Golden State Water Co. to host customer open house

CLEARLAKE – Golden State Water Co. (GSWC) will host an open house for its customers in Clearlake on Tuesday, Aug. 25, at 7 p.m. at the Highlands Senior Center, 3245 Bowers Ave.

The open house is an opportunity for customers to learn more about GSWC’s operations, recent system improvements, water quality, and water use efficiency. The company also will distribute free water conservation kits.

GSWC will provide information about how its rates are established by the California Public Utilities Commission.

In early 2010, the company will be filing a new general rate case proposal for Clearlake that would establish rates for 2011 and 2012.

Mandatory public meetings and input from customers are part of the process after GSWC files its plan in January.

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