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Lake County OES urges residents to stay informed, stay prepared
The “Prepare” tab has information by topic as well as detailed information and a downloadable PDF for the 5 Steps to Prepare:
• Get Alerts;
• Know Your Zone;
• Plan for Emergencies;
• Prepare Your Home;
• Connect with Neighbors.
As the community prepares for additional rainfall and snow by the end of next week, residents are encouraged to visit the “Response” tab where winter weather and storm conditions links and phone numbers for critical information are available, including:
• Find or report electric outages and how to report downed power lines to PG&E: pge.com/en/contact-us/report-an-issue/report-electric-issue.html#:~:text=. Leave the area immediately and then call 9-1-1,-800-743-5000.
• For county-maintained roads visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/Lakecountydpw/.
• Current Highway conditions can be checked at https://roads.dot.ca.gov/roadscell.php (enter the Highway Number) or by calling 800-427-7623 or 511 (Real-time Traveler Information). You can also visit https://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/.
• The latest weather forecasts and related information can be accessed through the US National Weather Service’s Eureka office: https://www.facebook.com/NWSEureka or https://www.weather.gov/eka/.
• Flood Safety Tips are also available here: https://www.lakecountyca.gov/1231/Flood-Safety-Tips.
Additionally, in Lake County, information and referral services are always available by dialing 211. Please do not call 211 to report an emergency; this line is intended to provide resource support and connect people to information.
The Office of Emergency Services encourages residents to plan for potential emergency conditions of all types and to help loved ones and neighbors who do require assistance accessing internet sites. The resources at https://Ready.LakeCountyCA.gov/ can help your family stay prepared and safe.