Friday, 26 July 2024

Group starts Lake County Reformed Church

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – A small group of Lake County residents have a vision for a new church that harks back to the Protestant Reformation for the biblical principles that guide what makes a church.

That vision has led to creation of the new Lake County Reformed Church.

These principles, sometimes called the Five Solas of the Reformation, are five phrases, or slogans, based squarely on the Bible that emerged during the reformation to summarize the reformers’ theological convictions about the essentials of Christianity.

These principles are that the Bible alone is the highest authority, that we are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ, that salvation comes from God by grace alone, that Christ alone is the mediator between God and man and is alone our Lord, Savior and King, and finally that we live for the glory of God alone.

The group is calling this new local church “reformed” because of its basis on these historical principles.

These goals may seem high and lofty, however they are actually quite basic in that they simply mean that the object is to carefully follow the Bible in what they believe and what is essential in a Christian church.

As a reformed church, the new church will be characterized by worship that is purposely directed to God.

This is expressed by the faithful, expository preaching of the gospel from the pulpit, the faithful administration of the sacraments, and the faithful exercise of church discipline together with reverent worship that fully appreciates all that the church in its rich history has to offer.

Expository preaching is preaching that works its way through the Bible verse by verse explaining its meaning and how it applies to our daily lives.

What has changed over the years is that preachers have begun to preach sermons that seem to be more intended to entertain those sitting in the seats.

The faithful administration of the sacraments is simply that the two sacraments of baptism and communion are carefully and regularly administered according to how Jesus instituted them in the New Testament.

The faithful administration of church discipline simply means that church members are lovingly held accountable by church leaders to the standards of Christian behavior as taught in the Bible.

The group intends to give full appreciation for the great hymns of the church, while also appreciating the best of hymns being written today.

Lake County Reformed may be beginning a new church, but also an old church possessing the best qualities of the past.

More information is available at and , or contact Jim Heimbach at 707-799-0476.

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08.24.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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