Monday, 16 September 2024


MATHER, Calif. – Even though the official start of summer is almost two weeks away, state officials on Friday urged Californians to prepare now for the prospect of prolonged periods of hot weather later this summer and fall.

“Summer isn't here yet, but it's not too early for Californians to prepare for the possibility of several days of extremely high temperatures, particularly in areas where temperatures don't reach into the 90s and 100s very often,” said California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) Acting Secretary Mike Dayton.

The Acting Cal EMA Secretary urged Californians who haven't already done so to review their emergency plans, replenish their emergency supplies, learn first aid and CPR and create a cooler, more comfortable environment in their homes.

“As we saw in 2006, prolonged periods of extremely high temperatures can cause a significant number of deaths and heat-related illnesses, including heat exhaustion and heat stroke,” said California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Interim Director Dr. Howard Backer.

According to information provided by California's county coroners and medical examiners, 136 Californians died due to heat-related illnesses caused by a 13-day heat wave that struck the state in 2006.

“Infants, young children and seniors, as well as persons who have chronic health conditions, are particularly vulnerable when temperatures rise,” noted Backer.

“Caretakers must be sure to provide adequate fluids to persons who cannot ask for them or get fluids for themselves,” Backer continued. “Never leave a child or pet in a closed vehicle for any length of time. Plan outdoor work and exercise during the early morning hours or evening hours. During periods of severe heat, communities will set up cooling centers for daytime use.”

Workers in all outdoor worksites such as agriculture, construction, landscaping and other industries, are at risk of serious heat illness and even death when temperatures rise across California.

According to the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), employers are required to take four basic steps to prevent heat illness at all outdoor worksites.

These include training all employees on heat illness, providing adequate water, rest and shade and having an emergency response plan in place.

“I am pleased to see a greater level of compliance and a reduction in occupational heat-related illnesses and fatalities in recent years, but we must remain vigilant during times of high summer heat,” said Cal/OSHA Chief Ellen Widess.

“Heat-related illness and death are preventable with simple steps that employers take to ensure workers have adequate water and shade and training on the symptoms of heat stress,” Widess said. “Having a good program in place not only protects workers' health, but ensures greater productivity.”

State officials urged Californians to incorporate energy conservation measures as part of their heat emergency plans.

“Californians can save money and reduce the risk of power outages by setting their thermostats to 78 to 80 degrees when they're home and to 85 degrees or the 'off' position when they're away from home,” said Dayton. “They also can reduce strain on the power grid by using their primary refrigerators and freezers for perishable foods and beverages and disconnecting secondary refrigerators and freezers.”

Other conservation measures Californians can employ include turning off lights, fans and appliances that aren't in use and using dish washers, driers, washing machines and other appliances after the peak hours of 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Summer heat resources are available at and

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SAN FRANCISCO – On Thursday California's attorney general announced another in a series of major strikes against gang activity across the state.

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris on Thursday reported the arrest of 30 gang members in the Tracy area.

The arrests came a day after Harris announced the arrests of 101 leaders and members of two transnational gangs operating violent criminal enterprises in the Central Valley cities of Madera, Los Banos, Livingston, Merced, Atwater and Dos Palos.

“Today the Department of Justice delivered another blow to the criminal gangs that have been making inroads into California's Central Valley,” said Attorney General Harris. “The arrests we have made over the past few days send a message to the individuals who are bringing drugs and guns into our communities. This conduct will receive swift and certain consequences.”

The operation in Tracy was dubbed “Operation Gateway” because of the centralization of three interstates, the 205, 580 and 5, connecting Sacramento, the Bay Area and the Central Valley.

During the operation, Department of Justice agents served 28 state arrest warrants and 24 state search warrants in the Tracy area. The investigation has resulted in 30 arrests, 11 guns and approximately ¼ ounce of methamphetamine. Everyone arrested was booked into the San Joaquin County Jail.

“Operation Gateway” is a spinoff from Operation Crimson Tide into the criminal activities of the Nuestra Familia gang.

The investigation, a collaborative effort led by California Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, and assisted by the Tracy Police Department, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation's Special Services Unit and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Safe Streets Task Force. The operation involved more than 200 law enforcement officers and 28 locations.

