Sunday, 22 September 2024


An international team of scientists who monitor the rapid changes in the Earth’s northern polar region say that the Arctic is entering a new state – one with warmer air and water temperatures, less summer sea ice and snow cover, and a changed ocean chemistry.

This shift also is causing changes in the region’s life, both on land and in the sea, including less habitat for polar bears and walruses, but increased access to feeding areas for whales.

Changes to the Arctic are chronicled annually in the Arctic Report Card, which was released Thursday, Dec. 1.

The report is prepared by an international team of scientists from 14 different countries.

“This report, by a team of 121 scientists from around the globe, concludes that the Arctic region continues to warm, with less sea ice and greater green vegetation,” said Monica Medina, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration principal deputy under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere.

“With a greener and warmer Arctic, more development is likely,” said Medina. “Reports like this one help us to prepare for increasing demands on Arctic resources so that better decisions can be made about how to manage and protect these more valuable and increasingly available resources.”

Among the 2011 highlights are:

  • Atmosphere: In 2011, the average annual near-surface air temperatures over much of the Arctic Ocean were approximately 2.5° F (1.5° C) greater than the 1981-2010 baseline period.

  • Sea ice: Minimum Arctic sea ice area in September 2011 was the second lowest recorded by satellite since 1979.

  • Ocean: Arctic Ocean temperature and salinity may be stabilizing after a period of warming and freshening. Acidification of sea water (“ocean acidification”) as a result of carbon dioxide absorption has also been documented in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.

  • Land: Arctic tundra vegetation continues to increase and is associated with higher air temperatures over most of the Arctic land mass.

In 2006, NOAA’s Climate Program Office introduced the State of the Arctic Report which established a baseline of conditions at the beginning of the 21st century.

It is updated annually as the Arctic Report Card to monitor the often-quickly changing conditions in the Arctic. Peer-review of the scientific content of the report card was facilitated by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program.

The Report Card tracks the Arctic atmosphere, sea ice, biology, ocean, land and Greenland.

This year, new sections were added, including, greenhouse gases, ozone and ultraviolet radiation, ocean acidification, Arctic Ocean primary productivity and lake ice.

The Arctic Report Card can be found at

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Breaking up Arctic ice, pictured from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ship. Credit: NOAA.





A view of the Arctic from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Web cam. Credit: NOAA.




SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Justice on Friday released the annual “Homicide in California 2010” report showing the rate of homicide crimes per 100,000 in population decreased 7.8 percent from 2009.

The total number of homicides declined from 1,970 in 2009 to 1,809 in 2010, the report showed.

In Lake County, the homicide rate remained flat in 2010, at four, the same as in 2009, according to the report. The peak year in the last decade for homicides was 2006, when there were seven in Lake County.

The homicide clearance rate, or percentage of reported crimes that have been solved, has increased for the fifth consecutive year. This year's rate of 63.8 percent is the highest since 2001.

The “Homicide in California 2010” report details information about the crime of homicide and its victims, demographic data on persons arrested for homicide, and information about the response of the criminal justice system.

Also included is information on the death penalty, the number of peace officers killed in the line of duty and justifiable homicides.

Among the highlights:

  • 80.3 percent of homicide victims were male, 19.7 percent were female.

  • 44.5 percent of homicide victims were Hispanic, 29.6 percent were black, 18.2 percent were white, and 7.4 percent were categorized as “other.”

  • Females were more likely to be killed in their residence, while males were more likely to be killed on streets or sidewalks.

  • When the victim-offender relationship was identified, 44.4 percent (the largest proportion) involved victims who were killed by friends or acquaintances. However a greater percentage of black victims were killed by strangers than were white or Hispanic victims (47.7 vs. 25.4 and 35.4, respectively).

  • Of homicides where the weapon was identified, the majority (71.2 percent) involved a firearm.

  • Of the homicides where the contributing circumstances were known, 36.1 percent were gang-related.

By the end of 2010, there were 709 persons under sentence of death in California. Of these, 34 were sentenced in 2010, 10 of which were in Los Angeles County.

Four California peace officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2010.

The full report can be seen below.

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Homicide in California 2010

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Facing a $5.1 billion loss last fiscal year and dropping mail volumes, the US Postal Service is considering the closure of hundreds of mail processing facilities, including a 25-year-old Petaluma center that processes mail for areas including Lake County.

