Thursday, 06 February 2025


SONOMA COUNTY – The Sonoma County Sheriff's Office is searching for clues about the death of a woman who was found unconscious in Cazadero Creek on Tuesday.

A Sonoma County Sheriff's deputy dispatched to the 18000 block of Fort Ross Road shortly before 3 p.m. Tuesday found Erica Shane, 34, of Glen Ellen, lying in the creek and was unable to revive her.

She later was pronounced dead, according to a report from Lt. Chris Spallino.

Spallino reported that the deputy had responded to the area on the report of an unoccupied Silver Subaru Forester parked in the roadway.

The deputy learned that the car had been parked at the location for several hours, so he began searching the area for the driver of the vehicle. Spallino said the deputy followed a path that led up a steep hillside next to a rapid creek.

Approximately 200 yards up the creek, the deputy found Shane submerged in the water. Spallino said the deputy pulled Shane from the creek and began cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Fort Ross Fire Department personnel who arrived on scene pronounced Shane dead.

An autopsy was scheduled to take place Wednesday, Spallino said. Shane's death is being investigated by the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office Violent Crimes Unit and the Sonoma County Coroner's Unit.

Detectives are asking anyone who may have had contact with the victim on Jan. 26, or who may have seen anything suspicious in the area of the 18000 block of Fort Ross Road, Cazadero, to contact Detective James Naugle at 707-565-2185.

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Bill Stone took this picture of Bartlett Springs Road above Lucerne on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Lake County Public Works reported that the road was closed due to high snow on Monday, January 25, 2010.


LAKE COUNTY – Another heavy day of rain on Monday continued pushing the level of Clear Lake up but also led to more rough highway conditions around the county.

Western Weather Group reported that on Monday more then 2 inches of rain fell near Kelseyville, more than 3 inches was reported in Scotts Valley, nearly 2.5 inches in Morgan Valley near Lower Lake and just over 4 inches were recorded in the Middletown area.

Early Tuesday morning, Clear Lake was at 3.76 feet Rumsey, according to the US Geological Survey (see their lake gauge here – ). The lake is full at 7.56 feet Rumsey.

US Geological Survey stream gauges around the rest of the county showed that area creeks got another big injection of water from the recent storms.

Those storms led to more downed trees. The California Highway Patrol reported that a fallen tree blocked Soda Bay Road near the Edgewater Resort and Highway 175 near Red Hills Road Monday morning, and also blocked a lane of Butts Canyon Road near Langtry Estate & Vineyard Monday evening.

More boulders also made their way onto area highways, including parts of Highway 175 that were affected throughout the day, according to the CHP. Lake County Public Works reported that a mudslide closed a portion of Big Canyon Road in Middletown, where crews were working late Monday afternoon to remove the debris.

Rock and mudslides also were reported on Highway 29 at the Coyote Grade and on Highway 20 Monday night, according to the CHP.

Public Works reported that Beryl Way in Clearlake Oaks, from Highway 20 to Lakeview Drive, remained closed to through traffic due to a retaining wall that collapsed last week.

On Monday, Scotts Valley Road from Laurel Dell Road to Highway 20 was closed due to flooding, as was Eickhoff Road in the Lakeport Area, Public Works reported.

The low water crossing at Bell Hill Road at Adobe Creek remains closed until further notice due to high water levels, as does the Dry Creek Cutoff near Middletown, the agency reported.

The storms brought more snow to the county's higher elevations. Public Works said Bartlett Springs Road was closed to all through traffic from mile post marker 5 to mile post marker 15 due to heavy snow.

Elk Mountain Road also is closed due to heavy snow, according to Public Works. The closure is between mile post markers 12 and 28.

Work to reopen Bartlett Springs Road and Elk Mountain Road is scheduled to continue Tuesday, Public Works said.

The latest road condition reports are available by going to the home page of the county of Lake's Web site, and clicking on the “road conditions” link. Lake County Public Works also can be reached for road updates at 707-263-2341.

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Lucas Duvall gets training and work experience with Habitat for Humanity. Photo courtesy of Lake One Stop.



CLEARLAKE – The recession has hit Lake County hard, so the Center for Business and Workforce Development has answered the growing need for job training and job search assistance with a new Clearlake One Stop office.

The new office, located at 4477 Moss Ave. in Clearlake, will host a grand opening and open house from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. this Wednesday, Jan. 27.

