Saturday, 21 September 2024


The U.S. Forest Service has announced a strategy, developed with input from the Department of the Interior, to replace the fleet of aging air tankers used to battle wildfires with a next generation of newer, faster, more cost-effective large air tankers.

“We need a core fleet of the next generation large air tankers to supplement our boots-on-the-ground firefighters for what we know will be longer and more severe wildfire seasons in years to come,” said Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell. “Not only will these newer, more effective air tankers help us keep fires contained and communities safe, they will also protect our brave men and women on the fire line.”

Although no large air tanker has been built specifically for firefighting, several aircraft were designed to handle similar stresses.

Recommendations for the next generation of air tankers include capabilities of carrying a minimum of 1,800 gallons of mixed retardant with more than 3,000 gallons preferred and a minimum cruise speed of 345 mph for quick fire response over long distance.

Additionally, the service wants air tankers powered by turbine engines, which are more reliable, more fuel efficient and require less maintenance than older aircraft piston engines; the capability of operating from most federal air tanker bases; and Forest Service contract structural integrity program requirements must be met.

“The effectiveness of air tankers on a wildfire is directly proportional to its speed and load capacity,” Tidwell said. “Large air tankers can be effective in thick forest canopies and areas of dense brush or timber. A larger load capacity also allows large air tankers to split their retardant loads to support different parts of a fire without delay of returning to base.”

The best mix of tools for wildland firefighting includes ground and air resources. However, retardant applied from large air tankers may slow the progress of a wildfire so firefighters on the ground can safely construct a fire line to contain it.

Tidwell noted that as air tankers age, maintenance costs and safety risks rise.

The Forest Service’s current large air tanker fleet is at least 50 years old and more than half of the aircraft face mandatory retirement within the next 10 years, he said.

The fleet has decreased in size from 43 in 2000 to only 11 under contract today, according to Tidwell.

Currently all large air tankers are owned and operated under contract by private companies.

Air tankers provided under contract by private industry will continue to be essential in effective wildland firefighting.

Long term, the agencies will continue to explore the costs and benefits of all types of aircraft and ownership models.

The fleet of aircraft that are used for wildland fire suppression also includes water scoopers, single engine air tankers, very large air tankers and helicopters.

The U.S. Forest Service manages 193 million acres of public land, provides assistance to state and private landowners, and maintains the largest forestry research organization in the world.

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This just in: The Solar System is different from the space just outside it.

Researchers announced the finding at a press conference on Jan. 31, 2012. It’s based on data from NASA’s IBEX spacecraft, which is able to sample material flowing into the solar system from interstellar space.

“We’ve detected alien matter that came into our solar system from other parts of the galaxy – and, chemically speaking, it’s not exactly like what we find here at home,” said David McComas, the principal investigator for IBEX at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.

Our solar system is surrounded by the heliosphere, a magnetic bubble that separates us from the rest of the Milky Way.

Outside the heliosphere lies the realm of the stars or “interstellar space”; inside lies the sun and all the planets.

The sun blows this vast magnetic bubble using the solar wind to inflate the sun’s own magnetic field.

It’s a good thing: The heliosphere helps protect us from cosmic rays that would otherwise penetrate the solar system.

Launched in 2008, the IBEX spacecraft spins in Earth orbit scanning the entire sky.

IBEX’s special trick is detecting neutral atoms that slip through the heliosphere’s magnetic defenses. Without actually exiting the solar system, IBEX is able to sample the galaxy outside.

The first two years of counting these alien atoms have led to some interesting conclusions:

“We've directly measured four separate types of atoms from interstellar space and the composition just doesn't match up with what we see in the solar system,” said Eric Christian, mission scientist for IBEX at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Among the four types of atoms detected – H, He, O and Ne – the last one, neon, serves as a particularly useful reference.

“Neon is a noble gas, so it doesn’t react with anything. And it’s relatively abundant, so we can measure it with good statistics,” explained McComas.

Using data from IBEX, the researchers team compared the neon-to-oxygen ratio inside vs. outside the heliosphere.

In a series of six science papers appearing in the Astrophysical Journal, they reported that for every 20 neon atoms in the galactic wind, there are 74 oxygen atoms.

In our own solar system, however, for every 20 neon atoms there are 111 oxygen atoms.

That translates to more oxygen in any given slice of the solar system than in local interstellar space.

Where did the extra oxygen come from?

“There are at least two possibilities,” said McComas. “Either the solar system evolved in a separate, more oxygen-rich part of the galaxy than where we currently reside or a great deal of critical, life-giving oxygen lies trapped in interstellar dust grains or ices, unable to move freely throughout space – and thus undetectable by IBEX.”

Either way, this affects scientific models of how our solar system – and life – formed.

