- Elizabeth Larson
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Inaugural Law Enforcement Challenge showcases shooting skills

LAKE COUNTY – Local law enforcement officers took part in a friendly shooting competition recently which the organizer hopes will turn into an annual fundraiser.
California Highway Patrol Officer Josh Dye arranged the inaugural Lake County Law Enforcement Challenge, which was held Oct. 28 at the sheriff's shooting range at Highland Springs.
Dye said it was a way to get all of the county's law enforcement agencies together, enjoy some camaraderie and have a friendly competition.
Each agency was invited to send its top five shooters in three categories – shotgun, rifle and pistol – and they all went head to head, Dye said. More than 35 competitors took part.
Speed and accuracy decided the victors in each event, said Dye.
In the pistol division, Lake County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Wes Frey won, said Dye, and received a new pistol. Lakeport Police Det. Norm Taylor won the shotgun competition, with Deputy Mike Pascoe of the sheriff's office coming out the best shot with a rifle, with Taylor receiving a new shotgun and Pascoe a new rifle.
The overall team competition only counted the best pistol performances, because Dye said that some local agencies don't carry rifles and shotguns.
The Lake County Sheriff's Office won the overall team championship, said Dye. Their prize was a Howitzer shell made into a traveling trophy.
There was even a special chiefs division in the competition, said Dye.
Local CHP Commander Dane Hayward won the chiefs competition, which Sheriff Rod Mitchell couldn't attend because of a meeting.
Mitchell, Dye reported, “started calling right away wanting a rematch.”
For his part, Mitchell responded, “I don't want a rematch, I want a match. I want an opportunity to compete against them.”
“I think everyone had a lot of fun,” said Dye, who added that it was one of the most fun days he's had in his law enforcement career.
The competition had a lot of local support, said Dye, including help from the Konocti Rod and Gun Club, which helped set up targets.
Dye sent a special thank you to the event's local sponsors, including Huggins Uniforms, Lakeshore Bait and Tackle, Lake County Guns and Rick's Guns.
In addition, national sponsors Safari Land and Midway USA also lent their support, said Dye.
The plan is to hold the competition on an annual basis, said Dye, although next year's date hasn't yet been set.
“I'm hoping that it will be even bigger next year,” he said, noting that he would like to turn it into a fundraising event.
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