“The overriding reason for the new office is that the south side of the lake has always had a higher unemployment rate than the rest of Lake County,” said Richard Birk, president of the Lake One Stop Board of Directors and the local Habitat for Humanity chapter.

The California Employment Development Department's most recent report, released this past Friday, reported that the city of Clearlake’s unemployment rate in December reached 25.2 percent. The rate for the entire county for December was 18.5 percent.

John Ussery, manager at the new Clearlake office, said be believes that, as high as recent unemployment statistics have been, they're only conservative estimates, because they don't show those who have fallen off the unemployment rolls.

“We are seeing more and more people run out of unemployment and available work,” Ussery said.

Encouragement, food and public speakers are only some of the things that will be offered at the event.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the grand opening, whether they themselves need a job or know someone who does, said Ussery. State and local officials also will be on hand.

The new Clearlake office will not offer all of the same services as the Lakeport office, located at 55 First St., due to space and equipment limitations, Ussery said. The services not available in Clearlake will include GED preparation courses and a basic computer lab.

“The primary focus is to develop work sites to place people in positions where they get paid, on-the-job training,” he said.

Some of the businesses they are working with that may provide jobs include the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce, Four Corners Builders Supply, Foods Etc., A&B Collision, Radio Shack, Habitat for Humanity, Marie’s Feed and Grain, Highlands Senior Service Center, CSM Automotive and Chic Le Chef.

Services extend to people beyond the unemployed, Ussery said. Lake One Stop also assists businesses acquire workers.

During their training period, Lake One Stop pays for new employees' wages in hopes that acquiring a new skill will help them attain a job, possibly from those who did the training. The serves are all federally funded, said Ussery.

Birk, who became president of the One Stop board last July, said he was motivated to become involved because he was seeing so many unemployed and underemployed people in the community.

“I knew we had to have an operation over there and now we’ve reached that goal. Lake One Stop is now transformed,” said Birk. “Now we are working with local businesses because without them, there’s no employment.”

Birk said the Lake One Stop offers a summer youth program where kids who come from low-income households can get some work experience and learn to work in an adult setting.

“We are on an active campaign to support local business, so buy local,” said Birk.


He also is excited to work with anyone interested in starting their own business, as well as people looking to expand their current businesses.

“We can’t stay with the old, traditional ways of just training people and hoping they’ll find jobs,” he said. “We had to think differently, which is why we are now working with the business side of things.”

E-mail Tera deVroede at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .



Danny Hammer, a teenager who is getting experience while on the job at Four Corners Builders Supply in Clearlake. Photo courtesy of Lake One Stop.

LAKE COUNTY – Many young people are eager to get a driver's license in order to get on the road.

But getting behind the wheel proves deadly for many young drivers.

The leading cause of death for US residents between the ages of 15 to 20 is motor vehicle collisions. That's just one of the sad statistics reported by the California Highway Patrol.

Lake County’s CHP office in Kelseyville is dedicated to reducing the amount of teen deaths and injuries that occur as a result of traffic collisions, said Officer Steven Tanguay.

As part of that mission, the CHP office on Live Oak Drive at Highway 29 in Kelseyville is hosting a free, two-hour driving safety class at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 4.

Tanguay reported that in Lake County in 2008 there were 111 collisions involving drivers between the ages of 15 and 20. Out of those 111 incidents, young drivers were at fault in 88 of them.

With those statistics in mind, Tanguay and Officer Adam Garcia, both public affairs officers for the CHP's Kelseyville office, decided to see if Lake County’s parents with teenage children might be interested in taking advantage of the Start Smart program.

Start Smart was started by CHP Monterey in 2002, he said. The program is funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Tanguay also said that between 2005 and 2007 there were 1093 start Smart Classes in California, reaching 13,594 teenagers and 9,279 parents.

“It is designed to reduce the number of teenage deaths," said Tanguay. “This class is a test to see if we should do monthly classes.”

Tanguay recommended that participants in the Start Smart class be parents with one or more teenage children since the program is designed to work with them both.

So far, four adults are bringing five teenagers. One woman already enrolled in the upcoming class is bringing her daughter along with her daughter’s boyfriend, he said.

“This program is for 15- to 19-year-olds,” he said. “We have not yet had any programs specifically for teenage drivers that I know of. The class will cover parental responsibilities, defensive driving and collision avoidance techniques, like appropriate space cushions.”