“The community of Tracy is safer today because of the hard work and dedication of the multiple law enforcement agencies involved in this 11-month investigation,” said Tracy Police Chief Janet Thiessen. “Designed to identify, arrest and prosecute individuals and gangs responsible for violent crime and narcotics trafficking in Tracy, we are confident today's arrests will have a significant positive impact on crime in our city today and in the future.”

The operation is the latest in a series of actions by Harris that are designed to attack gang violence.

In February, agents arrested three associates of a Tijuana drug cartel in a murder-for-hire plot in Southern California.

In March, Harris brought law enforcement leaders from across the state to California's border with Mexico to see firsthand the problem of transnational gangs smuggling guns, drugs and human beings across the border.

In April, the attorney general announced the creation of the first multiagency gang task force in Tulare County.

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The Sun unleashed an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare with a spectacular coronal mass ejection (CME) on June 7, 2011. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it covered an area of almost half the solar surface. The Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) observed the flare's peak at 1:41 AM ET. SDO recorded these images in extreme ultraviolet light that show a very large eruption of cool gas. Video from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in 304 Angstrom of the June 7, 2011 M-2 Flare and CME. Credit: NASA/SDO.

The Sun unleashed an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare, an S1-class (minor) radiation storm and a spectacular coronal mass ejection (CME) on June 7, 2011 from sunspot complex 1226-1227. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it covered an area of almost half the solar surface.

The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed the flare's peak at 1:41a.m. ET (0641 UT). SDO recorded these images (above) in extreme ultraviolet light that show a very large eruption of cool gas. It is somewhat unique because at many places in the eruption there seems to be even cooler material -- at temperatures less than 80,000 K.

When viewed in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO) coronagraphs (top right), the event shows bright plasma and high-energy particles roaring from the Sun.

Also to the right are links to the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Ahead and Behind coronograph videos showing the CME expansion as viewed from each side of the sun. The STEREO Ahead satellite precedes the Earth as it circles the Sun. The STEREO Behind satellite follows behind the Earth in it's orbit of the Sun. (NOTE: Both STEREO videos will be replaced by better quality version when they become available in 48 hours.)

This not-squarely Earth-directed CME is moving at 1400 km/s according to NASA models. The CME was expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field during the late hours of June 8 or June 9. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the CME arrives.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – Police have arrested two Clearlake juveniles for allegedly damaging a local church with gang-related graffiti.

The two juveniles, whose names were not released because of their minor status, were arrested late Wednesday, June 8, according to a report from Sgt. Rodd Joseph of the Clearlake Police Department.

Joseph said Clearlake Police officer responded to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, located at 14972 Lakeview Way, at about 9 p.m. Wednesday on a report of two subjects spray painting the church.

The same church has been a victim of several recent vandalisms, Joseph said.

He said three Clearlake police officers responded to the scene while the Clearlake Police dispatcher kept the witness on the phone so officers could get real-time updates on the suspects’ activities.

The three officers took different routes to the church in hopes of cutting off any escape routes for the two suspects. Joseph said the officers arrived at the church within minutes of the call.

Officers Mike Carpenter and Alan Collier located two juvenile suspects – one 10 years old, the other 15 years old – on the church property, Joseph said.

Joseph said both suspects were found to have fresh, blue-colored spray paint on their hands and the 10-year-old was found to be in possession of a can of blue spray paint.

Officers located blue spray painted graffiti in numerous areas in and around the church property. Joseph said the graffiti appeared to be gang-related and was still wet to the touch.

He said several witnesses were located in the area and interviewed. The two juveniles were arrested and charged with vandalism to a church, minor in possession of aerosol paint with intent to vandalize, conspiracy to commit a crime and participation in a criminal street gang.

Both suspects were transported and booked into the Lake County Juvenile Hall, Joseph said.

The Clearlake Police Department thanked those residents who came forward with information which led to the arrests of these two juveniles. The agency said that the community, working in partnership with the police department, can make a difference.

Anyone with information on any crime is urged to contact the Clearlake Police Department at 707-994-8251. You may remain anonymous.

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VICTORVILLE, Calif. – One of the nation’s only DC-10 Very Large Airtankers has been deployed from California to assist in fighting the raging wildland fire in Arizona.

