Christopher: Older than we think we are

I will admit it, I must be masochistic. I love the body politic and therefore made sure to record the recent debate at Saddleback Church, hosted by Pastor Warren and two candidates running for president were asked the same set of questions.

I arrived back home just as John McCain was being introduced and I watched his hour live. I was confused when Sen. McCain spoke about getting "back to the Supreme Court" as I had not heard it referenced in the first 20 minutes of his question and answer session.


It was only until I watched the recorded first hour that I heard the first reference to the Supreme Court. Obviously Mr. McCain was not in a "cone of silence" so that begs the question of the reverend's veracity.


The second question I have from these debates regards the issue of when does life begin. I'm getting closer to getting my Social Security and Medicare. Mr. Obama was humble and intelligent enough to realize that it truly is "above his paygrade" it is above everyone's but the Creator.


But I LOVE Mr. McCain's answer. If life begins at conception that means we are all at least 9 months/40 weeks older than our birth certificates. The financial ramifications will be mind-boggling.


So I ask, as far as being eligible for Social Security and Medicare, do we get there earlier than we thought?

Donna Christopher lives in Lucerne.
