BUTTE COUNTY, Calif. — Caltrans is alerting motorists to expect travel delays over the next two years on Highway 70 through the Cresta area of the Feather River Canyon due to construction.
Crews have set up an automated traffic signal to manage one-way traffic control from the Shady Rest area to one mile south of the end of the construction zone. Motorists can expect up to a five-minute delay.
In June and July, motorists can expect long delays because of rock blasting operations. Rock blasting may occur anytime from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays starting Thursday, June 1.
During these operations, motorists may expect a temporary closure of the highway and up to a three-hour delay around the construction area to allow the contractor to clear debris and ensure the roadway is safe for travel.
The rock blasting operations are part of a project to raise the existing roadway by five feet, shore up the embankment with rock material to protect against future flood damage and build a retaining wall along the hillside.
Caltrans advises motorists to expect travel delays along the Highway 70 corridor between Jarbo Gap in Butte County and the Greenville Wye in Plumas County. Caltrans and PG&E have projects scheduled at various locations in both counties.
Caltrans advises motorists to “Be Work Zone Alert.” The department will issue construction updates on Twitter @CaltransDist3 and on Facebook at CaltransDistrict3.
For real-time traffic, click on Caltrans’ QuickMap quickmap.dot.ca.gov/ or download the QuickMap app from the App Store or Google Play.