Tanguay added that if this first class is a success, another one would be offered as soon as two weeks later.

Nationally, about 5,000 teens will die in automobile crashes, according to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System, or SWITRS, database. About 10 percent of those deaths are in California alone.

Lake County has seen a number of fatal crashes involving teenagers in recent years.

A crash in the Mendocino National Forest last August saw a 17-year-old Santa Rosa girl die, with a 16-year-old girl injured. A 20-year-old Sunnyvale resident, Nathan Winter, was driving, as Lake County News has reported.

In February 2006, local resident Nicole Ogulin lost control of her ATV on Bartlett Springs Road and crashed, rolling down an embankment. The crash ejected her and her teenage female passenger, who did not survive.

Officer Kevin Domby, who is working on the Ogulin case, said that a jury found her guilty of DUI late last year. Ogulin will be sentenced next month.

Tanguay has spoken with Lake County Probation about the possibility of using this class to educate teenage violators stopped for some sort of moving violation, like speeding.

As part of his duties to educate young people, Tanguay visits county schools to talk with students about drinking and driving.

He said he was just over at Lower Lake Elementary School talking to preteens about the dangers of drinking and driving along with Team DUI, another organization dedicated to educating kids about alcohol abuse.

“We want to get to them young,” said Tanguay. “We want kids to think about their choices and the consequences those choices might have.”

To find out more about the Start Smart program, call Tanguay at 707-279-0103.

E-mail Tera deVroede at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

Fremont couple Viola Liu and Ryan Barrett at the location on Elk Mountain were they were found by family, a hired pilot and Folsom resident Ryan O'Keven on Saturday, January 23, 2010. Photo by Ryan O'Keven.



UPPER LAKE – For a Fremont couple stranded in winter weather on Elk Mountain last week, the concern and persistence of a stranger helped bring them safely home.

Ryan Barrett and Viola Liu, both 31, were discovered on Forest Road M-10 near Elk Mountain Road on Saturday, as Lake County News has reported.

On Monday, Lake County News was able to catch up with a former Lake County resident who is credited with helping find them.

Ryan O'Keven grew up in Kelseyville, but left in 1999. Since then, the young man has lived in Folsom, where he works as a mortgage broker.

He was visiting his mother, who lives in Kelseyville, last weekend when he saw a Bay Area news broadcast Friday evening about Liu and Barrett having gone missing after leaving Jan. 16 on a camping trip.

O'Keven said he and his wife go backpacking in the Snow Mountain Wilderness area all the time, and he believed that Barrett and Liu may have been headed that way after gassing up in Upper Lake.

He also had driven that road numerous times, and said it's not a road to travel in winter.

O'Keven tried calling the Fremont Police Department Friday evening after the news broadcast, but he said the message on the tip line said they were only open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and would return the call the next business day – which was Monday. Although he left a message, he never heard back.

So using an Internet phone book, he tracked down Patricia Jenkins, Ryan Barrett's aunt. Jenkins' husband, Richard, was traveling to Lake County the following day to post flyers.

He said the family “didn't sound like they were getting help from anywhere,” so O'Keven shared with them his knowledge of the Upper Lake area.




Viola Liu and pilot Dave Everson on the way back to Lampson Field in Lakeport, Calif., on Saturday, January 23, 2010. Photo by Ryan O'Keven.



The next day, he and his mother were running errands and decided to drive to Upper Lake to see the conditions. When they passed the Mendocino National Forest's Upper Lake Ranger Station, he spotted Richard Jenkins' car and gave him a call.

Jenkins then asked O'Keven to come along and help guide him and pilot Dave Everson of Redding-based Air Shasta Rotor & Wing, who Barrett's family had hired to help with the search, because search and rescue wasn't deployed. O'Kevin agreed and joined them and a cousin of Barrett's the four-person helicopter, which left Lampson Airport outside of Lakeport at around 3 p.m. Saturday.

Helping guide the group using a forest map, O'Keven said he believed the couple might have made it to the Summit Springs trailhead. If they hadn't gotten that far, they might have hiked down the hill to Bear Creek.

He suggested they fly to the Bear Creek Campground and follow Forest Road M-10 toward the ridge. As they flew over, he spotted a pile of firewood on a picnic table. Later, the couple would tell their rescuers that they had built the pile and put a note inside with information about their movements.

