Sunday, 22 September 2024


The California Department of Fish and Game on Tuesday issued notice of its intent to sue the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

The Department of Fish and Game notified the Corps that it failed to comply with the federal Endangered Species Act when it adopted a national policy requiring the removal of virtually all trees and shrubs on federal levees.

The Corps reportedly developed its national levee vegetation removal policy in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The action against the Corps alleges that its national policy fails to account for regional variations among levees. As early as 1955, the Corps encouraged and even required the planting of trees and shrubs on California levees.

Studies conducted in 1967, 1999 and 2008 by California confirm that native riparian vegetation are compatible with flood control and that such vegetation can often act to minimize damage during a flood event.

The Corps’ own studies from 1991 and 1999 reportedly confirm that post-damage flood rates for levees containing woody vegetation were lower than levees with no vegetation.

The Department of Fish and Game said it is confident that the Corps' flood concerns can be met in a regional variation allowing this unique riparian habitat.

Only 5 percent of the Central Valley’s original riparian forest remains and it would be required to be removed under the Corps’ policy, the Department of Fish and Game said.

In addition to providing scenic beauty and recreational enjoyment for people, riparian habitat is essential for several endangered species including Chinook salmon, Central Valley steelhead, Valley elderberry longhorn beetle, riparian brush rabbit, Western yellow-billed cuckoo and Swainson's hawk.

Approximately 1,600 miles of federal project levees along the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and tributaries are likely to be affected by the Corps’ policy. Several miles of federal levees in the Bay Area and Southern California would also be affected.

In total, compliance with the policy is estimated to cost up to $7.5 billion and divert funds from more significant levee deficiencies like seepage and erosions.

Despite years of roundtable discussions between the Department of Fish and Game, the Corps and other state, federal and local entities, the Department of Fish and Game said its concerns over removing the riparian habitat remain unaddressed.

The state's suit would seek to have the Corps comply with the federal Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the federal Administrative Procedure Act before further implementation of the levee vegetation removal policy.

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SACRAMENTO – Assemblymembers Wesley Chesbro (D-North Coast) and Jared Huffman (D- San Rafael) have introduced new legislation to revive California’s ailing state parks system.

Assembly Bill 1589, the “California State Parks Stewardship Act of 2012,” proposes to reshape the relationship between state parks and state government and establishes a blueprint to stop park closures and ensure their long-term viability.

“The recent parks closures disproportionately impact rural California, and nowhere is that more true than on the North Coast,” Chesbro said. “The economies of many of our small communities depend on state parks and the millions of visitors they draw every year. We must find a way to keep them open, safe and accessible. This legislation creates lasting security for the California State Parks system and saves the state money in the long-term.”

Key provisions of AB 1589 include:

  • Encourages formation of a state compact that guarantees an ongoing level of state funding for operations and maintenance of state parks.

  • Creates a State Park Enterprise Fund to be used for construction and installation of modern revenue and fee collection equipment and technologies to increase park visitation and revenues.

  • Produces a California State Park environmental license plate that individual vehicle owners could purchase and have the fees go towards support of state parks.

  • Provides the option for taxpayers to voluntarily purchase an annual state park access pass when they file their state tax returns.

  • Requires the Department of Parks and Recreation to be more transparent on how it evaluates and selects specific parks for closure, and places a cap of 25 state park units on the number of park closures allowed from 2012 to 2016 without legislative approval.

“We have an opportunity with this legislation to not only prevent park closures, but to begin to reinvigorate our neglected California State Parks system,” Huffman said. “This bill is about charting a more sustainable approach to managing and financing our treasured state parks so that they will continue to be there for our economy and quality of life, and so that we can protect the valuable natural and cultural resources our parks contain.”

“Our local economy centers on visitor service and if we lose our only state park, Hendy Woods, every business in our community will be badly affected,” said Kathy Bailey, a member of the Anderson Valley Chamber of Commerce. “AB 1589 recognizes that closing parks should be the last choice, not the first, when trying to balance the budget. We’re very happy that the authors want the State to formulate common sense approaches to management reform and revenue enhancement before taking the drastic step of shuttering a vital component of our community’s economy.”

Assemblymember Roger Dickinson (D-Sacramento) is also a joint author of AB 1589.

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Hard hit by one of the worst recessions in nearly a century, hundreds of thousands of Californians lost insurance coverage across the state as employers shed jobs and the health plans that came with those jobs, according to a new report from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

Among the most alarming trends resulting from the so-called Great Recession: a significant jump in California's already high rate of residents with medical debt.

In 2009, 2.6 million non-elderly Californians had some kind of medical debt — an increase of 400,000 since 2007, the new "State of Health Insurance in California" report shows.