“It’s a real puzzle,” he said.

While IBEX samples alien atoms from Earth orbit, NASA’s Voyager spacecraft have been traveling to the edge of the heliosphere for nearly 40 years – and they could soon find themselves on the outside looking in.

Researchers expect Voyager 1 to exit the solar system within the next few years. The new data from IBEX suggest the Voyagers are heading for a new frontier, indeed.

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MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – An investigation earlier this week in Mendocino County resulted in the arrests of numerous suspects from Mendocino, Lake and Sonoma counties, and the seizure of large amounts of cash and illicit drugs.

The County of Mendocino Marijuana Eradication Team (COMMET) operation, which took place on the afternoon of Monday, Feb. 6, resulted in the arrests of Megan Champion, 27, of Redwood Valley; Karen Johnanna Spencer, 39, of Ukiah; Dakota Michael Nesbitt, 19, of Kelseyville; James Kelby Shook, 30, of Kelseyville; Bogdan Gabriel Cristea, 27, of Santa Rosa; Jordan Anthony Williams, 21, of Santa Rosa; and Mia Miller, 47, of Ukiah.

Mendocino County Sheriff's Capt. Kurt Smallcomb said COMMET went to 2310 Road K in Redwood Valley just before 1 p.m. Monday to conduct followup on an ongoing investigation.

Smallcomb said deputies discovered that the residence was being used to process marijuana and the residence was secured and a search warrant was obtained.

While at the residence deputies located Spencer, Nesbitt, Shook, Cristea, Williams and Miller, Smallcomb said.

A subsequent search of the residence revealed approximately 144 pounds of marijuana drying in a detached garage, 89 pounds of processed bud marijuana packaged for sale, 17 pounds of untrimmed marijuana, scales, packaging material, records, less than a gram of MDMA – or Ecstasy – and $164,456 in US currency, according to Smallcomb's report.

Spencer was arrested for a misdemeanor probation violation and a felony probation violation, and felony charges of possession of marijuana for sale and marijuana cultivation, according to Mendocino County Jail records.

Nesbitt, Williams, Shook and Cristea all were arrested on felony counts of marijuana cultivation and possession of marijuana for sale and booked into the Mendocino County Jail, the report said.

Smallcomb said Miller was released and charges are being submitted to the Mendocino County District Attorney's Office against her.

He said Megan Champion was determined to be the person living at and renting the property and charges are being submitted to the District Attorney's Office against her.

The investigation is continuing and additional arrests are expected, Smallcomb said.

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I thought I’d write about something hot and spicy for Valentine’s Day: cayenne peppers.

These racy, red numbers pack a punch, grabbing our attention in the form of dried red pepper flakes, tangy, piquant sauces and as a spice powder that adds heat to a variety of foods.

The cayenne pepper is a member of the capsicum genus of plants, which includes all types of peppers, from mild bells to ultra-hot chilis.

The plant genus is named for the chemical compound capsaisin, which gives peppers their hot taste by stimulating our nerve endings, especially mucous membranes. The more capsaisin present in the pepper, the hotter it tastes.

The spiciness of a pepper is measured by a Scoville scale, named for its developer, American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville, who created the method in 1912.

Scoville heat units are assigned based on the capsaisin present in the pepper. Bell peppers, for example, have no significant heat, so have a Scoville rating of zero. Spicy habanero chilis, on the other hand, have a Scoville rating of between 100,000 and 350,000.

The hottest known pepper, the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper, can have a Scoville rating of more than 1,400,000. Now that’s hot! (Even its name sounds scary.)

The cayenne pepper seems mild in comparison at between 10,000 and 30,000 Scoville heat units. Even so, as one of its monikers, red hot chili pepper, implies, it imparts quite a bit of heat and spice to the taste buds. It’s about ten times spicier than the jalapeno pepper.

Other names for the cayenne pepper are Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, aleva, mad pepper, and bird pepper. The name cayenne was bestowed in honor of the city of Cayenne in French Guiana, its supposed center of origin.

Cayenne peppers, like other members of the pepper family, are botanically considered berries. They ripen to a bright red color and have a long, slender shape. They’re often dried and strung to make decorative hangings in restaurants, making them one of the most recognizable peppers.

Peppers are native to Central and South America and have been cultivated there for more than seven thousand years.

When Columbus landed in the West Indies, the natives he encountered gave him tiny, red berries which reminded him of the red peppercorns grown in India, both in looks and pungency of taste.

It’s said that these berries were what led him to believe he landed in India; hence, Native Americans were called Indians and the little red berries (a relative of the cayenne pepper) were called peppers.

A wide variety of peppers were already cultivated in the Americas at the time, with variations in size, color, and pungency, including the cayenne pepper.

