District 1 supervisor candidates James Comstock of Middletown and Susanne La Faver of Hidden Valley Lake raised approximately $38,859.08 from July 1 through Sept. 30, according to a report due Monday to the Registrar of Voters Office. That amount is almost twice their combined resources reported from the start of the year through June 30.
While the fundraising for the District 1 race continues to climb, the total amount raised for the two candidates so far this year – $60,882.53 – is still at least $50,000 less that the combined war chests of Gary Lewis and Denise Rushing in the record-breaking 2006 race for the District 3 supervisorial seat.
Comstock raised the most from July through September, bringing in $21,125.98, up from $2,229 for the May 18 through June 30 reporting period and well above the $9,727.19 he raised from March 18 through May 17. His year-to-date total is $34,875.17.
La Faver, who topped Comstock by 11 votes in the June primary, raised $17,733.10 during the latest reporting period. From May 18 through June 30, she brought in $2,047, with $3,704 accumulated in the May 18 through May 17 timeframe. La Faver has raised $26,007.36 this year.
In matters of spending, Comstock paid out $15,965.46 from July through September, and has spent $23,949.22 in his campaign this year. La Faver spent $10,049.67 during the reporting period; her year-to-date expenditures total $17,315.99.
Another financial report is due from the candidates on Oct. 23, the Registrar of Voters Office reported.
The breakdown of donations and expenses for the two candidates follows.
Total raised this reporting period: $21,125.98
Expenditures this reporting period: $15,965.46
Total raised calendar year-to-date: $34,875.17 (including $700 in loans from candidate)
Expenditures for calendar year-to-date: $23,949.22
Payments made:
Lakeshore Lions, parade entry, $10
Lake County Registrar of Voters, candidate statement fees, $224
Chris Jones, consulting, $2,000
Lake County Farm Bureau, dinner meeting, $25
Sternberg Bookkeeping, Internet Web page, $155.10
NTLC Newsletter, newsletter, $250
Save Prop 13, newsletter, $250
Republican Women Voter Guide, newsletter, $250
Democratic Voter Guide, newsletter, $100
Citizens for Good Government, newsletter, $80
Barb Thornton, buttons and balloons, $844.95
Chris Jones, consulting, $1000
Voter Information Guide, newsletter, $265
Lake County Fair, dinner meeting, $60
Umpqua Bank, 4H/FFA Donation, $763.75
AMIA, dinner meeting, $50
AMIA, event donation, $20
Econoline Signs, signs, $600
Tony Siciliani, brochures, $3,773.78
Clover Communications, brochure artwork, $1,000
Chris Jones, consulting, $1,000
Bud's Custom Meats, processing, $238
US Post Office, stamps, $21
Econoline Signs, signs, $561
Econoline Signs, sign stakes, $32.40
Tony Siciliani, mailings, $2,391.48
Contributions received:
Betty and John Muller, retired, $150
Lake Elephants, political action committee, $999
Luchetti Ranch, rancher, $5,000 ($10,000 year-to-date)
Mike Browning, rancher, $1,000 ($1,500 year-to-date)
Jim Jonas, business owner, $200
Don Emerson, retired, $200 ($450 year-to-date)
John Warren, accountant, $1,000
Carl Richman, school administrator, $100
Robert and Becky Parker, business owner, $200
Ernie Sanders, retired, $100
Matt Woodard, business owner, $200
Larry and Martha Menzio, business owner, $200
Bill and Irene Throop, power plant tech, $100 ($300 year-to-date)
Duane and Carol Sanders, business owner, $200
Wayne Jackson, business owner, $1,000
Middletown Indian Rancheria, $1,000
Fletcher and Barbara Thornton, judo instructor, $300 ($550 year-to-date)
Rich Devita, retired, $200
Mark and Robert Borghesani, business owners, $200
Rudy and Faith Smith, grape grower, $1,000
Denise Sutton, optometrist assistant, $100
Erik Rupee, attorney, $200
N. Gary Merkel, business owner, $100
Bonnie Yount, Realtor, $100
Milton and Elen Hath, retired, $200
Jack and Karen Lair, business owner, $200
John and Angie Roderick, retired, $200
