local artists. Silent auction, raffle, door prizes and music. Benefit for the Park Study Club’s scholarship fund. Tickets are $20. 995-9316.

March 14: Irish Feast with Molly Brennan’s, Moore Family Winery. A three course Irish feast with wine and live Irish music at the Moore Family Winery’s Tasting Room. $40 per person. RSVP to Stepheny by March 1. 738-0507

March 15: Sunday Brunch in the Garden, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. Brunch served 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Travis Austin will be playing flamenco guitar, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 275-2244

March 16: Monday Blues, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Twice As Good will perform. 275-2244.

March 21: Winemaker’s lunch, Ceago Winery, Nice. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jim Fetzer will host a luncheon celebrating the spring equinox with a food prepared by Chef Nicolas. Wine club members; $40; nonmembers, $50.

March 22: Sunday Brunch in the Garden, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. Brunch served 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chris Forshay on guitar and vocals, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 275-2244.

March 23: Monday Blues, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Levi Lloyd Band will perform. 275-2244.

March 27: Lake Wind Ensemble, Tallman Hotel, Upper Lake. Featuring Beth Aiken on oboe, Ann Hubbard on bassoon and Nick Biondo on clarinet. Pam Prisco will pour Steele Wines. Tickets to this event can be obtained by calling the Tallman Hotel reception desk at 275-2244. The cost for each reception and concert is $40.

March 28 and 29: The Fifth Annual Tulip Festival, Tulip Hill Winery, noon to 4 p.m. Live music, wine, food and winery tours and 50,000 tulips will be in bloom. $25 in advance $30 the day of the event.

March 29: Sunday Brunch in the Garden, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. Brunch served 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sarah Tichava on guitar and vocals, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 275-2244.

March 29: Wine Tasting Basics, Moore Family Winery, Gary Johnson will be matching MFW with small bites, free logo glass and wine wheel. 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. $25. RSVP to Stepheny by March 25. 738-0507.

March 30: Monday Blues, The Blue Wing, Upper Lake. 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Lake Blues All-Stars will perform. 275-2244

Ongoing activities

The New Cool at Konocti Harbor featuring David Neft. Konocti Harbor hosts “The Piano Man” David Neft, playing the grand piano from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Friday and Saturday in the relaunched dining room.

Langtry Estate and Vineyard is offering exciting and innovative tour programs. Guests ride in battery-operated Global Electric Motorcars. Tours are offered Tuesday through Saturday. The Tephra Vineyard Lunch Tours are offered at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. $40 per person includes lunch and wine tasting. 21000 Butts Canyon Road. Reservations required 24 hours in advance. Info: 987-2385.

Tuscan Village Friday Concert Series, Main Street, Lower Lake. Live music, food, wine tasting. Presented by 2Goombas and Terrill Cellars. 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Info: 994-3354.

Beer Master Dinner Series, Molly Brennan’s 175 N. Main St., Lakeport. Second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Different brewery featured each month, with beers paired with each course of a five-course meal including dessert. Advance reservations required. Info: 262-1600.

If you have a food or wine related event and would like to have it listed in the coming months, please feel free to call Ross at 998-9550.


GLENHAVEN – The California Highway Patrol has identified the victim of a fatal vehicle collision that occurred Monday evening.

Lori Anne Bond-Keech, 48, of Lucerne was fatally injured in the crash, which occurred at 5:34 p.m. Monday on Highway 20 west of Gladys Street in Glenhaven, according to CHP Officer Adam Garcia.

Garcia said that minutes before the collision numerous other drivers had called to report Bond-Keech's silver Volkswagen Beetle swerving into the oncoming lane of traffic.

Bond-Keech, who was driving westbound on Highway 20, reportedly turned left across double-yellow lines in front of an eastbound Freightliner tractor trailer driven by 50-year-old Leo Steinle of Magalia, Garcia said.

Garcia said the two vehicles collided head-on, with Bond-Keech sustaining fatal injuries. Steinle was unharmed.

The collision closed the roadway in both directions from just after 5:30 p.m. until shortly before 9 p.m., said Garcia. Caltrans, Northshore Fire Protection District personnel and tow companies responded to the scene to remove the badly damaged Volkswagen and tractor trailer, and clear the roadway of debris.

During the road closure Caltrans activated the electronic message signs at Highway 20 and Highway 29, and at Highway 20 and Highway 53 to advise motorists of the road closure, Garcia said.

