Monday, 17 June 2024

Arts & Life

CLEARLAKE – Kids, would you like to read and review brand new chapter books that are not even on sale yet?

Wild About Books is starting a Summer Reading Club for grade school and middle school readers.


Come to the bookshop on Saturday mornings between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. to receive an advanced reader's copy of a new book that will be coming out in the near future.

Read it, write a short review, bring the book back the following Saturday and get another one.

Your reviews will be posted on Wild About Books' Web site, , and in the store.

The club will be active through Aug. 29.

Wild About Books is located at 14290 Olympic Drive, Clearlake, telephone 707-994-9453.

MIDDLETOWN – Coyote Film Festival, Lake County’s own independent film festival, will showcase an array of short film and Bollywood videos around India during the Saturday, July 18, screenings at the Calpine Geothermal Visitors Center in Middletown.

A 1:30 p.m. matinee and a 7:30 p.m. screening will highlight an assortment of “slices of life” of Indians in India and the U.S.

The 15-minute, Academy Award-nominated “Little Terrorist” by Ashvin Kumar is the story of a Pakistani boy who accidentally crosses the mine-strewn India-Pakistan border where he finds himself stranded.

Another short film in the lineup is “Good Night” by Geetika Narang, where we follow a retired engineer and lover of Hindi film and music. The story begins at night when he has just finished planning his new routine, but is nagged by a forgotten melody. As the sleepless night progresses, even the mundane acquires a nostalgic significance. “Good Night” is a festival winner around the world.

With “Saving Mom and Dad,” by Kartik Singh, 8-year-old Ravi Malhotra learns at his school that non-believers in Christ will go to hell. Knowing his parents are not Christian, his challenge is “Saving Mom and Dad.”

Ravi deals with identity issues as a child of immigrants, desire to fit in with the majority, shame at being different, and ultimately to formulate and defend his own point of view.

Finally, guest Tedde McMillen, author of “Million Dollar Cup of Tea,” will share her adventures of drinking chai tea in India. Coyote will screen Bollywood music videos as they mingle and sample free chai tea with McMillen.

Calpine Geothermal Visitors Center is located at 15500 Central Park Road in Middletown. There is plenty of parking, restrooms, great sound and a great screening room.

Tickets are $10 at the door and $5 for kids 16 and under. Fresh popcorn and concessions also will be available.

Coyote Film Festival is a fundraising arm of EcoArts of Lake County, a 501(c)3 nonprofit arts organization dedicated to bringing visual art opportunities and ecologic stewardship to the residents and visitors of Lake County.

For information visit or .

CLEARLAKE – Author Kit DeCanti will be featured at a book signing for her new book, “The Secret on Cobb Mountain,” at Wild About Books on Saturday, July 11.

The event begins at 2 p.m.

“The Secret on Cobb Mountain” is the first book for DeCanti, an artist with an extensive background in writing and producing both television advertisements and shows.

The novel follows the story of a rookie sheriff who investigates the death of a young woman on Cobb Mountain. While following the clues he learns about the unusual county as well.

To learn more about DeCanti, visit her Web site, .

Wild About Books is located at 14290 Olympic Drive in Clearlake, next door to Lisa's clothing store.

For an updated list of times and dates for upcoming events, stop by the store, call them at 707-994-WILD (9453), e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or or visit the store's Web site, .

Upcoming Calendar

06.18.2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Board of Supervisors
06.18.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at Library Park
06.18.2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Lakeport City Council
06.19.2024 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Free veterans dinner
06.22.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at the Mercantile
06.22.2024 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Love of the Land Dinner
06.25.2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Farmers' Market at Library Park

Mini Calendar



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