The searchers looked for signs of the couple's red Toyota Tacoma pickup, but didn't see it, said O'Keven.

There was a lot of snow on the ground, making it hard to follow the road, said O'Keven. Then, after about 15 minutes in the air, he spotted the couple's footprints and those of their three dogs.

He estimated they followed the footprints about four to five miles before they spotted the couple, who had started hiking back toward Upper Lake that day. In all, it took less than a half hour to find them.




Viola Liu looks on as her tired Labrador retriever catches a nap in the helicopter's backseat on Saturday, January 23, 2010. Photo by Ryan O'Keven.



O'Keven said Liu was “ecstatic” when the helicopter arrived to pick them up in the area of Elk Mountain Road and M-10. They left Jenkins, Barrett's cousin, two of the dogs and their backpacks behind while Everson flew the couple, one of their dogs and O'Keven back to the airport.

Although Everson was concerned about the dog, the tired animal fell asleep in the helicopter's backseat on the trip back to Lampson, O'Keven said.

When they arrived at the airport, a female deputy sheriff arrived to ask them some questions and close out the missing persons' file, according to O'Keven.

The couple told their rescuers that they had gotten up on the mountain when it was dark; they had gassed up around 5 p.m. in Upper Lake but weren't aware of the weather conditions in the area.

On the way a ranger had stopped to ask where they were headed, but didn't tell them about road closures. Along the way they crossed two creeks in their two-wheel-drive pickup.

Jenkins said the couple’s car battery died when they were at their initial camping location, which is why they couldn't get off of the mountain when the first storm hit. He said they searched the area for help but couldn’t find anyone. Finally, they removed the battery from the truck and warmed it in their tent. “This worked – they were able to get the truck started but by then the streams had swollen and they couldn’t get across,” Jenkins said.

On Monday, as they were attempting to ford a creek in the pickup, Barrett and Liu said the truck started floating downstream and they had to escape. They told O'Keven and their relatives that they had to break the windows to get out.

The truck floated down and lodged under some thick vegetation against an embankment, which explained why the searchers couldn't see it despite flying over the area several times, O'Keven said.

The couple had camping gear and spent a few days in their tent before they happened across a cabin on Wednesday. O'Keven said the cabin was located near M-10 on the east side of the Bear Creek crossing.

Barrett and Liu were able to keep warm by burning firewood in the cabin's potbellied stove, and they and their canine companions ate tomato sauce and popcorn over the coming several days, O'Keven said.

On that Saturday morning, the couple had left the cabin and started hiking. O'Keven said they related that they had set out camping on a previous occasion and were heading toward Stonyford but turned back.

O'Keven said he believed that if they hadn't been found, Barrett and Liu may have been able to hike out by Sunday, noting that they had experience and some equipment, although they were traveling through deep snow with no snowshoes.

Jenkins credited two Lake County residents – whose names he didn't have – who proactively contacted the family and offered information the Elk Mountain area and the Bear Creek Campground, which he said gave the family the confidence that hiring a helicopter was worthwhile. A Calistoga resident, Jens Vidkjer, also offered information for the search.

An experienced outdoorsman, O'Keven said a critical issue in this case was that the couple hadn't told anyone where they were headed.

“That was their sole issue,” he said. “They would have been found much more quickly if they had told someone where they were going.”


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Pilot Dave Everson of Air Shasta Rotor & Wing of Redding flew the rescue mission on Saturday, January 23, 2010, landing at Lampson Airport in Lakeport, Calif. Photo by Ryan O'Keven.

LAKE COUNTY – While California's unemployment rate remained unchanged in December, Lake County's rate pushed higher, hitting 18.5 percent, state officials reported Friday.

The California Employment Development Department's latest report on unemployment noted that the state's overall rate in December was 12.4 percent, the same as for November, but up from the 8.7 percent unemployment seen in the state in December 2008.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the nationwide unemployment rate for December was 10 percent, also remaining unchanged from November. The December 2008 national unemployment rate was 7.4 percent.

The lowest unemployment among the state's 58 counties was reported in Marin, which had a 7.8 percent unemployment rate. The highest rate, 27.7 percent, was reported in Imperial County.

In Lake County in December, approximately 4,570 people out of the 24,710-member labor force were unemployed, an increase of 180 people over November, according to the report's statistics.

