Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club wins indoor garden honors at fair


The Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club's entry in the 2009 Lake County Fair gained the group a blue ribbon. Photo by Jerry Shaul Sr.

LAKEPORT – Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club of Lakeport entered the indoor garden competition at the Lake County Fair in September and won a first prize blue ribbon.

Each year the club enters the indoor garden at the fair. The $350 first prize is used in many ways to help in the Lakeport area, such as the group's two annual scholarships for local students and planting of trees throughout the community.

Since people are trying to save water, the title of the garden was “Water Wise Gardening.”

Several members of Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club entered flower arrangements, specimens and yard art, and many ribbons were won for these entries.

The Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club is a member of California Garden Clubs Inc., the largest nonprofit volunteer gardening organization in the state of California.

A federation of more than 300 garden clubs and plant societies throughout the state, California Garden Clubs Inc. represents more than 20,000 California gardeners.