CACHE CREEK – The Cache Creek Watershed Forum, a tri-county organization of natural resource, agricultural, and educational partners, will host a one-day outdoor learning event, Cache Creek Discovery Day, on May 10 as part of Watershed Awareness Month, at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve.
May is California’s official Watershed Awareness Month, designated by a proclamation by Governor Schwarzenegger, to promote the importance of watershed education and stewardship activities at the local community level.
The event, Cache Creek Discovery Day is geared toward all ages, and provides special emphasis for youth outdoor-learning in a broad range of issues relevant to the watershed. Guided short hikes through the preserve, wildlife viewing, Native American basketry & demonstrations, displays highlighting stream biology, birds, wildlife tracks and signs, native plants and habitat restoration are among the activities available for all who come.
The event is free to the public, and will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Saturday, May 10.
Demonstrations and activities led by area experts with live animals, critters and plants will run all day with a noon lunch hour picnic accompanied by the Flatland String Band. A special presentation by the UC Davis Raptor Center will take place at 11 a.m. There is a barbecue lunch available ($7.50) for those without picnic supplies.
The event is located at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve at 34199 County Road 20, six miles west of Woodland, just beyond the intersection of CR 20 and CR 94B. The Cache Creek Nature Preserve has riparian habitat, wetlands, grassland and oak woodlands on its 130 acre site, and numerous learning stations and displays for environmental education. Pets are not allowed on the grounds of the Nature Preserve.
This event is made possible in part by a grant from the CALFED Watershed Program and sponsored by the Cache Creek Watershed Forum including the following organizational partners: US Bureau of Land Management; Yolo, East Lake, West Lake, and Colusa RCDs; Counties of Lake and Yolo; Rumsey and Robinson Rancherias; Cache Creek Conservancy; Lake County Sierra Club; Upper Cache Creek Watershed Alliance; UC McLaughlin Mine Reserve; Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District; Cache Creek Watershed Stakeholders Group; Tuleyome and other local organizations.
For more information, and an event flyer and map please visit the Yolo County RCD Web site at