Within a few years of Columbus’ first voyage, chiles were being planted in Europe and North Africa. It didn’t take long for them to become popular in cuisines around the world, enlivening dishes with their bright, sharp flavor.

Cuisines as diverse as Spanish, African, Southeast Asian, Indian, and Chinese were all transformed by members of the pepper family.

Cayenne pepper is especially popular as a seasoning in the Creole and Cajun cooking of the American south. (What would gumbo or jambalaya be without cayenne pepper?) Vinegar-based hot sauces inspired by this region get their spicy kick from cayenne.

Cayenne is what provides the heat in Buffalo chicken wings. It seasons chicken biriyani, an Indian dish that’s said to be the favorite meal of Londoners.

It flavors all manner of Mexican-inspired foods. Enchilada sauce and tacos are seasoned with it, for example.

African spice pastes are made with it (such as Ethiopia’s berbere) and it’s a common component of dry rubs and sauces for meat, especially those which will be slow-cooked barbecue style.

Cayenne pepper is used to give a kick to sweets, too. Chocolate is a common pairing, with cayenne added to cake, candy, and hot cocoa or mocha latte recipes.

Cayenne pepper in dried flake form may be used to flavor pizza, spaghetti sauce and any foods that might benefit from a flavor kick.

Dried chili flakes may be used to infuse oil with flavor, either on their own or in combination with complementary flavors, such as garlic or herbs.

I like using olive oil flavored with chili flakes, garlic, and basil to season pasta pomodoro, a favorite pasta dish of mine. The flakes on their own may be used to make spicy chili oil for basting crostini (little bread toasts) to accompany bean or lentil soup.

Fresh cayenne peppers may be used for infusing oil, as well.

Most of the capsaisin in hot peppers is contained in the whitish membrane inside the pod to which the seeds are attached. The seeds themselves do not produce pungency, but because of their close proximity to the membrane, they absorb heat.

The level of heat in cooking may be controlled by removing some of the membrane and seeds of cayenne peppers.

It’s important to protect oneself when working in the kitchen with hot peppers. Rubber or latex gloves keep fingers from being burned by the chemical compounds that cause heat, and glasses can protect eyes from an errant spray of juice.

Don’t forget to avoid touching your face when your hands have been exposed to the heat from peppers.

The health benefits of cayenne peppers are legendary and legion. The same compound that gives cayenne its hot flavor, capsaisin, makes them an amazing natural medicine.

Scientific studies have shown capsaisin effective in fighting inflammation; providing pain relief; offering cardiovascular benefits by lowering blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation; clearing congestion; boosting the immune system; preventing stomach ulcers; and assisting in weight loss.

In addition to all this, they’re very high in vitamin A and contain healthy stores of vitamins E and C. They also contain vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin K and manganese.

When shopping for fresh chili peppers, whether cayenne or another variety, look for firm, glossy pods with no soft spots. The stem end should look as though it was freshly cut. If dried chiles are what you’re after, make sure there’s no mold and that they smell as they should.

Today’s recipe utilizes two members of the pepper family: red bell peppers and cayenne peppers in two forms, the powdered spice and dried chili flakes.

Since rice is used as the thickening agent, the soup is low in fat, and fresh thyme, garlic, and cayenne, as well as a variety of vegetables, make it high in flavor.

If desired, use roasted red bell peppers in place of the fresh ones.

Before I go, did you know cayenne pepper is an effective way to discourage pests in your garden? Insects avoid capsaisin-filled cayenne peppers, and a safe, natural garden spray may be made with them.

If you’d like to find out how to do this, click on one of the following links: or

Bon appétit and happy Valentine’s Day!

Spicy Red Pepper Soup

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

6 red bell peppers, seeded and chopped

2 carrots, peeled and chopped

2 yellow onions, chopped

2 celery ribs, chopped

4 garlic cloves, chopped

2 quarts chicken or vegetable broth

½ cup long-grain rice

2 tablespoons fresh thyme

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon ground black pepper

Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Stir in the bell peppers, carrots, onions, celery and garlic. Cook and stir the vegetables until soft, about 10 minutes.

Stir in the broth, rice, thyme, cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper, and bring the mixture to a boil.

Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the rice and vegetables are tender, about 25 minutes. Remove from heat and cool 30 minutes.

Blend the cooled soup until smooth using a hand-held immersion blender directly in the pot. Or use a blender to blend the soup in batches until smooth.

Serve at room temperature or reheat until warm.

Yields about 10 servings.

Esther’s note: If you like things really spicy, double the cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes.

Esther Oertel, a freelance writer, cooking teacher, and speaker, is passionate about local produce and all foods in the vegetable kingdom. She welcomes your questions and comments and may be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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A report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has identified January 2012 as the fourth-warmest January on record for the contiguous United States.