The request was made on Wednesday by the United States Forest Service. The aircraft, Tanker 911, took off Thursday morning to help in Arizona from its base in Victorville.

The Forest Service is accessing the DC-10 through a call when needed contract CAL FIRE has with 10 Tanker, the company that operates the only two DC-10 Very Large Airtankers in the world.

During peak fire season, CAL FIRE has an exclusive use contract with 10 Tanker to enhance its aerial firefighting fleet.

The DC-10 aerial firefighting aircraft made its fire fighting debut in 2006 on the Sawtooth fire in San Bernardino County.

The DC-10’s operate with a flight crew of three, a pilot, co-pilot and a flight engineer. The tanker works with a lead plane and can be an effective tool in combating wildfires when working directly with ground resources.

The DC-10 firefighting aircraft are fitted with three external tanks that are mounted along the centerline of the plane.

Together, the tanks hold 50 tons of water or retardant. The tanker can drop as much as 12,000 U.S. gallons of retardant in as little as eight seconds through its computerized gravity fed water dump system. It is used primarily to lay down long lines of retardant.

“California is no stranger to wildfires and Arizona was one of many states that sent assistance to help us during the devastating 2008 lightning fire siege,” said Chief Ken Pimlott, CAL FIRE acting director. “We are grateful that our relationship with 10 Tanker enables us to assist our neighbors during their time of need.”


Aerial firefighting resources are one of the many tools available to incident commanders to fight wildfires when and where the aircraft can be effective.

For more information on the DC 10 and its relationship with CAL FIRE, visit

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Mendocino College officials and community members tour the site of the new Lake Center campus at 2565 Parallel Drive in Lakeport, Calif., on Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.




LAKEPORT, Calif. – On an afternoon blessed by an abundance of late spring sunshine, community members got a chance to walk the the 31-acre property on Parallel Drive that will be home to the Mendocino College Lake Center.

The site, located at 2565 Parallel Drive, now looks like an unused pasture, with the grass having recently been mowed.

However, college officials are hoping to break ground on the new campus site this September, once Division of the State Architect approves the building plans.

Ruzicka Associates, located next door to the property, hosted a Tuesday afternoon reception for local dignitaries and college staff and leadership, who took a closeup look at the site in its still-pristine form.

“This is really an exciting project going on here,” said Channing Cornell, president of the Mendocino College Foundation Board of Directors.

The total project cost is $13.5 million, with construction estimated to cost around $8 million, according to Mendocino College Facilities Services Director Mike Adams.

The first phase of building will include 14,000 square feet of space, Adams said.

Adams said there will be classrooms for topics including art, science and music, a community room and a computer lab. A preliminary site plan showed a large parking area set back off of Parallel Drive, which leads into an entry plaza, central plaza, art patio, garden area and a nature trail loop. Future plans include a large community garden just off of Parallel Drive.

He said that once the project is awarded to a contractor, he expects it to move quickly. “It will be a fast track project.”

Mark Rawitsch, dean of the Lake Center as well as the college center in Willits, said the goal is to open the campus to students in 2013. To help make it happen, “We need a group finger cross,” he joked.

At the afternoon gathering officials also announced the formation of the Lake County Friends of Mendocino College, an affiliate of the Mendocino College Foundation. The group's purpose is to organize and conduct local activities to promote and assist the college's educational and service programs, according to member Wilda Shock.

Shock said Lake County students account for 25 percent of Mendocino College's total enrollment, with almost 23 percent of the 2010 graduates coming from lake County.

She said the 2006 passage of the Measure W bond made funding for the new Lake Center project possible.

Shock added that the foundation's board of directors has committed itself to long-term growth, establishing and funding a new executive director position, which Katie Wojcieszak was hired to fill.

Wojcieszak awarded Shock with a plaque for helping with the foundation's efforts.




A rendering of the first phase of the Mendocino College Lake Center campus, to be built at 2565 Parallel Drive in Lakeport, Calif., beginning in the fall of 2011. Image courtesy of Mendocino College.



Rawitsch said local enrollments totaled 1,821 in the spring semester, up 9 percent. The fall enrollment was 1,600. He said the county enrollment resulted in $1.4 million in state reimbursements.

Adams said the architectural firm TLCD Architecture of Santa Rosa is designing the site. He said the firm also agreed to do the design work for Lakeport's Soper-Reese Community Theatre courtyard for free.