The US Postal Service is considering folding the operations of the North Bay Processing and Distribution Center in Petaluma, which opened in 1986, into the Oakland Processing and Distribution Center.

A public meeting was held on the proposal on Nov. 16 in Petaluma, and community members can still comment on the proposal by sending written comments to Theresa Lambino at the US Postal Service’s San Francisco District, P.O. Box 193000, San Francisco, CA 94188-3000.

Postcards must be postmarked by Saturday, Dec. 3.

A Facebook page,, has been set up in opposition to the proposed closure.

Several people posting on that page said they had received little or no notice about the proposal.

Postal service spokesman James Wigdel said the proposed consolidation was announced back in September. He said the postal service doesn’t do a blanket mailing, but does inform the unions, employees, members of Congress for the area, local mayors and the media.

“It’s an established protocol that’s used across the county,” he said.

Earlier this year, the US Postal Service consolidated the North Bay center’s originating mail processing operations into Oakland’s as the result of a 2010 area mail processing study, Wigdel said.

Another area mail processing study conducted earlier this year on the remainder of the Petaluma facility’s operations led the postal service to conclude that it could realize a savings of about $2.5 million a year by moving all operations to the Oakland processing center, said Wigdel.

“In order to do that, we will have to change our service standards,” he said.

Currently, overnight delivery in local areas ranges between one and three days. Wigdel said that would change to two to three days.

The consolidation study going on with the Petaluma center is part of a nationwide effort, said Wigdel. “We’re trying to become efficient.”

There are about 500 such facilities nationwide, said Wigdel, and the US Postal Service is proposing to close about 250 of them.

“The reason that we’re looking at that is our volume is going down dramatically and has since 2006,” which Wigdel said was the postal service’s peak year for volume, with 214 billion pieces of mail.

The postal service’s nationwide system is designed to process and deliver 300 billion pieces of mail annually, but in fiscal year 2011 it only handled 168 billion pieces of mail, Wigdel said.

That’s because more people are becoming competent in using the Internet and paying bills online, said Wigdel, adding that the poor economy is causing businesses to put out fewer mailers.

“We lost just over $5 billion last year,” he said. “We don’t see us being in the black anytime soon.”

That loss would have been $10.5 billion if Congress hadn’t allowed the postal service to put off its required payment into its employees’ retirement plan. Even so, Wigdel said the US Postal Service has stated it can’t make the payment this month, when it’s required.

Wigdel said that once the comments period closes at the end of the day Dec. 3, comments and letters from the public will be evaluated and forwarded to the postal service’s Washington, DC headquarters.

He said headquarters hasn’t stated when it will make a decision, but one is expected early in 2012, Wigdel said.

No employees would be laid off; Wigdel said they will be transferred to other positions in surrounding areas, in accordance with union contracts.

It’s not yet been determined what would be done with the facility itself, Wigdel said.

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111611 North Bay Processing Center Meeting

Differences in seismic activity along the San Andreas fault appear to be related to strength variations in the lower crust and upper mantle, as suggested by new findings in the Dec. 1 edition of “Nature.”

U.S. Geological Survey scientist Paul Bedrosian, along with colleagues Michael Becken, Oliver Ritter and Ute Weckmann from the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, used an electromagnetic geophysical method to image subsurface conductivity within the crust.

"Segmentation of the San Andreas fault was first identified more than 40 years ago based on distinct patterns of seismicity. This work links mantle fluids, possibly resulting from ancient subduction along the California coast, and their interaction with the crust, as the driver behind the observed differences. This is really exciting as it illustrates how past structure and tectonics effects present-day dynamics along the San Andreas fault," said Bedrosian.

Fluid influx is implicated as a driving force behind the processes that ultimately define seismic segmentation. The findings may help to explain why motion along the fault results in earthquakes on some segments and less harmful creep on others.

"Decades ago USGS researchers explored the strong dependence of water on the strength of the rocks in the deep crust and upper mantle, with the firm conviction that this effect would be key to understanding fault mechanics," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt.

"Now finally with new technology available to map the in situ distribution of water at depths inaccessible to geologic observation, we have an excellent example of how an investment in basic research will pay off in a very practical understanding of a long-standing mystery that affects lives and property,” McNutt added.

The area studied is a transition zone between segments of locked and creeping behavior along the San Andreas fault, and includes a zone of pronounced seismic tremor.

The data provide evidence of fluids migrating into the creeping section that appear to originate from a region that is also responsible for stimulating tremors.