Caltrans turned cars around at Paradise Cove and Glenhaven during the closure while CHP investigated the traffic collision and Lake County Sheriff's Office personnel performed coroner functions, he added.

Garcia said CHP Officer Randy Forslund is conducting the collision investigation.


New legislation, expiring provisions and existing provisions coming into effect will not only make preparing one's 2008 taxes difficult but could make 2009 and beyond just painful.

When it comes to preparing your tax return, whether you use a professional, do them yourself or just ignore them, there are a number of trouble spots or tax traps of which you should be aware and for which you should plan.

Listening to the news, we hear often of increasing deficit and decreasing tax revenues. This along with the complexity of these, “traps,” makes it apparent that taxes are not going to become simplified or less costly. In addition, these trends show that it has become necessary to plan for these during the year and not just wait and see what happens, when your taxes are prepared. Because of all of this, one’s tax situation should not be ignored during the year, but should be monitored periodically.

There are several areas of concern. However, there is one particular issue that is trapping more and more taxpayers into increased tax bills and that issue is the Alternative Minimum Tax, AMT. This is somewhat of a stealth issue because it seems that very few individuals know of its existence, yet every year its provisions are affecting more and more people.

The AMT, is a separate method of determining income tax. Despite the name, every taxpayer is potentially subject to this tax. The AMT is actually a flat tax, having its rates being either 26 percent or 28 percent depending on one’s level of income. If you are subject to this tax, you must prepare your income tax return and determine your tax using both the regular and alternative rules. You compare the tax calculated under both methods and pay the larger amount.

Most good software companies do the AMT calculations, when you use their products. However care must be taken to properly code preference items. Since the Internal Revenue Service is focusing on compliance, errors in doing this could generate letters from the IRS questioning items on your return.

The AMT appears to be a big secret, as most people I speak with have no idea what the AMT is. The AMT is in response to reports that wealthy taxpayers were paying no income tax due to “special deductions” only available to the rich. The AMT began in 1969 and reportedly was originally intended to apply to only 155 taxpayers.

The first step is to calculate AMT income. In general, this is calculated by adjusting the taxpayer’s current regular taxable income, using all the traditional laws, with a number of tax preference items and adjustments.

Tax preference items are additions to income with income that is generally excluded from regular taxable income. These items include tax-exempt interest from certain private activity bonds, depletion, intangible drilling costs and accelerated depreciation from certain property placed into service before 1987.

While tax preference items appear generally for the wealthy taxpayers, adjustments affects almost everyone and can either increase or decrease alternative income. These adjustments include the standard deduction or some itemized deductions, the personal exemptions, incentive stock options and the passive activity loss limitations, which include losses from residential and commercial rental activities.

From the total of regular taxable income with preference items and adjustments either added or subtracted, an exemption reduces that total. The exemptions for 2008 returns are $46,200 for single or head of household taxpayers, $69,950 for married filing jointly taxpayers and $34,975 for married taxpayers who file separately. This calculation will provide Alternative Minimum Taxable income, AMTI. This figure is multiplied by either 26 percent or 28 percent depending on one’s income. And you now have the AMT tax. This tax is compared to your tax liability calculated by regular tax rules and guess what? You pay the larger of the two taxes.

These calculations are found on IRS form 6251 and are a bit more complex than I have mentioned here. There is also a worksheet available from the IRS which will estimate, if you are subject to this tax. The complexities come from income from capital gains, large income over the AMT limits and AMT credits. However, to explain everything would take way too much space for one article. The State of California also has an AMT, which follows the federal rules somewhat closely.

The problems with the AMT are too numerous to fully mention. Not only are the rules extremely complex, but the exemptions amounts have not been regularly indexed for inflation, as California has regularly done.

In addition, the adjustments of the itemized or standard deductions and personal exemptions place the burden of this tax squarely on the shoulders of taxpayers that were never intended to be part of this system. The exemption amount for tax years 2007 and 2008 were scheduled to drop dramatically which would of caused millions of unsuspecting taxpayers to fall under the AMT. Only at seemly the last minute were “patches” added to the laws which kept the exemptions at the current levels.

The big question is, what will happen for tax year 2009? The AMT would be a very easy way to dramatically increase tax revenue. In addition, should this happen, some of your tax planning may become meaningless.

