Lucerne school boosters change meetings

Lucerne Elementary School's Booster Club decided at its October 1 meeting to focus on fund-raising to help sixth-graders attend a science fair. The club is open to parents and other interested members of the community.

They will serve healthy snacks at the school's Harvest Fair, Friday, October 31, on campus.

Organizer Lani Urquiza said they will no longer hold regular monthly meetings, but instead will meet about a month in advance of events. "Those monthly meetings were hard on a lot of parents," she said.

The next meeting will be December 3 at Kapitan's Kafé, 6150 E. Hwy. 20, Lucerne,at 6:30 p.m.

For more information, call Mrs. Urquiza at 274-8147 or 349-5457.