Friday, 18 October 2024


Mine effluent from the Helen mercury mine's main adit portal located to the left of photo. The brown sediment extends about 100 feet from the portal where it enters an erosional gully on route to Dry Creek. The content of the white precipitate has not yet been determined. During the late summer season, a whitish mineral precipitate forms on the surface of the mine tailings and then is subsequently washed away by winter storm events into Dry Creek, a tributary of Upper Putah Creek. Photo courtesy of the Bureau of Land Management.



MIDDLETOWN – The Bureau of Land Management is proposing a $1.7 million alternative to clean up an abandoned mercury mine, officials revealed at a community meeting Tuesday.

The BLM hosted a nearly 80-minute-long meeting at the Jesus Christ Fellowship on Pine Street to discuss plans for the Helen mercury mine cleanup.

The original mine site, located four and a half miles west of Middletown off Dry Creek Road, includes 35 acres that is a mix of private property and land managed by BLM, officials reported Tuesday.

Of special concern are three tributaries to Dry Creek that run through the site, which were discussed at the meeting. Dry Creek flows into Putah Creek and then into Lake Berryessa in Napa County.

Gary Sharpe, an associate field manager for the Ukiah BLM office who hosted the meeting, told Lake County News in a followup interview on Wednesday that the Helen mine is one of many in the region that are being studied for cleanup. On Monday, BLM held a meeting in Healdsburg to discuss two other mercury mines set for cleanup – the Contact and Sonoma mines.

“There are a lot of mercury mines in this state,” he said.

Two other mines are located in the same drainage as the Helen and directly upstream – the Chicago and Research – with Sharpe explaining that initial investigations are nearly completed on both. He said he hopes to have public meetings on those mines next year.

The Helen mine's draft final engineering evaluation and cost analysis prepared by Portland, Ore.-based Ecology and Environment Inc., the BLM's consultant on the mine cleanup, explained that the Helen, Research and Chicago mercury deposits are among the youngest in the Coast Range's mineral belt.

North of the Helen there are four or five more mercury mines, located on private land, Sharpe said. BLM also is working in Colusa County on three other mines – the Rathburn, Petray and Clyde – located in the Walker Ridge area.

Mercury was used for gold mining during the 19th century, and during World Wars I and II mercury production again rose as the highly explosive mercury fulminate was used for munitions, Sharpe said.

That boom in mercury production continued up through the 1950s as the arms race gained steam, he added.

While the Helen mine itself hasn't been a high priority, Sharpe said the concerns about the mercury from the mine has been an issue for the State Water Resources Control Board, which is trying to keep mercury out of the Bay Delta.

He said the mine was one of three that were eligible for stimulus funds due to being considered “shovel ready.”

Lenna Cope, a professional engineer with Ecology and Environment Inc., presented the mine's draft final engineering evaluation and cost analysis to the small crowd of about a dozen area residents on Tuesday.

Cope said the analysis included an expanded human health and ecological risk assessment for the mine.

The report explained that the mine was patented in 1874 by John Pershbaker, and then passed through a series of owners until it was nearly shut down in 1921. It continued through additional owners until it was sold in 1976 to Helen Mine, a joint venture between W.C. McCulloch and Richard R. Clements and Sons, according to the evaluation document.

Cope said the first report of mercury production, totaling 128 flasks – each weighing 76 pounds – was in 1873, followed by another 100 flasks by 1903.

In 1913, 5,000 flasks were reported, with the mine's main years of production taking place from 1903 to 1919. Cope said from 1919 to 1975 it produced another 7,000 flasks.

The US Geological Survey had conducted environmental sampling at the mine site in 2003, and Cope's firm took samples earlier this year of soil, sediment and biological resources for the study.

Cope said the site, as it is today, includes five main site features – a northern tailings pile, middle tailings pile, southern disturbed area, and storage tank and retort areas. Tailings are the materials left behind when mercury is extracted.

In places like the northern and middle tailings areas, the contaminated material is believed to be 33 feet deep, she said. However, the storage tank and retort areas had the highest mercury concentration, according to test results.

Water that drains from the mine's nearby adits – or entrances – is neutral, so it isn't contributing an acid load. However, Cope noted that it contains heavy metals.