The results are consistent with the hypothesis that high fluid pressures play a crucial role in the weakening of faults.

"Understanding how large and possibly dangerous fault systems, like the San Andreas fault, work in all their complexity is a grand challenge,” said Weckmann. “The San Andreas fault is a key natural laboratory for studying large transform faults, as many geo-scientific methods are tested here to provide different pieces of the puzzle. I hope that our results will trigger similar research along other major active fault systems around the world.”

The article may be read in full online at


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A federal civil rights lawsuit against California’s ban on openly carrying loaded firearms has in public has been filed in the Federal Central District Court for California.

The suit was filed by Charles Nichols, president of Nichols filed the suit as an individual; is not a plaintiff in this case.

Nichols’ suit names California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., California Attorney General Kamala Harris, the city of Redondo Beach, its police department and police chief.

The defendants have until Dec. 14 to waive service of summons. Those who do not will be served the following day which coincides with the 220th Anniversary of the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights.

In 1967, the California Legislature made it a crime to openly carry a loaded firearm in most public places in California. Nichols argues that the action was a “knee-jerk reaction” to the activities of the Black Panther Party, which included a band of its members marching into the California State Capitol building openly carrying loaded firearms.

One of the Penal Code sections enacted as a result was California Penal Code section 12031 which makes it a crime to openly carry a loaded firearm in incorporated cities and areas of a county where the discharge of firearms is prohibited.

The opinion of then-Attorney General Thomas C. Lynch was that “... it remains clear that the Legislature did not direct the provisions of section 12031 against all uses of firearms but only at uses of firearms which are inimical to the peace and safety of the people of California.”

Then-Gov. Ronald Reagan was adamant that the legislation not apply to openly carrying loaded firearms through town for peaceful purposes such as hunting.

The lawsuit was intended to disarm the members of the Black Panther Party. Since then, it has been applied to persons which the statute itself exempts such as hunters and persons with loaded firearms inside of mobile residences.

This year, Gov. Brown signed Assembly Bill AB 144 into law, which makes it a crime to openly carry an unloaded handgun as well. That law goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2012.

Nichols argues that, as a result, California has banned a complete class of weapons commonly used for the purpose of self-defense from being openly carried in public. Only unloaded rifles and shotguns may be openly carried after the new year.

The case number is CV-11-9916 SJO (SS). The case has been assigned to Federal Judge S. James Otero.

Funds for the lawsuit are being raised by open carry advocates across the state, including California Right To Carry, Riverside Open Carry Club, Inland Empire Open Carry, California Carry, The2A, Orange County Open Carry,, Bay Area Open Carry Movement and California Open Carry Movement.

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LUCERNE, Calif. – A young Glenhaven woman was arrested on Thursday after her attempt to pass other vehicles resulted in a crash that injured her passenger.

Taryn Rose Re, 19, was arrested for reckless driving causing injury, according to a report from the California Highway Patrol’s Clear Lake office.

Injured in the crash was 19-year-old Clearlake resident Jonesha Beasley, who the CHP said was riding with Re and suffered moderate injuries.

The collision occurred at 9:10 a.m. Thursday on Highway 20 at Paradise Cove east of Lucerne, according to the CHP.

The CHP said that Re was driving her 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue eastbound on Highway 20 behind several vehicles when, while traveling through a righthand corner, she aggressively accelerated and used the right shoulder to pass vehicles ahead of her.

The report said Re lost control of her vehicle and spun across both lanes of Highway 20, with her Oldsmobile going off the north side of the road and traveling through a fence and overturning once, coming to rest on its wheels.

A Northshore Fire Protection District ambulance from the Clearlake Oaks station transported Beasley to Sutter Lakeside Hospital, where she was treated for moderate injuries, the CHP said.

After Re’s statement regarding the collision was obtained, witnesses were interviewed and the physical evidence at the scene was reviewed, Re was arrested, the CHP said.

Re’s booking sheet indicates she was arrested by CHP Officer Erich Paarsh, the crash’s investigating officer.

Her bail was set at $1,000. Jail records indicated she later posted bail and was released.

The CHP said Re is not suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Both Re and Beasley were wearing their seat belts, the CHP said.

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LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – While Lake County has so far avoided major damage – outside of some fallen trees and power lines – due to the week’s high winds, forecasters said Friday that more high winds are on the way this weekend.

The National Weather Service issued another wind advisory for Lake County that will be in effect until 6 p.m. Saturday.

