- Dorothy De Lope
- Posted On
Konocti Women’s Service Club donates to Flotilla 8-8

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. — On Jan. 16, Gary Jolley of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 8-8 of Lake County was guest speaker for the Konocti Women’s Service Club at the Riviera Hills Restaurant.
In the presentation, Jolley briefly described the Auxiliary which is a nationwide volunteer organization with over 30,000 members.
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary operates under the direction of the Commandant of the USCG and is part of Federal Home Land Security.
The Lake County Flotilla is part of the 11th Coast Guard District serving Northern California, Nevada and Utah.
The Konocti Women’s Service Club, or KWSC, formerly the Konocti Lioness Club, has donated funds to the Flotilla to purchase lifejackets for the children of Lake County since 2019.
The life jackets are given away free at a publicized annual event in which the children accompanied by the parents are weighed by KWSC members and then properly fitted by the Flotilla members.
Proper wearing instruction is given to the parent along with other Boating and Safety on the water information.
A presentation of a certificate of appreciation and a beautiful engraved plaque was presented to the KWSC accepted by co-presidents, Debbie Kellner and Trudy Nagy.
In return, the co-presidents presented the Flotilla with a $2,000 check for the purchase of lifejackets for the life jacket giveaway program to be held this coming boating season.
The KWSC and Flotilla 8-8 look forward to their continuing partnership and the free lifejacket program which benefits the children of Lake County.
Dorothy De Lope is public information officer for Lake County Flotilla 8-8.