Does he really want the best for Lake County?


I see that GREG BENNETT, president and general manager of Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa, has cancelled the upcoming Boardstock event, because he can't control his people.

There were 40 citations from the ABC for minors purchasing/consuming alcohol and the majority of those were "over 21" wristbands on minors. His employees were responsible for handing the wristbands. Perhaps if he had off-duty Sheriffs' deputies or off-duty CHP officers handing out the wristbands there wouldn't have been a problem.

That also means that he would have to pay them more than the $10 an hour or less his employees are paid. What person of sound mind would turn over a bunch of "over 21" wristbands to a new group of young minimum-wage employees and then not supervise them closely?

The Boardstock event would have lasted several days and had over 50,000 atendees. It would have brought close to FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in revenue to Lake county itself. That chance is now gone because Greg Bennett can't properly supervise his own employees. THANK YOU GREG!

He still could have hosted the event if he hired the right people to hand out the "over 21" wristbands and then monitor them with supervisors if that was the real reason he canceled the event

Does anyone still believe he wants "all the best" for Lake County, as some Supervisors do?

Fred Johnson


PS - How is it that Konocti only lost its liquor license for ONLY 20 DAYS, in the off season, after receiving 40 CITATIONS from the ABC for minors drinking/purchasing alcohol?