He thanked the city of Lakeport for helping move the project forward.

“I don't think we can thank the city of Lakeport enough for their cooperation,” Adams said.

He said the city has been “amazing” in its assistance in helping secure the property – which a bank repossessed – and splitting the cost of a water main extension. Adams singled out Community Development Director/Redevelopment Director Richard Knoll for special recognition.

There are four wells on the site, all of which are active but with low water volume, Adams said.

He said there is no solar installation in the initial plan. Adams said for it to pencil out the installation would need to be larger, and therefore the college is talking with the city about power needs for its sewer treatment plant.

Adams had noted the site's beauty before the tour started. Walking the acreage and pausing in the area where the main quad will be, the property's picturesque qualities shined through, with prominent views of Mt. Konocti and the mountains to the west.

College officials said they want the campus design to incorporate the landscape to create a beautiful and peaceful setting for education.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – After what has felt like a very long winter, warm spring weather has finally arrived in Lake County, just as summer is set to begin in less than two weeks.

Unofficially, Northern California has three seasons, not four – the dry season, the wet season and the wildflower season, according to author and naturalist Glen Schneider.

This year in Lake County, the wet and wildflower season occurred simultaneously for more than eight months.

Rain began falling in earnest in October, snow storms began in November and the wet season saw Clear Lake reaching flood stage on March 25, with some areas still recording snow and frost into the first week of June.

Although Lake County did have a “faux spring” most of January – when average daytime highs are expected to be in the 50s, but days were recorded with highs in the 60s and 70s to tide us over. However, that was five months ago.

On May 15 – the last official frost date of the year for Lake County, which means there is a 90 percent chance that no more frost will occur – rain, hail, frost and snow were recorded throughout the county.

However, summer weather now seems to have finally arrived, with temperatures finally returning to normal. Lows in the upper 40s and highs in the low 80s are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

Forecasters with The Weather Channel and Western Weather Group predict that the warming trend will continue throughout the weekend, with daytime highs inching up towards the mid- to upper-80s by Sunday with abundant sunshine and a slight possibility of some clouds on Friday and Saturday.

Overnight lows will continue to drop back to the upper 40s and low 50s each night, according to forecasts.

As tempting as swimming may be this weekend, please remember that water temperatures in lakes, streams, and rivers, throughout Lake County and Northern California are still quite cold and can induce hypothermia rapidly.

For up-to-the-minute weather information, please visit the Lake County News homepage.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – A child- and family-friendly event will make its inaugural appearance this weekend in Clearlake.

The “Power to the Youth” event will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 11, in Clearlake's Austin Park, 14077 Lakeshore Drive.

Bruno Sabatier, one of the event's organizers, said the daylong event will offer live music, vendors, information booths, games and competitions.

The entire Lake County community is invited to the free event, he said.

The community response to the event so far has been “fantastic,” according to Sabatier.

Sabatier was part of the Clear Lake Associated Students leadership at Yuba College's Clearlake campus.

The group organized events and was looking to do something larger, to illustrate what the community has to offer and to engage children and families, he said.

Sabatier said the idea formed last fall, and the organizing has mostly taken place over the last two months.

The event partnered with the nonprofit Lake Community Pride Foundation, the umbrella organization for the county's teen safe house and Clearlake's youth center. Sabatier said the group also supports performing arts programs at Lower Lake High School.

The main target group for the Saturday event is young people ages 5 to 25, but Sabatier said the organizers decided to broaden it to the entire community. “We want to make this a family event.”

Throughout the day there will be live music from groups such as Without a Net, Escapulario Norteno and Praises of Zion Church choir, with Konocti Dance Academy also performing, he said.

Sports competitions, including two-on-two basketball, inline skating, skateboarding and BMX riding will begin to organize at around 10 a.m., with the games set to be under way by 10:30 a.m. and finished by mid-afternoon, Sabatier said. There will be cash prizes for first place winners.

A tug-of-war competition is planned between local firefighters and police officers, Sabatier said.

The planned booths will include voting information, education – from preschool to college – plus local sports clubs, several scouting groups and community service organizations.

Sabatier said one of the main goals is to inspire people and show them what services are available to make their lives better.