Altogether, the mine has 6,800 cubic yards of contaminated materials – which Cope defined as materials that have mercury levels above the criteria established in the site's risk assessment. Cope said that amount of material isn't huge when compared to other mine sites.

Testing of the site's main features showed that the highest mercury concentrations were found in the northern tailings pile, with 1,100 milligrams per kilogram, compared to 7,900 millimeters per kilogram for the storage tank area, Cope reported. Those numbers are far higher than a sampling taken near the creek of 83 milligrams per kilogram.

Tests of the three Dry Creek tributaries showed that there was a source of mercury bioaccumulation upstream of the mine, which Cope wasn't any greater than the levels downstream.

For the human risk assessment, she said mercury was the principal contaminant of concern. No cyanide was found, but there were smaller amounts of arsenic detected.

Humans at the greatest risk for encountering mercury would be child campers, who Cope said would risk exposure of 355 milligrams per kilogram.

The greatest hazard for contamination was to terrestrial plans, she said.

The studies laid the groundwork for the response plan, which Cope said seeks to reduce human and ecological exposure.

They considered five alternatives, said Cope. The first was no action, which must be included and is used as a baseline for comparison to other options.

The second option, limited action, proposes construction of a diversion berm and channel system above the mine site to keep water from draining through it and into the creeks, Cope said.

That option, said Cope, also would include building rock pools in the stream, minor recontouring and stabilization of the slopes and institutional controls to prevent human contact, at an estimated total cost of $700,000.

The third alternative, and the one preferred by BLM, costs about $1.7 million and would consolidate all 6,800 cubic yards of contaminated materials from the tailings areas, retort, storage and southern disturbed area into one location, according to Cope.

Cope said permanent surface water diversion structures would be constructed, and there would be capping of the materials with 24 inches of clean materials and revegetation, with the slopes shaped to prevent sediment from moving.

The fourth alternative, which Cope said would cost about $2.2 million, is similar to alternative three, but would include a clay liner below the contaminated materials as well as above it, with a soil cap.

The fifth alternative was off-site disposal. Cope said that plan, estimated at $2.7 million, would require major road improvements in order for trucks to get in and out of the area, as well as excavation and materials transport to appropriate landfills, where they would have to pay tipping fees. The area then would be recontoured, revegetated and reclaimed.

All cost estimates, Cope noted, included ongoing monitoring.

Cope said the recommended alternative is No. 3, which does the best job of getting contamination away from surface water.

Sharpe said BLM will need to find more money to do the project, which will go out for bid through the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

An archaeologist working for BLM had conducted a survey of the area, which local archaeologist Dr. John Parker – representing the Lake County Heritage Commission – asked about at the meeting.

Parker noted that miners working at mines from the 1870s through the 1920s were primarily Chinese. He said archaeologists don't know much about the Chinese in Lake County, and the commission was concerned about the possibility of artifacts.

Sharpe said Wednesday that if he's able to get some additional stimulus funding he expects design work on the mine cleanup could begin this fall, with remediation beginning in the summer of 2011.

To see the Helen mine's draft final engineering evaluation and cost analysis prepared by Ecology and Environment Inc., visit; there report begins halfway down the page.

Comments can be provided at the public meeting, through the BLM’s Web site at, by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by fax to 707-468-4027, or by mail to BLM Ukiah Field Office, 2550 N. State St., Ukiah, Calif., 95482.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

UKIAH – Mendocino County officials are investigating an incident in which a window of a truck driven by a deputy sheriff was shot out following marijuana raids on Tuesday.

The incident occurred shortly before 4:30 p.m. Tuesday on Orr Springs Road near Ukiah, according to a report from Lt. Rusty Noe of the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office.

Mendocino County Sheriff Deputies assigned to the county of Mendocino Marijuana Eradication Team, along with Team One with the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) were conducting marijuana eradication raids on corporate timber lands north of Comptche, Noe said.

During the raids 22,000 marijuana plants were seized out of five sites in the area. Noe said that in one of the camps a .22-caliber pistol was seized along with evidence that the garden was being tended by Hispanics.

After the raids the teams were returning to Ukiah on Orr Springs Road when the lead truck, driven by Deputy James Wells, had the rear window shot out, Noe said.

The team secured the area and a search for a suspect or suspects was conducted. Noe said no responsible person was located during the search.

