CLEAR LAKE STATE PARK – Lake County's 15th annual Heron Festival got started on Saturday at Clear Lake State Park, and continues Sunday with outdoor activities including boat tours and bird walks.
The event is sponsored by the Redbud Audubon Society and the Clear Lake State Park Interpretive Association.
On Saturday, things got started with the ever-popular Wildflower Brunch, with made-to-order omelets.
Philip Greene, an internationally known photographer of herons and egrets, was the event's keynote speaker on Saturday.
On Sunday, pontoon boat rides will continue, along with more bird walks, the nature fair, a presentation by Dr. Harry Lyons on Myths and Music of Clear Lake, and at 1 p.m. a live bird presentation, “Raptor Speak,” by Native Bird Connections, that will give visitors the opportunity to see raptor behavior up close.