Saturday, 27 July 2024

Butts: Measure N will update Northshore Fire equipment, facilities

All Lake County residents are well aware of the eight mega fires of the last four years. Only recently while attending East Region Town Hall, District 3, meetings have I learned about the condition of firefighting and firehouse conditions on the Northshore.

Recently, I was very surprised to see fire trucks at my neighbor's house. If those trucks had not arrived so quickly, her house and other homes might have burned. It was a problem with her air conditioner – smoke was pouring out of it. These firemen knew just what to do and disaster was avoided.

But think what might have happened if the firefighters’ equipment had broken down on the way to her house. Or, if a door at the firehouse had failed and they were unable to get out their equipment.

Last week I attended a meeting regarding the firehouses and equipment that protect District 3 which includes Witter Springs, Bachelor Valley, Blue Lakes, Upper Lake, Nice, Lucerne, Glenhaven, Clearlake Oaks, Bartlett Springs and Spring Valley. I learned about how outdated much of the equipment and firehouses are.

It is not only fire protection but also their emergency medical response service we receive that is so important. They serve this community so well. When someone calls, they are there. Again, they need updated equipment and well trained people.

Remember, we are also in earthquake country. We need to not only update equipment, but we have firehouses that would not hold up during a quake. Action needs to be taken now on these issues, as well as insuring our firefighters are paid adequate salaries. We even have to take into consideration the higher cost of gasoline, which again makes the overall cost of operation increase.

We know it will cost a little more in taxes, but yes on Measure N is very low cost insurance, at $10.50 a month, for ourselves, our neighbors, and the beautiful Northshore community.

Please talk to your neighbors and friends about the reasons all in District 3 need to vote “yes” on Measure N on Nov. 5. Let's get the two thirds vote that will protect 100 percent of the Northshore.

Leona Butts lives in Clearlake Oaks, Calif.

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