LAKEPORT, Calif. – Professor Tom Meyer of Shasta Bible College in Redding, who has an amazing 20 complete books of the Bible totally memorized, will be speaking at Clear Lake Baptist Church on Sunday, Oct. 1.
The talk will take place from 9:15 to 10:45 a.m.
Meyer, who learned the ancient art of memorization while studying in the Holy Land, will present a feast for the ears as he quotes dramatically from heart the most famous book in the world.
Meyer will present a book from Paul and Peter in his two presentations as well as comment on the books from his experiences of earning two master’s degrees in Jerusalem.
He has spoken the Bible from memory in more than 30 states, in front of celebrities like Chuck Norris, as well as leaders of the world like the president of Israel. He will be sure to hold the attention of both old and young alike.
The event is free and open to the public.
For more information call 707-263-3256 or visit www.thescripturecannotbebroken.com.
Clear Lake Baptist Church is located at 555 N. Forbes St.