It is estimated by the taxpayer’s advocate’s office that without major changes, the AMT could affect over 30 million taxpayers by the year 2010. With the economy and tax revenue, as it currently stands, this appears to be a tax that is not going away soon.

With all the fallout from the “financial crisis” it is becoming very clear that the financial and tax rules have changed and will continue to change. Most likely the change will not be in the favor of ordinary taxpayers. The consequences of not knowing how your financial actions will affect your tax return could cause you to have a very large tax liability next year.

Jon Meyer is a local tax accountant and enrolled agent with over 25 years experience in tax preparation. The office of Jon the “Tax Man Meyer “also offers retirement planning and insurance options. Questions regarding this article can be made by calling 928-5200.


T Watts at the KPFZ microphone. Courtesy photo.


A children’s story: For, EJF, ADLN, ARB, JNW, JBLD, JJD, RTMW, TLH and all children, everywhere.

One sunny morning Brownette woke up and it was her birthday. It had taken her a long time to become 7 years old and she was glad. As she stretched and yawned she heard a noise at her bedroom window.

TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP. She counted each sound. Seven taps. She arose from her bed and went to the window. She was surprised to see a tiny horse on the ledge.

“Birthday greetings, Brownette. Today is your lucky day. My name is Euphrates (U-FRAY-TEEZ). I am the African Birthday Horse. Each day, I find an African child whose birthday it is. I grant them the ability to travel through time with me, to be any age they want to be. So choose three ages you want to be, Brownette. But remember, the last age you choose is the age you must stay. Which age would you like to be first?”

“I think I’d like to be 20 like my older sister, Orangine. She always tells me that, twenty is a good age to be.”

As soon as Brownette said the word ‘twenty,’ the room grew to a gigantic size. Or rather, she shrunk, because suddenly she was smaller than Euphrates.

“Climb aboard, Brownette. It will be a short ride. Twenty is not so far away. When we land, I’ll disappear, but when you’ve had enough of twenty, I’ll be near. Just shout my name loud and clear.”

Brownette mounted Euphrates. She suddenly felt like she was on an elevator going sideways. Just as she was getting used to this strange feeling, it stopped. Euphrates disappeared. She was still in her room but something was different. She felt bigger. She walked over to her mirror and was surprised to see she looked all grown up. She wanted to rush downstairs and show her Mommy and Daddy how she had grown, but before she could the phone rang. She answered it.


“Hello, Brownette. This is Nathan. How are you?”

“Fine, thank you. How are you?” Brownette answered slowly, not sure who Nathan was.

“Brownette, I have been wanting to ask you a long time if you would marry me,” asked Nathan.

“Hold on a minute. I have to do something.”


The African Birthday Horse appeared.

“I told you I’d be near,” said he.

“I don’t think I like this age very much. Can I be 40 now? Mommy and Daddy are 40 and they’re pretty cool.”

“Climb aboard to see what’s in store at the age of 10 times four,” rhymed Euphrates.

When the feeling stopped she was in a strange house, in a strange kitchen with seven strange little children tugging on her skirt. They were all talking at once.



The African Birthday Horse appeared.

“What is it, child?”

“Forty is not the age for me. I think I would just like to be me.”

In a very short time, Euphrates had Brownette back in her room at her right age. It had been fun riding with Euphrates but she was glad to be back. Plus she still had her birthday to enjoy. And she did just that. She even had cake and ice cream twice – once at home and once at her grandparent’s house. But she never forgot about Euphrates, the African Birthday Horse!

Keep prayin’, keep thinkin’ those kind thoughts!


Upcoming cool events:

The Lake County Branch of the NAACP will hold its annual Black History Program on Feb. 28 at Praises of Zion Baptist Church, 3890 Emile Ave., Clearlake, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The public is invited. For more information call 995-2545.

Calling For Light: A Spring Concert of Poetry and Music. Carolyn Hawley, Piano. Chopin and original Works. Accompaniment to Poetry. T. Watts, accompaniment on Trumpet. Lake County Poets Laureate Mary McMillan, Sandra Wade, Carolyn Wing Greenlee, James Bluewolf and Jim Lyle. Sunday, March 15, 3 p.m. Galilee Lutheran Church, 8860 Soda Bay Road, Kelseyville. Tickets are $10 in advance at Watershed Books, Lakeport and Wild About Books, Clearlake. $15 at the door. Children may attend for free. A benefit for KPFZ 88.1 FM.

T. Watts is a writer, radio host and music critic. Visit his Web site at


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