Christwitz, Daly and Emmer: How to vote for Sanders in March primary

A dozen citizens met recently in Clearlake agreeing that it is important to get a large percentage of the population out to vote since the biggest “party” in America does not vote.

In order to vote in any election, it is required to register to vote in the county where one resides. This can be done online by completing and submitting a written voter registration. Voter registration only needs to be completed one time. Go to .

Specifically, at least three of our citizen group support Bernie Sanders because of his platform, “Not Me – Us.”

Additionally, Sen. Sanders’ platform includes:

– He does not support large corporations such as drug companies and the ultra-rich. He insists that they pay their fair share of taxes.
– He supports the middle class by providing affordable healthcare for all.
– He supports combating climate change.
– He supports ensuring equal pay for women.
– He supports protecting and expanding Social Security.

On March 3, 2020, in order to vote for Bernie Sanders in the California primary, one must register either as a Democrat or no party preference, or NPP. Insist on the Democratic ballot, not a provisional ballot. The deadline to register or change your registration is Feb. 17, 2020.

Barbara Christwitz lives in Clearlake, California; and Mary Daly and Kathy Emmer live in Hidden Valley Lake, California.