New Lions Club being formed for Northshore

LAKE COUNTY – The Lions Clubs of Lake County and Northern California District 4 C 2 are starting a new Lions Club, serving the communities of Upper Lake, Nice, Lucerne, Glenhaven and Clearlake Oaks.

Lions International is the largest service club in the world, with 1,350,000 members in more than 190 countries, including China and Russia.

The Motto of “We Serve” incorporates vision impairment assistance as well as elementary school children’s eye screening. Also supported are scholarships, camperships for special needs children as well as diabetes, cancer, hearing projects and eyeglass collections for Third World countries.

The Lions will be soliciting new members in these communities on June 15, 16, and 17.

The prospecting will start at 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 15, at Lucerne Community Church, 5870 Highway 20, Lucerne.

Any and all interested persons are invited to this Informative meeting. Anyone with ideas and proposals for service needs in the community are encouraged to attend.

For further information or to assist, please call Region Chairman Lion Harry De Lope at 707-277-9177.