“It's been really amazing as far as what we’ve found and who has offered to come out,” he said.

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MENDOCINO COUNTY, Calif. – A 21-year-old Fort Bragg woman who allegedly wielded an ax during a gang-related attack earlier this year has been ordered to stand trial in Mendocino County Superior Court on three felony assault and battery charges.

Maricruz Alvarez-Carrillo, 21, faces felony assault with a deadly weapon charges, and felony battery with serious injury for her role in an incident Jan. 28 in outside the C.V. Starr recreational center, according to a Tuesday report from Mendocino County District Attorney C. David Eyster's office.

Alvarez-Carillo is accused of taking the ax to Alissa Colberg, 19 at the time of the attack, who suffered chest and facial wounds, and a male juvenile from Fort Bragg.

Judge Clay Brennan found the ax attack was gang-related after hearing testimony from 13 witnesses following a two-day preliminary hearing last week, Eyster's office said.

Colberg was the main witness for prosecutors. She testified that around 4:30 p.m. on Jan. 28 she was walking to the dog park next to the Starr center when she saw Alvarez-Carillo chasing the male juvenile around a vehicle.

At first she thought the woman was attacking the male victim with a hammer, but she soon learned it was a hatchet. Colberg testified that she swung at Alvarez-Carillo with a dog chain in a bid to aid the boy, but she instead became the target of the ax attack.

Colberg ended up suffering a deep wound to her chest, and cuts on her face. All left disfiguring scars, Colberg testified.

Fort Bragg Police Officer Brian Clark testified that Alvarez-Carillo later claimed that “Northeners” gang members had surrounded her car with her baby in it and then smashed the windows.

Clark testified that the defendant said she got out of the car to confront Colberg “who had a chain.”

Tammie Lynn Garner, a neighbor who witnessed the incident, said she saw two females fighting and “one female had an ax and the other female had a belt or chain.” The hatchet was later found in the parking lot in front of the Starr center.

Alvarez-Carillo and defense witnesses contended that Colberg was the aggressor in the fight because she allegedly belongs to rival gang that has terrorized the Minnesota Avenue apartment complex where the father of Alvarez-Carillo’s child lives.


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From left, Connie McCowen and Melanie Combs, both of Upper Lake, Calif., were arrested on Thursday, June 9, 2011, on assorted drug charges. Lake County Jail booking photos.

UPPER LAKE, Calif. – The service of a search warrant by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force on Thursday afternoon resulted in two arrests and the seizure of methamphetamine and marijuana.

On June 3, narcotics detectives secured a search warrant for the person, home and vehicles of 47-year-old Melanie Lee Combs, according to Capt. James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

On Thursday, June 9, detectives conducted surveillance on Combs’ residence at the Meadow Point Mobile Home Park in Upper Lake, Bauman said.

At approximately 12 p.m., detectives observed a blue Ford pickup truck leaving the area of Combs’ residence. Bauman said Combs was identified as a passenger in the truck and pursuant to the search warrant, detectives stopped the truck on Highway 20 near Old Lucerne Road.

The driver of the truck, identified as 44-year-old Connie Coleen McCowen of Upper Lake, was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance and arrested. Bauman said McCowen and Combs were both transported back to Combs’ residence where detectives completed their service of the search warrant.

While searching Combs' residence, detectives located methamphetamine and two “meth” pipes in her bedroom, Bauman said. Two plastic storage bins also located in her bedroom were found to contain several plastic bags full of processed marijuana and a balancing scale. Combs had no recommendation for medical marijuana.

Combs was arrested and both she and McCowen were transported to the Lake County Hill Road Correctional Facility for booking. Bauman said Combs was charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of narcotics paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. McCowen was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance.

The Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force can be contacted through its anonymous tip line at 707-263-3663.

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This marijuana, methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia were allegedly found in the home of Melanie Combs of Upper Lake, Calif., following service of a search warrant on Thursday, June 9, 2011. Photo Courtesy of the Lake County Sheriff's Office.

COBB, Calif. – Cobbstock, the fifth annual day of music set amidst the backdrop of Cobb Mountain, will be held on Saturday, June 11.

Set at Jellystone Park, 14117 Bottle Rock Road, gates open at 11 a.m., with music from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.