In the contiguous U.S., the average temperature for January was 36.3°F which is 5.5°F above normal range, according to the report.

This makes the month not only the fourth warmest of its kind in history, but also the warmest since 2006, the report showed.

“It's warmer this year mainly because of the jet stream pattern,” said Senior Meteorologist Michael Pigott.

“Generally, for the most part of the winter, it has been on a west-to-east pattern,” said Pigott. “Meteorologists refer to this as a 'zonal flow.' Essentially, we've seen a lot of storms moving from west to east, and not a lot traveling northward or southward. So, anything in the Arctic is staying up there, and anything in the U.S. is staying put as well. If you have north-to-south undulations in the jet stream, you do get warmer air heading northward to the poles, and colder air comes down toward the U.S. from the Arctic."

Nine states recorded their top ten warmest average temperatures for January in 2012: Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Arizona and Kansas.

It has also been the fifth-warmest, six-month period from August 2011 to January 2012 ever recorded in the contiguous U.S. Forty states have had warmer-than-average temperatures.

Even though the contiguous U.S. has seen record warmth this winter, Alaska is a different story. Several towns in Alaska have seen their coldest January on record.

“Since the jet stream isn't moving colder air southward, it's getting trapped over Alaska,” Pigott said. “It's basically creating an extreme divide in record temperatures there compared to the rest of the U.S.”

In addition to a warm January in 2012, it has also been dry. In fact, the contiguous U.S. has seen its 28th-driest January in recorded history.

The central Plains had below-average precipitation for the month, especially in Kansas. Kansas had its third-driest January in recorded history, while Nebraska saw its eighth-driest January.

“One reason the central Plains have seen less-than-average precipitation has been due to the weakening of storms coming from the West,” said Pigott. “When these storms hit the Rockies, they tend to stall out and weaken in intensity.”

However, this has not been the case for every state. Texas has actually seen above-average precipitation for the second month in a row. The state had not had two consecutive months of above-average precipitation since January-February 2010.

If March comes in like a lamb ...

The warm trend may continue through the end of February and into March, but temperatures are not expected to be as high as they were in January.

“It looks like the pattern will be similar for most of the country, but not to the same extent,” said Expert Senior Meteorologist Jack Boston. “We are getting in a pattern where we're more susceptible to cold air masses coming down. However, that doesn't mean they're going to stay. They're still going to be progressive. That means cooler temperatures will come in for only a few days, then disappear again.”

Intermittent stretches of cooler air will bring overall average temperatures closer to normal for the months ahead.

“The average will be somewhat above normal, though it won't be as above normal as January. But, it will be closer to normal,” added Boston.

Boston also stated that he thinks temperatures in the Northeast will begin to drop “just in time for spring,” with a pattern developing for cooler-than-normal weather in the Northeast starting later in March and continuing through April.

Boston also said that much of the rest of the contiguous U.S. will remain warmer with the possible exception of the Pacific Northwest.

“It may stay pretty active up there and get lots of rain and therefore keep their temperatures held down pretty well,” said Boston.

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This week a Glenn County man convicted of selling false identification and immigration documents received a 27-month federal prison sentence.

On Friday United States District Judge Garland E. Burrell Jr. sentenced 38-year-old Camilo Reyes of Orland to prison time for transfer of false identification documents, according to a report from United States Attorney Benjamin B. Wagner.

According to Reyes' plea agreement, he sold fraudulent identification documents to undercover agents at a store in Orland between Dec. 14, 2009, and Aug. 13, 2010.

On March 12, 2010, an undercover agent met with Reyes and paid him $300 in exchange for two fraudulent resident alien registration cards – or green cards – and two fraudulent social security cards, Wagner's office reported.

The report said the cards contained fictitious identifying information and photographs that the agent had provided.

During a search of Reyes’ home, agents found tools and materials used in manufacturing fraudulent documents such as printers, card stock and lamination devices, Wagner's office said.

Wagner said Judge Burrell immediately remanded Reyes into custody to begin his sentence.

The US Attorney's Office said this case was the product of an extensive investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations. Assistant United States Attorney Michael D. Anderson prosecuted the case.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – In October, St. Helena Hospital Clearlake embarked on a major renovation of its emergency room facilities, the busiest in the area. Now, a significant community donation is bringing Clearlake’s new emergency room closer to reality.

The Rotary Club of Clearlake pledged $25,000, which was presented at the hospital last Wednesday, Feb. 8.

The club will be recognized with naming of one of the hospital emergency department's new private treatment rooms.

