Monday, 17 June 2024

California Outdoors: Aggressive deer, fishermen on boats with firearms, validity of out-of-state hunter safety certification

Aggressive deer gone rogue in local park

Question: I had a weird thing happen the other day. I was walking with my dog in a local Monterey park when a doe deer came right up to us.

My dog ran out after her and the next thing I knew I heard yelping and looked out to see the doe standing over my 60-pound dog, kicking it repeatedly. This cannot be normal!

Typically, the deer run away from my dog when he chases them. There’s something wrong with this deer. Can you please come get this rogue deer so that it does not threaten other people in our neighborhood? (Spooked in Monterey)

Answer: While this situation may seem unusual, there is probably nothing wrong with this doe.

You should be aware that this is fawning season and it sounds like this doe may have had a young fawn or fawns nearby that it was trying to protect.

For California black-tailed deer, fawning season runs roughly April through July, and during this time the does can be very protective and will do all they can to defend their young against predators.

These deer may view domestic dogs as a threat even if the dog is being walked by the owner on a leash or even in the owner’s backyard.

This doe may have viewed your dog as a potential predator and instinctively acted quickly and aggressively to drive it away from the area in order to protect her fawn(s) against this perceived threat.

Does that have lost their fear of people may also act aggressively toward humans who wander too close to their fawns. This is a temporary situation and aggressions usually subside once the fawns become more mobile.

Does will hide their fawns in locations away from other does while they go out foraging. This ensures that the fawns imprint on their mothers and not on another doe.

In urban or suburban areas, these fawning sites may quite often be in public parks or secluded backyards where plenty of plant life creates protective cover.

Once the fawns become strong enough to travel and can keep up with their mother, the doe will lead them back to where she lives.

In the interim, it is best for you and other dog owners this time of year to give any deer you encounter a wide berth and keep your dogs on a leash.

Fishermen on boats with firearms

Question: We do not have a concealed carry permit but while camping we keep a loaded pistol in our camper for personal protection.

We would prefer not to leave it in the camper while we are out on the boat fishing. Is it legal to carry an unloaded firearm (pistol) on a boat while fishing in the ocean?

If so, does it have to be in plain sight or can it be kept in a glove box on the boat? (Lisa G., Granite Bay)

Answer: California Penal Code, section 25400 provides: A person is guilty of carrying a concealed firearm when the person does any of the following:

1. Carries concealed within any vehicle that is under the person’s control or direction any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.

2. Carries concealed upon the person any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.

3. Causes to be carried concealed within any vehicle in which the person is an occupant any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.

However, the above section does not apply to, or affect, licensed hunters or fishermen carrying pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person while engaged in hunting or fishing, or transporting those firearms unloaded when going to or returning from the hunting or fishing expedition (California Penal Code, section 25640).

A summary of firearms laws is available online at under “Helpful Information” on the right margin.

Out-of-state hunter safety cert valid here?

Question: I recently moved to California from Michigan and am wondering if I will be required to take another hunter safety class to be able to hunt here?

Also, during archery season, are you able to hunt from a tree stand or an elevated platform? (Noah S.)

Answer: California has no restrictions against using tree stands. And no, you will not need to take another hunter education course as long as you can show proof that you have passed a hunter education class in Michigan or can produce a valid hunting license issued to you within the last two years.

If you cannot produce proof of a hunter ed class or a recent hunting license, you will need to complete another course to get your hunting license.

Information regarding hunter education courses in your area is available online at .

Carrie Wilson is a marine environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. While she cannot personally answer everyone’s questions, she will select a few to answer each week in this column. Please contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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