The cost is $20 at the gate, with children under age 12 attending for free if accompanied by an adult.

Presented by Yard Dog Productions, Cobbstock will feature standing favorites The Prather Brothers, Travis Rinker, CAM, Austin and Owens, Off the Hook, Rukkus and Blind Monkey.

Joining the line up this year are 12-year-old Connor Gill and the Gill Brothers Band, Dennis Purcell, Joan Moss, the Psychedellos and other special guests.

Last year’s event drew a crowd of more than 700 music lovers.

In addition to music, the festivities will include food, beer, wine and craft vendors.

The event will feature professional sound by City of Light and lighting by Star Lights Productions.

Sponsors include Kelseyville Lumber, Fossa’s Backhoe, Bottle Rock Power Corp., Seigler Mountain Forest Products, Turner Insulation, Wharf’s Yarns Plus, Calpine Corp., Moore Family Winery, Theresa P. Foster and Victor Vigis of Lakeport Express Lube and Big O Tires, Twin Pine Casino and Stephanie Wetch.

For more information, visit or call 707-928-9878.

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LUCERNE, Calif. – A Sunday evening car crash damaged a sewer system lift station, sending what county officials estimate were several thousand gallons of wastewater into Clear Lake.

Lake County Special Districts Deputy Administrator Pete Preciado said Monday that the agency believes as many as 8,000 gallons of sewage was spilled as a result of the crash, which damaged a lift station on the lake between Nice and Lucerne.

California Highway Patrol Officer Steve Tanguay said the crash occurred at 6:45 p.m. Sunday.

He said Nneka Michelle Bonney, 17, of Clearlake Oaks was driving a 1998 Ford Explorer westbound on Highway 20 a miles east of Bartlett Springs Road at an unknown speed she drifted off the side of the road, overcorrected and lost control.

Tanguay said Bonney's vehicle crossed the other lane of traffic and hit the lift station, located on the lake side.

He said Bonney was alone and wasn't injured by the crash, which is being investigated by Officer Josh Dye.

Preciado said CHP reported the crash to the Lake County Office of Emergency Services, which in turn contacted Lake County Environmental Health and Special Districts.

He said Special Districts was notified at approximately 7:16 p.m. Sunday, and was on scene a half-hour later. Environmental Health responded along with Special Districts.

Pumper trucks arrived at the scene and contained the spill, vacuuming up the sewage they encountered. Preciado said he didn't yet have information on how much wastewater they hauled away, although Special Districts staff had estimated that 8,000 gallons were spilled before the containment occurred.

“That's just a preliminary estimate,” he said, noting that they didn't actually see the wastewater going into the lake.

The crash took out a bollard and damaged an 8-inch pipe and valve, which was the source of the lost wastewater, Preciado said.

“Fortunately, they missed the electronic control panel, which is good,” he said.

A contractor responded at about 10 p.m. Sunday and made repairs, which Preciado said were complete by 1:45 a.m. Monday.

He said that by that time everything had been repaired, cleaned and disinfected.

Preciado said Special Districts notified state health officials about the spill.

He added, “Everyone that draws water from the lake in that area was notified.”

That included Nice Mutual Water Co. and California Water Service Co., he said.

Cal Water District Manager Gay Guidotti said the company's water quality department was notified, and it in turn notified the California Department of Public Health.

At the time of the spill, Cal Water's water treatment plant was off, she said.

Now, they're taking two water samples daily, which will continue every day this week, Guidotti said.

The plant also increased its levels of disinfection, turning up the chlorine, “just to be safe.” An ultraviolet system is in constant operation, she added.

“Those were the recommendations made by our water quality department,” and the state Department of Public Health approved, she said.

Preciado said Special Districts also collected samples and took them to a local laboratory for analysis. He said it will take a few days to get the test results.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at , on Facebook at , on Tumblr at and on YouTube at .

Upcoming Calendar

09.17.2024 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Board of Supervisors
09.17.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at Library Park
09.17.2024 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Boyles fire local assistance center open
09.17.2024 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Boyles fire support event
09.17.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Lakeport City Council
09.18.2024 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Boyles fire local assistance center open
09.18.2024 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Veterans Stand Down
09.18.2024 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Free veterans dinner
09.21.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
09.21.2024 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Passion Play fundraiser

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