Lakeport Police logs: Friday, July 31

Friday, July 31, 2009

12:53 a.m. – Two males and one female talking loudly, barking like a dog and making own sounds, keeping caller awake. She would like them to keep it down.

2:21 a.m. – Caller reported she has left her 12 year-old daughter home alone and just called the house, and an unknown male answered the phone saying that her daughter had gone down the street with two other males. Caller advises that this is an ongoing problem and her daughter is on probation. Caller requested that police pick up the daughter if she is at the house with anyone else.

2:26 a.m. – Caller reports what sounds like someone hitting metal out in the parking area at Lakeview Senior Apartments.

2:52 p.m. – Anonymous female reported car headed towards South Main St. with three juveniles in the trunk near Lupoyoma Heights.  

7:34 p.m. – Non-injury accident reported in the parking 5th Street parking lot near the Lakeport Yacht Club.

7:49 p.m. – Employee at the Chevron station reported seeing a male wearing a vampire cape wrapped around him tichtly and an analog radio antenna sticking out of the back of his pants.

9:29 p.m. – Passerby reported a female in her late 30s to early 40s yelling at a male in his mid-30s in the front yard of a residence and it has the potential to escalate on Linda Ln/Parallel Dr.

9:29 p.m. – Heard female and male in verbal altercation; female is yelling at a male and telling him she doesn’t want him to go to jail! She is saying, “don’t hit me.”