The report, published every two years with grant funding from The California Endowment and The California Wellness Foundation, uses the latest data from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) to paint a comprehensive picture of health insurance trends, access and coverage status for California's more than 37 million residents.

The report found that medical debt was highest among those uninsured all of the year (of whom 18.4 percent had debt) and among those uninsured for part of the year (23.2 percent). But even 9.1 percent of those with employment-based coverage reported some kind of medical debt.

"No Californian should have to take on debt to pay medical bills or go without access to health care just because they lost their job," said Shana Alex Lavarreda, lead author of the report and director of health insurance studies a the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. "As this recession has so clearly shown us, linking health care to a volatile job market puts us all at risk."

Yet the report also discusses the potential positive implications of health care reform on California's uninsured population.

"This data clearly indicates the need for successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act," said Dr. Robert K. Ross, CEO and president of The California Endowment. "The rate of uninsured Americans increases annually, and the burden that presents to our health care system is economically unsustainable. Health care reform will ensure that many millions of Californians need not fear a potential health catastrophe just because of an economic downturn."

Among the report's findings:

Californians living on 'thin margin'

About half of those with medical debt reported the amount to be below $2,000.

"It's an indication that people are living on a very thin margin if they don't have even $2,000 in savings to put towards medical debt," Lavarreda noted.

Medi-Cal under stress

Among enrollees in Medi-Cal, the program that is intended to provide comprehensive care for low-income residents, 18.2 percent had medical debt, a level comparable to the uninsured (18.4 percent).

"This suggests that the program may not be providing everything its enrollees need, either because certain services are not included in coverage or there are increasingly fewer doctors that accept Medi-Cal patients," said Lavarreda.

Increasing reliance on high-deductible coverage

More than 50 percent of Californians with individually purchased insurance participate in high-deductible health plans.

Of these, only 8.8 percent purchase these risky plans with a health savings account that might protect them from financial hardship.

Recession's toll

In 2007, 61.8 percent of the uninsured were in families with a full-time worker.

In 2009, only 46.3 percent of the uninsured were in families with a full-time worker. The proportion of the uninsured living in poor families (families with incomes below 100 percent of the federal poverty level) climbed from 29.0 percent in 2007 to 33.1 percent in 2009, the highest level in a decade.

Lack of insurance equals lack of care

Uninsured children and adults were significantly more likely to report not seeing a health care provider in the past year (41.8 percent of children and 49.9 percent of adults) than children and adults with employment-based insurance (8.3 percent and 13.4 percent, respectively).

"This report provides yet more evidence of the need for change of our current system of health care and also of the devastating effect California's budget crisis has had on the programs that support our state's most vulnerable residents," said Diana M. Bontá, president and CEO of The California Wellness Foundation.

The authors noted that the estimated number of uninsured Californians may have grown since 2009 (when the data was collected), as the federal subsidy that enabled many laid-off workers to retain their employer-provided health insurance through COBRA has since expired.

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Feb. 2012-State of Health Insurance in California


LOWER LAKE, Calif. – The service of a search warrant by the Lake County Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force last Saturday morning has resulted in one arrest and the seizure of methamphetamine, Oxycodone, digital scales and drug paraphernalia.

Detectives arrested 51-year-old Michael Vernon Ferrel of Lower Lake, according to Sgt. Steve Brooks.

Brooks said that on Jan. 25 narcotics detectives secured a search warrant for a residence and travel trailer located in the 9000 block of Highway 29 in Lower Lake.

At 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, detectives served the search warrant for the residence, Brooks said.

When narcotics detectives entered the home, three people were detained without incident, including Ferrel, according to Brooks.

During a search of the travel trailer detectives located three glass “meth” pipes, digital scales and packaging materials, Brooks said.

In the living room of the residence, detectives located methamphetamine and several Oxycodone pills. Brooks said it was determined that none of the people contacted in the residence had a prescription for Oxycodone.

Ferrel was arrested for felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, according to Brooks.

He was transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility and booked, with bail set at $15,000. Ferrel remained in custody on Tuesday, according to jail booking records.

The other two detainees were released at the scene, Brooks said.

The Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force can be contacted through its anonymous tip line at 707-263-3663.

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The Department of Fish and Game invites the public to attend its annual salmon status update and outlook meeting in February.

The outlook for 2012 ocean and river fisheries will also be discussed.

This year’s meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Sonoma County Water Agency, 404 Aviation Blvd. in Santa Rosa.

The meeting will provide the latest information on California salmon escapement in 2011 and the outlook for sport and commercial ocean salmon fisheries in the coming season.

The public is encouraged to provide input to a panel of California salmon scientists, managers and representatives, many of whom will be directly involved in the upcoming Pacific Fishery Management Council meetings in March and April.