“We saw a true need here, where our contributions could make a significant – even life-saving – difference in our community,” said Karen Karnatz, president of the Rotary Club. “We believe this is an important project, and we want to help make the hospital a place our community can be proud of.”

“It's a gift with a legacy for our children and grandchildren,” said supporter Dr. Mark Cooper.

“This $25,000 pledge shows that our community cares. It is an unprecedented amount for any service organization in Lake County to give,” said Melissa Kinsel, St. Helena Hospital Clearlake development officer. “With so many needs in this county, there are many, many opportunities to give. This donation highlights just how important the hospital is to this community.”

The renovations include expanding and upgrading the original cramped 1960s-era emergency room to provide faster, better care for patients, and an increase in patient care staff.

“We've already made so much progress in streamlining operations and hiring quality, compassionate staff,” said Kinsel. “This gift will make a positive impact on the availability of quality health care for everyone in our county.”

Adventist Health, St. Helena Hospital’s parent organization, provided the first $9 million for the $12.1 million project, and challenged the hospital to fund the remainder from within the community.

The campaign has raised almost $1.3 million, including a $1 million gift from Redbud Health Care District.

“We still have a way to go, but I am encouraged by this gift,” said Kinsel. “I know there are others who will see this and think, ‘I want to help, too.’ The hospital is such a tangible operation; donors can actually see their dollars being put to work. There’s a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you had some part in the saving of lives in your own community.”

David Santos, vice president of St. Helena Hospital Clearlake, expressed his gratitude to the Rotary Club.

“Our sincere appreciation to the Rotary Club of Clearlake for this significant gift and helping our Hospital improve the quality of patient care,” Santos said.

For more information about the project visit

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Just three days after the state Legislature passed it, a bill that restores funding to school transportation programs statewide received the governor’s approval.

On Friday Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 81, which replaces the $248 million midyear cut to the Home-to-School Transportation program Brown made with a smaller, more equitable reduction across all school districts in California.

SB 81 moved quickly through the Legislature and made it to the governor’s desk in just three days. The bill goes into immediate effect.

“This is a victory for every child in the state,” said state Sen. Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa). “Every child should have equal access to a quality education. SB 81 ensures kids will get to school so they can learn, get an education and be on track to be successful and contributing members of our society.”

Assemblyman Wes Chesbro (D-Arcata) praised Gov. Brown for taking quick action on the bill and understanding its importance to school children in rural areas.

“I am thrilled that the Legislature and governor were able to come together to restore the funding that gets California’s students to school,” Chesbro said. “Home-to-School Transportation is an essential service in my district. This bill was signed just in time to save the jobs of many school bus drivers and ensure that there is no interruption in getting kids to school.”

Lake County Superintendent of Schools Wally Holbrook told Lake County News on Friday that the governor’s midyear cuts to Home-to-School Transportation and special education transportation would have amounted to just over $1 million for Lake County's school districts.

However, SB 81 has reduced those cuts by $527,000, bringing the total reduction for the county to approximately $482,147, Holbrook said.

Konocti Unified and Kelseyville Unified, with the county’s largest transportation needs, had $263,976 and $147,140 in funding restored to them, respectively, according to Holbrook.

Holbrook said his office contacted Chesbro and Evans, with both being “really responsive” to concerns about the funding loss and writing to the governor.

Chesbro and Evans both decried the cuts, saying they were unfairly hitting the rural areas they serve.

Holbrook said the governor’s midyear cuts were not across the board, but targeted the last half of the 2011-12 fiscal year’s transportation funding, and amounted to a 50-percent cut for schools with transportation programs based on a formula developed a long time ago.

The result was that some districts were hit particularly hard. Districts with no transportation had no cuts, but schools with transportation needs were harder hit, with some cuts amounting to several hundred dollars per student, he said.

The cuts totaled more than $100 per student for the Kelseyville and Konocti districts, according to Holbrook.

With SB 81 becoming law, the cuts total about $42 per student across the board, whether their schools offer transportation or not, Holbrook said.

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More than 6,300 individuals applied to be a part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's next astronaut class, according to a report from the agency.

NASA said that's twice as many applicants as it typically receives and the second highest number of applications it has ever received.

“Historically, we’ve received between 2,500 and 3,500 applications for each class,” said Duane Ross, who leads NASA’s Astronaut Selection Office. “We were a bit surprised, but very pleased by the overwhelming response to our recent Astronaut Candidate vacancy announcement. To me, this demonstrates the fact that the public remains genuinely interested in continuing the exploration of space. As for my office, we will be busy for a while.”

Late last year, NASA sent out a call for a new astronaut class. Applications were accepted for two months, with the deadline set for Jan. 27.

NASA said the response to this latest recruitment announcement was “tremendous,” resulting in approximately 6,372 applications.