Residents were contacted in the area and no one reported seeing anything, according to Noe.

The case remains under investigation, Noe said. No one was injured during the incident.

Mendocino County Sheriff's Detectives are asking anyone with information about the incident please contact the tip line at 707-467-9159.

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The new clock in Upper Lake, Calif., which was installed on Tuesday, June 29, 2010. A clock similar to this one is expected to be installed soon in Clearlake Oaks, Calif., which like Upper Lake is located along Highway 20. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.

NORTHSHORE – The towns of Upper Lake and Clearlake Oaks now have special timepieces to call their own.

On Tuesday, the new Upper Lake town clock was installed at the corner of First and Main streets, according to county Deputy Redevelopment Director Eric Seely.

Lake County Parks Department staff are preparing to construct a base and run electricity to the western side of Nylander Park on Highway 20, where the Clearlake Oaks clock will be installed, Seely said.

In that location it's expected to be visible to people traveling along Highway 20, county officials reported.

The double-sided clocks, which stand more than 15 feet high, each cost $17,973 – including tax, Seely noted – and were both manufactured by Electric Time Co. of Medfield, Mass.

Seely said the company won the competitive bid for the clocks thanks to giving the county a discount for ordering two clocks at the same time.

The Upper Lake Womens Protection League raised and contributed $5,393 for its clock, and the Clearlake Oaks-Glenhaven Business Association gave the county $14,350, Seely reported.

On June 24, Clearlake Oaks-Glenhaven Business Association President Margaret Medeiros presented the check for the group's contribution to County Administrative Officer and Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Kelly Cox, the county reported. The presentation took place during the association's monthly dinner meeting at the Live Oak Senior Center in Clearlake Oaks.

Medeiros, now in her fifth term as the group's president, said it took them about six months to raise the funds, amidst the many other projects the club has a hand in doing.

She said there was a great deal of enthusiasm around the clock project, with numerous community members and business owners offering donations.

The business association voted last year to take on the clock fundraising project in partnership with the Lake County Redevelopment Agency and Public Services Department, the county reported.

Medeiros said Gary Nylander, who owns the Red & White Market along with wife Geri, helped get the ball rolling at a meeting during which the clock project was discussed, pledging $1,000, which Shore Line Realty owns Al and Janice Maschek then matched, as did Cox himself.

The association put up $5,000, she said.

Also donating to the effort were Medeiros and her husband Phil, Dennis and Helen Locke, Jim Jonas, Roger and Camille Gouldberg, Kazmer Ujvarosy, Debi Malley, Harry and Janis Schlickenmayer, Lorraine Brisco, Sarah Merlin, Don Anderson, Alvaro Valencia, Chris Skarada, Jim Atkinson, Mary Amodio, Ron and Evelyn Dothag, Dan and Patty Smith, and Howard Wentworth, the county reported. Eastlake Elementary School Students also donated to the project, along with the Lake County Redevelopment Agency.

Medeiros said the clock will give “more class to the area.”

She said the community is trying to create an actual downtown for Clearlake Oaks.

“We're so sprawled out being on Highway 20, we don't have an actual center,” she said.

Businesses like Shannon Ridge are stepping up and creating attractive facilities around the park, and a visitor center will soon open next to Nylander Park and be run by the Lake County Chamber, Medeiros said.

Medeiros said every town on the lake has tried to have a theme. “Ours has kind of been bouncing between a Tuscan village and a fishing village,” she said.

She added, “Nothing has really been decided.”

The Clearlake Oaks-Glenhaven Business Association has worked with the county and redevelopment agency on a number of other projects, including The Plaza and Nylander Park projects.

The group also is responsible for raising about $10,000 annually, through its Catfish Derby in May, for the Maxine Sherman Memorial Fireworks display on July 4. Medeiros said they took over that effort in 1998.

This year for the first time the group gave out scholarships – $1,000 to one young woman and $500 each to two young men. Medeiros said they also support Sober Grad and the Live Oak Senior Center, which recently received a $2,500 donation.

On top of that, Medeiros said they're supporting the AIDSWalk this year and they donated $500 to the floating islands project at Clark's Island, the goal of which is to mitigate algae.

