Legislation restores respect, honor to Capitol Hill


The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

United States House of Representatives

235 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515-0508


Dear Madam Speaker:

It is with pride and hope that we salute you for your hundred hours of important legislation that have brought back respect and honor to Capitol Hill. After almost a decade of Byzantine partisan politics and arrogance of power, those hundred hours have restored a lost and absent sense of government that is truly by the people, and of the people. Although we are a small group from a small rural community, I am sure that we speak for the majority of the American people.

With your inspiring leadership, and the support of both houses, and by eliminating those politics of obstruction and punitive measures, you have restored faith once more by your visions and dedication.

Thank you Madam Speaker, we remain dedicated democrats, and send you and the Congress and Senate our best wishes and firmly support your efforts to restore representative democracy to the American people.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Knaup, chair

Harold E. Riley, ex-chair

South Lake County Democratic Club


