Sierra Club general meeting set for March 17

KELSEYVILLE – The next general meeting of the Sierra Club Lake Group will take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, in the Kelseyville High School Library, 5480 Main St.

Bear Creek Watershed Coordinator and Rangeland Ecologist Craig Thomsen of the UC Davis Department of Plant Science is going to tell us about stakeholder goals and stewardship issues in the Bear Creek watershed, which is in western Colusa County just over the Lake County line.

This presentation will highlight the region's natural beauty, ecological degradation, stakeholder concerns and a management framework for addressing stewardship problems: among other things attendees will see some horrible examples of erosion in progress (and learn about effective ways to reverse it), and learn about the ecological damage caused by abandoned mercury mines and invasive alien weeds.

Bear Valley and the rest of the watershed are also famous for their rare plants and spectacular display of spring wildflowers, so the audience can expect to see breathtaking examples of that annual showstopper.

The presentation will be followed by an update on the status of the Berryessa-Snow Mountain National Conservation Area proposal that was the subject of the Lake Group forum held at the Brick Hall in Lower Lake in January 2008.

The meeting is free and open to the public.

For more information contact Victoria Brandon at 994 1931 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