Within the county itself, the following unemployment rates were reported: Clearlake Oaks, 26.8 percent; Nice, 25.6 percent; city of Clearlake, 25.2 percent; Middletown, 22.5 percent; Lucerne, 19.3 percent; Kelseyville, 18.1 percent; city of Lakeport, 16.7 percent; north Lakeport, 16.3 percent; Cobb, 15.3 percent; Hidden Valley Lake, 15 percent; Lower Lake, 14.8 percent; Upper Lake, 7.6 percent.

Lake's neighboring counties registered the following unemployment rates: Colusa, 25.9 percent; Glenn, 15.9 percent; Mendocino, 11.5 percent; Napa, 10.2 percent; Sonoma, 10.1 percent; and Yolo, 13.7 percent.

The state's unemployment rate is derived from a federal survey of 5,500 California households. A survey of 42,000 California businesses that measures jobs in the economy – which the Employment Development Department noted is less statistically variable than the federal survey – found that California's nonfarm jobs totaled 14,148,000 in December, a decrease of 38,800 over the month.

The year-over-year change – December 2008 to December 2009 – showed a decrease of 579,400 jobs, down by 3.9 percent, the Employment Development Department reported. That followed a loss of 17,600 jobs in November.

Meanwhile, the federal survey of households showed a decrease in the number of employed people – estimating 15,978,000 Californians held jobs in December, a decrease of 88,000 from November, and down 973,000 from the employment total in December of last year, the Employment Development Department reported.

The report also estimated the number of people unemployed in California was 2,254,000 – down by 19,000 over the month, but up by 648,000 compared with December of last year.

The Employment Development Department reported that there were 792,764 people receiving regular

unemployment insurance benefits during the December survey week, compared with 781,449 in November and 655,445 in December 2008. New claims for unemployment insurance were 80,873 in December 2009, compared with 84,738 in November and 87,979 in December 2008.

In December, three job categories – information; financial activities; and educational and health services – added jobs over the month, gaining 10,600 jobs. Educational and health services posted the largest increase over the month, adding 7,500 jobs, according to the report.

Eight categories reported job declines for December totaling 49,400 jobs. They included mining

and logging; construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; professional and business services; leisure and hospitality; other services; and government. Trade, transportation and utilities posted the largest decline over the month, down by 15,300 jobs, the Employment Development Department reported.

The report also explained that in a year-over-year comparison – from December 2008 to December 2009 – nonfarm payroll employment in California decreased by 579,400 jobs, down by 3.9 percent). One industry division, educational and health services, posted job gains over the year, adding 22,800 jobs – a 1.3-percent increase.

Ten categories – mining and logging; construction; manufacturing; trade, transportation and utilities; information; financial activities; professional and business services; leisure and hospitality; other services; and government – posted job declines over the year, down 602,200 jobs, the agency said.

In addition, trade, transportation and utilities employment showed the largest decline on a numerical basis, down by 127,100 jobs, a decline of 4.6 percent, while construction posted the largest decline on a percentage basis, down by 16.1 percent, a decrease of 116,100 jobs, according to the Employment Development Department.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

The new Lake County Winery Association's 2010 Board of Directors. From left to right starting with the back row: Adawn Wood, Kaj Ahlmann, Steve Tylicki, Nick Buttitta, Gregory Graham and Mike Noggle; front row, LCWA Executive Director Monica Rosenthal, Bonnie Sears, Valerie Ramirez and Chris Skarada. Photo by Casey Carney.


KELSEYVILLE – Lake County Winery Association (LCWA) members welcomed the group's 2010 slate of directors this month when the association held its first board meeting of the new year.

Members of the LCWA Board of Directors are Kaj Ahlmann of Six Sigma Ranch & Winery, Gregory Graham of Gregory Graham Wines, Steve Tylicki of Steele Wines, Nick Buttitta of Ros d'Oro Vineyards, Adawn Wood of Shed Horn Cellars, Valerie Ramirez of Wildhurst Vineyards, Bonnie Sears of Snows Lake Vineyard, Mike Noggle of Noggle Vineyards and Chris Skarada of Tulip Hill Winery.

The directors were seated at the meeting Jan. 15 at Moore Family Winery, LCWA Executive Director Monica Rosenthal announced.

Rosenthal joined the new board in thanking three members for their service over the last year.