For more information about the Clearlake Oaks-Glenhaven Business Association contact Medeiros at 707-998-9563.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

SACRAMENTO – Secretary of State Debra Bowen this week announced the proposition numbers for the 10 measures set to appear on the Nov. 2 Statewide General Election ballot and invited interested Californians to submit arguments to be included in the Secretary’s Official Voter Information Guide.

The guide, also known as the ballot pamphlet, is mailed to every voting household in California.

The 10 propositions on the Nov. 2 ballot are listed below, along with the Legislative Counsel’s digest or the Attorney General’s title and summary.

Proposition 18: SBx7 2. Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010.

Under existing law, various measures have been approved by the voters to provide funds for water supply and protection facilities and programs.

This bill would enact the Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010, which, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $11,140,000,000 pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance a safe drinking water and water supply reliability program.

The bill would provide for the submission of the bond act to the voters at the Nov. 2, 2010, statewide general election.

This bill would take effect only if SB 1 of the 2009-10 7th Extraordinary Session is enacted and becomes effective.

This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as an urgency statute.

Proposition 19: Changes California Law to Legalize Marijuana and Allow It to be Regulated and Taxed. Initiative Statute.

Allows people 21 years old or older to possess, cultivate or transport marijuana for personal use. Permits local governments to regulate and tax commercial production and sale of marijuana to people 21 years old or older.

Prohibits people from possessing marijuana on school grounds, using it in public, smoking it while minors are present, or providing it to anyone under 21 years old. Maintains current prohibitions against driving while impaired.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: Savings of up to several tens of millions of dollars annually to state and local governments on the costs of incarcerating and supervising certain marijuana offenders. Unknown but potentially major tax, fee, and benefit assessment revenues to state and local government related to the production and sale of marijuana products.

Proposition 20: Redistricting of Congressional Districts.

Initiative Constitutional Amendment. Removes elected representatives from the process of establishing congressional districts and transfers that authority to the recently-authorized 14-member redistricting commission.

Redistricting commission is comprised of five Democrats, five Republicans, and four voters registered with neither party.

Requires that any newly-proposed district lines be approved by nine commissioners including three Democrats, three Republicans, and three from neither party.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Probably no significant change in state redistricting costs.

Proposition 21: Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge to Help Fund State Parks and Wildlife Programs and Grants Free Admission to All State Parks to Surcharged Vehicles. Initiative Statute.

Establishes an $18 annual state vehicle license surcharge and grants free admission to all state parks to surcharged vehicles. Requires deposit of surcharge revenue in a new trust fund.

Requires that trust funds be used solely to operate, maintain and repair the state park system, and to protect wildlife and natural resources. Exempts commercial vehicles, trailers and trailer coaches from the surcharge.

Requires annual independent audit and review by citizen's oversight committee.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Increased state revenues of about $500 million annually from the imposition of a surcharge on the VLF to be used mainly to fund state parks and wildlife conservation programs.

Potential state savings of up to approximately $200 million annually to the extent that the VLF surcharge revenues were used to reduce support from the General Fund and other special funds for parks and wildlife conservation programs.

Reduction of about $50 million annually in state and local revenues from state park day-use fees. These revenue losses could potentially be offset by increases in other types of state park user fees and revenues.

Proposition 22: Prohibits the State from Taking Funds Used for Transportation or Local Government Projects and Services. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

Prohibits the state from shifting, taking, borrowing, or restricting the use of tax revenues dedicated by law to fund local government services, community redevelopment projects, or transportation projects and services.

Prohibits the state from delaying the distribution of tax revenues for these purposes even when the Governor deems it necessary due to a severe state fiscal hardship.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Significant constraints on state authority over city, county, special district, and redevelopment agency funds.

As a result, higher and more stable local resources, potentially affecting billions of dollars in some years. Commensurate reductions in state resources, resulting in major decreases in state spending and/or increases in state revenues.

Proposition 23: Suspends Air Pollution Control Laws Requiring Major Polluters to Report and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions that Cause Global Warming Until Unemployment Drops Below Specified Level for Full Year. Initiative Statute.

Suspends state laws requiring reduced greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, until California’s unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent or less for four consecutive quarters.