Forecasters said northeast winds of 20 to 35 miles per hour with gusts of wind up to 45 miles per hour will be possible. It’s expected to be the windiest during the day on Saturday.

Lake County also is under a hazardous weather outlook for winds and lower temperatures.

The National Weather Service is predicting daytime temperatures in the high 50s and nighttime temperatures in the mid to high 30s into the first part of next week, with nighttime temperatures dipping into the low 30s in the week’s latter half.

The winds that have hit California over the past week have left hundreds of thousands of utility customers without power at various times, including a small number in Lake County, according to Pacific Gas & Electric.

By Friday afternoon PG&E said it had restored power to 90 percent of the 500,000 customers in Northern and Central California impacted by the outages.

However, the company’s last update on Friday said 51,000 of its customers still were without power, mainly in the Chico, Santa Cruz and Fresno areas.

PG&E reported late Friday that as many as 49 customers in the Nice area were impacted by an outage that had started shortly before 5 p.m.

The outage was expected to be resolved by 10 a.m. Saturday once a transformer is replaced, PG&E said.

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A California man is facing a lengthy prison sentence after he was convicted of leading a nationwide drug ring.

Anthony Guidry Sr., also known as “Ant,” 46, of Vallejo, was sentenced on Friday to 220 months in prison, followed by five years of supervised release, for leading a nationwide conspiracy to distribute California-grown marijuana via the mail and common carriers to distribution outlets in approximately a dozen states across the country, including Virginia, according to the US Attorney’s Office.

Neil H. MacBride, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; James W. McJunkin, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office; Daniel Cortez, Inspector in Charge of the Washington Division of the United States Postal Inspection Service; Earl Cook, Alexandria Chief of Police; and Colonel David Rohrer, Fairfax County Chief of Police, made the announcement after sentencing by United States District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema.

“Mr. Guidry led an extensive, nationwide marijuana distribution ring that targeted young markets, especially college campuses,” said MacBride. “He told conspirators that getting caught with marijuana means nothing but a slap on the wrist. Today, he was slapped with an 18-year tour in prison. We are committed to going after traffickers that make millions while placing young people at risk to this dangerous, addictive gateway drug.”

“The FBI continues to work with our law enforcement partners to eradicate drug traffickers who penetrate our communities and ply their illegal trade in our neighborhoods,” said McJunkin.

“This investigation once again puts those who choose to use the U.S. Mail to distribute marijuana or any other illegal narcotics on notice that they will not just get a slap on the wrist. They will be prosecuted to the fullest for their criminal activity,” said Cortez.

Guidry was among 19 individuals charged in June of this year for their involvement in the conspiracy to distribute 100 kilograms or more of marijuana. To date, 18 of those individuals have pleaded guilty, the US Attorney’s Office reported.

According to court documents, Guidry was the ringleader of a nationwide conspiracy to distribute premium California-grown marijuana to high-demand markets across the country.

Guidry focused on extending his enterprise as far as possible, recruiting distributors to help open distribution centers in cities and college campuses in states including Virginia, Georgia, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

He and several co-conspirators possessed firearms and used threats of violence to further and protect their criminal enterprise.

Over the course of several years, Guidry managed and controlled the distribution of marijuana by co-conspirators. The investigation showed they were able to obtain wholesale amounts of the drug for as little as $1,200 a pound, which they then resold at the retail level for as much as $5,000 per pound.

Members of the conspiracy, including Guidry, controlled numerous bank accounts through which proceeds from marijuana sales were laundered, as well as used couriers to fly around the country to pick up bulk cash payments and return them to California. Investigators conservatively estimate that the conspiracy generated more than $3 million in proceeds.

The arrests of these 19 individuals were a result of an ongoing Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigation being conducted by the FBI Washington Field Office, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the Alexandria and Fairfax County police departments. Assistant United States Attorneys Lisa Owings and Sean P. Tonolli are prosecuting the case on behalf of the United States.

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Artists conception of Habeatolel Pomo's Running Creek Casino

An artist’s rendering of the Habematolel Pomo’s Running Creek Casino, set to open in 2012 outside of Upper Lake, Calif. Image courtesy of JCJ Architecture.


UPPER LAKE, Calif. – Construction is set to resume on Northern California’s newest casino gaming facility.

Running Creek Casino, an enterprise of the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, will be constructed in Upper Lake at a site along Highway 20.

