- Elizabeth Larson
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Clearlake plans to appoint Neiman permanently
CLEARLAKE – The man named Clearlake's interim city administrator this past week may get the appointment permanently after a 60-day trial period, says the city's mayor.
CLEARLAKE – The man named Clearlake's interim city administrator this past week may get the appointment permanently after a 60-day trial period, says the city's mayor.
CLEARLAKE OAKS – District 3 Supervisor Denise Rushing will sponsor a series of town hall meetings in communities throughout the Northshore in the months ahead.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Lake County's pear industry was represented Wednesday at the introduction of a new piece of legislation aimed at addressing the agricultural worker shortage, which caused a crisis for pear farmers and packing facilities this past summer.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Since convening Jan. 4, the 110th Congress has set about pursuing an aggressive plan for addressing a number of the country's problems, from Medicare prescription drug prices to ethics reform.
LAKE COUNTY – A 3.8 earthquake hit the Glen Ellen area Friday in what has been a busy week seismically on the North Coast.
LAKE COUNTY – The unusually cold weather that has hit the county during the last few days is slated to last through the weekend.
UKIAH – With the passage in the November election of Measure W, authorizing $67.5 million of facilities bond funds, Mendocino College is moving forward with implementing plans to expand and improve the college's facilities.
SACRAMENTO – On Friday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency due to the extremely low temperatures hitting the state this week.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A bill that would continue payments to rural areas for education and roads has been introduced in Congress.
I am Toni Scully. I am here because we have a problem that only Congress can remedy and I believe in the political process.
CLEARLAKE – A man despondent over marital problems barricaded himself and his child in his apartment Wednesday, later releasing the child to police officers before he took his own life.
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