Requires state to abandon implementation of comprehensive greenhouse-gas-reduction program that includes increased renewable energy and cleaner fuel requirements, and mandatory emission reporting and fee requirements for major polluters such as power plants and oil refineries, until suspension is lifted.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Potential positive, short-term impacts on state and local government revenues from the suspension of regulatory activity, with uncertain longer-run impacts.

Potential foregone state revenues from the auctioning of emission allowances by state government, by suspending the future implementation of cap-and-trade regulations.

Proposition 24: Repeals Recent Legislation that Would Allow Businesses to Carry Back Losses, Share Tax Credits, and Use a Sales-Based Income Calculation to Lower Taxable Income. Initiative Statute.

Repeals recent legislation that would allow businesses to shift operating losses to prior tax years and that would extend the period permitted to shift operating losses to future tax years.

Repeals recent legislation that would allow corporations to share tax credits with affiliated corporations. Repeals recent legislation that would allow multistate businesses to use a sales-based income calculation, rather than a combination property-, payroll- and sales-based income calculation.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Annual state revenue increase from business taxes of about $1.7 billion when fully phased in, beginning in 2011-12.

Proposition 25: Changes Legislative Vote Requirement to Pass a Budget from Two-Thirds to a Simple Majority. Retains Two-Thirds Vote Requirement for Taxes. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

Changes the legislative vote requirement necessary to pass the state budget from two-thirds to a simple majority. Provides that if the Legislature fails to pass a budget bill by June 15, all members of the Legislature will permanently forfeit any reimbursement for salary and expenses for every day until the day the Legislature passes a budget bill.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Unknown changes in the content of the state budget from lowering the legislative vote requirement for passage.

Fiscal impact would depend on the composition and actions of future Legislatures. Minor reduction in state costs related to compensation of legislators in years when the budget bill is passed after June 15.

Proposition 26: Increases Legislative Vote Requirement to Two-Thirds for State Levies and Charges. Imposes Additional Requirement for Voters to Approve Local Levies and Charges with Limited Exceptions. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

Increases legislative vote requirement to two-thirds for state levies and charges, with limited exceptions, and for certain taxes currently subject to majority vote. Changes Constitution to require voters to approve, either by two-thirds or majority, local levies and charges with limited exceptions.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Potentially major decrease in state and local revenues and spending, depending upon future actions of the Legislature, local governing bodies, and local voters.

Proposition 27: Eliminates State Commission on Redistricting. Consolidates Authority for Redistricting with Elected Representatives. Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute.

Eliminates 14-member redistricting commission selected from applicant pool picked by government auditors. Consolidates authority for establishing state Assembly, Senate, and Board of Equalization district boundaries with elected state representatives responsible for drawing congressional districts.

Reduces budget, and imposes limit on amount Legislature may spend, for redistricting. Provides that voters will have the authority to reject district boundary maps approved by the Legislature. Requires populations of all districts for the same office to be exactly the same.

Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Likely decrease in state redistricting costs totaling several million dollars every 10 years.

People may submit arguments for or against any measure. Arguments selected for the Official Voter Information Guide will be on public display between July 20 and Aug. 9.

If multiple arguments are submitted for one proposition, state law gives first priority to arguments written by legislators in the case of a legislative measure, and first priority to arguments written by the proponents of an initiative in the case of an initiative measure.

Subsequent priority for all measures goes to bona fide citizen associations and then to individuals. No more than three signers are allowed to appear with an argument or rebuttal to an argument.

Ballot arguments cannot exceed 500 words and rebuttals to ballot arguments cannot exceed 250 words. All submissions should be typed and double-spaced.

They may be hand-delivered to the Secretary of State’s Elections Division at 1500 11th Street, 5th Floor, Sacramento, California 95814 or faxed to 916-653-3214. If faxed, the original copies must be received within 72 hours.

The deadline to submit ballot arguments is July 6 by 5 p.m. and the deadline to submit rebuttals to the ballot arguments is July 15 by 5 p.m.

For more information on ballot measures and the Nov. 2 election, go to

To view past state voter guides, go to

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CLEARLAKE – Grass mowing is believed to be the cause of a fire that broke out alone Dam Road Tuesday.

The vegetation fire, located in the 18000 block of Dam Road in Clearlake, was dispatched just after noon, according to radio reports.