Dick Frye, business owner, $100
Sharon and Carl Morgensen, school administrator, $100
Ron Minudri and Terry Schweitzer, business owner, $400 ($500 year-to-date)
Hank and Karen Lescher, business owner, $200
Jim and Connie Indrebo, business owners, $300
Caroline and Ernie Emery, retired, $200 ($300 year-to-date)
Total raised this reporting period: $17,733.10
Expenditures this reporting period: $10,049.67
Total raised calendar year-to-date: $26,007.36
Expenditures for calendar year-to-date: $17,315.99
Payments made:
Lake County Registrar of Voters, CD of registered voters, $96.93
Lake County Registrar of Voters, reimbursement to county for election expense,$224
US Postal Service, stamps and mailing costs, $304.60
Copy Shack, DS offset on WB, copies, flyers, $392.46
Larson New Media, campaign ad design/run, $170
HP Home and Home Office Store, printer ink, $10.16
Office Depot, office supplies and equipment, $126.33
Perfect T's and Screening, signs, $134.69
Lake County Publishing, newspaper ads, $2,165.14
Voter Guide Slate Mail, $200
Bicoastal Media, LLC, broadcast ads, $2,772
AD-Vantage Marketing, campaign mailings, $2,813.52
Contributions received:
Nonmonetary contributions
Beth Rudiger, jazzercise instructor, $105
Monetary contributions
Susan J. Cameron, retired, $100
Robert L. Fisher, engineer, $100
Christopher Layton, owner of Pine Grove Resort and Spa, $250 ($750 year-to-date)
Beatrice Moulton, retired, $50 ($100 year-to-date)
PG&E Corp., gas and electric company, $250 ($350 year-to-date)
Jane M. Renner, director, Orchard Gardens Senior Home, $100
Robert Riggs, attorney at law, Katzoff and Riggs, $150 ($7,133 year-to-date)
Linda K. Sereni, retired, $198
Craig Waters, technician, Genentech, $100
Jon M. Webb, principal, Albion Surveys Inc., $500
Robert Barton, retired, $50 ($100 year-to-date) *
Lynn J. Bettencourt, retired safety engineer, $100 *
R. Joy Birum, retired, $100 *
Victoria Brandon, retired, $500 *
Joan K. Clay, retired, $150 ($200 year-to-date) *
Marilyn G. Davin, retired freelance writer, $100 ($200 year-to-date) *
R.S. Devoto, owner, DeVoto Vineyards, $2,000 ($2,500 year-to-date) *
Ron Green, attorney at law, $100 *
Charlotte Griswold-Tergis, retired, $500 *
Lilo Hansen, Hardester's Market, Middletown, $25 ($125 year-to-date) *
Hollis A. Harris, Internet sales, self-employed, $500 *
Gloria Hovde, retired, $100 *
Lake County Democratic Central Committee, $100 ($300 year-to-date) *
Lake County Democrats Club, $300 *
Laura Lamar, photographer, $200 *
Mona M. Locke, retired, $25 ($125 year-to-date) *
Joseph P. Luiz, sales manager, Shannon Ridge Winery, $100 *
Paul Marchand, physician, $1,000 *
Robert Marelli, retired, $200 *
Tom McFarling, owner, McFarling Insurance, $100 ($200 year-to-date) *
Merial L. Medrano, Rev.Trust, retired, $99 ($198 year-to-date) *
Constance T. Miller, retired, $100 *
Beatrice A. Moulton, retired, $50 ($100 year-to-date) *
Philip Murphy, farmer, self-employed $200 *
Richard M. Norton, retired, $100 ($200 year-to-date) *
Kathernie A. Regalado, retired, $100 *
Ed Robey, supervisor, Lake County, $250 *
Robert R. Riggs, attorney at law, Katzoff and Riggs, $5,983 ($7,133 year-to-date) *
Denise Rushing, supervisor, Lake County, $200 *
Debra S. Sally, veterinarian, Clearlake Vet Hospital, $50 ($100 year-to-date) *
James R. Serventi, retired, $100 ($175 year-to-date) *
Angela Siegel, teacher, $100 * *
Janice M. Stewart, director, $99 ($198 year-to-date) *
Joan F. Stoneberg, retired, $150 ($200 year-to-date) *
Helen P. Whitney, co-owner, Whitney Plumbing, $100 *
Joan Worster, retired, $50 ($100 year-to-date) *
Yoxagoi Orchards, farmer/owner, $500 *
* = Denotes those that had "Intermediary: Lake County Citizens Coalition" below their entry. The Lake County Citizens Coalition matched those donations dollar for dollar at a Sept. 20 event; at that event, $14,766 was raised, $7,383 from the public and $7,383 from the coalition, plus an unmatched amount of $380. Those funds are included in her reporting period total.