The 33,000 square foot casino will feature 349 slot machines, six table games, a dining outlet, player’s club and gift shop.

The project, which already is under way, should add about 145 new jobs for area residents once it is built, the tribe reported Thursday.

“We’re very pleased to be moving forward with our construction plans,” said Tribal Chairperson Sherry Treppa. “Our goal is to make Running Creek Casino the most exciting gaming facility in the county, and the number one choice for visitors to the region.”

Treppa added, “The tribe is excited about creating new jobs here in our community and bringing more money to area businesses both during the construction phase and after through partnerships with local hotels and vendors. It is also our hope that this project will allow us to work towards economic self-sufficiency for our tribe, and that we can contribute to the economic success of Lake County and area tourism.”

Michael Schrader has been chosen as the general manager of the new facility. Schrader has experience opening new casino properties in Michigan and Oklahoma, and has worked in casinos for more than 12 years in a variety of managerial roles.

Running Creek is scheduled to open in the spring or early summer of 2012. The casino construction project began in 2004 and was approved by the Department of the Interior in August, as well as through a state compact signed in March by Gov. Jerry Brown.

The Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake are a federally recognized tribe historically located in Upper Lake California.

In 2008, they were able to place 11.24 acres near their historic tribal lands into trust, which allowed them to create a gaming enterprise.

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CLEARLAKE, Calif. – A head-on collision involving a school bus and a vehicle on Friday afternoon in Clearlake resulted in no injuries to the drivers or the children, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The CHP said the crash occurred shortly before 3 p.m. on Phillips at 18th avenues in Clearlake.

Children were on the Konocti Unified School District school bus, and although the CHP reported that the children were very shaken up, they were otherwise unhurt.

The CHP – which oversees testing and certifications for all local school bus drivers – were called to the scene to investigate.

The Konocti Unified School District did not return a call late Friday afternoon for more information about the incident or the damage to the bus.


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Occasionally someone calls and tells me they are convinced that they should transfer their home into an irrevocable trust to avoid Medi-Cal estate recovery.

They are "sold" on that approach, but is it the right decision under present law?

Transferring ownership on the remote chance of receiving Medi-Cal is usually ill advised.

What if one never receives Medi-Cal and one's home is lost? Questions to first ask include: Should I transfer my house, if so when; to whom should I transfer my house; and how should I transfer my house?

Only assets in which a Medi-Cal recipient had some ownership at death are subject to recovery claims.

While one's principle residence is exempt for purposes of determining Medi-Cal eligibility, it is subject to Medi-Cal estate recovery after the Medi-Cal recipient and spouse die. Transferring such residence before death prevents future Medi-Cal recovery.

That said, anyone who expects to receive Medi-Cal soon and wishes to protect their residence should examine their options. One should act while they still have legal capacity to sign a deed. Many hedge their bets by using instructions in their power of attorney and living trust that authorize gifting.

Then there are income tax considerations. Gifting means that all appreciation in the home's value since it was originally purchased may be taxed to the beneficiary when they later sell the home.

If the property were inherited at the owner's death, rather than gifted during lifetime, then any appreciation in the owner's hands is eliminated from income taxation because the death beneficiary gets a so-called "stepped-up" basis for inherited assets.

For example, if someone purchased his home in 1980 for $75,000 and it is worth $175,000 at his death, then when the child who inherits avoids income tax on the $100,000 appreciation when he sells.

Gifting entails transferring ownership. Married persons typically transfer their residence to their spouse; if they are incompetent, then a court order is needed unless legal authority for gifting is already in place.

When children from prior relationships exist, concerns over disinheritance by a step-parent arise. In such case, the home may instead be instead left to their own children subject to a life estate, or right of occupancy, favoring their spouse.

The gift to one's children can either be through a deed to the children, as (equal or unequal) tenants in common, or through a transfer in to a trust for their benefit. Either approach can also be combined with a retained life estate that allows the transferor to continue to live in (or rent) the residence until they die, and for their beneficiaries to receive a "stepped-up" basis at their death.

An irrevocable trust can serve multiple purposes. Like a reserved life estate, it can protect the donor's right to live at home.

In addition, a trust can further allow for the home to be sold and for a new home to be purchased while the donor is alive, and/or for the sale proceeds to go to other beneficiaries, either immediately or over time.

It can also retain and protect the assets of the beneficiaries from their creditors. Again, a

life estate can be used to get a "stepped-up" basis.