Lake County Fire Protection District Battalion Chief George Murch said workers had been mowing the property since about 5 a.m. and were just finishing up with the fire occurred.

“They were mowing and had a rock strike of some kind,” he said.

Murch and firefighters from his district responded with a water tender and one engine, along with two Cal Fire engines and a helicopter crew, who worked together to knock out the blaze.

“It was threatening one residence and making a run for another residence,” he said.

Murch said it took about 20 minutes to contain the fire and 45 minutes to mop it up.

“It was pretty windy,” he said. “We had some gusts there about 10 miles per hour.”

With unseasonably high vegetation due to the late spring rains and the recent high winds, along with the upcoming holiday weekend, Murch urges everyone to be especially cautious.

Shortly before 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, a man mowing in his backyard on Pine also sparked a small fire by using a weedeater.

For those planning to do yard work, Murch suggested completing mowing and weedeating before 10 a.m. on the hot summer days.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

GLENN COUNTY – A Glenn County Road was shut down for several hours Monday evening as officials there dealt with a pipe bomb.

County Road 48, between County Roads P and 47 near Willows, was closed for approximately four hours and the few residents in the area were asked to remain in their homes,as a pipe bomb was discovered on the south side of Road 48, Sheriff Larry Jones reported Tuesday.

Just after 7 p.m. Monday 23-year-old Hamilton City resident Trevor Dietle discovered what he felt to be a pipe bomb atop a metal gate post on the south side of County Road 48 north of Willows, according to Jones, who arrived on scene minute later.

The device, a piece of galvanized pipe, was approximately 6 to 7 inches in length with PVC type end caps, Jones said.

It appeared that a hole had been drilled in the center of the length of pipe and a fuse inserted. Jones said it looked like the fuse had been ignited, however, had it had not burned completely.

Jones ordered the immediate clearing of the area and requested the California Highway Patrol close Road 48 at Roads P and 47. Four fishermen, including two children, were instructed to leave the area.

A command post was established at the intersection of Roads 48 and 47, west of the device. Jones said Glenn County Public Works was asked to respond with road closure signs.

The Butte County Sheriff’s Office interagency bomb squad was requested to respond, and Jones said members of the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue were called out to relieve the CHP at the traffic control points.

Just after 9:30 p.m. the four-man Butte County team arrived at the command post and were briefed on the situation. Jones said the team consisted of two Chico Police Department members and two members of the Butte County Sheriff’s Office. Rob Sheridan of Chico Police was the team leader.

After an assessment of the device it was rendered inert at 10:17 p.m., Jones said.

One of the PVC type end caps, which had been blown from the piece of pipe still contained granules of black powder, which confirmed the explosive element of the pipe bomb was black powder. Jones called it “a very lethal device.”

The scene was processed and Jones said a followup investigation will be conducted. County Road 48 was re-opened at 11:13 p.m. Monday.

Anyone with information regarding the pipe bomb is asked to call the Glenn County Sheriff’s Office at 707-934-6431.

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NORTH COAST – Cal Fire officials reported that the agency is suspending all permits for open burning within State Responsibility Area and Local Responsibility Areas effective 8 a.m. Thursday.

Unit Chief Tim Streblow of Cal Fire's Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit produced an official proclamation declaring a suspension of burn permits for the counties of Colusa, Lake, Napa, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo until the close of fire season.

The burn season for Lake County at large went into effect on May 1, as Lake County News has reported.

Agriculture, land management, fire training, and other industrial-type burning in State Responsibility Areas may proceed only if a Cal Fire official inspects the burn site and issues a special permit, the agency reported.

Cal Fire said campfires are allowed in designated campgrounds, or in established facilities on private property, with permission of the jurisdictional authority.

Persons doing burning under special permit also must check with their regional air quality management

district for addition regulations and requirements, Cal Fire said. The Lake County Air Quality Management District can be reached at 707-263-7000.

Experience has shown that suspending open burning is an effective way of preventing fire escapes,

especially as California enters the summer season period of hotter and drier weather, the agency reported. Although all fires cannot be prevented through a burning suspension, their numbers can be significantly reduced.

Cal Fire reminds everyone that it is each individual’s responsibility to use fire safely and to prevent fires that destroy lives, property and or wildland.

The agency urges area residents to develop and maintain a 100-foot defensible space around structures.

