Wednesday, 12 February 2025

CHP plans holiday surprises for DUI drivers

LAKE COUNTY – Motorists who are naughty instead of nice this holiday season may get far worse than a lump of coal from the California Highway Patrol (CHP).

“We really don’t like being the Grinch, but if that’s what it takes to save lives on the roadway, we’re prepared to play that role,” said CHP Lieutenant Dane Hayward, Commander of the CHP Clear Lake Area Office.

Up to 80 percent of the CHP’s uniformed officers will be on the roadway this holiday season for the Maximum Enforcement Periods for Christmas and New Years, Hayward reported.

“We’re giving up quality time with our families to ensure holiday travelers arrive at their destination safely. All we ask in return is for cooperation from drivers,” Hayward said.

Motorists are reminded not to drink and drive, don’t speed, and always wear a seat belt and be sure your kids are in child safety seats.

Eighty percent of the people killed during the recent Thanksgiving holiday Maximum Enforcement Period were not wearing seat belts, the CHP reported.

“We expect a lot of traffic this holiday season, so allow yourself plenty of time to get to where you are going, be patient and courteous to other motorists, and be aware of changing weather conditions,” advised Lieutenant Hayward.

Last year 28 people were killed on California roadways and 1,351 drivers were arrested for DUI by the CHP during the Christmas Maximum Enforcement Period. During the New Year’s Maximum Enforcement Period 38 people were killed and 1,481 arrested for DUI.

Locally, during the Christmas Maximum Enforcement Period there were 11 traffic collisions with three injuries and zero fatalities, also 10 drivers were arrested for DUI by the Clear Lake Area, the CHP reported.

During the New Year’s Maximum Enforcement Period there were seven traffic collisions with five injuries and zero fatalities, and eight drivers were arrested for DUI by the Clear Lake Area, according to the CHP.

Motorists can report suspected drunk drivers by calling 9-1-1 with a description of the vehicle, its location and direction of travel.


Upcoming Calendar

02.13.2025 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
General Plan Advisory Committee
02.13.2025 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Middletown Area Town Hall
Valentine's Day
02.15.2025 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Kelseyville Lions Club fundraiser breakfast
02.15.2025 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Lakeport Rotary crab feed fundraiser
02.15.2025 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Lake County Father-Daughter Dance
Presidents' Day
St. Patrick's Day
Tax Day

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