MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. — Mendocino National Forest officials are requesting public comment on the draft environmental assessment for the proposed McIsaac Ranch Land Exchange Project.
The project area is located in eastern Mendocino County just west of Forest Highway 7 and Mendocino Pass.
Based on comments received during the scoping period, a revised proposed action was created.
Under the revised proposed action, the land that would come into federal ownership consists of four parcels with a total area of 561 acres. Three of these parcels are surrounded by federal land and one of the parcels borders private land on the northeast but borders federal land on the other sides.
The land that would be transferred into private ownership consists of a single parcel with a total area of 560 acres that borders private land on the north and south and federal land on the east and west.
The purpose of this land exchange is to consolidate federal ownership within the Mendocino National Forest’s Management Area 26 (Twin Rocks).
Consolidation of federal ownership would improve management efficiency, reduce long-term management costs and improve management of multiple wildlife, fish and recreational resources.
Forest leadership encourages all interested parties, organizations, agencies, and state, local and tribal governments to review the environmental analysis and share their thoughts or concerns regarding the revised proposed action.
Comments should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, rich text format (rtf) or Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf). Emails should include “McIsaac Ranch Land Exchange” in the subject line.
Comments can also be mailed to Wade McMaster c/o Hilda Kwan, Mendocino National Forest, 825 N. Humboldt Ave., Willows, CA 95988.
Additional information related to this exchange, including the draft environmental analysis and resource analysis reports are available online at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=61640.
A public meeting is planned for Feb. 12. Additional details about the public meeting will be shared in the coming weeks. If you would like to participate or have questions about the project, please reach out to Hilda Kwan, Forest NEPA Planner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 530-473-9160.