That's the largest number of applications since 1978, when NASA had more than 8,000 submissions from astronaut hopefuls.

“The Flight Crew Operations Directorate is very happy with the large number of applicants for the astronaut program,” said Janet Kavandi, director of Flight Crew Operations. “NASA feels strongly that an appropriate mix of skills, education, and background provide the office with a greater ability to successfully work a wide array of operational situations.”

During the next couple of months, Astronaut Selection Office staff will sort through the applications to compare them to a list of basic qualifications.

Those applications that meet the basic qualifications will then be reviewed by a selection committee to identify “highly qualified” applicants. The panel will determine which remaining applicants will be invited for an interview and medical evaluations.

The interview process will be a two-step process, NASA reported.

Initial interviews will be conducted by the Astronaut Selection Board beginning in August and will continue through October. Then, starting in November and running through January 2013, NASA said final interviews will be held along with medical evaluations of each applicant.

The Astronaut Selection Board is expected to make its final decision in the spring of 2013 with the new Astronauts Candidates reporting for training that summer. The new candidates will undergo two years of training before being eligible for mission assignments.

These new candidates will live and work aboard the International Space Station, help build the Orion spacecraft for exploration beyond low earth orbit and continue NASA’s partnership with companies that will supply commercial transportation services to the ISS.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter has another full house this week, with dogs of all sizes to choose from if you’re looking for a new companion.

Featured dogs this week include many mixes -- German Shepherds, Pomeranians, pit bulls, terriers and border collies, among others.

Dogs that are adopted from Lake County Animal Care and Control are either neutered or spayed, microchipped and, if old enough, given a rabies shot and county license before being released to their new owner. License fees do not apply to residents of the cities of Lakeport or Clearlake.

If you're looking for a new companion, visit the shelter. There are many great pets hoping you'll choose them.

The following dogs at the Lake County Animal Care and Control shelter have been cleared for adoption (additional dogs on the animal control Web site not listed are still “on hold”).



“Riley” is a 5-month-old American Bulldog-mastiff mix.

He has brown brindle and white coloring, and is not yet altered.

Find him in kennel No. 12, ID No. 31697.



“Ralph” is a 15-week-old Labrador retriever mix.

He weighs 30 pounds and is not yet altered.

Find him in kennel No. 10, ID No. 31718.


Male pit bull mix

This 8-month-old pit bull terrier mix.

He has brown eyes and a short coat.

Find him in kennel No. 14, ID No. 31736.


Pomeranian mix

This male Pomeranian mix is 1 year old.

He has a long, light-colored coat and is not yet altered.

Find him in kennel No. 18, ID No. 31731.



“Buck” is a 1-year-old beagle-pug mix -- also known as a “puggle.”

He weighs nearly 16 pounds and has a short coat.

Find him in kennel No. 22, ID No. 31714.



“Binks” is a 5-year-old female German Shepherd mix.

She has black and tan coloring, a short coat and is not yet altered.

Find her in kennel No. 23, ID No. 31698.



“Masie” is a 4-year-old female beagle-terrier mix.

She is altered and weighs just over 26 pounds.

Shelter staff said she is microchipped.

She is in kennel No. 16, ID No. 31277.


Collie mix

This female collie mix is ready for a new home.

She has a short coat and brown eyes.

Find her in kennel No. 7, ID No. 31653.


Corgi mix

This 9-month-old female is a Corgi mix.

She has a short coat, tricolor markings and brown eyes.

Find her in kennel No. 5b, ID No. 31651.


Chihuahua mix

This 9-month-old male is a Chihuahua mix.

He has a short coat and brown eyes.

Find him in kennel No. 6, ID No. 31650.


Shepherd mix

This male shepherd mix is 1 year old.

He has a short yellow coat, and has been neutered.

Find him in kennel No. 28, ID No. 31670.


Cairn terrier mix

This little lady is a Cairn terrier mix.

She is 6 years old, with a medium-length black coat, and weighs 13.6 pounds.

Find her in kennel No. 27, ID No. 31683.


Male shepherd mix

This 15-week-old male pup is a shepherd mix.

He is not yet neutered, and has black, tan and white coloring, with a long coat.

Find him in kennel No. 26, ID No. 31706.


Australian terrier mix

This 6-year-old male is an Australian terrier mix.

He has a deep gold-colored, medium-length coat.

He weighs approximately 9.4 pounds and is not yet altered.

Find him in kennel No. 25b, ID No. ID: 31668.



“Thunder” is a 5-year-old male Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix.

He has a medium-length brown-gold coat.

Find him in kennel No. 25a, ID No. 31598.


Border collie mix puppies

These 9-week-old border collie mix puppies are all males.

They have short coats and black and white coloring.

