Terrace Middle School students recently went all out for “Paint Our Town Purple Day.”
Students decorated the trees in front of the school with purple ribbons, wore purple clothes and some had purple hair or faces. The effort is to raise funds and support for the upcoming Relay for Life.
The whole school had a "Purpleist" contest with each grade level chosing the "purpleist" class whose students were treated to purple doughnuts. A student from each winning class was chosen to compete for the "purpleist" student in the school and the winner, Jessica Henson, received special gifts.
There is a money jar in the office to support American Cancer Society Relay For Life. The students who donate money can put a name on a purple paper heart to go on a large banner on the window. The theme is The Power Of Purple. The students have donated more than $240 so far.
The Lake County Relay For Life will be held from 10 a.m. Saturday May 19, to 10 a.m. Sunday May 20, at Clear Lake High School's Don Owens Stadium. Everyone is invited to attend.
There will be entertainment the full 24 hours and special ceremonies to honor cancer survivors and to remember those lost to cancer.
The Relay For Life committees extend special thanks to the students, teachers and staff of Terrace Middle School for supporting Paint Our Town Purple Day.