Loretta Byrne of Tulip Hill Winery, Sandy Tucker of Langtry Estate & Vineyards, and Cielo Fox of Brassfield decided not to seek election and extend their terms on the board, Rosenthal reported

However, the three will “continue their commitment to LCWA on various committees,” she said.

Byrne will chair the Wine Adventure Weekend Committee. Tucker is co-chair for the People’s Choice Wine Awards Committee and Fox will continue to serve as a member of the Events Committee.

Following the LCWA Board meeting, association members, community representatives and friends enjoyed a potluck party at the winery.

The event featured a barbecue by the Suenram Family’s Smokin S BBQ Co. along with Lake County wines provided by LCWA wineries and attendees, Rosenthal noted.

Acting LCWA Chair Kaj Ahlmann greeted guests and made a brief presentation about the association’s current projects and upcoming events.

As part of its goal to promote Lake County as a premier wine region, the LCWA is involved in a collaborative project with the Lake County Marketing & Economic Development Department to develop an in-county winery and tasting room directional signage system.

Ahlmann also told attendees to mark their calendars for this year’s Wine Adventure Weekend, scheduled for July 24-25, and the People’s Choice Wine Awards with the expert panel judging of competition entries taking place in August and the “people’s choice” tasting, judging and voting following in September.

Guests attending the gathering included Lake County Supervisor Jeff Smith and his wife Cathleen, Bill and Patti Brunetti, Chuck March of the Lake County Farm Bureau, Lake County News Editor Elizabeth Larson and her husband John Jensen, Lake County Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Melissa Fulton and her husband John, Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce Director Lori Peters and her husband Jim, and Lake County Winegrape Commission Secretary/Treasurer Buz Dereniuk and his wife Terri.

The Lake County Winery Association was founded in 2007 and works closely with the County of Lake, the Lake County Winegrape Commission, and other county businesses and organizations to increase tourism throughout Lake County.

For more information about the association, visit the LCWA website at

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FORT BRAGG – A Fort Bragg man was arrested Saturday after he allegedly stabbed his brother during a fight.

Joseph Christman, 24, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and battery causing traumatic injury for allegedly assaulting his younger brother, Mathew, also of Fort Bragg, according to Capt. Kurt Smallcomb of the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office.

At 10:15 p.m. Saturday Mendocino County Sheriff's deputies were dispatched to the Coast Hospital regarding a stabbing, Smallcomb said.

Deputies arrived at the hospital and learned the victim, Mathew Christman, had received two stab wounds to his lower abdomen, said Smallcomb. Medical personnel advised deputies that further medical attention would be provided to the victim due to his injuries.

Smallcomb said sheriff's deputies then contacted Fort Bragg Police officers who exchanged information regarding what they had been told by possible witnesses. During that exchange it was learned that the suspect in this case was Joseph Christman.

Deputies proceeded to the Christman residence where they contacted suspect Joseph Christman, Smallcomb said.

They learned that a physical altercation took place between the brothers at which time Joseph Christman allegedly stabbed his brother twice, resulting in moderate injuries, according to Smallcomb.

Joseph Christman was arrested and transported to the Mendocino County Jail where he was booked, with bail set at $30,000.

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An Air Shasta helicopter sets down at Lampson Airport in Lakeport, Calif., on Saturday, January 23, 2010, after successfully locating Ryan Barrett and Viola Liu, both of Fremont, Calif. The couple had left for a camping trip on Saturday, January 16, 2010. Because of the number of people on the helicopter, two trips had to be made to transport everyone safely from the remote area in which the couple were found near Elk Mountain Road above Upper Lake, Calif. The picture was taken when pilot Dave Everson returned with Barrett's uncle, Richard Jenkins, and two of the couples' dogs. Photo by Martin Pacheco.




UPPER LAKE – Tips from county residents knowledgeable about the Upper Lake area and a helicopter search are credited with helping locate a Fremont couple stranded in the mountains above Upper Lake since last weekend.

Ryan Barrett and Viola Liu, both 31, and their three dogs were located alive and uninjured near their Toyota Tacoma pickup truck at about 3:30 p.m. Saturday, said Barrett's uncle, Richard Jenkins of Corte Madera.

The couple were found near Mendocino National Forest roads in a remote area off of Elk Mountain Road above Upper Lake, Jenkins said.

“They seem fine,” Jenkins said shortly after 5 p.m. Saturday.