The puppies can be found in kennel No. 15a-d, ID No. 31657.

Adoptable dogs also can be seen at or at

Please note: Dogs listed at the shelter's Web page that are said to be “on hold” are not yet cleared for adoption.

To fill out an adoption application online visit

Lake County Animal Care and Control is located at 4949 Helbush in Lakeport, next to the Hill Road Correctional Facility.

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday. The shelter is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Visit the shelter online at

For more information call Lake County Animal Care and Control at 707-263-0278.

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SANTA ROSA, Calif. – A Santa Rosa man convicted of a string of burglaries that stretched across four counties, including Lake, has been sentenced to 31 years in prison by a Sonoma County judge.

Monty Allen Mullins, 46, received the sentence this week from Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Dana Simonds, according to a report from the office of Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch.

On Oct. 27, 2011, Mullins entered guilty pleas to five residential burglaries, possession of stolen property, and possession of a stolen vehicle.

In addition, Mullins admitted that he had a prior conviction for residential burglary, which is a strike offense, and also admitted that he committed two of the residential burglaries while out on bail in four pending cases.

“This defendant has proven that imprisonment is the only way to keep him from victimizing people and burglarizing their homes,” Ravitch said. “Numerous victims have had to cope with the violation of the sanctity of their homes. Particularly striking is the impact on elder victims who lost a lifetime’s worth of sentimental personal belongings. I commend the cooperative investigative efforts by multiple law enforcement agencies that lead to this defendant’s apprehension and significant sentence.”

This case was investigated by the Santa Rosa Police Department, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, the Calistoga Police Department and the Novato Police Department.

The crimes in this matter spanned from Sonoma County into Napa, Lake and Marin counties, Ravitch's office reported.

In late 2009, Mullins was linked by fingerprint evidence to a residential burglary of a home owned by an elderly couple and located in the Oakmont retirement community, just outside of Santa Rosa.

When he was arrested for the Oakmont burglary, Mullins was in possession of stolen property and a window-punch burglary tool, which stolen property had been removed from a window-smash car burglary hours before Mullins’ arrest.

Ravitch's office reported that Mullins posted bail on the Oakmont residential burglary case and, on Sept. 3, 2010, while out on bail, was arrested after found fleeing from a residential burglary in Windsor, in a vehicle which had been stolen from a residential burglary in Novato days before, according to the district attorney's report.

The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at Mullins’ home that evening and found Mullins’ girlfriend allegedly wearing jewelry from the Novato residential burglary.

In addition, Mullins’ girlfriend was arrested days later at a pawn shop in Santa Rosa while allegedly carrying a bag full of coins, also stolen from the residential burglary in Novato.

Further investigation revealed that Mullins and his co-defendant, Joseph Greathouse, had attempted to burglarize a residence in Sonoma on the evening of Aug. 29, 2010, but fled once contact was made with one of the occupants living at the residence.

Another occupant of the home was able to provide a license plate number of the getaway vehicle, which was found to be registered to Mullins’ daughter.

Video surveillance taken earlier that day at the Twin Pine Casino in Middletown showed Mullins and Greathouse leaving the casino in that same car, after attempting to use an elderly couple’s credit card that had been stolen during a residential burglary of the elderly couple’s Calistoga home earlier that same day.

He again posted bail and, on Feb. 8, 2011, was arrested after he was caught burglarizing two more homes in the Rincon Valley area of Santa Rosa.

Mullins, who was caught in the act by the elderly homeowner’s adult sons, ran from the first residence into another residence, where he committed another residential burglary before being apprehended by the Santa Rosa Police Department.

Officials said Mullins has been in custody since Feb. 8, 2011, with bail specially set at $2 million.

The lead investigators in this case were Sonoma County Sheriff’s Detective Perry Sparkman and Santa Rosa Police Detective Brett Siwy. Deputy District Attorney Robin Hammond was the prosecutor assigned to the case.

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LAKEPORT, Calif. – A Kelseyville man has been ordered to stand trial for attempted murder and numerous other charges for allegedly shooting his wife’s male friend and brutally assaulting her in an incident last September.

Andrew James Serrano, 39, will return to court in March for arraignment on the charges.

He allegedly shot Willy Turner in the chest with a .40 caliber handgun on Sept. 10, 2011, while Turner was helping Serrano’s estranged wife, Lesa, move furniture and clothing from the home that she had shared with her husband up until five months before at 3050 Big Valley Road.

In the same incident Andrew Serrano allegedly beat Lesa Serrano severely, holding the handgun to her head and threatening to kill her before deputies arrived on scene.

In testimony on Thursday, Lesa Serrano said that by the time of the shooting she had been subjected to months of harassing and threatening phone calls and text messages, death threats, physical assault and an incident in which her estranged husband rammed her SUV with his pickup in downtown Lakeport.