Salmon fishing seasons are developed through a collaborative regulatory process involving the Council, the California Fish and Game Commission and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

The input will help California representatives negotiate a broad range of season alternatives at the Council meeting during the March 2-7 meeting in Sacramento.

The 2012 Salmon Information Meeting marks the beginning of the two-month long public management and regulatory process used to establish this year’s sport and commercial ocean salmon fishing seasons.

A list of additional meetings and other opportunities for public comment is available on the ocean salmon Web page,

The meeting agenda and handouts will also be posted online as soon as they are finalized.

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LOWER LAKE, Calif. – The Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association said Tuesday it will postpone its seventh annual Old Time Bluegrass Festival as it works to negotiate with state officials on an agreement that would keep Anderson Marsh State Historic Park open.

AMIA wants to concentrate its efforts on preserving the park, which is on the list of proposed state park closures. If an agreement isn't reached, the park will close this July.

The organization currently is negotiating with the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into an agreement to operate the park so that it may remain open and available to the public, as Lake County News has reported.

“The negotiation process is lengthy and complex,” said AMIA President Roberta Lyons. “AMIA's goal is for the park to continue to be open on weekends, and at other times for school field trips, tours and other AMIA events, including the popular Old Time Bluegrass Festival.”

Lyons added, “AMIA realizes it must focus now on doing what is necessary to successfully carry out our new responsibilities.”

The purpose of AMIA – the nonprofit cooperating association for the state park – is to support the park and provide interpretive and educational programs.

If approved, the agreement will require AMIA to become involved in park maintenance, keeping trails open and paying for utilities and other operating costs.

Lyons said the need to focus AMIA's energy on keeping the park open forced the group to make the hard but necessary decision to postpone the Old Time Bluegrass Festival – held each September – for one year.

“AMIA is very thankful to all of the Lake County businesses and individuals who have participated in and supported the Anderson Marsh Old Time Bluegrass Festival,” said AMIA Secretary Gae Henry.

“For six years the festival has been the main fundraiser for programs at Anderson Marsh Historic State Park and has been a premier Lake County event,” Henry said. “For now, AMIA volunteers are devoting their time and energy to creating an operating agreement which we hope will be approved by spring.”

AMIA Treasurer Henry Bornstein assured the public that if the group is granted the operating agreement, the Old Time Bluegrass Festival will be back in September 2013.

“It is a great event for Lake County and an important fundraiser for the park,” said Bornstein. “At this time, however, because of the uncertainty of the park's status, the time-consuming nature of the negotiations and the work that will have to be done to operate the park during the first year, we felt it was best to postpone the festival.”

For information about how you can get involved with AMIA's effort to save Anderson Marsh State Historic Park, please visit or contact AMIA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 707-995-2658.

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LUCERNE, Calif. – The California Highway Patrol has identified the Lucerne man who died of injuries he sustained in a rollover pickup crash on Sunday night on the Northshore.

Kenneth Overstreet, 50, was mortally injured in the wreck, which took place on Highway 20 east of Rosemont Drive near Lucerne.

Overstreet – whose identity the CHP released to Lake County News Monday evening – was riding in a 2002 Toyota pickup driven by 24-year-old River Denning of Lucerne when Denning reportedly lost control of the vehicle.

The pickup rolled, fatally injuring Overstreet and leaving Denning with injuries that would later necessitate him being flown by REACH air ambulance to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. CHP said later that Denning suffered minor injuries.

An unidentified woman reportedly gave Overstreet and Denning a ride from the crash scene to the Tower Mart in Lucerne, where paramedics administered first aid to both and unsuccessfully attempted to revive Overstreet, who died of his injuries, as Lake County News has reported.

Further details about the cause of the crash were not available Monday from the CHP.

However, CHP said alcohol did not appear to be a factor in the collision.

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NICE, Calif. – A Monday afternoon fire destroyed a mobile home in Nice.

The fire was reported shortly after 2:40 p.m. in the 3200 block of Lakeview Drive near Buckingham Way, according to radio reports.

Greg Cornish, who lives in Nice on the hillside above where the fire occurred, said he saw flames shoot about 30 feet into the air from the structure.

Northshore Fire Protection District firefighters arriving on scene reported that they found the trailer three-quarters involved.

Lakeview Drive was reported to be closed temporarily while firefighters worked to put out the blaze.

Four Northshore Fire units and one unit from Lakeport Fire responded, with 14 firefighters on scene, according to Northshore Fire Chief Jay Beristianos.

The fire was controlled at approximately 3:07 p.m., with radio reports indicating firefighters would remain on the scene for two to three hours in order to mop up and investigate the cause.

Beristianos said the singlewide mobile home was a vacation home, and no one was there when the fire occurred.