After a frantic week of searching and hearing nothing from Liu or Barrett, family and friends of the couple expressed relief and joy at their safe return.

The couple, who left home Jan. 16, had stopped at an Upper Lake gas station later that day, which was one of the few clear clues their family and law enforcement had to go on in trying to find them.

With no reported sighting of the couple, law enforcement didn't deploy search and rescue operations, according to Ginny Bratlie, Barrett's mother.

Bratlie, who had traveled from Olympia, Wash., was working with her other son, Sam, from his Albany home, to muster resources and locate help to find the young couple.

As part of their efforts, the family decided to hire a private helicopter company, Bratlie said.

Jenkins made contact on Saturday with pilot Dave Everson, owner and chief pilot of Redding-based Air Shasta Rotor & Wing, and arrangements were made to do a helicopter search on Saturday afternoon.

Meantime, a Bay Area news station had run a story about the missing couple on Friday evening, and area residents who saw the broadcast contacted the family to give suggestions about where the couple might have gone if they had traveled into the mountains above Upper Lake.

“Without that information, we would have not known where to look,” said Jenkins.

At about 3 p.m. the Shasta Air helicopter with Everson, Jenkins and other family on board took off from Lampson Field outside of Lakeport.

Another pilot with the company, Martin Pacheco, credited Ryan O'Keven with being “the real hero” of the search.

O'Kevin knew the area well and had contacted the family after the news broadcast. Pacheco told Lake County News that O'Keven guided Everson to the Bear Creek Campground and to a campsite where he believed the couple would be, but there was no sign of the pair.

From the Bear Creek Campground, the helicopter followed a snow-covered road toward the ridge. As they flew over the area, they spotted human and dog footprints in the snow that had fallen in the last few days. Pacheco said they followed the footprints until they found Barrett, Liu and their three dogs.

Jenkins said that, within a half hour of the air search beginning, the couple were spotted.

“We actually found them pretty quickly once we got into the area,” said Jenkins.

He said Everson was able to maneuver and land in a narrow clearing to pick up the couple.

Because of the number of people on the helicopter, it took two trips to get everyone back to Lampson Field. Jenkins and a cousin of Barrett's had to get off and wait with the couple's two huskies while Liu, Barrett and their Labrador retriever were transported, Pacheco said.

There were clouds overhead, said Jenkins, and as they were waiting for Everson to return, sleet began to fall.

Jenkins said the couple had driven into the area on Saturday, and has crossed a creek in their two wheel drive pickup. The recent heavy storms caused the creek to rise, and they were unable to get back across it.

At that point, stranded in the snow, the couple found a small shed or cabin, where they had been staying, said Jenkins.

They found a can of tomato sauce in the cabin and were living off of that over the last few days, he said.

On Saturday morning they started to hike out of the area, and that's when Jenkins said they found them, in an area between forest roads M-1 and M-10, which is about 15 miles north of Upper Lake, according to the Mendocino National Forest.

Within hours of their discovery, the couple were on their way home to Fremont. A sheriff's official had traveled to the airport to see if Barrett and Liu needed medical attention, which they didn't, Jenkins said.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow Lake County News on Twitter at and on Facebook at .

A volunteer from the Chi Council for the Clear Lake Hitch works on a fish ladder. Photo courtesy of Linda Juntunen.








LAKEPORT – The annual Year in Review for the local watershed groups is always a fun, informative evening, and this year’s event will be no exception.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, Jan. 28. The event will be held at the Scotts Valley Women’s Clubhouse, 2298 Hendricks Rd., in Lakeport.

The doors will open at 6 p.m., with the event beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Bring a potluck dish to share with your friends and neighbors, and be prepared to honor the volunteers who work to make your communities and watersheds a better place to live.

Greg Dills, district manager and watershed coordinator for the East Lake and West Lake Resource Conservation Districts, will show highlights of the work completed by the watershed groups in the Upper Cache Creek Watershed.

Dills also will present information about the county's resource conservation districts.

Friends and neighbors of volunteers from the Big Valley Watershed Council, Chi Council for the Clearlake Hitch, Lower Lake Watershed Council, Middle Creek CRMP, Nice Watershed Council and Scotts Creek Watershed Council are especially encouraged to attend.




Volunteers from the Nice Watershed Council tend to Triangle Park in Nice. Another example of our watershed groups working in their communities. Photo courtesy of Linda Juntunen.