Judge Richard Martin ruled that Serrano should stand trial at the end of nearly two days of testimony in his preliminary hearing.

Regarding the Sept. 10 incident, Martin found there was evidence to hold Serrano for trial for attempted murder, an act which Martin said showed deliberation and premeditation; aggravated mayhem, a charge used when someone shows extreme indifference to the well-being of another person, with an intent to do physical and psychological harm; simple mayhem; assault with a firearm; spousal abuse; criminal threats and false imprisonment.

Consolidated with the shooting case were other pending criminal cases against Serrano, with Martin also ordering him to stand trial on counts of assault with a deadly weapon; hit and run; stalking; and three misdemeanors relating to Serrano’s alleged violations of a domestic violence restraining order against his wife and civil restraining orders against him held by two of her friends.

Serrano also will be held to answer for about a dozen special allegations involving use of a firearm, great bodily injury and potential strikes; Martin dismissed three of those charges because he did not feel they had enough evidence to support them.

Turner, who first took the stand on Wednesday afternoon, continued testifying Thursday, explaining how he spotted Andrew Serrano driving by his Kelseyville home on several occasions prior to the shooting.

In one incident, one of Turner’s sons was walking across the street to return a table that had been borrowed for a party when Serrano came speeding down the street and had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting the boy. He then sped off, Turner said.

Lesa Serrano, who followed Turner to the stand, said she and her husband – now legally separated – have been married over 18 years and have three sons, ages 20, 15 and 10.

The marriage’s most serious problems started four to five years ago, and escalated from verbal arguments into physical violence, which the first incident occurring in April 2011. That was the first time she called the police on him. A few days later he would admit himself to the hospital.

She said on separate incidents in May 2011 he called to threaten her life – telling her, “You’re dead, I planned this out” – and in another confrontation threatened her again and used his hand to gesture at her like a gun. Also that month, he called her cell phone 33 times over an hour and a half period late one night.

On July 2, 2011, Lesa Serrano had dinner at Renee’s Cafe in Lakeport with friends Katrina and Kayla Hickey. While sitting near a window overlooking Main Street they saw Andrew Serrano drive by several times.

As they left in Lesa Serrano’s SUV, driving southbound on Main Street near the Courthouse Museum, Andrew Serrano – who was driving northbound in his pickup – got into the middle lane and then the southbound lane, ahead of his wife’s vehicle. Both vehicles stopped and he gestured as if pointing at each woman.

Lesa Serrano tried to drive around him and he revved his engine and rammed her vehicle. “He looked straight at me,” she said.

While he appeared to be reaching for something, Lesa Serrano said she put her vehicle in drive and tried to get away from him, with her vehicle getting scraped as she drove off.

Additional witnesses testify about ramming incident

Lesa Serrano described how on the day of the shooting her husband drove up while she and Turner were gathering items from the house. She went out to speak with him. He was standing by the side door of his pickup, doing something with his hands.

“He looked over his right shoulder at me, looked back down and I could see he was loading a gun,” she said, explaining how she ran back in the house.

Turner told her to go and hide, which she did in the garage. That’s where she was when she heard a loud gunshot. She crouched behind an electric cart and Andrew Serrano walked through and then left the room, coming back a minute later, spotting her when she moved slightly.

He came around the front of the cart, grabbed her by her hair and drug her outside, pointing the gun at her head and threatening to kill her repeatedly, she said.

She said he accused her of cheating on him, and she tried to talk to him, focusing on their children.

By the time Andrew Serrano was taken into custody, his wife had a wound above her eyebrow, he’d hit her repeatedly in the face and her jaw was knocked out of line.

Katrina Hickey also testified on Thursday to seeing Andrew Serrano drive by the Lakeport home she and her sister shared. She discussed the July 2011 vehicle ramming incident, during which she received an injured right arm and stiff neck. She said she was throwing up with fear by the time Lesa Serrano drove them to the Lakeport Police Department.

Lakeport Police Sgt. Jason Ferguson was on duty that day when Lesa Serrano and the Hickeys showed up at the Lakeport Police Department after Andrew Serrano rammed their vehicle.

“All three of them were hysterical. They were crying. It was rather chaotic in the parking lot,” said Ferguson.

Ferguson put out a countywide be on the lookout for Serrano, who was later taken into custody at his Big Valley Road home by the California Highway Patrol.

Ferguson said Andrew Serrano refused to speak with him after his arrest. They found his damaged truck, showing damage of the collision, in this garage. Inside of it they found a machete.

Andrew Serrano’s attorney, Mitch Hauptman, said Thursday he would not offer a defense for the purposes of the preliminary hearing.

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