In addition, people should use fire safe practices with mechanized equipment; Cal Fire noted that spark arrestors are required on exhaust producing tools (mowers, chain saws, etc.).

If dry grass needs to be cut, use a string trimmer and work in the early part of the day when temperatures are cool and humidity is higher. Officials warned to never cut dry grass with a metal blade.

For additional information contact Cal Fire,, or your local fire agency.

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LAKEPORT – Amateur winemakers entering their wines in Saturday's eighth annual Lake County Home Winemakers Festival took home a total of 35 ribbons for their entries in seven different wine classes, representing some two dozen varietals and blends.

A panel of six judges made their decisions based on standards developed by wine experts at the University of California, Davis.

The judges were Stephen Dilley, Tulip Hill Winery; Jeff Smith, Kelseyville Wine Co.; Pietro Buttitta, Rosa D'Oro Vineyards; Rodney Duncan, Duncan Vineyard; Jack Vos, Twin Pine Casino; and Jeanette Bartley.

Many of Lake County's leading commercial wineries also were on hand, pouring samples of an impressive number of Lake County wines, although they were not eligible for awards which were restricted to amateurs only.

Participating wineries were Rosa D'Oro, Robledo Family Winery, Shannon Ridge, Tulip Hill, Cougar's Leap, Steele Wines, Dusinberre Winery, Kelseyville Wine Company, Shed Horn Cellars, McDermaid Family Vineyard and Villa La Brenta winery.

In addition two dozen commercial vendors , including four food servers, lined Park Street, selling a wide range of arts, crafts and specialty items.

The winefest – as it's come to be called – is the major fundraiser for nonprofit Clear Lake Performing Arts (CLPA), and all proceeds go to support the group's music activities in Lake County including scholarships and other youth music programs, and the Lake County Symphony.

CLPA is the sole underwriter of the orchestra, whose director and conductor, John Parkinson, and wife Diane made an appearance.

This was the first year the event has been held in Lakeport's Library Park and participants agreed that the lakeside setting, the shade trees and lawns provided a first-class venue.

The women of the CLPA Auxiliary – the fundraising arm of the parent organization – had mounted a major raffle and silent auction, with contributions from dozens of Lake County's businesses.

According to CLPA president Paul Brewer, an estimated 600 people attended the winefest, not counting the 60 home and commercial winemakers and 50 vendor representatives. All of them were able to follow the awards presentations announced by event emcee Ed Patrick, punctuated by music from the David Neft Duo, made up of drummer Steve Dubois and popular keyboardist David Neft.

Home brewers, too, played a key role, with 14 home brewers pouring samples of a wide variety of beers and ales.

The beer competition was a sanctioned event with judging by five experts including one member of the Beer Judge Certification program of the of the American Home Brewers Association. They were Jerry Worswick from Chico, the certified judge; Stephen Brennan, owner of Molly Brennan's Irish Pub in Lakeport; Zack Simkover of San Diego; and Wayne Kurtz and Ron Chips, both of Kelseyville.

Attendees also were able to vote for their favorite beers and wines in the popular People's Choice balloting.

Winners in this category in wines were: best dry red, David Pretari, Foster City; best dry white, Conn Murray, Kelseyville; best fruit wine, Bruce Lightfoot, Cobb; best sparkling wine, Jack Morris, Lakeport; best aperitif/dessert wine, Greg and Jeff Conley, Middletown; best label design, the team of Jeff Buege, Rolf Kriken, and Pam and Rod Duncan, all of Kelseyville.

Best beer award went to Two Dudes Brew by Dan Wieman of Lower Lake and Joe Parker of Kelseyville.

Voting for best decorated booth resulted in a tie between Sheila Honeycutt of Kelseyville, and Dennis and Marisa Koenig of San Mateo.

The two top awards – best in show – went to Scott and Sue Simkover of Kelseyville's Smiling Dogs Ranch for their 2009 Merlot and to Greg Conley of Conley Wines in Middletown for his 2002 Port.

There were numerous multiple winners. The Simkovers and Conley also won golds for their wines. Other golds went to Buege and Kriken for their Glory Hole red blend and to John McCarthy of Red Hills Vineyard for his 2008 Petite Syrah.