He said the structure was totaled, adding it was too early to offer a full damage estimate because he and his crew hadn’t yet been inside to fully assess the structure and contents.

Beristianos said the cause of the fire currently is under investigation.

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SACRAMENTO – On Tuesday the Governor's Office announced the appointment of a new tribal advisor and executive secretary for the Native American Heritage Commission.

Governor Jerry Brown appointed 54-year-old Cynthia Gomez of Sacramento to the position, which he established by executive order to bolster communication and collaboration between California state government and American Indian tribes.

The tribal advisor will serve as a direct link between the Governor’s Office and tribal governments on matters including legislation, policy and regulation.

Gomez has been the chief justice for the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Tribal Court since 2010.

She was assistant secretary of environmental justice and tribal governmental policy for the California Environmental Protection Agency from 2008 to 2010, chief of the Native American Liaison Branch for the California Department of Transportation from 1999 to 2008, and a housing and community development representative for the California Department of Housing and Community Development from 1989 to 1999.

Gomez is a member of the Tribal and State Court Forum for the California Administrative Office of the Courts and has served as chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Native American Transportation Issues Committee.

She received a juris doctorate degree from the University of Northern California, Lorenzo Patiño School of Law.

These positions do not require Senate confirmation and the total compensation is $140,000.

Gomez is a Democrat.

For more information about the tribal advisor executive order, visit

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Caltrans invites the public to attend an informational open house to review a proposed project to improve the safety of the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 29 near Upper Lake.

The drop-in style open house will be held on Thursday, Feb. 16, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Upper Lake Middle School gymnasium, 725 Old Lucerne Road, Upper Lake.

The purpose of the project is to improve the safety of the Highway 20 and Highway 20 i intersection by reducing the frequency and severity of collisions.

The project is needed because the collision rate at the intersection is 3.7 times greater than the statewide average for similar intersections, Caltrans reported.

Caltrans is considering two alternatives: installation of traffic signals or installation of a roundabout.

The agency said the public will have the opportunity to review displays on these alternatives.

Caltrans said its staff also will be available to answer questions and receive comments or suggestions at the event.

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LUCERNE, Calif. – A Lucerne man died Sunday night of injuries he sustained in a pickup crash on Highway 20, and authorities want to speak with a woman who drove the man and another crash victim to a gas station before leaving.

The 50-year-old man crash victim’s name was not released by the California Highway Patrol Sunday night.

The man was riding with 24-year-old River Denning, also of Lucerne, in a white 2002 Toyota pickup when the crash occurred at 7:20 p.m. Sunday, the CHP reported.

The CHP said Denning was driving eastbound on Highway 20, east of Rosemont Drive near Lucerne at an unknown speed when Denning lost control of the vehicle, with the pickup rolling over.

At the scene, the vehicle was sitting on its wheels, off the road, with debris remaining on the highway. The CHP closed the westbound lane while the investigation was under way.

The roadway evidenced damage as far as 20 yards west of the crash location, where portions of the asphalt had been gouged out.

Authorities are continuing to try to find out just what happened following the crash, when the men were transported from the scene to the Tower Mart at the corner of 13th Avenue and Highway 20 in Lucerne.

Local resident Gena Greenup said she was in the convenience store when a woman came in asking for water and napkins to clean up blood in her car.

Greenup said she went back out to her own car and saw the woman with a young man who was bleeding from the head, with another man in the vehicle.

She said the injured man and the female subject flagged down a Northshore Fire ambulance that was en route to the crash scene.

Greenup said the ambulance pulled into the gas station and paramedics removed the second injured man from the car and began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him.

Radio reports indicated that, even before paramedics pulled the injured man from inside the vehicle, they were concerned he already had succumbed to his injuries.

Greenup said they couldn’t save the man and he was placed in the ambulance.

A short time later, the deceased man’s elderly mother arrived at the scene, where she was informed of her son's death by a firefighter.

Denning was transported by Northshore Fire ambulance to a landing zone at Lucerne Harbor Park, where he was picked up by a REACH air ambulance.

He was transported to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital with complaints of pain to his chest and minor injuries, the CHP reported.

The CHP said Denning was wearing his seatbelt, but his passenger was not.

At about the time that the two crash victims were being attended to by paramedics, Greenup said the woman who drove them to Tower Mart left the scene.

CHP was trying to identify the woman to get additional information about the crash.

A CHP sergeant, assisted by Tower Mart staff, looked at surveillance video in an attempt to identify the woman but was unsuccessful.

Authorities are hoping the woman will come forward to help them with the crash investigation.

Alcohol also does not appear to have been a factor in the collision, the CHP said.

Anyone with information about the crash should call the California Highway Patrol at 707-279-0103.

John Jensen contributed to this report.

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