Currently, an irrevocable trust is often unnecessary. One can either transfer the home with a reserved life estate or sell the home and gift the proceeds over time ("stacked gifting") without creating any ineligibility period.

Gifting all the proceeds as a lump sum within the present 30 month look-back period, however, creates an ineligibility period.

Eventually, when California implements the 2006 Federal DRA changes all gifting will create an ineligibility period. For now flexibility exists.

Lastly, consult a qualified attorney before proceeding.

Dennis A. Fordham, attorney (LL.M. tax studies), is a State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Law. His office is at 55 First St., Lakeport, California. Dennis can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 707-263-3235. Visit his Web site at

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Racing will continue at the Lakeport Speedway for years to come thanks to a newly signed contract that takes effect in 2012. Photo courtesy of the Lakeport Speedway.



LAKEPORT, Calif. – Lakeport Speedway and the 49th District Agricultural Association, which operates the Lake County Fairgrounds, have agreed to a new five-year contract, which will take effect in 2012.

The agreement was approved by the association’s board of directors at its Nov. 28 meeting. The previous agreement expired at the end of the 2011 racing season.

The new agreement calls for an earlier racing curfew in the years ahead and allows a later start date to the racing season, which has been hampered in recent years by weather problems.

At its inception in 1948, the racetrack was operated by Auto Racing Incorporated, a local group that later became the Northern California Racing Association, known as “NCRA.”

Lakeport Speedway has been operated by the NCRA, a nonprofit organization, since the mid nineteen sixties.

The track was paved in 1966, and has hosted a regular summer schedule of stock car races ever since.

State funding for the District Agricultural Association has been eliminated in 2012, and as a result the new agreement reflects increases in the rental fees the NCRA will pay on a nightly basis, as well as adding an annual financial guarantee.

In addition, NCRA will take on more responsibility for maintenance and upkeep of the track and surrounding areas of the fairgrounds, and will perform a series of capital improvements during each year of the agreement.

According to a 2009 economic impact study by the State’s Division of Fairs and Expositions, activities at the Lake County Fairgrounds, including the Lakeport Speedway operations, directly or indirectly created the equivalent of 75 full-time jobs and more than $10.9 million in local economic impact, including approximately $2.4 million in salaries and wages.

The fairgrounds also generates more than $102,000 in tax revenues like sales tax, local possessory interest tax for use of government property, and a variety of other licenses, fees and permits, many of them related to the racetrack.

The NCRA has struggled in recent years with the same economic forces that are impacting other businesses, but has taken steps to keep the speedway activities in action, including switching to less expensive types of race cars and adding fan attractions, such as the rolling demolition derbies known as “boat races.”

Both the District Agricultural Association and the NCRA recognize that the impacts on the community from racing activities are not only economic, and the new agreement requires changes to the speedway operation in order to mitigate some of those impacts.

While previous agreements required a minimum of 20 race days, the new agreement requires 16 days, a 20-percent reduction in the required number of racing days.

The new agreement also limits the start of any racing activities to noon, and phases in a curfew of 10 p.m. to take effect in 2013.

Previous agreements had no limits on when cars could began operating, and had a curfew of 11 p.m.

“While activities at the state-owned fairgrounds are not subject to the city of Lakeport’s sound curfew ordinance under the sovereign powers doctrine, both the association and the NCRA recognize that the city ordinance creates a community standard of reducing sound levels at 10 p.m., and the new agreement will phase in that curfew for the speedway as well,” said District Agricultural Association Chief Executive Officer Richard Persons.

“In 2012 the speedway operation will use 10:30 p.m. as a curfew, and in 2013 the standard for the speedway to meet will match the city’s ordinance,” said Persons. “We know many people enjoy the sounds of race cars, but that it gets old at the end of the night. This new curfew should help.”

The new agreement also reflects changes to the climate over the past decade, according to Persons.

Previous agreements allowed the racing schedule to begin on April 1 each year and ran through the middle of October, while the new agreement allows the season to start on April 15 and run through Oct. 31.

“The reality has been that the earlier dates have been running into weather problems over the last decade, while the fall has had great weather. This shift recognizes that reality,” said Persons.

The new agreement also is limited to auto racing activities, and allows the NCRA to contract with the association separately to promote other types of events on the fairgrounds.

Other events might include monster truck shows, car shows, demolition derbies, mud bogs, motorcycle events or rock crawling activities.

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