Hands-on rose pruning workshop planned for Jan. 9

LUCERNE – Lucerne Alpine Seniors Inc. and University of California Master Gardeners of Lake County will sponsor a rose pruning workshop on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2010, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center, 3985 Country Club Drive, Lucerne.

Master gardeners will discuss and demonstrate pruning and other cultural practices that help produce large, healthy rose displays.

Workshop participants should bring heavy gloves and pruning shears for hands-on practice. The Master Gardener Mobile Help Desk will be there and handouts will be available. A $5 donation is encouraged to help defray expenses. The meeting site is wheelchair accessible.

UCCE Master Gardener President Richard Nodine encourages home gardeners to attend the workshop, especially if they've ever thought that pruning roses is hard.

The Lucerne Alpine Senior Center is home to the Memorial Rose Garden, an impressive collection of roses that the whole community can enjoy.

Workshop participants will help the senior center with their roses, and the site provides a wonderful opportunity for home gardeners to get hands-on training through U.C. Cooperative Extension.


Master gardeners are a group of selected, trained residents who work as volunteer staff for the UC Cooperative Extension.

Master gardeners provide accurate horticultural information on vegetable gardening, trees, soils, lawns, ornamental horticulture, insects, diseases, use of pesticides and other related topics based on research of the University of California and other recognized research institutions.


Information about the rose pruning workshop can be obtained by calling UC Cooperative Extension at 263-6838, or on the web at http://celake.ucdavis.edu .