A Volunteer of the Year Award will be presented to an outstanding member from each of these groups.

The West Lake Resource Conservation District also will present their annual “:Partner of the Year Award.”

The evening is one of celebration and congratulations for the work the watershed groups do throughout the year, and is being hosted by the Scotts Creek Watershed Council.

Each year the public is invited to attend the event to learn more about the contributions these ambitious volunteers make to their communities.

There's been a recent focus on illegal dumping activities, and various concerns are being expressed regarding the health of the watersheds in Lake County.

Be a part of what your community can do to help with these issues – join a watershed group. For more information about these organizations, please visit: .

For more information, contact Greg Dills, 707-263-4180, Extension 12, or Linda Juntunen, 707-263-4180, Extension 16.

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Volunteers from the Nice Watershed Council and Middle Creek CRMP show off their big prize. Coca Cola later showed up to haul the machine away. Photo courtesy of Linda Juntunen.




Lower Lake Watershed Council served as host for a homeowner's fire safety tour in Twin Lakes. Thanks to Cal Fire, Lake County Fire Protection District and the Lake County Fire Safe Council, it was a very educational morning. Courtesy photo.

CALPELLA – A Redwood Valley woman was arrested last week after she tried to rob a man who denied her a ride, broke his wiper blades and threw pocket change and a soda at him.

Cheryl Larvie, 22, was arrested Jan. 22 for robbery during the incident that took place shortly before 10:30 p.m. Jan. 21, at the Calpella Express Mart on North State Street, according to Capt. Kurt Smallcomb of the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office.

Smallcomb said sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a possible robbery and contacted the victim, a 21-year-old male from Calpella.

The man told deputies that at 10 p.m. he left the Calpella Express Mart and proceeded to his vehicle, where Larvie allegedly confronted him and asked him for a ride, Smallcomb said.

When the man turned her down, she allegedly grabbed him by his sweat shirt and pulled it off of him, then started going through the contents of the sweatshirt, taking approximately $6 before throwing some pocket change at the victim, said Smallcomb.

Smallcomb said the victim retreated to his vehicle, got inside and started to drive away. At that point, Larvie allegedly grabbed the vehicle's wiper blades and broke them, then threw a soda can at the victim's vehicle, striking the car's passenger side.

After checking with other possible witnesses, deputies identified the suspect as Larvie, Smallcomb said.

Just after 4 a.m. the next day, deputies located and arrested Larvie in the Redwood Valley area, Smallcomb said.

Larvie initially was booked for public intoxication pending further investigation into the robbery. Smallcomb said that later in the day, after deputies concluded the followup investigation efforts, Larvie was booked into the Mendocino County Jail on the robbery charge, with bail set at $80,000.

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ANGWIN – Firefighters were able to save an Angwin home that caught on fire Saturday morning.

The fire occurred at a residence in the 500 block of White Cottage Road in unincorporated Napa County, according to Napa County Fire Marshal and Cal Fire Battalion Chief Pete Muñoa.

The home's only resident observed smoke coming out of the eaves of her home and called 911 just before noon, Muñoa said.

Units and 21 firefighters from Angwin, Las Posadas and St. Helena stations of the Napa County Fire Department and Cal Fire responded to the fire, which Muñoa said caused moderate damage to the single story structure.

He said the fire was reported contained at 12:30 p.m. but units remained at scene performing overhaul and salvage until 3:15 p.m.

The blaze is believed to have been started by an electrical malfunction which occurred in an outlet in the living room ceiling which started the fire in the attic, Muñoa said.

No injuries were reported, Muñoa added.

Damage is estimated at approximately $80,000 with a property save of over $200,000, he said.

The home cannot be occupied due to the damage, and Muñoa said the home's resident is being assisted by the Seventh Day Adventist Church at Pacific Union College.

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02.06.2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Clearlake City Council
02.06.2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thompson town hall
02.08.2025 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Harlem Voices at the Tallman Hotel
Tallman Hotel
02.08.2025 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Harlem Voices at the Tallman Hotel
Tallman Hotel
02.08.2025 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Harlem Voices at the Tallman Hotel
Tallman Hotel
Valentine's Day
02.15.2025 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Lakeport Rotary crab feed fundraiser
02.15.2025 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Lake County Father-Daughter Dance
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