Lyle: Turning right, right, right

Darrell Watkins, like so many Conservatives, believes that nothing should ever change, and by that ruler, he is a very good conservative. He is always at the front blowing his shrill fife and pounding his conservative drum all the while turning right, right, and right and right ... which, of course, leaves him right where he started.

Which, of course means that he never sees any thing new, or needs any thing new, or understands any thing new. No wonder he doesn't see the need for anything new. Some day, I think he will make one too many turns to the right, and wear a hole in his overused right wing sole.

But I don't think we have much to fear ... If we are walking strait, we will automatically end up to his left and every circuit he makes leaves him further behind us. Goodbye, Darrell.

Jim Lyle is the former Poet Laureate of Lake County. He lives in Yountville.