Phil and Jean Owenby and Cheryl Lucido of Wild Diamond Vineyard scored a gold for their 2007 Mouevdre, while Neil Peaty took gold for his Chef Neil Creations 2009 Guava.

Conn Murray and the late June Murray took three silvers for their 2009 Sauvignon Blanc, 2007 Merlot and 08 Mouevedre, while Wild Diamond took silver for a 2007 Petite Syrah, and Buege and Kriken captured one for their 2008 Pinot Noir.

Danny Morrow's Eastside Winery won silver for a blend of Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon and the Ownbey-Lucido team won it for an 2007 Sangiovese. Lucido also won silver with her husband David for their Laujor Estates 2007 Petite Syrah.

Other silver winners were Luciano Meconi of the Toffoli Remembrance Wine Group of Finley for a 2009 Syrah and Bruce Lightfoot for an 2009 peach wine under his Bruceskis label.

Bronze medals were awarded to the Murrays for a 2009 Semillon, Paul Spillane and Troy Shankles for their 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, Wild Diamond Vineyard for a 2007 Barbera, and Eastside Winery for a 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon.

The Koenigs won again for the Gangster-Koenig Family Cellars for their 2009 Merlot while David Pretari won for a 2009 Zinfandel.

Amanda Esteban of the Remembrance Group also won bronze for her 2008 Syrah which she entitled Syrah Sonata.

The Laujor Estate winery picked up a second medal for a 2007 Malbec while Neil Peaty's Chef Neil Creations won another for an unusual 2010 Blueberry Vinaccia. The Remembrance Vineyard Group won a final bronze for Michelle Schultz's 2007 Port.

Best of show in the beer category went to Dwight Mulcahy for his Weizenbock. He also took a gold for wheat beer and another for specialty fruit and spiced beers.

Gold also went to Greg Nylen and Dave Chapman for Belgian and strong ales, to Rick White for American and English Ales, to Matt Ridge for stouts and porters, Two Dudes Brew for India pale ales and to Aaron Callahan for the lager and hybrids class.

Silver medals were won by Paul Lew, Two Dudes Brew, Nylen and Chapman, Rick White, Tony Buffa and Frank Rone.

Bronze medals went to Two Dudes, Frank Rone, Tony Buffa, Rick White and Sean O'Brien.

Lake County Home Brewers, under the direction of Paul Lew and Ron Chips, also offered demonstrations of home brewing techniques and equipment.

Next year's winefest is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 25, again at Library Park in Lakeport.

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Firefighters mop up after containing a fire that destroyed a singlewide trailer at the Country Club Mobile Home Park in Lucerne, Calif. The fire began late Monday, June 28, and continued until early Tuesday, June 29, 2010. Photo by Elizabeth Larson.



LUCERNE – A trailer was destroyed during a late-night fire that may have been caused by smoking.

The fire was reported at about 11:40 p.m. Monday in space No. 59 at the Country Club Mobile Home Park, 3630 Country Club Drive.

Initial reports from the scene indicated that numerous 911 calls had been made to report explosions, thought to be from propane tanks.

Thick, throat- and eye-stinging smoke hung in the air throughout the park, extending a few blocks down Country Club Drive.

Four Lake County Sheriff's units oversaw the scene and the entrance to the park in order to keep people out of harm's way and allow firefighters to access the trailer.

The singlewide structure quickly burned into a twisted metal wreck, with some charred, rib-like wooden studs still left standing. Also destroyed was a small storage building situated behind the trailer.

Homes on either side were not damaged, said Northshore Fire Battalion Chief Pat Brown.

Smoke continued to billow out of a front window as firefighters doused the trailer and continued mop up operations until early in the morning.

At the scene there were reports of a water main break, which was being attended to by Cal Water.

Brown said he believed the fire may have been caused by the trailer's resident smoking.

The man was safely evacuated and transported to an area hospital, Brown said.

As firefighters were working on the trailer, neighbors in the space next door were allowed to go in and remove some clothes and other belongings. A man walked out with two small dogs under each arm.

In all, four Northshore Fire engines, three medic units, and Brown and another battalion chief responded, along with two Cal Fire engines, Brown said.

Because the trailer park backs up to an undeveloped area that leads into wildlands with high fire potential, Brown said he initially asked for more fire resources, which later were canceled.


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