Westshore Pool schedule and swim lessons announced


LAKEPORT – The city of Lakeport Park and Recreation Department will begin the swim season at the Westshore Pool located at 250 Lange St. in Lakeport on June 21.

The season will run through August 27.

Public swim will be held Monday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m.

Costs for swimming will be as follows:

Punch card passes will be available for frequent swimmers as follows:

Swimming lessons will be offered beginning June 28 and will run through Aug. 20. They will be held Monday through Thursday in two week sessions in 30 minute blocks. Space for the classes are limited, and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The Swim Safe Program works towards a safer community by teaching its youngest citizens the lifesaving skills of swimming. These lessons are provided by resources from the city of Lakeport Park and Recreation Department and are taught by seasonal certified lifeguards.

There will be two levels of classes. The beginners class is an introduction to water skills class. The object of this class is to help young children feel comfortable in the water and build water safety skills.

This class is to learn basic skills such as entering the pool, submerging head, blowing bubbles, starting to tread water, and starting to swim assisted. The class is taught using games and positive reinforcement.

The beginners classes will be held Monday through Thursday, 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (eight classes for two-week session).

The object of the advanced beginner class is to build comfort and water safety levels in young children. This class is to give students success with fundamental skills such as submerging head for five seconds, swim unsupported on front and back, and introduction to different strokes. It is taught using games and positive reinforcement.

Classes will be held Monday through Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (eight classes for a two-week session).

To register for the class, you must complete a registration form. This is available by calling 707-263-3578 or by going to the city’s Web site at www.cityoflakeport.com (see Hot Topics article titled “Westshore Pool Schedule and Swim Lessons”).

You may also pick up the form at City Hall, 225 Park St., Lakeport, CA 95453. The cost of the class is $60 per swimmer, and payment will be due with the registration form.

Payment may be made by check, money order or credit card.

The Westshore Pool, which is located on the grounds of Clear Lake High School, is available for rental year around.

For more information, please call 707-263-0751, Extension 10.