Earthquake Safety Resource Center available for all California businesses

With two earthquakes striking the Bay Area overnight, just three days before the 30-year anniversary of the Loma Prieta quake, it’s an important reminder for all Californians to prepare.

State Fund’s Earthquake Safety Resource Center, available at, provides materials to help employers and employees learn what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.

Visitors will find preparedness checklists, information on what to do in specific situations, and tips on how to prepare their workplace for an earthquake.

We’re also encouraging all Californians to join the Great California ShakeOut on Thursday, Oct. 17, to practice the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” method, proven to be the best way to protect yourself during an earthquake.

“Given the recent earthquakes in the Bay area, we’d like to remind California businesses of the importance of preparing your workplace and your employees for the next event,” said State Fund Senior Vice President of Safety and Health Services Lauren Mayfield. “We’ve recently added to the resources at to help keep California workers safe before, during, and after an earthquake.”

To find free, comprehensive workplace safety resources, including the new Earthquake Resource Center, visit

For more information about State Fund, visit